
Legion Document

Feb 27th, 2021
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  1. Good Evening.
  3. I was the guy who wrote about the Legion in SkyttsTV Review on the Fallout: The Frontier. I appreciate you have the time to listen to my personal take on how a nuanced storylines with tridimensional characters regarding Caesar´s Legion. I´ve been a Legion Main since my first characters in FNV and with time I have to realize, that while the Legion offers on example of the worst demons of Human nature when it comes to Nation-Building, it is no devoid of either virtue or merit.
  5. I want to take a moment to clarify, that I personally consider the Legion´s actions to be immoral and horrifying, however they are not devoid of purpose or possessed of needless cruelty. To quote in Ulysses in Lonesome Road, there is “The Shadow of a Nation” behind the Bull´s Banner and the harsh context of the Wasteland needs to radical solutions to solve the many challenges faced every day by the survivors. Despotism is hardly an ideal choice, but it has shown to be markedly efficient when it comes to crisis management, this was, eventually was made favor the Legion over other political Alternatives: Modern political formulas are the result of societal, economic and technological advancements, advancements that have been largely erased in the nuclear Fires of the Great War and prone to disintegration.
  7. Plus, I always thought the Legion had the NCR beaten in the “rule of cool”. So there was that aswell xD
  9. This a glimpse of where I´m coming from, if you need further clarification I will happy to offer it. But without further a due let´s get into the Legion proper.
  11. A few aspects and misconceptions about he legion need to be clarified on the get go.
  13. *First , most important of all, is that the Legion lacks a proper Civilian Dimension: Family structures have largely dissolved in favor of absolute obedience to the figure of Caesar. Legionnaires , no matter rank or experience, do not enjoy greater privileges than the Chattel, they merely are another kind of slave meant for Military instead of Economic Labor. They live and die in execution of Caesar´s will, with absolute discipline product of indoctrination from birth, terror tactics by Superiors and, in most cases, their own tribal mindset where might, combat prowess and strength of arms are the only justifications needed for Rule.
  15. Caesar´s rule because he is the strongest, if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t rule. Its natural for the strongest to lord over the vanquished (Vae Victis, Woe to the Vanquished). And, in the eyes of most of his Legion, this is just the Natural order of things.
  17. * The Legion , due to being for practical purposes an extension of Caesar´s will, has no strong ideological compunctions. It stands for whatever Caesar wishes it to stand for. In its current state, most of the Legion restrictions and policy are dictated by pragmatism and the war necessities that the Campaign of conquest has demanded of it, a principle of min-maxing the limited resources, human or otherwise, available to it.
  18. For all of this, is necessary to clarify that the Legion has no natural Misogynistic or Technophobic inclinations: JESawyer clarified that these inclinations expressed by tribal legionnaires do not represent the views of Edward Sallow on either subject, who has strong opinion about either or, most likely, has utilitarian views on both. This extends also to both Ghouls as Super Mutants, their induction to the Legion can be considered specially difficult, but if achieved it offers no special prejudice, either for or against.
  20. *The Legion , as envisioned by Edward Sallow, is still in an embryonic stage. It has yet to reach the means, resources and infrastructure necessary to make the transition into a proper state. Every policy as of yet implemented is not final, though is highly dubious that many martial practices of the Legion would change or that Slavery would be phased out. However, the Legion operates on a principle of adaptability that seeks to absorb useful traits from the Cultures it assimilates in spite of its vested interest in the creation of monolithic culture: Dog Breeding techniques from the Denver Dog Lords, Healing techniques from the Twin Mothers, Boomer spare parts for Howitzers. Some obscure lore bits also say that Silver Smiting techniques were taught to the Legion by the Navajo
  22. As such, only tribes with “nothing” to offer, are the ones truly lost to the Legion. The rest lives on, amalgamated into the Legion, a whole greater than the sums of its parts.
  24. *Despite the brutal ways of the Legion in its dealing with tribals, Legion can express tolerant of 2 “Dissolute” Communities of Settlers across the Wasteland…at the cost of absolute compliance with the Legion. These settlements live as under a benevolent and stable, if highly autocratic, military dictatorship: They not officially part of the Legion, however, but they stand to gain much with cooperation and to loose everything with opposition. Settlements in Legion territory enjoy nigh complete fiscal autonomy, a relatively hands off approach when it comes to governing by the Legion and safety from both man and beast, this comes at the cost of having to obey the odd request from Caesar with extreme prejudice, no matter how difficult or arbitrary.
