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Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. /script do local autotap=0; taphp=888; tapmp=999; assistldr=0; snipe=1; minmana=430; shadowburn=1; fulldbfhp=50000; dbfhp=27500; drainhp=9000; ldr=LazyPigMultibox_ReturnLeaderUnit(); shardmin=3; shardmax=40; if not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") and not Zorlen_isCastingOrChanneling() then if UnitInRaid("player") then if assistldr==1 and snipe==1 and not Zorlen_isActiveEnemy() then AssistUnit(ldr) elseif assistldr==1 then AssistUnit(ldr) end; if Zorlen_isActiveEnemy() and UnitMana("player") >= minmana then if autotap==1 and (Zorlen_ManaMissing("player") > tapmp and Zorlen_HealthDamage("player") < taphp) and (Zorlen_checkBuffByName("Renew","player") or Zorlen_checkBuffByName("Rejuvenation","player") or Zorlen_checkBuffByName("Regrowth","player") or Zorlen_checkDebuffByName("Vampiric Embrace", "target")) then castLifeTap(6); elseif isActionInRangeBySpellName("Shadowburn") then if Zorlen_checkBuffByName("Shadow Trance","player") then castShadowBolt() elseif shadowburn==1 and Zorlen_checkCooldownByName("Shadowburn") and Zorlen_checkDebuff("Spell_Shadow_ShadowBolt","target") and Zorlen_GiveSoulShardCount() > shardmin then castShadowburn() elseif UnitHealth("target") >= fulldbfhp then castCorruption();castCoA();castShadowBolt() elseif UnitHealth("target") >= dbfhp then castCorruption();castShadowBolt() elseif UnitHealth("target") <= dbfhp and UnitHealth("target") >= drainhp then castShadowBolt() elseif UnitHealth("target") <= drainhp and Zorlen_GiveSoulShardCount() < shardmax then castDrainSoul(1) else castShadowburn(); castShadowBolt(4); end; elseif isActionInRangeBySpellName("Shadow Bolt") then if Zorlen_checkBuffByName("Shadow Trance","player") then castShadowBolt() elseif UnitHealth("target") >= fulldbfhp then castCorruption();castCoA();castShadowBolt() elseif UnitHealth("target") >= dbfhp then castCorruption();castShadowBolt() elseif UnitHealth("target") <= dbfhp and UnitHealth("target") >= drainhp then castShadowBolt() elseif UnitHealth("target") <= drainhp and Zorlen_GiveSoulShardCount() < shardmax then castDrainSoul(1) else castShadowBolt(4); end; end; elseif Zorlen_ManaMissing("player") > tapmp and UnitHealth("player") > taphp then castLifeTap(6); end; elseif Zorlen_isActiveEnemy() then if Zorlen_HealthPercent("target") >= 20 then castShadowBolt() else castSearingPain(); end; end; end; end;
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