
Poker Pt 1

Dec 4th, 2015
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  1. Dersite_Dealer>30 ===BEGIN===
  2. 18<29Basilisk18> not at all
  3. 18<29Basilisk18> but ill deal
  4. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 fucking
  5. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 asfsd
  6. 18<27Lich18> lol
  7. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ok everyone is IN CHARACter now ok
  8. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ===BEGIN===
  9. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Cigarette smoke fills the air of the backroom.
  10. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Thalix still reels at the sudden teleportation here, but there's no point in losing his calm.
  11. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 He plays the game.
  12. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((im sending out cards now just a sec
  13. 18<27Thalix18> "I gu3ss let's get this start3d"
  14. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((also, assume underlings can speak rudimentarily))
  15. 18* 22JackNoir enters and sits down.
  16. 18<22JackNoir18> "Deal me in."
  17. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 I look at you and send over two cards.
  18. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Left of the dealer is the lich.
  19. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Your bet
  20. 18<27Thalix18> ((where is my pig btw))
  21. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((sitting behind))
  22. 18<27Thalix18> You bet 10 of your child
  23. 18<27Thalix18> chips
  24. 18<29Basilisk18> (( Pfffffff
  25. 18<27Lich18> The lich looks over their cards, stony faced as they place their bet.
  26. 18<27Lich18> 10 chips on the table.
  27. 18* 22JackNoir keeps his pokerface.
  28. 18* 22JackNoir follows the lead of the other two and places 10 in.
  29. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Next is the newcomer.
  30. 18<22JackNoir18> ((i had assumed that))
  31. 18<27Thalix18> (( I already bet))
  32. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((wasnt yo turn kid))
  33. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((next time follow de order))
  34. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The snake's turn.
  35. 18<27Thalix18> Put in 10 chips
  36. 18<22JackNoir18> ((what is the order))
  37. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((itson the doc))
  38. 18<22JackNoir18> ((isnt it lich me/noir basilisk thalix))
  39. 18<22JackNoir18> ((so i did it right))
  40. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((yes))
  41. 18<22JackNoir18> ((oh you were talking to thalix))
  42. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 (( basilisk ))
  43. 18<29Basilisk18> The snake has a name, y'know. Well, it doesn't, but it's not a snake. Nonetheless, the 'snake' as you so disrespectfully call it decides to follow the lead of the others and bets 10/
  44. 18<22JackNoir18> ((ops)
  45. 18<29Basilisk18> ( Hi$$
  46. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The dealer throws out some cards.
  47. 18* 27Thalix Remain. l
  48. 18* 27Thalix Remains calm
  49. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 First an eight of clubs, then a two of hearts and a four of diamonds.
  50. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Lich"
  51. 23* ProcyonDM (~Procyon@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:64da:f6c1:804d:998f23) has joined
  52. 24* 28ProcyonDM is now known as 18Jack_Noir
  53. 18<27Lich18> The Lich holds.
  54. 18* 28Jack_Noir does the same.
  55. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk follows 'suit' and holds, hehe. Puns.
  56. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The dealer looks at you annoyedly.
  57. 18<27Thalix18> ((how did you know your cards??))
  58. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk returns the gaze with an unsettling grin that seems to have been plastered on it's face since it's inception.
  59. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 (( i pm'ed you)
  60. 18<27Thalix18> ((( I see now))
  61. 18* 28Jack_Noir pulls out a knife and begins cleaning his teeth.
  62. 24* JackNoir has quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
  63. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((also, you is henceforth always referring to thalix))
  64. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Whats your name kid"
  65. 18<27Thalix18> "It's uh.. It's Thalix.
  66. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Well make your bet, Thalix."
  67. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "I ain't got all day."
  68. 18<27Thalix18> After saying this Thalix foods
  69. 18<27Thalix18> folds*
  70. 18* 28Jack_Noir snorts
  71. 18<27Thalix18> (((sorry this phone correct everything))
  72. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Hah. Nice move kid."
  73. 18* 28Jack_Noir leans over to the Lich.
  74. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Easy money"
  75. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The dealer lays down another card.
  76. 18<27Lich18> The Lich looks at him silently.
  77. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 It's a two of clubs.
  78. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Hey, dead guy lets go."