  26. Legionnaires only ask once, then the only alternative is the sharp end of a Machete Gladius.
  28. Again, this just an eagle´s eye overview of Caesar´s Legion. If you have question I will try to respond to the best of my ability.
  30. Now, this the bit where I offer some concept ideas from which Legion content could be elaborated upon, all names, values, etc here present are merely illustrative and all elements present can be modified to fit the Modder’s own take on the concept.
  35. Women in the Legion is perhaps one of the greatest misunderstanding regarding Caesar´s Legion floating around the FNV Community , who consistently seems hellbent in breaking the Legion´s min-maxing principles that has dictated that Women serve better as continuators of the Legion and supportive structure for the Legion labors. This omits the fact that Male members of the Legion, with the exception of Caesar himself, obtain no benefit from their status: Their role is as utilitarian as that of women. Women would gain no greater status nor benefits inside the Legion by being accepted as Legionnaires, for legionnaires enjoy no benefit for their status. This however opens a number of interesting story seeds that explores the reason of why a Woman would support Caesar´s Legion.
  37. On this subject I can envision two different “schools of thought” on the matter. I will offer character examples that exemplify both.
  39. *CASE A: Theodora/ Blue Eyes. The Tribal Legend, the Lanius with Tits.
  41. I originally wrote Theodra as a personal project “The Ravages of Captain Phi” that I was to originally publish for the Old World Blues Mod for Hearts Iron IV. I will explain now to implement the character in vanilla FNV while providing original storyline at a later date if you are interested
  43. She was meant as an exploration on the tribal´s mindset, the simplicity of raw power and the fascination it generates on others, despite the increasingly horror it brought.
  47. Theodora, then named Blue Eyes, was a tribal champion from the Seven Sisters Tribe, a tribe of fierce Wasteland Amazons that raided across the Yuma region of Arizona. They, pretty much as the Legion, used men for merely reproductive purposes before ritually devouring them in ritualistic feasts to “absorb their power”. This led her, as with many in her tribes, to develop scathing views on males, who considered to be dim and weak creatures fit only to perpetuate the tribe and as cattle, their flesh more valuable than their lives ever were.
  49. This changed when the Legion arrived in Yuma. Here the Seven Sisters faced an all-male army that was not easily broken, but Blue Eyes still considered that it was just a matter of time before they would yield , all cowardly enemies of the tribe had done before. She led daring raids against Legion´s Contubernia, killing Legionnaires and Centurions, for she was deadly with both blade and gun. She carved a bloody legend amongst Leggionaires, who to this day use her name as curse words
  51. But the Legion remained unfazed, and as the numbers of the Seven Sisters ran thin , she saw how the otherwise unshackable certainty in their own strength to be wounded in the face of the Legion´s might. Finally, Blue Eyes and her younger sisters were cornered in an abandoned building in Yuma, one last act of defiance she demolished the decrepit structure with satchel charges to cover her sister´s retreat, taking with her a whole Centuria, buried in the rubble.
  53. This was supposed to be the Seven Sister´s final blaze of Glory before the long silence…but she did not died that day. A Centurion ,Justinianus of Mesa, dug her from the rubble, half dead but the that defiant fire still in her eyes. The centurion brought to the Malpais Legate ,who ensured that the young warrior saw how every women of her tribe was nailed to the crosses, the Elder Women of the tribe cried curses to the Malpais Legate, dooming him “to meet an end in fire”. Not all of her tribe died that day, but the Seven Sisters were no more, their might consumed under the shadow of the Bull.
  55. But she did not curse the Legion, she cursed the weakness of her sisters, even as Justinianus dragged her to her cross she broke free and used the Centurion´s machete to behead every other of other member of her tribe, with bitter tears of rage at the sight of their own importance. “WEAK, WEAK, WEAK!” she cried, before a shot rang, and the Legate´s pistols wounded her leg but she not relented even as the Legate shot her until her Pistol run dry.
  57. But then an imposing shadow was cast over her: It was the Master of the Legion, Caesar , Son of Mars. He was strong, stronger than the Seven Sisters ever were, the bloody machete was dropped at the feet of this almighty conqueror, but, as his Pretorians surrounded Blue Eyes to tear her apart, Caesar´s stayed their hands and took the rusty, bloodied blade.
  59. “Did turn this blade on your Sisters? Why?” he asked
  61. “For they were weak, where you are strong.” She replied, covered in blood and bruises.
