
The first Waifu of America

Aug 3rd, 2016
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  1. The announcement was met with deafening applause to some, as numerous cheers flew up from several secluded locations, and one library, across the nation.
  3. To others, there was simply a stunned silence. Some banged at their radios, thinking they must have misheard, while others flipped their trendies in frustration.
  5. Almost immediately, people began blog-posting all over the chans. "Bacon-tits won!!" "Is this real?" "We did it, Hanabros!" "SHES'S A FUCKING WHITE WAIFU!!" ">Not owning a magazine with her latest paparazzi shots >Not touching yourself with a table Do you guys even Hanalove?" "Literally who?" "Drumpf! DRUMPF!!"
  7. None were so stunned though than the two main contestants themselves. Hanako, who, in a momentary lapse of self-confidence, had clung to Lilly's arm with a vice like grip, sat absolutely stunned before letting out a squeal of happiness. Horror suddenly struck her though, as she realized that she had indeed won... and that meant her best friend had lost.
  9. "Oh my goodness Lilly I'm so-"
  11. "It's fine." Lilly said, cutting her off. "You deserve it." She smiled sweetly, stretching her hand out. Hanako took it in her own, her smile widening.
  13. "Thank you so much Lilly." She said, before wrapping the taller woman into a sort of awkward sitting hug. "You've always been here for me... You're like a sister to me."
  15. Lilly smiled into the other woman's dark purple hair. "And you to me, Hanako. Now go, your public will want to hear from you." She released the smaller girl, who stood up, but did not release her hand.
  17. Lilly sat a moment, patiently, in silence. She felt as Hanako's hand began to shake, but to Lilly's admiration she felt her stop herself and take a deep breath. "O-okay..." She said, still a bit hesitantly. She released Lilly's hand, and spun towards the door. "I've got to go do something." She opened the door, and stepped out to the overpowering sound of camera flashes and shouted questions.
  19. *************************************************
  20. "Okay people, they want a recount." The manager told his staff to an groan. One of the staff, an intern who'd been up all night, instantly started towards the coffee machine. "Come on folks, you know what to do." The manager continued. "Let's get this over with. Here, I'll start with the first box."
  22. The noise of the office was lost to rustling as employees set to work, moving and opening up boxes to read each individual strip. The manager opened the box with a large #1 stenciled on it in black sharpie. "From the top." He thought to himself.
  24. The first piece of paper had the familiar scrawl of the man running the show behind the scenes, the one who initiated the vote, Mr. Trump himself.
  26. 'Give one vote to each of the lovely candidates.' He'd written. 'There both such great people, I just can't choose myself.'
  28. The manager groaned inwardly. The billionaire was a bit too eccentric for his taste, but he wrote his pay check, soooo...
  30. He marked down on his notepad, under the separate headers, one Roman numeral for each woman.
  32. The next vote was one of the contestants. Hanako Ikezawa. It was apparent that the woman had suffered some sort of issue with the paper, given the small dots from where her pen had touched outside of either box. In the end, the woman had voted for herself. "No surprise there," the manager thought to himself. "They always do."
  34. He marked another numeral under the letter H at the top of his pad as he unfolded the next piece.
  36. Seeing the name, he moved his hand to mark a numeral under the L, but he had to stop himself. On the piece of paper was a single clean check mark through the voters box, the Braille dots on the paper clearly listing out who the candidate was, alongside her name.
  38. The manager placed another numeral beneath the letter H.
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