

Feb 26th, 2018
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  1. 2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: The closest any one else has had was 30! Your lover!
  2. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: Not when you promise three to my wife
  3. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Y-you can have more...
  4. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: Change your owner
  5. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: Prove to me your dedication
  6. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: this time you’re not gonna let me change it back!
  7. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: A risk you'll have to take
  8. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I can’t take that kind of risk...
  9. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: Yes you can
  10. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: You just don't want to
  11. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: And what if I do and then change it back on my own?
  12. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: What do you mean?
  13. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Change it to you, then change it back to her
  14. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: Immediately?
  15. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Immediately
  16. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: You change it now and I'll decide
  17. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No!! I need to know
  18. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: Can't you trust me?
  19. [2018/02/19]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Trust you to do what?
  20. [2018/02/19]Kinryana: To tell you
  21. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Back...
  22. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: See, you need me don't you?
  23. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: When did I say that?!
  24. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: By the fact you keep coming back
  25. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: But you'll admit it anyway
  26. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Y-you’re the one who approaches me!
  27. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: You logged on and said "back" this time
  28. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Because I had to suddenly go!
  29. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: You still came back
  30. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: So?!
  31. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Admit it
  32. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: There’s nothing to admit!
  33. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: You love your mistress don't you?
  34. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I love a lot of people...
  35. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Tell her that you love her
  36. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I love my mistress...
  37. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: You have no idea how happy I am that I got that screenshot last night
  38. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: ...
  39. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: I might even put it in my profile
  40. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: N-no..
  41. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Why not?
  42. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: You know why!
  43. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Tell me why I can't?
  44. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: B-because I don’t give you permission!
  45. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Pffft
  46. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: You don't need give me permission
  47. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: It’s my profile!
  48. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: And you're mine
  49. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: So it's my profile
  50. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No..
  51. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: How are you going to stop me?
  52. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I’ll make my units self destruct!
  53. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: But the master unit belongs to me...
  54. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: So how?
  55. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No it doesn’t!
  56. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Yes it does... The original is a bucket of cum, and the current one has had her mind broken to the point where she cums on command...
  57. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B:!!
  58. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Yes
  59. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: That’s not how it works!!
  60. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Open wide
  61. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: What?!
  62. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Open your mouth
  63. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Why?
  64. [2018/02/20]Kinryana pulls a handful of 2B units from the nearby factory. "Open. Your. Mouth."
  65. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I d-don’t wanna eat my own units...
  66. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Why do you think you have a choice?
  67. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Now open your mouth
  68. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: They’re my units!
  69. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: No
  70. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: i don’t wanna eat them!
  71. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: They're my units
  72. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I still don’t wanna eat them!
  73. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: If you're not going to do it voluntarily I'll have to forcefeed you...
  74. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Why do you want me to eat my units?
  75. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Because I can make you
  76. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Now open your mouth or I'll open it for you
  77. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No!
  78. [2018/02/20]Kinryana snaps her fingers, whispering gently on 2B's ear. "Open your mouth... You're really hungry."
  79. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B squints her ease in frustration, “Q-quit doing that...” she says, her mouth open by less than an inch
  80. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: *eyes
  81. [2018/02/20]Kinryana pushes her tongue into the droid's ear. "Wide."
  82. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B opens up a tiny bit more as that tongue invades her head
  83. [2018/02/20]Kinryana pushes her hand into the droids mouth, opening it wide as she forces the the head of one of the droids into the master units mouth.
  84. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B squeals as she’s forced to swallow down the head of the near lifeless unit, forcing her jaw open wide
  85. [2018/02/20]Kinryana keeps pushing, her tongue invading the droid's mind again as she pushes another unit into her stretched mouth. "How big should we make my slut, hmm?"
  86. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B groans louder and louder as that tongue nearly wraps all around her processors ok her synthetic brain, the android blushed as she was forced to swallow a second unit at the same time, wondering what Kin was making her so big for
  87. [2018/02/20]Kinryana giggles as she grabs a third unit, pushing her deeper. Her tongue, flicks another sensor in the droid's brain, disabling the droids ability to be full of food. She rubs her pet's swollen belly. "Mmmm, grow for me pet..."