  63. The Son of Mars just smiled. She collapsed afterwards, she woke up, an Slave Collar around her neck, but her bondage was to offer a different service to the Legion: Justinianus now made a Legatus, bestowed upon her a New Blade, forged in Meteoric Iron and tempered in the blood of the Seven Sisters Tribe. He decreed that Blue Eyes was no more, that name died with the tribe that bestowed it upon her, her new name belonged only to him and to Caesar, and she was never to utter it except in their presence.
  65. Theodora, Frumentarius of Caesar´s Legion.
  67. She shrouded her face, for her visage now belongs to her dead sisters and the eyes of Mars, and of Mar´s she was a deadly blade, sent those who foolishly resisted the advances of the Legion. Every enemy she encountered was weak, weaker than every other enemy bested by the Seven Sister. And the Legion was stronger, stronger than they ever were.
  69. Since then she has strode far and wide, east and west. Eager to test her strength by besting the Legion´s enemies. Whether its sniping NCR Magistrates from afar or ambushing the Bear´s patrols single handed, the defenders of the Republic live in fear of the “Shadow of the East”.
  73. Theodora strictly adheres to the tribal notion that “Might makes right”, since the Legion is the mightiest is them who are right, prosaic rhetoric about principle and values are prattle for the feeble of both body and spirit. Despite she is aware that her position in the Legion is painfully precarious, whatever sense of resentment or self-worth she was is overpowered by the fascination she feels for the Legion, whom she sees as a “godly tribe” destined to rule over all and is more than willing to comply in whatever capacity she can, whether the Legion is right or wrong in its beliefs is of no consequence, for she is convinced that their triumphant destiny is unavoidable, a result of her won tribe´s conviction on their might. This belief so strong that not even the First Battle of Hoover Dam and the Fall of the Malpais Legate could shake it: Strong Enemies exist only to test the might of the Legion, who can only grow stronger as result.
  75. However, she is not a mindless zealot. She is calm and collected with her rage lurking ever so close to the surface, which explodes once in the thrill of battle. She is willing to take a tactical and calculating approach to things but is not afraid of decisive action if it proves to be the easier course of actions.
  77. Despite her firm convictions, there are still chinks in her armor: For one, she never stop thinking what became of her biological sisters and their memory haunts her during her quiet moments, these sentiments proving to quite troubling due to her conviction that her body and her thoughts must be entirely devoted to the Legion…regardless of how much this weights on her.
  82. *Theodora, if implemented in the Mojave, could be recruited in Nelson serving as a Frumentarius helping Dead Sea in his mission against the NCR Camp of Forlorn Hope. She will require a Reputation of at least “Accepted” by Caesar´s Legion
  84. *Theodora would grant the Courier, the “Shadow of the East” Perk. With makes gun attacks more accurate and offers and increase in Sneak Attack Damage.
  86. *The Quest: Amor Omnia Vincit.
  88. After travelling a while. The Courier will note that Theodora is seemingly distracted, a Perception Check can also start the Quest earlier. She will comment to the Courier that , recently, she has suffered from recurring nightmares about her lost Sisters. The Courier can offer help to solve the mistery but they have no clue where to start.
  90. But she has, in her years as a Frumentarius she has assembled a veritable web of informants. One of which is a former member of the Arizona Rangers, currently rotting away in the NCR´s Correctional Facility. The Courier can now obtain additional information about how Life was in Arizona before and after Caesar, and the implications it had for Tribals and Settlers alike. The ar the Legion waged against the Arizona Rangers and how the Rangers eventually lost popular support from the communities in Arizona, due to their stubbornness in waging a brutal war only for “principle”, whereas the Legion offer peace and security to them.
  92. Once found, the Ranger Deserter, still need to be either intimidated to cough up the information with a Strength or High Speech Check. Otherwise, he will only exchange the information for his freedom, which means Theodora and the Courier will have to fight their way out the NCRCF and battle the Powder Gangers. The Courier can also buy his freedom if they have a high reputation with the Powder Gangers, for a token price if he has high Rep.
  94. Once the intel has been procured from the Deserter, she will inform that Theodora´s Sisters are indeed alive and resettled into tranquil lives in an Independent Community in Arizona, keeping their Tribal origins a Secret. He will also reveal they are currently working for a Trader Caravan from Flagstaff and are currently trading with the Gun Runners near Vegas. Theodora, will ask the Courier to divert from the path one final time, explaining her inner conflict, those of the Legion have no family but the Legion, expressing both the love she once felt for them and burning hatred for her tribe´s weakness that still poisons her soul.
