
Desert Funtimes (Monster Hunter - Mature)

Jan 16th, 2014
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  1. Ruko had spent the next week making his cave more accommodating, which pretty much meant cleaning out the multiple corpses and...that was it.
  3. The dragon shrugged.
  5. His mate had promised to meet him back here today, she had told him to wait here and she'd be back in a week. Something about reporting to this...'Hunter's Guild'. Kino was her name...he made a special note to remember it.
  7. Ruko was...suddenly disappointed. Not at her, no. Never at her. Disappointed at the lack of a name for himself. She called him 'Ruko', which he supposed could pass for a name. It was different from other Rukodiora, and if he heard her call that...he'd be there in a heartbeat.
  9. He'd only been up for a few hours, the sun was directly overhead. Noon was his closest guess. Kino had promised to bring some things to make his cave more 'human home'-like.
  11. "You're such a strange...strange dragon." She had said with a smile. Ruko hadn't argued, simply smiling back at his mate. Her hands on his muzzle...
  13. Huffing in frustration, he stepped outside and took flight. Something, anything to distract him.
  14. ---
  16. Kino Inu was making the trek back to Ruko's cave, several light-weight items on her back. A clock (powered by Lagiacrus shell shocker, guaranteed to last essentially forever), some decorative rugs (that she knew were gonna last all of a week under Ruko's sharp talons), a Hypnoc ceiling hanger...
  18. They were things she was sure the dragon would appreciate. Maybe even reward her...
  20. The wyverian shook her head clear.
  22. "S-seriously...?" Kino groaned to herself, feeling her slit get slightly wet. The clothes she was wearing showed the small stain for a brief moment before evaporating in the brutal desert heat.
  24. She HAD to convince the dragon to move somewhere else. The plains or tower ruins, somewhere less...nasty.
  26. Maybe the gorge. Plenty of water nearby from the frequent thunderstorms, and the wyverns there weren't anything he couldn't handle in a fight.
  28. She entered the cave to find no one home. The corpses of the Teostra and multiple Cephalos had been removed, taken who-knows-where. The cave also seemed...roomier. The gentle ceiling waterfall had been expanded again, and it seemed like Ruko had dug a small channel for bathing.
  30. Water was pooling there, but not overflowing due to the natural exit that was...smaller, but still draining. This dragon was far smarter than the Guild gave it credit for. They had called it a 'dumb beast' or a 'brutal reptile'.
  32. Brutal...maybe. She had seen him get angry twice during her stay here. Once before promptly killing that Black Diablos, and once when another Rukodiora had been spotted trying to take his cave.
  34. She had made a note about how intensely territorial he was, though perhaps it was either a mating-pair thing, or his personal preference. As soon as the other Rukodiora had seen Kino, it had left without a fight. Ruko remained on guard for another hour afterwards, until she gave the angry dragon a handjob. That cheered him right up...
  36. Giggling at how...MALE he was, she laid her bedroll down and sat on it. Kino wasn't nearly tall enough to reach the ceiling to hang the decorations, though she had already placed the clock.
  38. Wingbeats were her signal, as they had been the past month. She jumped up and ran to the entrance, stopping short and running back when she realized something.
  40. The wingbeats weren't a Rukodiora's.
  42. The intruder touched down, a metallic thump echoing through the cave. A Kushala Daora carefully made its way in through the cave entrance. Kino had stopped short enough to avoid being seen, but there wasn't very much to hide behind in the wide open cave. She had a small knife on her, certainly not enough to punch through the metallic shell on the elder.
  44. Mentally cursing herself for being unprepared, she hunkered down behind a boulder, hoping the dragon would smell Ruko and leave. He was the undisputed Alpha of the area, to stay here would be suicide for the Kusha.
  46. It indeed sniffed around a bit, recoiling a bit at the scent. The Wind Dragon looked around carefully, attempting to find the Polar Dragon that was apparently out to lunch.
  48. "Dammit, Ruko!" Kino hissed, and Kusha appeared to not have heard. They weren't renowned for their hearing, after all.
  50. Ruko definitely wasn't getting any tonight, that was for sure.
  52. Kusha explored the room, coming closer and closer to Kino's boulder. The wyverian was glad that Kusha's line of sight was actually lower than hers, simply due to how it was sniffing the ground.
  54. It paused, wings flaring, before sniffing faster. Kino realized it had caught her scent, and panicked just a bit. She wasn't supposed to study Kusha ecology for another week...
  56. Well, Kino couldn't run fast enough, and running right now would only make the elder angry. She peered around the rock and saw a slim, silver length between the dragon's thighs. Definitely male.