  88. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (M-mistress...)
  89. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (yes?)
  90. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (I need to get to my train’ll be about 20 minutes)
  91. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (you can play on the train)
  92. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (I can..)
  93. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (good pet. You can play with yourself on the train as well, can't you?)
  94. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (N-no.. I’m in public there..)
  95. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (and?)
  96. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (I’ll get arrested for that!)
  97. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (well, you'd better not get caught then, hmm?)
  98. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (But...)
  99. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (but what?)
  100. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (Nothing...)
  101. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (what're you going to do on the train then?)
  102. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (Play with myself...)
  103. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (good slut)
  104. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Now I need to go!
  105. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (I’m back..)
  106. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (T-this train is too crowded for me to do anything!)
  107. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (play with yourself, right now)
  108. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (There’s someone sat next to me!)
  109. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (and?)
  110. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (ask them to help if you need to)
  111. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (They’ll notice!)
  112. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (What?!)
  113. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (you read)
  114. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: ( can’t)
  115. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (do. It.)
  116. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (The most I could do is rub myself under a jacket!)
  117. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (then do so)
  118. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (Fine..)
  119. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (good... Tell me what you're doing)
  120. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (Rubbing my snatch for my mistress...)
  121. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (good slut... How does it feel to do it in such a public place)
  122. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (Shameful...)
  123. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (and?)
  124. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (Depraved)
  125. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (what would your "other mistress" say if she saw you doing this?)
  126. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (She’d probably call me those things...)
  127. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Has she ever made you do this before?
  128. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No..
  129. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (so who is better?)
  130. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: But she’s done worse..
  131. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (worse?)
  132. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Worse.
  133. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (go on?)
  134. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: She’s used me as a...toilet
  135. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (in real life?)
  136. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: (No!)
  137. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (then I'm still better)
  138. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: What?!
  139. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (and toilet play is a no from me, so don't expect me to shit on your chest)
  140. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: i wouldn’t force you i was just saying!
  141. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: I'm much better because I don't need to do that kinda thing to dom you
  142. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: B-but...
  143. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Am I wrong?
  144. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: ...
  145. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Well?
  146. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No...
  147. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: So who is better?
  148. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I’m not answering that!
  149. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Answer
  150. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Now
  151. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: N-no!
  152. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: you each do your own different things! No one is better!
  153. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Do it
  154. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No...
  155. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: No what?
  156. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No one is better..
  157. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Wrong
  158. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: One of us has to be
  159. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No!
  160. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Then I'll assume you think it's me. Finger that slutty snatch
  161. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: W-what?!
  162. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Do it
  163. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Fine!
  164. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: How many fingers?
  165. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Two..
  166. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Are you moaning yet?
  167. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No!
  168. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Moan
  169. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: No way!
  170. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: I'll post the image from last night?
  171. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B:
  172. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Then moan
  173. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: It’ll be quiet..
  174. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Well?
  175. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Well what?
  176. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Did you moan?
  177. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Yes...
  178. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: And what happened?
  179. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: People looked at me...
  180. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: And....?
  181. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: And I looked away
  182. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Did you carry on fingering your slutty depraved pussy?
  183. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I need to stop’s almost my stop..
  184. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: You fingered yourself while everyone looked at you?
  185. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: How did that feel?
  186. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: I stopped when they looked...
  187. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Pathetic
  188. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: And then continued when they looked away..
  189. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: You should have carried on
  190. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: M-my stop is next..
  191. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: How fucking depraved would you have felt to have that many people watching you?
  192. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Well I guess you'd better orgasm quickly then....
  193. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Yea
  194. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: someone made this whole car stink...I’m getting up
  195. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Get home, get naked and get back on here
  196. [2018/02/20]YoRHa-Unit 2B: Okay...
  197. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Do you have toys?
  198. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: Actually, I'm going to sleep. After last night's 3:30am, I think i need a few more hours. I'll see you in 7-8 hours.
  199. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (unless you want to add me on discord. Details are on my profile)
  200. [2018/02/20]Kinryana: (then message me whenever and I'll reply when I wake up)
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