  79. 18<27Lich18> The Lich raises to 20
  80. 18* 28Jack_Noir throws his cards on the table.
  81. 18<27Lich18> The Lich looks at him pointedly.
  82. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "What? Not like you were gonna do anything else?"
  83. 18<27Lich18> The Lich simply shrugs.
  84. 18<28Jack_Noir18> it was more of a toss
  85. 18<28Jack_Noir18> like what poker players do
  86. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 (( basilisk))
  87. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Hey. Snake. What's takin so long."
  88. 18<29Basilisk18> (( huh? oh, sorry ))
  89. 18<29Basilisk18> The *BASILISK* holds.
  90. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((cant dog)0
  91. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((lich raised 20))
  92. 18<27Lich18> (psst i raised. you have to match me or fold)
  93. 18<29Basilisk18> In that case, the *BASILISK* who is not a snake, folds.
  94. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Pot to the Lich."
  95. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Ante up."
  96. 18<27Lich18> The Lich hands their cards back face down before taking the pot, then placing its ante on the table.
  97. 18* 28Jack_Noir antes.
  98. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk has troubles with it's cards as it's small 'arms' are not particularly suited for card games, but manages eventually.
  99. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Fucking snakes man."
  100. 18* 27Thalix mockingly hisses
  101. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The dealer looks at you pointedly and says, "Well? You in or out?"
  102. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk glares at Thalix.
  103. 18<27Lich18> Teh Lich shakes its head at such blatant mockery.
  104. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Why is everyone hissing"
  105. 18<27Thalix18> (( I already folded of you are talking to me))
  106. 18<29Basilisk18> The still-not-a-snake hisses at Thalix.
  107. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((next hand kid))
  108. 24* Thalix has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
  109. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 eh
  110. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 shit
  111. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 well i think that was going well
  112. 18<29Basilisk18> (( 0n0
  113. 23* Thalix (Thalix@68-113-152-133.static.ftwo.tx.charter.com23) has joined
  114. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Next hand. Ante in or out."
  115. 18<27Thalix18> (((sorry sorry sorry))
  116. 18<27Thalix18> Match the bet
  117. 18* 28Jack_Noir gestures with his knife to his ante.
  118. 18<27Thalix18> Match
  119. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30deals
  120. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Noir. You're quite the celebrity."
  121. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "You first."
  122. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Am?" I grin
  123. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I"I check."
  124. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Basilisk."
  125. 22* 26Dersite_Dealer has changed the topic to: guys the order is LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH, in whatever order at the time
  126. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk holds, even though holding is still the most frustrating thing ever with these god-damned arms
  127. 18<27Thalix18> ((( what are the new cards I left before seeing them))
  128. 18<27Lich18> The Lich assumes this means everyone has placed their ante and the new cards can be placed on the table.
  129. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((check pms))
  130. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((no new cards yet, we're still in the pre-card phase))
  131. 18<27Thalix18> ((( no the new three))
  132. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The dealer tosses out the cards, casually yet perfectly.
  133. 18<27Thalix18> ((( oh ok sorry))
  134. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Two nines, one of hearts and one of clubs and a two of spades.
  135. 18<29Basilisk18> (( someone nat 20'd their sleight of hand roll ))
  136. 18<27Thalix18> ((( I could so do that))
  137. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((if any of you guys want to try that, go ahead basilisk has disadvantage due to shitty hands))
  138. 18<29Basilisk18> (( waow
  139. 18<27Thalix18> ((It's 1d20+DEC right?))
  140. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((yes))
  141. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((surely jack has some kind of feat for that))
  142. 18<27Thalix18> (( what would attempting even accom.
  143. 18<27Thalix18> plish))
  144. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Noir. Bet?"
  145. 18* 28Jack_Noir measures out and puts in 10 chips.