  96. The Conflict can have three possible resolutions:
  98. *The Courier can foster Theodora´s love for her Sisters and reunite with them. This will result in losing Legion rep and having Theodora abandon Caesar´s Legion, having new strength in the will to protect the ones she loves, her love for her Sisters finally trumping her love for might and the Legion. This Path will grant the Courier the “Broken Shadows” Perk that increase DT and provides Health Regen to the Player
  100. Theodora Sister will act as vendors, will offer additional insight on the Seven Sister´s War with the Legion and Morning Bird, Theodora´s older Sister, rewards the Courier with the “Lance of the East”, a Unique Anti-Materiel Rifle once used by the First Legionnaire defeated by the Seven Sisters Tribe.
  102. *The Courier can show understanding of Theodora´s conflict but insist in that she must stay true to convictions…and to Caesar. He will agree to accompany Theodora to visit her Sister´s encampment but with the Intention of capturing them for the Legion. A tearful exchange will occur between Theodora and her Sisters, but she will subdue them (via text prompt) and place Slave Collars in them with a final “True to Caesar”. Her love for Caesar´s Law having conquered her love for might and her Sisters
  104. Theodora will stoically thank the Courier, who will gain the “Tears and Shadows Perk” that will increase movement speed while sneaking and “Invisibility” while static. Theodora will gift the Courier with the “Sister´s Shroud” a unique Armor fashioned from Combat Armor from the Arizona National Guard that once was owned by the Tribe´s Last Warrior, Blue Eyes, a last memento of the Seven´s Sister Warrior Spirit. Increases AP Regen and Damage in VATS
  106. *Finally the Courier can further incense Theodora´s hatred for her tribe´s weakness, painting her sisters as the final burden that keep her anchored to the feebleness of the Seven Sister´s. The only way to be purified of their taint is to finish what the Malpais Legate started and complete the destruction of the last Members of the Seven Sisters Tribe. Thus she will march to her sister´s camp where the Courier will help her in killing them. Once the red deed is done , Theodora will express relief at having been finally freed from the last shackles of her tribal past: She is now Legion, in mind, body and soul. Her Love for Strength and Legion finally submerged her completely under the Banner of the Bull.
  108. The Courier will gain the “Shadow of the Legion” Perk, with will massively increase damage against the Legion ´s Enemies: NCR, Raiders, Robots, etc. Theodora´s reverence for the Courier, whom she now sees as an embodiment of the Legion´s Power, will cause her to surrender her blade to him, as she did with Caesar so long ago: Black Bird, is a unique Machete Gladius forged from meteoric iron, that has a very fast attack speed and deals extra damage
  112. *CASE B: SOFIA GARCIA. The Arizona Gunslinger, Legion Cowgirl.
  114. Sofia is an amalgamation of various Legion Aligned Characters I have roleplayed across the years in FNV. She became a concrete idea when I made a homebrewed Fallout Game on tabletop, pen and paper RPG.
  116. She was meant to provide a Window into the daily realities faced by Settle Communities that live under the stern stewardship of the Legion. Portraying the boons and woes that their new allegiance bestows upon them.
  120. The Garcia’s were a small time family of Brahmin Ranchers living in Nogales, near the Mexican Border in Southern Arizona. Their Community was mostly self sufficient and fiercely independent, forming part of a larger web of towns and settlements under the protection of the Arizona Rangers. This however, proved to be a suboptimal arrangement, despite the Ranger´s best efforts, Arizona remained once of the most lawless and lethal corners of Post-War America.
  122. Rampant nepotism and an increasingly cynical outlook on their task had turn much of the Arizona´s Rangers into a corrupted kleptocracy, often no better than the raiding tribals they were supposed to keep the Town safe from, protection rackets and power abuse became commonplace, a development that soured the common folks perception of the Rangers.
  124. But what ultimately proved their downfall was their complacency in curbing the forward momentum the Legion was gaining after the formation of Edward Sallow´s Tribal Confederacy. Ranger leadership dismissed the man who would become Caesar as little more than a Follower with delusions of grandeur and the hots for tribal women. However, when the Nascent Legion defeated the Arizona Ranger in the Battle of Prescott Valley, securing much of Northern Arizona in the process, word about the Legion effectiveness in curbing banditry, raiding and the elimination of Ranger kleptocracy, with its associated expenses, spread like wildfire.
