

Mar 20th, 2019
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  1. on first join:
  2. set the join message to "&b&lSystem &7&l> &e&l%player%&a&lさんが&d&l初&b&lログイン&a&lしました!"
  3. give player wood pickaxe named "&6&l&m====&6&l[[| &e&lぼろいつるはし &6&l|]]&m====" with lore "&6&l&m--==__&6&l[| &3&lItem Stats &6&l|]&m__==--" and "&e&l採掘力&7: &a&l+1" and "&e&l強化値&7: &a&l0" and "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l9" and "&d&l解放&7: &a&l0"
  5. on quit:
  6. set the quit message to "&b&lSystem &7&l> &e&l%player%&a&lさんが&c&lログアウト&a&lしました..."
  8. on food level change:
  9. set food level of player to 9.5
  11. every 1 seconds in "world":
  12. loop all players:
  13. if {side::%loop-player%} is true:
  14. wipe loop-player sidebar
  15. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lClickerServer"
  16. set score "&c&l採掘ポイント" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  17. if {cp::%loop-player%} < 1000:
  18. set score "&f%{cp::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  19. else if {cpK::%loop-player%} < 1000:
  20. set score "&f%{cpK::%loop-player%}%K" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  21. else:
  22. set score "&f%{cpM::%loop-player%}%M" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  23. set score "&a&l総採掘ポイント" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  24. set score "&f%{ap::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  25. if {side::%loop-player%} is false:
  26. wipe loop-player sidebar
  28. function conXYZ(loc: location) :: string:
  29. set {_loc} to "%{_loc}%"
  30. replace "," and "x: ", "y: ", "z: " with "" in {_loc}
  31. return {_loc}
  33. on join:
  34. set the join message to "&b&lSystem &7&l> &e&l%player%&a&lさんが&b&lログイン&a&lしました!"
  35. if {cp::%player%} is not set:
  36. set {cp::%player%} to 0
  37. set {ap::%player%} to 0
  38. set {sound::%player%} to true
  39. if {mp::%player%} is not set:
  40. set {mp::%player%} to 0
  42. every 3 second in "world":
  43. loop all players:
  44. set {cpca::%loop-player%} to 0
  45. set {cpcb::%loop-player%} to 0
  46. add {cp::%loop-player%} to {cpca::%loop-player%}
  47. wait 59 ticks
  48. add {cp::%loop-player%} to {cpcb::%loop-player%}
  49. send action bar "&b&lCPS(3s) &c&l%({cpcb::%loop-player%} - {cpca::%loop-player%}) / 3%" to loop-player
  50. wait a ticks
  52. every 1 second in "world":
  53. loop all players:
  54. if {cp::%loop-player%} > 10000000000000:
  55. set {cp::%loop-player%} to 10000000000000
  56. if {cp::%loop-player%} > 1000:
  57. set {cpK::%loop-player%} to floor({cp::%loop-player%}/1000)
  58. if {cpK::%loop-player%} > 1000:
  59. set {cpM::%loop-player%} to floor({cpK::%loop-player%}/1000)
  61. command /cpgive <integer> <player=%player%>:
  62. permission: skript.cpgive
  63. trigger:
  64. add arg 1 to {cp::%arg 2%}
  66. command /cp <player=%player%>:
  67. trigger:
  68. message "&b&lSystem &7&l> &a&l%arg 1% の採掘ポイントは &b&l%{cp::%arg 1%}% &a&lです"
  70. command /look:
  71. trigger:
  72. message "%target block%"
  74. command /ap <player=%player%>:
  75. trigger:
  76. message "&b&lSystem &7&l> &a&l%arg 1% の総採掘ポイントは &b&l%{ap::%arg 1%}% &a&lです"
  78. command /status <player=%player%>:
  79. trigger:
  80. message "&b&lSystem &7&l> &a&l%arg 1% の総採掘ポイントは &b&l%{ap::%arg 1%}% &a&lです"
  81. message "&b&lSystem &7&l> &a&l%arg 1% の採掘ポイントは &b&l%{cp::%arg 1%}% &a&lです"
  83. command /fly:
  84. permission: skript.mvp
  85. trigger:
  86. if {fly.%player%} is not set:
  87. set {fly.%player%} to true
  88. set the player's flight mode to true
  89. send "&7》 &bFlymode&7: &aEnable"