  146. 18<29Basilisk18> The still-not-a-snake-i-swear-to-fucking-god folds
  147. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ===alert===
  148. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 everyone please roll perception
  149. 18<27Thalix18> !roll 1d20+2
  150. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Thalix rolled1,15 1d20+2 12,15[ 1d20=8 ]4,15{10}
  151. 18<28Jack_Noir18> rill 1d20
  152. 18<27Lich18> !roll d20
  153. 18<28Jack_Noir18> !roll 1d20
  154. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Lich rolled1,15 d20 12,15[ 1d20=8 ]4,15{8}
  155. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Jack_Noir rolled1,15 1d20 12,15[ 1d20=7 ]4,15{7}
  156. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 basilisk whatchu doin
  157. 18<29Basilisk18> roll 1d20
  158. 18<29Basilisk18> (( i was checking if basilisks had any wis
  159. 18<29Basilisk18> !roll 1d20
  160. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Basilisk rolled1,15 1d20 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{14}
  161. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ==continue playing==
  162. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Thalix's turn.
  163. 18<29Basilisk18> ominous
  164. 18<27Lich18> Lich no longer knows what round we're on.
  165. 18<25Archive18> [Round two. On the table: 9 of Hearts, 9 of Clubs, 2 of Spades. Basilisk has golded, Jack placed 10 chips]
  166. 22* 26Dersite_Dealer has changed the topic to: LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH Table cards: 9 clubs, 9 hearts, 2 spades
  167. 18<25Archive18> ((Folded* bluh))
  168. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((thanks archive))
  169. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Hey. Player kid. Get betting or get folding."
  170. 18<29Basilisk18> (( Thalix 0n0
  171. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  172. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I bet
  173. 18<27Thalix18> or March bet or whatever I need to do
  174. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Finally. Lich?"
  175. 18<27Lich18> Lich holds
  176. 18<28Jack_Noir18> you can do that
  177. 18<28Jack_Noir18> cant*
  178. 18<27Lich18> Did somebody raise another 10?
  179. 18<28Jack_Noir18> i did
  180. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ==+ALERT+==
  181. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 roll perception again people
  182. 18<29Basilisk18> !roll 1d20
  183. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Basilisk rolled1,15 1d20 12,15[ 1d20=4 ]4,15{4}
  184. 18<27Lich18> !roll d20
  185. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Lich rolled1,15 d20 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{14}
  186. 18<28Jack_Noir18> !roll 1d20+1
  187. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Jack_Noir rolled1,15 1d20+1 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{15}
  188. 18<27Thalix18> !roll 1d20+2
  189. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Thalix rolled1,15 1d20+2 12,15[ 1d20=19 ]4,15{21}
  190. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ===Resume playing===
  191. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Good shit."
  192. 18<27Lich18> Lich matches
  193. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30lays down a 7 of Spades.
  194. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((what about the basilisk?))
  195. 22* 26Dersite_Dealer has changed the topic to: LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH Table cards: 9 clubs, 9 hearts, 2 spades, 7 of spades
  196. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((basi folded))
  197. 18<29Basilisk18> (Basilisk folded)
  198. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((with perception))
  199. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((he was first, rolled a 4))
  200. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((oh oops))
  201. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((nicely done me))
  202. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((your bet btw))
  203. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I bet another 10
  204. 18<27Thalix18> Match the bet
  205. 18<27Lich18> Lich raises another 40
  206. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I match.
  207. 18<27Thalix18> Match
  208. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Now it's getting interesting."
  209. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Last card."
  210. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30lays down a 4 of clubs.
  211. 22* 26Dersite_Dealer has changed the topic to: LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH Table cards: 9 clubs, 9 hearts, 2 spades, 7 of spades, 4 of clubs
  212. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Any bets before we show'em?"
  213. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Another 10." I toss another
  214. 18<27Thalix18> Match
  215. 18<27Lich18> Lich folds.
  216. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I grunt.
  217. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Show'em.
  218. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I show.
  219. 18<27Thalix18> Show
  220. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((read your cards damnit i dont wanna scroll for both of you.
  221. 18<27Thalix18> A 10 and an 8
  222. 18<28Jack_Noir18> 9spades and 10clubs
  223. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "ha ha."
  224. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Three of nines takes it kid."
  225. 18<27Thalix18> 10 hearts 8 spades
  226. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "good luck next time kiddo"
  227. 18<27Thalix18> (((why have you forsaken me))
  228. 18* 28Jack_Noir rakes in all the cash
  229. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((heart of the cards mate.))
  230. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Antes."
  231. 18<27Lich18> Lich antes up
  232. 18* 28Jack_Noir complies
  233. 18<27Thalix18> (( if I got a six man I would be rolling in money))
  234. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk looks up when it notices the round has ended, and follows suit with the others to join in.
