

Jun 6th, 2020
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  1. 15:34] {NARRATION} The chamber itself is mostly barren, though inticately carved with a hundred, a thousand carvings much like the ones outside.. But less violent, in many ways. Of humanoids with sharp, elongated ears praying before a large crystal.. Of a thousand animals, rabbits and boars, deer and insects. The aura of this room is almost peaceful..
  3. ..But within the central point of the room, surrounded by pillars, facing away from the group, is the figure of a half-transparent, blue-skinned woman. She wears a robe of pure silken white, with elongated ears and gentle movements. A hand reaches out towards the massive central crystal, and a voice unlike any other rings out through the chamber.
  5. "When I first set foot here, I left behind a way in. From my realm, I carved out these chambers, and made my way to your plane. A creature as powerful as I was, it was only a matter of time before something tracked that way in and followed me. While we fought, outwardly, to rid Moonfall- Myllenoris- Of the corruption.. I fought inward, securing the creature that followed after me. I bound it that I may deal with it at a later date. At a later.. Date..."
  7. Slowly, she turns about, and her features are gentle and feminine, with soft cheeks and thin lashes. Her eyes are a pure white, and a thousand blue crystals circle about her form. Atop her head is a crown.. Much like the one that the High Lord wears, now. She smiles, though it's subtle, betwixt a frown that defies her pure, unworried nature.
  9. Then, she turns back around, and presses a singular hand against the crystal. The moment she makes contact, it is as if the entire world changes. The chamber they found themselves in before, which was once covered in blooming flowers and grasses.. Now lied desolate and bare. The walls and floor are cobbles, much like the rest of the cave system, but were cracked and broken, and the murals on the walls are much more violent.
  11. Where before there were images of innocent creatures, now those creatures were being skewered and slaughtered. Blood seeps from their wounds and falls into the cracks of the walls, and where before the witches were being burned, now they, in turn, were doing the burning. The crown atop the High Lord's head glows dull red.. And burns black.
  13. A different voice echoes now, a masculine voice that rumbles throughout the room.
  15. "Those who come to Aschea's sacred chambers must pay the ultimate sacrifice. Do you deny your trespass, Mortals?"
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [15:47] What's this now? They continued traveling until they entered a chamber. This voice that greeted them felt quite off and left him in disbelief he didn't assume things where terrible.
  21. To deny them access isn't something he took kindly to, no. Is this why people not returned from beyond the door? He's still quite curious -yet- he didn't see a reason not to continue pushing forward.
  23. "We shall continue pushing forward."
  25. He wasn't in the mood for whatever jokes or trickery these things had in mind; however, should they continue he could foresee trouble.
  27. They continued pushing forwards to repair the wound and whatever this creature was stood in their way. Elred awaits for whatever creature to call from the darkness to face them.
  29. Words couldn't match their resolve, not. It would take more than empty threats to keep them away. Only time would tell and whatever creature decided to show would be dealt with accordingly.
  30. (Elred Yindove)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [15:53] {NARRATION} It echoes from all around, a voice that isn't a voice. From each and every corner of the group's mind, they would hear it far, far before they heard it. A thousand voices in unison, a monstrous, dark voice that is almost incomprehensible.. But at the same time, each word reverberates as if it were crystal clear.
  34. "You wear HER crown, yet this chamber reeks of corruption and destruction. Behold the sorry state that this place resides, and lo', behold the state of her entry point into this world."
  36. Then, it becomes clear. It walks through the very walls from the far end of the chamber, and to those astute, who were paying attention.. They'd realize they were warned of this creature. It's head resembles a deers skull, with antlers protruding upwards from its bare bone. Its torso is one of a man's, though chains are embedded into its flesh, black blood oozing and dribbling down the rest of its body.
  38. That body, then, almost resembles a deer, except it is bathed in purple flame. Two arms extend low beyond that body, likewise covered entirely in chains, binding its arms alongside a massive blade, carving into its flesh all the while. It moves forwards, sending corruption outwards, the sheer presence of occult that hits the room suddenly palpable..
  40. And noticeable, as the crystal which supported the maiden in the center of the room, turns blistering purple. The woman offers one, last, sad smile towards the group, her head hanging for a moment, before she turns towards the crystal.
  42. "I am sorry. I wish that I could have done more for you. My children."