  58. Frustrated, Kusha rolled the rock and spotted Kino, snarling weakly. Kino held her hands up in a non-threatening manner, and Kusha began inspecting her. Teeth met shirt and tore it off, exposing her breasts to the open air. The air around the dragon was icy, causing her nipples to stand stiff.
  60. The dragon then stuffed his nose between her legs, trying to find if she was either a *good* mate, or *ready* to mate, she didn't know.
  62. Kino merely sighed when the dragon went to tear her leggings off, stopping the dragon before he could. Kusha gave an angry snarl at her, before Kino pulled them off herself.
  64. "No point in having ALL of my clothes ruined." She mentioned to the metal reptile, who simply stared. His snout touched her inner thighs, icy cold. Kino yelped in surprise, a grin fighting its way to her face through reflex.
  66. She yelped again when his tongue lapped at her labia, the outer lips quivering in anticipation. He apparently liked what he tasted, because he roughly shoved her to the ground.
  68. Without any additional fanfare, he pushed in.
  70. His cock was as icy as the rest of him, causing Kino's entire honeypot to contract and tighten by reflex. Even at her tightest, he wasn't impressive. He barely was a fit at all, naturally built more for the smaller vaginas of female Kusha.
  72. Kino mused he'd be huge for a fem Kusha, but...just couldn't stimulate a wyverian or human at all. Disappointing, really.
  74. Hell, he was getting close already. She deftly pulled herself off of him and turned, putting her mouth and tongue to work. Like licking a metal pole, Kino noted.
  76. Seconds later, he blew. The load was impressive, Kino unable to swallow it all before it overflowed from her mouth. Problem was: He just...kept cumming. Shakily pulling off, she put Kusha back in her slit. The dragon's unending flood of heat filled every nook and cranny, erupting out from her and finally earning a yelping moan.
  78. Was the dragon's prostate huge, or was this a trick of some kind?
  80. She pulled Kusha out between mighty spurts, taking him anally to make less of a mess. Her belly was swelling, Kino felt so full.
  82. Finally, after ten straight minutes, Kusha was finished. He pulled out of the dazed Kino and without any further notice, left. He was apparently proud he had 'continued his species', leaving the female to lay and tend for the eggs.
  84. More notes to write...when she could actually move.
  85. ===
  87. Ruko looked at the Kushala Daora that just left his cave. Giving the dragon a small nod, the metal Elder nodded back, obviously exhausted.
  89. He knew his darling mate was a biologist, and would probably appreciate what he had set up.
  91. Kino just...couldn't know he did. She might be more than a little pissed off. Walking back into his cave, he saw his mate on the ground, groaning. Her slit was actively pushing Kusha seed out, her belly distended.
  93. "Oh...Ruko...ungh..." Kino said, finally noticing him. "H-help me into...the water..." She said tiredly, and he did just that.
  95. "A Kusha just did this to me, and...ugh..." Kino paused as a small lump of Kusha sperm fell into the outward-flowing stream. "I c-can't say I want you to kill it."
  97. Ruko merely nodded. It was easy to keep up a charade when you didn't have many facial expressions.
  99. "If anything, I think he's welcome to come back." She continued, washing herself out from what had to have been a gallon of Kusha semen. "Ugh. Ruko?"
  101. She turned to the Polar Dragon, and he cocked his head.
  103. "Can you...get this out of me?" She gestured to her sweet, sweet pussy, spreading her legs. Ruko grinned, licking his chops and gently pushing her down. "Do it, you horny dragon~!"
  105. 'I'm the horny one?' The dragon asked himself, the head of his cock teasingly hovering just above her entrance. 'We'll see about that one.'
  107. Kino started squirming.
  109. "C-c'mon, Ruko~! I want it~!"
  111. Hearing what he wanted to hear, he plunged in.
  113. "A-ah, so fullllll~!" Kino moaned, wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling herself close. "I love you so much..." She whispered into his ears, and a gentle shiver went down his spine.
  115. Love...?
  117. Ruko liked that word.
  119. He began his thrusting, far more deep and soft than he ever had. Her moans were just as loud as they had been before, her hands tightening around the back of his neck.
  121. "I-I-I want to lay your eggs, I want your tiny Ruko babies~!" Kino screamed, losing it completely. "Please, please let me~!"
  123. Ruko pried her off of him, putting her on her hands and knees so he could gain better leverage. She wanted his hatchlings? He'd do his damndest.
  125. Kino's moans grew into roars of pleasure, she must like this position. Her entire body started convulsing, and Ruko released deep in her birth canal.
  127. "Ah, ah, Ruko, ah~!"
  129. His response was to bite her shoulder gently, teeth leaving light puncture marks. She collapsed, ass still in the air due to the dragon cock still deep in her.
  131. Content, he left her to drain out into the stream.
  132. ===
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