  235. 18<27Thalix18> Antes up as well
  236. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Nice and prompt.
  237. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Any more bets?
  238. 18<27Thalix18> Raise by 5
  239. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk raises by 10.
  240. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "out of turn, basilisk."
  241. 18<29Basilisk18> (( huh.
  242. 18<27Lich18> Lich matchs
  243. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I follow suit.
  244. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Now you"
  245. 18<29Basilisk18> NOW can I raise by 10?
  246. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((yes))
  247. 18<29Basilisk18> I do so
  248. 18<27Thalix18> Match (((current bet 25?))
  249. 18<27Lich18> MAtch
  250. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Noir, you in?"
  251. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Eh."
  252. 18* 28Jack_Noir tosses.
  253. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30nods.
  254. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Eight of hearts, Eight of spades, Jack of spades.
  255. 22* 26Dersite_Dealer has changed the topic to: LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH Table cards: Eight of hearts, Eight of spades, Jack of spades.
  256. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisks grin somehow manages to widen even further from it's already unnatural look.
  257. 18<27Lich18> (is snek turn)
  258. 18<29Basilisk18> The Snek raises 10 '
  259. 18<29Basilisk18> who is
  260. 18<29Basilisk18> still not
  261. 18<29Basilisk18> a snake.
  262. 18<29Basilisk18> for fucks sake.
  263. 18<27Thalix18> Match and Raise by 10
  264. 18<27Lich18> Lich folds
  265. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk stares at Thalix with an unearthly grin.
  266. 18* 27Thalix stares back with the same level of unearthly grim0
  267. 18<29Basilisk18> !roll 1d20 for grin-ness
  268. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Basilisk rolled1,15 1d20 1,15for grin-ness 12,15[ 1d20=15 ]4,15{15}
  269. 18<27Thalix18> (((grin goddamnIt
  270. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Not to break up this strange love-fest, but do you match kid?"
  271. 18<29Basilisk18> (( Me
  272. 18<29Basilisk18> (( You need to keep consistent with who you're calling who as Thalix is a kid and i am an snake monster
  273. 18<29Basilisk18> (( who isnt a snake
  274. 18<29Basilisk18> If me then yes
  275. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((thalix))
  276. 18<27Thalix18> Match and Raise by 10
  277. 18<27Thalix18> I did that a second ago
  278. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((wait yeah its basilisk im sorry))
  279. 18<29Basilisk18> I match ,and raise another ten.
  280. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((im gonna go the the bathroom
  281. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((alex, deal for a bit
  282. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((yoiu can edit the doc))
  283. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((dont know everyone's cards))
  284. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((ok, thalix's turn again
  285. 18<27Thalix18> ((is it just me and basilisk?))
  286. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((yes))
  287. 18<27Thalix18> Raise by 5
  288. 18<29Basilisk18> Basilisk matches.
  289. 18<27Thalix18> Raise by 15
  290. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Next card: Jack of clubs
  291. 22* 26Dersite_Dealer has changed the topic to: LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH Table cards: Eight of hearts, Eight of spades, Jack of spades, Jack of clubs
  292. 18<27Thalix18> Raise by 35
  293. 18<27Thalix18> (( in total raised by 50))
  294. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk matches, and raises 10.
  295. 18<27Thalix18> Matches
  296. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Last card."
  297. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Big pot."
  298. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Three of Spades
  299. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Last bets?
  300. 18<27Thalix18> Raise by 20
  301. 18<27Thalix18> ((hehehehehehehehehehehehehe))
  302. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk matches, and raises another ten.
  303. 18<25Archive18> ((wellthatescelatedquickly.jpg))
  304. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((not enough chips yo))
  305. 18<27Thalix18> Matches and Thalix also smirks
  306. 18<29Basilisk18> (lol.)
  307. 18<27Thalix18> "le4rn your lim1ts man"
  308. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The Basilisk is ALL IN.
  309. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Hah. Show your cards, reptile.
  310. 18<27Thalix18> Thalix goes all in even better
  311. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((no point))
  312. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((not gonna bother lol))
  313. 18<27Thalix18> (( I know))
  314. 18<27Thalix18> (((just gotta one up him))
  315. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk, his bluff called, places down the King, and the Four of Hearts.
