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Dec 12th, 2018
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  109. <font face="Jolly Lodger" size="6" color="#FF000E">
  110. Hacked <font face="Jolly Lodger" size="6" color="yellow">
  111. by <font face="Jolly Lodger" size="6" color="#1CFF00">
  112. Mr_Af003 </font></font></font><br>
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  114. [<marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="50" width="250"> <font size="4" color="red">________<font size="4" color="yellow">________<font size="4" color="#1CFF00">________<font size="4" color="#00A7FF">________</font></font></font></font></marquee>]
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  116. <font size="5" color="red">
  117. Thanks to All member IGT</font> <br>
  118. <font size="5" color="yellow">
  119. INDONESIA GHOST TEAM</font> <br>
  120. <font size="5" color="#1CFF00">
  121. SAYA HANYA BOCAH LULUSAN SD </font> <br>
  122. <font size="5" color="#00A7FF">
  123. tapi keahlian saya melebihi kalian semua yang sekolah sampai sarjana &lt;3
  124. </font></b>
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  126. [<marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="50" width="250"> <font size="4" color="red">________<font size="4" color="yellow">________<font size="4" color="#1CFF00">________<font size="4" color="#00A7FF">________</font></font></font></font></marquee>]
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  128. <font face="Jolly Lodger" size="5" color="red"> jangan pernah sekali²
  129. <font face="Jolly Lodger" size="5" color="yellow"> mengusik hidup saya
  130. <font face="Jolly Lodger" size="5" color="#1CFF00"> kalo anda berani mengusik saya lihat aja apa yang akan saya lakukan kepada anda
  131. <font face="Jolly Lodger" size="5" color="#00A7FF">
  132. Salam dari saya hacker elite indonesia</font>
  133. <center><audio controls="controls" autoplay="true" width="500" height="460"><source src=";expires=1540130113"></audio>
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  141. <font size="3" color="blue"> thanks to :
  142. </font><marquee align="center" scrollamount="10" width="560"> <font size="3" color="cyan">MR_AF003 || MrX.DarkWeb || Tuan Fredricken^ || Mr.Pocong || Mr.Ghost || AHAS || Ts./Tn.Kalong || Uchiell || Tn.Krabs || INYOURS3RV3R || h3nDr1k Cyb3r || Mr.BlackShark || Tn.nubb || TU4N B4DUT || Mrs.Rewell || Mr.x0x || ~#T3R4B1T3 || || Aditya ==&gt;</font>
  144. <a href="" target="_blank">Contact Me!</a>
  145. Try it Yourself »
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