  90. give a barrier named "&cCooldown..." to player
  91. wait 1 seconds
  92. remove barrier named "&cCooldown..." from the player
  93. give a clock named "&7Rightclick: &cDisable" to player
  94. stop
  95. if {fly.%player%} is false:
  96. set {fly.%player%} to true
  97. set the player's flight mode to true
  98. send "&7》 &bFlymode&7: &aEnable"
  99. if player do not have air:
  100. send "&cインベントリに空きがなかったのでモードチェンジは"
  101. send "&c/flyで行ってください。"
  102. remove clock named "&7Rightclick: &aEnable" from the player
  103. stop
  104. give a barrier named "&cCooldown..." to player
  105. wait 1 seconds
  106. remove barrier named "&cCooldown..." from the player
  107. give a clock named "&7Rightclick: &cDisable" to player
  108. stop
  109. if {fly.%player%} is true:
  110. set {fly.%player%} to false
  111. set the player's flight mode to false
  112. send "&7》 &bFlymode&7: &cDisable"
  113. remove clock named "&7Rightclick: &cDisable" from the player
  114. if player do not have air:
  115. send "&cインベントリに空きがなかったのでモードチェンジは"
  116. send "&c/flyで行ってください。"
  117. remove clock named "&7Rightclick: &cDisable" from the player
  118. stop
  119. give a barrier named "&cCooldown..." to player
  120. wait 1 seconds
  121. remove barrier named "&cCooldown..." from the player
  122. give a clock named "&7Rightclick: &aEnable" to player
  123. stop
  125. on rightclick with clock:
  126. if tool's name is "&7Rightclick: &aEnable":
  127. if {fly.%player%} is false:
  128. set the player's flight mode to true
  129. send "&7》 &bFlymode&7: &aEnable"
  130. set {fly.%player%} to true
  131. if player do not have air:
  132. remove clock named "&7Rightclick: &aEnable" from the player
  133. send "&cインベントリに空きがなかったのでモードチェンジは"
  134. send "&c/flyで行ってください。"
  135. stop
  136. else:
  137. remove clock named "&7Rightclick: &aEnable" from the player
  138. give a barrier named "&cCooldown..." to player
  139. wait 1 seconds
  140. remove barrier named "&cCooldown..." from the player
  141. give a clock named "&7Rightclick: &cDisable" to player
  142. stop
  144. on rightclick with clock:
  145. if tool's name is "&7Rightclick: &cDisable":
  146. if {fly.%player%} is true:
  147. set the player's flight mode to false
  148. send "&7》 &bFlymode&7: &cDisable"
  149. set {fly.%player%} to false
  150. if player do not have air:
  151. remove clock named "&7Rightclick: &cDisable" from the player
  152. send "&cインベントリに空きがなかったのでモードチェンジは"
  153. send "&c/flyで行ってください。"
  154. stop
  155. else:
  156. remove clock named "&7Rightclick: &cDisable" from the player
  157. give a barrier named "&cCooldown..." to player
  158. wait 1 seconds
  159. remove barrier named "&cCooldown..." from the player
  160. give a clock named "&7Rightclick: &aEnable" to player
  161. stop
  163. command /sound [<text>]:
  164. trigger:
  165. if {sound::%player%} is not set:
  166. set {sound::%player%} to true
  167. stop
  168. if arg is not set:
  169. if {sound::%player%} is true:
  170. send "&7》&aサウンドをoffにしました"
  171. set {sound::%player%} to false
  172. stop
  173. if {sound::%player%} is false:
  174. send "&7》&aサウンドをonにしました"
  175. set {sound::%player%} to true
  176. stop
  177. if arg is "on":
  178. if {sound::%player%} is true:
  179. send "&7》&cもうonにされています"
  180. if {sound::%player%} is false:
  181. send "&7》&aサウンドをonにしました"
  182. set {sound::%player%} to true
  183. if arg is "off":
  184. if {sound::%player%} is true:
  185. send "&7》&aサウンドをoffにしました"
  186. set {sound::%player%} to false
  187. if {sound::%player%} is false:
  188. send "&7》&cもうoffにされています"
  190. command /sidebar [<text>]:
  191. trigger:
  192. if {side::%player%} is not set:
  193. set {side::%player%} to true
  194. stop
  195. if arg is not set:
  196. if {side::%player%} is true:
  197. send "&7》&aサイドバーをoffにしました"
  198. set {side::%player%} to false
  199. stop
  200. if {side::%player%} is false:
  201. send "&7》&aサイドバーをonにしました"
  202. set {side::%player%} to true
  203. stop
  204. if arg is "on":
  205. if {side::%player%} is true:
  206. send "&7》&cもうonにされています"
  207. if {side::%player%} is false:
  208. send "&7》&aサイドバーをonにしました"
  209. set {side::%player%} to true
  210. if arg is "off":
  211. if {side::%player%} is true:
  212. send "&7》&aサイドバーをoffにしました"
  213. set {side::%player%} to false
  214. stop
  215. if {side::%player%} is false:
  216. send "&7》&cもうoffにされています"
  218. command /nick <player> <text>:
  219. permission: skript.nick
  220. trigger:
  221. set the arg 1's display name to "&f%arg 2%"
  222. set the arg 1's tablist name to "&f%arg 2%"
  224. command /sra:
  225. permission: skript.reload
  226. trigger:
  227. broadcast "&c&lWARNING &7&l> &2&lスクリプト&a&lを&c&lリロード&a&lするため"
  228. broadcast "&c&lWARNING &7&l> &a&l&b&lラグ&a&lが発生するおそれがあります"
  229. wait 2 seconds
  230. execute player command "sk reload all"
  232. command /sr <text>:
  233. permission: skript.reload
  234. trigger:
  235. broadcast "&c&lWARNING &7&l> &2&lスクリプト&a&lを&c&lリロード&a&lするため"
  236. broadcast "&c&lWARNING &7&l> &a&l&b&lラグ&a&lが発生するおそれがあります"
  237. wait 2 seconds
  238. execute player command "sk reload %arg 1%"
  240. command /get <text> <integer> <integer> <integer> <player=%player%>:
  241. permission: skript.get
  242. trigger:
  243. set {_plus} to arg 2
  244. set {_maxplus} to arg 3
  245. set {_liberation} to arg 4
  246. if arg-1 is "ぼろい":
  247. if {_plus} >= 1:
  248. give arg-5 wood pickaxe named "&6&l&m====&6&l[[| &e&lぼろいつるはし [+%{_plus}%] &6&l|]]&m====" with lore "&6&l&m--==__&6&l[| &3&lItem Stats &6&l|]&m__==--" and "&e&l採掘力&7: &a&l+%1+{_plus}%" and "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l%{_plus}%" and "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l%{_maxplus}%" and "&d&l解放&7: &a&l%{_liberation}%"
  249. else:
  250. give arg-5 wood pickaxe named "&6&l&m====&6&l[[| &e&lぼろいつるはし &6&l|]]&m====" with lore "&6&l&m--==__&6&l[| &3&lItem Stats &6&l|]&m__==--" and "&e&l採掘力&7: &a&l+1" and "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l%{_plus}%" and "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l%{_maxplus}%" and "&d&l解放&7: &a&l%{_liberation}%"
  251. else if arg-1 is "ふつう":
  252. if {_plus} >= 1:
  253. give arg-5 stone pickaxe named "&6&l&m====&6&l[[| &e&lふつうのつるはし [+%{_plus}%] &6&l|]]&m====" with lore "&6&l&m--==__&6&l[| &3&lItem Stats &6&l|]&m__==--" and "&e&l採掘力&7: &a&l+%5+{_plus}*5%" and "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l%{_plus}%" and "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l%{_maxplus}%" and "&d&l解放&7: &a&l%{_liberation}%"
  254. else:
  255. give arg-5 stone pickaxe named "&6&l&m====&6&l[[| &e&lふつうのつるはし &6&l|]]&m====" with lore "&6&l&m--==__&6&l[| &3&lItem Stats &6&l|]&m__==--" and "&e&l採掘力&7: &a&l+5" and "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l%{_plus}%" and "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l%{_maxplus}%" and "&d&l解放&7: &a&l%{_liberation}%"
  257. command /backpack:
  258. aliases: bp, enderchest, ec
  259. trigger:
  260. open ender chest of player to player
  262. command /ping <player=%player%>:
  263. trigger:
  264. message "&e&l%arg 1%'s Ping&7: &a&l%arg 1's ping%ms"
  266. command /trash:
  267. aliases: gomi
  268. trigger:
  269. open chest with 4 rows named "&lアイテム廃棄口" to player