  316. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Shit."
  317. 18<29Basilisk18> youtried.mov
  318. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30laughs.
  319. 18<27Thalix18> "HAH!"
  320. 18<27Thalix18> ((fuckin full house and 4 of a kind))
  321. 18<29Basilisk18> (( Jesus fucking christ
  322. 18<25Archive18> ((root and branch, how did you manage that?))
  323. 24* Dersite_Dealer has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  324. 20* Disconnected (20Remote host closed socket)
  325. 19* Now talking on 22#rpgstuck_backroom
  326. 22* Topic for 22#rpgstuck_backroom is: LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH Table cards: Eight of hearts, Eight of spades, Jack of spades, Jack of clubs
  327. 22* Topic for 22#rpgstuck_backroom set by 26Dersite_Dealer!~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:78a6:cc54:ca1a:35d2 (24Thu Dec 03 22:19:22 2015)
  328. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Odd.
  329. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Thalix takes the hand.
  330. 20* Disconnected (20)
  331. 19* Now talking on 22#rpgstuck_backroom
  332. 22* Topic for 22#rpgstuck_backroom is: LICH=>NOIR=>BASILISK=>THALIX=>LICH Table cards: Eight of hearts, Eight of spades, Jack of spades, Jack of clubs
  333. 22* Topic for 22#rpgstuck_backroom set by 26Dersite_Dealer!~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:78a6:cc54:ca1a:35d2 (24Thu Dec 03 22:19:22 2015)
  334. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The Basilisk is out. Two empty spaces around the table now.
  335. 18<29Basilisk18> The Basilisk uses it's fire breath to burn the cards.
  336. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 !roll 1d20+3
  337. 19<`DICE> 1,15Dersite_Dealer rolled1,15 1d20+3 12,15[ 1d20=20 ]4,15{23}
  338. 18<27Lich18> The Lich uses telekinesis to float the basilisk out of the room first.
  339. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 The dealer pins the basilisk to the wall with 4 knives.
  340. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Don't fuck up my cards asshole."
  341. 18<29Basilisk18> tool ate
  342. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 He takes out another set of cards.
  343. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Three left."
  344. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Antes?"
  345. 24* Basilisk has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  346. 18* 28Jack_Noir laughs and pulls out another knife.
  347. 18<27Thalix18> ((shit))
  348. 18* 28Jack_Noir antes.
  349. 18* 27Thalix laughs shyly
  350. 18<27Thalix18> Antes
  351. 18* 28Jack_Noir tries to balance the knives on top of each other.
  352. 18<28Jack_Noir18> !roll 1d20+2 dex
  353. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Jack_Noir rolled1,15 1d20+2 1,15dex 12,15[ 1d20=9 ]4,15{11}
  354. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 They stay up for a bit, then wobble and fall.
  355. 18<27Thalix18> Make a house of cards using your weapons
  356. 18<27Thalix18> !roll 1d20+4
  357. 18<25`DICE18> 1,15Thalix rolled1,15 1d20+4 12,15[ 1d20=8 ]4,15{12}
  358. 18<27Lich18> Lich places their ante, watching the shenanigans.
  359. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Thalix makes a one-story house of cards.
  360. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Heres your actual card kid."
  361. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Bets?"
  362. 18<27Thalix18> Raise by 5
  363. 18<27Lich18> Lich matches
  364. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Eh." I'll check.
  365. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((lol))
  366. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 (( match or fold))
  367. 18<27Thalix18> ((checking brings back to you))
  368. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((oops))
  369. 18<28Jack_Noir18> Ill see the bet'
  370. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ""*
  371. 18<27Thalix18> While Noir decides his bet, Thalix slips away to loot the basilisk stapled to the wall
  372. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30shakes his head and deals.
  373. 18* 28Jack_Noir leans over and chuckles.
  374. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "That grist starved kid?"
  375. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 3 of diamonds, 7 of hearts, ace of hearts
  376. 29* #rpgstuck_backroom :You're not a channel operator
  377. 18<27Thalix18> "heh hav3nt ev3n gott3n any
  378. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  379. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "None?"
  380. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "weak"
  381. 18<27Thalix18> "well the damn imps didn't giv3 any"
  382. 18<27Lich18> Lich raises to 30
  383. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Tsk."