  126. Almost over night, envoys from as far south as Tucson arranged audience with Caesar, offering submission and most favorable trading concessions in exchange of protection. Ranger Leaders attempted to rally the independent communities from Arizona in a last ditch effort of regaining the precious material support they once provided, often citing Legion atrocities committed against tribals, their brutal methods, their ample use of Slavery and the oppression of women. These efforts roved to be ultimately futile, as Settler all across Arizona were content with indulging Legion orders in exchange of being left to their devices and finally breathing free from Ranger Extortion and the Dangers of the Wasteland.
  128. The Arizona Rangers were all but annihilated by the Legion in the Battle of Kingman, their few survivors fleeing West were they were absorbed intot he NCR or the Desert Rangers or into Mexico, were they form fearsome bands of bandits that raided across Sonora and Chihuahua.
  129. Their collapse left independent communities with little choice but to accept become Subjects to the Legion, an arrangement that provided a number of boons that the Settler have long craved for but came at a terrible cost. Their survival was assured, but they were not free.
  131. Sofia was born with her community well under the thumb of the Legion. Her Mother taught her to never meet the eyes of a Legionnaire when the Legion came to town demanding food and other produce from the ranchers. It was a quiet existence , but filled with an ever lurking dread, among the girls of the town horror stories were told about Legionnaires coming to town and demanding every girl of breeding age to become slaves to the Legion and the fate of women from communities and tribes who resisted.
  133. However, as time passed, and even as the Legion´s demands seem unfair and arbitrary, Sofia gre to appreciate the quiet of this life sponsored by Caesar. Her grandfather managed to die of old age, a rare feat anywhere else in the Wasteland, and thing would probably never changed until Villa arrived to her town…
  135. Francisca Villa, an old snake from the Arizona Rangers who never accepted defeat at the hands of “that cock-faced Follower of the Apocalypse” , crossed the border from Mexico with a ragtag warband of former Rangers , Tribal Refugees wanting revenge against the Legion and all the mercenaries the caps Villa´s gang could fork from their raids. This time around the only concern was to hut the Legion, no matter who else suffered along the way.
  137. It was one night, while her mother was serving dinner, that Sofia herd the gunshots coming from outside the House. Her parents barricaded the doors while putting a pistol on her hands, she had enver been keen with Guns, there was no need, the Legion had long destroyed all obvious threats. She little time to delve in these thoughts, or the cold fear she was feeling in her spine, before a cartridge of dynamite blowed up the hastily assembled barricade. When her head stopped spinning, all she could see was the mother on a pool of her own blood, her chest pierced by several bayonets. Her father was brutalized and then hanged before her eyes before the bandits left the House, but not before setting it on fire
  145. Several other Fams and townships were burned to the ground before Villa made way West to apply for NCR. The Legion responded with force and while much of Villa´s Warband was destroyed, their carcasses hanging from crosses in the hills around Phoenix, Villa herself manage to make it to the NCR.
  147. Sofia, with the revolver her parents had given her as the sole heirloom of her family, carved her own path west. Learning the trade of the Bounty Hunter from Mexican Gunslingers across the border. Chasing down the last remnants of the Arizona Rangers, hoping to information of the whereabouts of Villa…to finally set the record straight.
  151. Sofia represents the hardy Frontier spirit present in the many communities that exist of the edge of the Civilized World. He is headstrong and no-nonsense, consumed by the obsession of avenging her family murder. She bears no particular love for the Legion, but she respects the straightforwardness and brutal honesty embodied in it. Arizona was hell on earth before the Legion, their arrival made things better for them. In a world where everything you hold dear can be lost in a blink, she has learned to count her blessing where she has them. Even if it is under the Bull.
  153. In contrast, she believes that organization suchs as the NCR ,and the Rangers she sponsors are inherently rotten, and that “they all go bad eventually” . Villa´s crimes have convinced her that there is an inherent hypocrisy about the “profiligate”, as the Legion puts it, and that attempting to revive the Old World dooms them to failure. This New World needs a new order to tame it, and so far the legion had done a better Job than the Arizona Rangers ever could. If the price for peace is some tribe cannibals becoming Legion, so be it.
  155. However, as she made her way into the West and the cruelty fo the Legion became more and more obvious she cannot but wonder if it is really so. If it was , in fact the Legion who created Monsters like Villa to rise to oppose and innocent folks got caught in the middle. However, as her hunt takes her to the Mojave and the her promised showdown with Villa comes ever closer, perhaps she will get answers to these questions before she even realizes.
  160. *The courier can recruit Sofia in the Big Horn Saloon in Boulder City.