  44. And then, the other voice.
  46. "Prostrate yourselves before Zyn, the Guardian of Aschea, and I may yet allow you to live! Your hearts will serve as fuel for Her, within the Heart Chamber, and you will exist in a greater purpose. Do this, simply, and you will not die in vain."
  48. "Or draw your blades, and perish for nothing other than petty pride. Pride that She would have ripped your very hearts out for."
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [16:41] {NARRATION} It fights, and yet it almost seems as if it's holding back. As crystal magic slams into it, as the Teraphim fight, the constant roar of spiritual screams echo throughout the entire chamber. Each time it's struck, the noise erupts as if its static in the center of each individuals mind. A thousand chains erupt from its form, grasping at those present, aiming to bind and squeeze and cut, while all the while it uses magic that seems.. Dangerously similar to their own.
  52. Amalia's assault catches the Guardian off guard, though not without the assistance and distraction of the rest of the group. Before it can react, it finds itself smashed between two stone walls, and at once, it seems as if the flame flickers from its body.. Only for it to ignite, suddenly, emitting a massive, horrific roar and pushing itself out from the vice grip of Amalia.
  54. It explodes outwards, one final volley of binding chains, sharp on the edges enough to slice into flesh, are sent out. One set grasps towards Finn, though he manages to avoid it only barely.. While Aerilon and Tieru aren't so lucky. Tieru avoids it just narrowly, with one grasping his leg and slicing, while Aerilon finds himself bound entirely, the chains crushing him, the sound of bones crackling and flesh being sliced into ringing out..
  56. Before..
  57. It smashes into the ground, finally, with a massive eruption of noise throughout the room. It's huge deer skull slams directly upon the corrupted crystal, causing a momentary eruption of noise, exploding spiritual essence all about. Around them, screams of subdued and captures souls echo, the flames that form upon Zyn beginning to dim..
  59. And, just for a moment, before the massive spirit creature turns to ash and dust, it burns bright blue. The room, however, still seems corrupt and disgusting. Blood still leaks from the walls, the frescoes on the walls still depict awful, disgusting scenes, and the crystal that had recently impaled the massive deer creature?
  61. Smashed open, revealing a massive staircase going downwards.
  63. The room grows quiet once more, though the only way forwards is black, dark, darker than anything they'd likely ever seen before. Pure darkness, complete and entirely, supernatural and all encompassing. Clearly, the party wouldn't be able to advance, lest they found some way to light the way forwards.
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [18:47] Elred was spaced out for some odd reason, but he seen that somebody managed to awaken this thing. It was never simple and other might never learn, but we couldn't just leave kin behind.
  68. Elred was positive they'd be entering combat with this creature, but would they all feel the same? He'd grip his weapon and was prepared the strike.
  70. Would others be so bold?
  71. (Elred Yindove)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. 18:49] {NARRATION} It's voice carries outwards, echoing throughout the broken vale once again, but this time, it's more like static. A horrid hiss of air that steams out from the massive crystal spiral, but this time.. It almost seems as if something moves within it, a massive shadow that moves inside.
  75. i HAvE bEEn tRAppEd heRE FOr So lOnG. thIs PlaCE hAS susTAinEd me. foR oNE HUnDreD yeARS.
  77. Slowly, from the hill where Aschea ascended, just as everything had been for so long.. Another rumble. Another echo. In front of the massive spire, a blackened swirl of mana, as if it were a portal of some sort.. And then, crystal clear(haha), kneeling before it..
  79. A sign of hope, perhaps? A small figure, clad in white, though so small in the distance it would be hard to see, normally.
  81. sHEs wAiTIng FOr YOU. CoME HERE
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84. [19:07] Elred listened,, but that's all he could do at the moment he was curious how this would play out. IT seems they began learning something, but it wasn't met without that unsettling feeling of occult magic.
  86. He wasn't where they'd be headed or what they'd be facing on the other-side, but he was prepared for whatever came next. He was hear to complete the goal and that meant taking chances.
  87. (Elred Yindove)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [19:48] {NARRATION} The group of Teraphim, perhaps wisely- Or perhaps not! - charge the breach. Their mana flares and already a few of them aim to launch attacks forwards, their mana beginning to erupt as the broken vale, the place in this mirror where Aschea would have arrived, becomes a battlefield.
  93. And, surprisingly, the maiden in white smiles. It's not a twisted, horrific smile, but an honest gaze that slowly allows her eyes to close, even as the wolves descend upon her. A hand reaches up to press against her chest, right about the area where a Teraphim's heart would have been located..