  271. command /cpset <integer> <player=%player%>:
  272. permission: skript.cpset
  273. trigger:
  274. set {cp::%arg 2%} to arg 1
  276. command /apset <integer> <player=%player%>:
  277. permission: skript.cpset
  278. trigger:
  279. set {ap::%arg 2%} to arg 1
  281. on rightclick on a crafting table:
  282. cancel event
  283. if name of held item contains "つるはし":
  284. set {_line} to 3
  285. set {_plus} to line {_line} of lore of player's tool
  286. replace "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l" with "" in {_plus}
  287. set {_plus} to {_plus} parsed as integer
  288. set {_line} to 4
  289. set {_maxplus} to line {_line} of lore of player's tool
  290. replace "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l" with "" in {_maxplus}
  291. set {_maxplus} to {_maxplus} parsed as integer
  292. set {_line} to 5
  293. set {_liberation} to line {_line} of lore of player's tool
  294. replace "&d&l解放&7: &a&l" with "" in {_liberation}
  295. set {_liberation} to {_liberation} parsed as integer
  296. if {_plus} < {_maxplus}:
  297. if name of held item contains "ぼろい":
  298. set {_cost} to 100 * (2 * {_plus})
  299. if player is sneaking:
  300. if {_cost} <= {cp::%player%}:
  301. remove 1 of player's tool from player
  302. remove {_cost} from {cp::%player%}
  303. add 1 to {_plus}
  304. give player wood pickaxe named "&6&l&m====&6&l[[| &e&lぼろいつるはし [+%{_plus}%] &6&l|]]&m====" with lore "&6&l&m--==__&6&l[| &3&lItem Stats &6&l|]&m__==--" and "&e&l採掘力&7: &a&l+%1+{_plus}%" and "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l%{_plus}%" and "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l%{_maxplus}%" and "&d&l解放&7: &a&l%{_liberation}%"
  305. else:
  306. message "&b&l採掘ポイントが足りません 必要:%{_cost}%"
  307. else:
  308. message "&b&l強化値%{_plus}%→%{_plus}+1% 必要:%{_cost}% スニークしながら右クリックで強化"
  309. else:
  310. message "&c&l強化上限です"
  311. else:
  312. message "&b&lつるはしをもってください"
  314. on rightclick on a furnace:
  315. cancel event
  316. if name of held item contains "つるはし":
  317. set {_line} to 3
  318. set {_plus} to line {_line} of lore of player's tool
  319. replace "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l" with "" in {_plus}
  320. set {_plus} to {_plus} parsed as integer
  321. set {_line} to 4
  322. set {_maxplus} to line {_line} of lore of player's tool
  323. replace "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l" with "" in {_maxplus}
  324. set {_maxplus} to {_maxplus} parsed as integer
  325. set {_line} to 5
  326. set {_liberation} to line {_line} of lore of player's tool
  327. replace "&d&l解放&7: &a&l" with "" in {_liberation}
  328. set {_liberation} to {_liberation} parsed as integer
  329. if name of held item contains "ぼろい":
  330. if {_plus} >= 9:
  331. set {_plus} to 0
  332. set {_maxplus} to 9
  333. set {_liberation} to 0
  334. set {_cost} to 5000
  335. if player is sneaking:
  336. if {_cost} <= {cp::%player%}:
  337. remove 1 of player's tool from player
  338. remove {_cost} from {cp::%player%}
  339. give player stone pickaxe named "&6&l&m====&6&l[[| &e&lふつうのつるはし [+%{_plus}%] &6&l|]]&m====" with lore "&6&l&m--==__&6&l[| &3&lItem Stats &6&l|]&m__==--" and "&e&l採掘力&7: &a&l+%5+{_plus}*5%" and "&b&l強化値&7: &a&l%{_plus}%" and "&c&l強化上限&7: &a&l%{_maxplus}%" and "&d&l解放&7: &a&l%{_liberation}%"
  340. else:
  341. message "&b&l採掘ポイントが足りません 必要:%{_cost}%"
  342. else:
  343. message "&b&l進化 必要:%{_cost}% スニークしながら右クリックで進化"
  344. else:
  345. message "&b&l強化値がたりません 必要:9"
  346. else:
  347. message "&b&lつるはしをもってください"
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