  384. 18* 28Jack_Noir folds again.
  385. 18<27Thalix18> Match
  386. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 7 of diamonds
  387. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  388. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Lich?"
  389. 18<27Lich18> Lich raises another 10
  390. 18<27Thalix18> Matches
  391. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 6 of clubs
  392. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 No wit escapes the Dealer.
  393. 18<27Thalix18> (((Double Doubles))
  394. 18<27Thalix18> ((damn phone auto correct))
  395. 18<27Lich18> Lich holds
  396. 18<27Thalix18> Holds
  397. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Show."
  398. 18<27Lich18> Ace of diamonds and 9 of hearts
  399. 18<27Thalix18> 3 of hearts 8 of spades
  400. 18<27Thalix18> (((does double pair go above single Ace pair?))
  401. 18<27Thalix18> ((nevermind))
  402. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Two pair for both. Lich has higher pair."
  403. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Pot to the lich."
  404. 18<27Lich18> Lich takes the pot smugly.
  405. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "One of theses chips a phylactery?"
  406. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Antes."
  407. 18<27Lich18> Lich antes up
  408. 18<27Thalix18> Thalix Antes up
  409. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Noir?"
  410. 18* 28Jack_Noir does so
  411. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30deals.
  412. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Bets?"
  413. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  414. 18<27Lich18> Hold
  415. 18<28Jack_Noir18> Hold
  416. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Exciting."
  417. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 3 of hearts, 6 of spades, queen of hearts
  418. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "The lovely lady, out to play."
  419. 18<27Thalix18> Raise by 5
  420. 18<27Lich18> Lich folds
  421. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I call
  422. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Jack of clubs
  423. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  424. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I raise 10
  425. 18<27Thalix18> Match
  426. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "The king of hearts, to join his queen."
  427. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 King of hearts.
  428. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I hold
  429. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  430. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Well if you're both going to be boring, show your cards."
  431. 18<27Thalix18> 4 club 2 heart
  432. 18<28Jack_Noir18> 3 club 8 dia
  433. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Both with shit.
  434. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Noir wins. With shit."
  435. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Best kind of win
  436. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Heres all 60 grist kid."
  437. 18<27Thalix18> (( me?))
  438. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Ante up gentlemen. And jack noir."
  439. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((no noir im bad.))
  440. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Thankya"
  441. 18<27Thalix18> Thalix Antes up
  442. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I do so.
  443. 18<27Lich18> Lich antes up
  444. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((im gonna go to sleep soon.
  445. 18<27Thalix18> (((yeah me too))
  446. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 ((last hand for today?))
  447. 18<27Thalix18> ((yeah))
  448. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Bets, bets bets."
  449. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  450. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "I bet 30"
  451. 18<27Thalix18> Match
  452. 18<27Lich18> Match
  453. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Jack of Hearts, 8 of spades, 9 of spades
  454. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  455. 18<27Lich18> Raise 30
  456. 18<27Thalix18> Thalix sighs and matches
  457. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Noir?"
  458. 18<27Thalix18> "you gonn4 go or what"
  459. 18<28Jack_Noir18> "Eh"
  460. 18<28Jack_Noir18> I fold again
  461. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Moving on."
  462. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Ace of hearts
  463. 18<28Jack_Noir18> ((im heading to sleep)
  464. 24* Jack_Noir (~Procyon@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:64da:f6c1:804d:998f24) has left (Leaving)
  465. 18<27Lich18> Lich raises another 30
  466. 18<27Thalix18> Matches again
  467. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Big bets."
  468. 20* Dersite_Dealer 30nods approvingly.
  469. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 7 of hearts
  470. 18<27Thalix18> Hold
  471. 18<27Lich18> Raises 30 once more
  472. 18<27Thalix18> Matches for the last time
  473. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Good shit."
  474. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Show them."
  475. 18<27Thalix18> Ace club 2 heart
  476. 18<27Lich18> Ace of diamonds and Jack of clubs
  477. 18<27Thalix18> son of a bitch
  478. 18<27Lich18> Aw yiss
  479. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 j <3, 8 ><3, 9 spades, ace hearts, 7 hearts
  480. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 Looks like it's higher pair for lich.
  481. 20<Dersite_Dealer>30 "Pot to lich."
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