  95. "Aha. I see you have yet to change, my children. It is what I admired about you all, you know."
  97. And when her eyes open, they are no longer the white nothingness they were before. Even as the High Lord sends in the call and charges forth, they'd all find themselves momentarily entranced with the Maiden's eyes.. Though the eyes are still all white, there's now black-red veins that ebb outwards, slowly overcoming her entire form. A hand presses against her lips, and that grin only widens.
  99. "For you see, this place was sealed for so long. No amount of rituals ever pierced its depths, and thus the corruption that the Witches ingrained into the Vale was powerful, here. It never relented. A creature, born of Elaide herself, an illusion of the first demon; It spent a hundred years here, feeding on those injuries."
  101. Then, the world goes black, as if the mirror they existed in shattered. They are all where they were before, at least relative to direction, but the world around them is nothing more than a black void. Where the maiden and the spire once stood, now there was only a singular, round, white crystal.. That still hummed and thrummed with occultic energy.
  103. ArE yOU reADy to MeeT her TerAphIM? MortALs? lET uS mEEt fiRSt. It hAS bEEn so LonG.
  105. And that crystal widens. And it reveals that it was a single, pulsing eye.
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. [19:57] Elred takes hold of his blade ready to battle against what he assume to be the final trial in their way. He was against high odd being a swordsmen, but he accepted everything that follows.
  111. There was no turning back and they all must strike together suddenly. The pages Elred read in the past flashed directly into his mind. The glyphs show to him -yet- he understood them a little more.
  113. This was the difference, the longer they remained here the more he understood them.
  115. He found his resolve and dashed forward ready to strike.
  118. "TOGETHER!"
  119. (Elred Yindove)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [20:53] {NARRATION} It is not an easy battle. The Amalgam of Elaide fires off massive blasts of scarring, scorching occult, and it's mere presence almost seems to cause this nothing-scape to shake from the inside, to tremble with fear at its mere presence. It's eye erupts with huge lasers of massive, deadly energy, smashing into the ground and causing pools of lava to erupt upwards.
  123. All the while it's claws snatch and catch, ripping into flesh with deadly proficiency. It roars outwards, time and time again, and each time it catches someone in its claws.. It's almost as if its rending the very soul out of the person it hits.
  125. And yet, as the fight goes on, it wavers. Its breathing becomes staggered and heavy, it's clawing becoming rough and barely missing attacks that would have otherwise hit. Each blow seems to inflict more and more damage, especially those aimed at its eye.. Where that magibane poison still lingered. Where shards of glass still embedded caused blood to drip outwards.
  127. In the end, it is the one that perhaps nobody expected; Biru, who gets the final blow. The others are all littered about her upon the floor, all of them having contributed massively, and yet when the smoke clears.. The monster rears back from one final, massive wave of water from the Teraphim..
  129. And then, the red lines upon its body begin to crack. It's form glows bright white-blue, and it roars, louder than anything the group will have ever heard. It flexes its hands outwards, then clutches at its chest where it suddenly rips itself open, revealing a.. Teraphim heart? Corrupted and withered, before it pulls it out, holding it into the air-
  131. And then the world is ripped apart by a massive explosion, consuming all.
  133. When the group next opens their eyes, they find themselves in the chambers of Aschea. The murals and frescoes still depict innocent creatures and wondrous rituals of life, yet the massive blue crystal in the center room was no longer there. The mirror had been shattered, it would seem. Instantly, Teraphim guards rush into the room, seeing all of the wounded in place, coming to their aid, asking a thousand questions..
  135. ..But in the distance of the room, a massive tree root had taken place. It pierced through the ground, rising upwards and practically erupting with natural mana. To the Teraphim, it should have been obvious; A root of the world tree, grown out a thousand, thousand miles from its natural home, here to bless the Vale with its gift once more.
  137. Where the Crystal once laid, now was revealed the power source of the mirror. A small fragment of crystallized star; A chiron. Laying at its base, likewise, was all that remained of the Amalgam.. It's heart, shattered and torn asunder into something horrific, dormant.
  139. And the root extends itself upwards, offering itself to the Teraphim ahead. An offering from the spirits. From the natural world.
  141. ..A door rests on the far end of the chamber, sealed entirely by magic. Magic that the Teraphim guard had already began attempting to breach and study. A journey for another day.
  143. ..But it makes one wonder. If this was what lied at the very top of the Valedepths..
  145. Then what lied below?
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