  162. *Sofia grants the Courier the “Arizona Gunslinger” Perk, which increases gun and repair skills, and increases damages with Revolver and lever-Action Guns
  164. *Quest: Ulciscor.
  166. Upon recruitment, Sofia will offer the Courier work by helping her to collect the Bounties of some high profile criminals that have recently excaped into the Mojave. The Courier can inquire about the targets and whose offering the rewards. Sofia explains that the rewards are being offered by the Legion and she would collecting by an old Frumentarius acquaintance of hers. She will mention that theReward will be in Legion Silver and is good money, if they no qualms about working for the Legion.
  168. There will be a total six contracts, all of them former Arizona Rangers, whose badges are required by the Frumentarius as proof of death. Each Target will have dialogue options that will offer insight on the Rangers Decline, the Legion-Ranger War and their relationship with Francisca Villa. Sofia will open up a bit more after each successive contract, her days as Bounty Hunter in mexico, detailing how life in Legion controlled territories is, how the Legion changed Arizona and, eventually, also changed the people who lived there.
  170. Upon arriving at the Sixth Contract, a note will be recovered in the Ranger´s carcass finally revealing Villa´s whereabouts: She is currently hiding in the Casa Madrid Apartments in Westside. The note also will explain the deteriorating physical and mental health of Villa, who lives in perpetual fear of Legion Assasins lurking in every dark corner and how she has been forced to watch everyone she has ever loved met a most grisly end at the hands of the Legion.
  172. Upon finding and confronting Villa, she will recognize Sofia and will ask to have at last word with her. The Courier will have the Choice of either allowing Sofia to kill her outright or having Sofia listen to her. The quest can conclude in two different ways :
  174. *If Sofia killed Villa outright, she will give the Couirier the “Arizona Killer” Perk, which increases accuracy and damage in Vats and provides higher Crit Chance . She will thank the Courier and says that once their business on the Mojave is concluded she will probably return East, try to rebuild the Family´s Ranch, offer “one final insult to Villa and her creeps” by living the rest of days hwo she did before: In peace
  176. She will also reward the courier with “La Vieja y Confiable” a Double Barrelled Shotgun collected from her first kill during her career as Bounty Hunter
  178. *if the Courier convinced Sofia to listen to Villa, Francisca will tell her story to them: That during her Ranger year she fought back against the rampant corruption of the Arizona Rangers, that leaders were starting to listen before the legion attacked. She and her fellow Rangers made their best to protect pacific tribes in Arizona from the Legion and their reward was the scorn of the communities they were sworn to protect.
  180. Her friends and family were crucified or perished in unspeakable pain, in the end the Legion also captured her. She was raped and made a Centurion´s plaything, she wanted to die, but the only she anted more than that was to make the Legion and everyone who supported it suffer, that drive kept her alive…and turned her into a monster.
  182. But the result was no different then, again the comrades and men who trusted her died in torment at the hands of the Legion. She will say that “In the Bible, Legion was this multitude of Demons who inhabited a single body. That was what the Legion has done to me…and to you aswell. It turned us all into demons, unholy monsters in human form. This is their Legacy” She will apologize for what she did to Sofia´s father and that is ready to finally welcome death and to be reunited with her comrades and loved ones, for this World no longer has a palce for her.
  184. Sofia will hesitate, the Courier can insist in her killing her, resulting in the same result as above. But if he advices for Mercy, Sofia will spare Vargas and will offer her cash to “get her ass into the NCR proper” thinking that the Legion will have a harder tiem reaching her there.
  186. When the Courier questions her about her change of heart, Sofia says that Villa is right: As much as she wants to turn a blindside to it, the Legion creates more monsters than it kills and that by sparing Vargas, there will “two monsters less in this World” When asked about the future, she says that she no longer can return east. Not only because the legion would probably kill her for sparing Vargas, but because she could no longer lived the quiet she once enjoyed so much knowing that is payed with so much pain. She says that once their business in the Mojave is concluded she will probably head south to Mexico, where some distant relatives could use her aid.
  189. Alright this are some basic ideas of how I would implement nuanced Character that align with the Legion. I originally had them integrated into an encompassing histories centered around Yuma in Legion territory but first I want to know your thoughts that you have a taste for what I have mind. Please send all feedback you can, ask whatever questions you want, I will answer them as soon as I can.
  191. Also, please bear in mind Im not a native English Speaker, so please excuse if there re some wird sounding sentences and what not.
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