Guest User


a guest
Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. <configuration xmlns="">
  2. <configSections>
  3. </configSections>
  4. <system.web>
  5. <!--
  6. If you want to see error from a remote host:
  7. -->
  8. <!--
  9. <customErrors mode="Off"/>
  10. -->
  11. <!--
  12. If you want a custom error page.
  13. -->
  14. <!-- <customErrors mode="On" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite" defaultRedirect="~/error.html" /> -->
  15. <!--
  16. <customErrors mode="On">
  17. <error statusCode="404" redirect="error404.html" />
  18. </customErrors>
  19. -->
  20. <!--
  21. BugTracker.NET is not compatible with Session serialization.
  22. Timeout session after 120 minutes
  23. -->
  24. <sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="120"/>
  25. <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
  26. <assemblies>
  27. <add assembly="System.DirectoryServices.Protocols, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/>
  28. <add assembly="System.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/>
  29. <add assembly="System.Runtime.Remoting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/></assemblies>
  30. </compilation>
  31. <pages validateRequest="true" controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID"/>
  32. <!--
  33. If you are changing maxRequestLength, you probably also want to change MaxUploadSize below. maxRequestLength is in KB. MaxUploadSize is in bytes.
  34. -->
  35. <!--
  36. <httpRuntime executionTimeout="110" maxRequestLength="51200"/>
  37. or... if you are using .NET 4.0, see
  38. -->
  39. <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" executionTimeout="110" maxRequestLength="51200"/>
  41. <!-- for my testing <globalization culture="de-DE" uiCulture="en-US" /> -->
  43. </system.web>
  44. <>
  45. <!-- deliveryMethod Specifies the delivery method for e-mails. Acceptable values are network, pickupDirectoryFromIis, and specifiedPickupDirectory. -->
  46. <!-- what I use for testing - emails just go into the folder and don't get sent. You probably don't want this setting. -->
  47. <mailSettings>
  48. <smtp deliveryMethod="specifiedPickupDirectory">
  49. <specifiedPickupDirectory pickupDirectoryLocation="C:\temp\pickup"/>
  50. </smtp>
  51. </mailSettings>
  52. <!-- These settings work for me for GMail -->
  53. <!--
  54. <mailSettings>
  55. <smtp>
  56. <network
  57. host="" enableSsl="true" ... />
  58. port="587"
  59. userName="it@***"
  60. password="***"
  61. />
  62. </smtp>
  63. </mailSettings>
  64. -->
  65. <!-- These settings work for my demo site hosted at GoDaddy -->
  66. <!--
  67. <mailSettings>
  68. <smtp>
  69. <network
  70. host=""
  71. port="25"
  72. userName=""
  73. password="MY PASSWORD"
  74. />
  75. </smtp>
  76. </mailSettings>
  77. -->
  78. <!-- These settings do NOT for me for sbcglobal acct because of the issue here: -->
  79. <!--
  80. <mailSettings>
  81. <smtp>
  82. <network
  83. host=""
  84. port="465"
  85. userName=""
  86. password="MY PASSWORD"
  87. />
  88. </smtp>
  89. </mailSettings>
  90. -->
  91. </>
  92. <appSettings>
  93. <!--
  95. ********* QUICK START *************
  97. If you want to get started quickly, then just change the following
  98. and then try to log in:
  100. ConnectionString
  101. AbsouteUrlPrefix
  103. After you can log in and create a bug, then you probably want to
  104. set up the email integration. Set up the following:
  106. ErrorEmailTo
  107. ErrorEmailFrom
  109. NotificationEmailEnabled
  110. NotificationEmailFrom
  112. And your SMTP settings below.
  114. -->
  115. <!--
  116. Change this to point to your database
  117. -->
  118. <add key="ConnectionString" value="server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;database=btnet;user id=sa;password=***;Trusted_Connection=no;"/>
  119. <!--
  120. Used when creating absolute href's. For example, in notification emails.
  121. Don't forget trailing slash!.
  122. -->
  123. <add key="AbsoluteUrlPrefix" value="http://TicketSRV/btnet/"/>
  124. <!--
  125. You can turn the logging and emailing of errors on and off.
  126. Log file name is "btnet_log_yyyy_mm_dd.txt"
  128. For the LogFileFolder setting, if you specify the folder starting with a
  129. drive letter or the \\ that indicates a UNC path, it's treated as a full path.
  130. For example: c:\\something or \\somemachine\something
  132. Otherwise it's treated as a path relative to where you virtual directory is
  133. located.
  135. LogEnabled turns on and off logging as a whole.
  136. LogSqlEnabled turns on and off just the logging of SQL statements, but
  137. that's about 98% of what gets logged, so if you want to reduce the
  138. volume, turn that off.
  140. -->
  141. <add key="LogEnabled" value="1"/>
  142. <add key="LogSqlEnabled" value="1"/>
  143. <add key="LogFileFolder" value="App_Data\logs"/>
  144. <!-- If BugTracker.NET itself experiences an error, it can send an email notification -->
  145. <add key="ErrorEmailEnabled" value="1"/>
  146. <add key="ErrorEmailTo" value=""/>
  147. <add key="ErrorEmailFrom" value=""/>
  148. <!--
  149. You can "subscribe" to email notifications on a per-bug basis.
  150. You will receive an email whenever the bug is updated.
  153. -->
  154. <add key="NotificationEmailEnabled" value="1"/>
  155. <!--
  156. Just demo'ing here how to make the email address friendlier:
  157. <add key="NotificationEmailFrom" value="&quot;Customer Support&quot;&lt;;"/>
  158. -->
  159. <add key="NotificationEmailFrom" value="it@***"/>
  160. <!--
  161. This controls the format of the subject of the email notifications.
  162. The available variables are:
  163. $THING$ - from the "SingularBugLabel" setting
  164. $BUGID$
  165. $ACTION$ - added or changed
  166. $SHORTDESC$
  167. $PROJECT$
  168. $CATEGORY$
  170. $PRIORITY$
  171. $STATUS$
  172. $TRACKINGID$ - from the "TrackingIdString" setting
  173. $ASSIGNED_TO$
  174. -->
  175. <add key="NotificationSubjectFormat" value="$THING$:$BUGID$ was $ACTION$ - $SHORTDESC$ $TRACKINGID$"/>
  176. <!--
  177. Ignore this setting unless you are experiencing violations of Medium Trust when sending email
  178. on a shared host due to ConfigurationManager permission. Use this to specify whether to send
  179. emails via SSL or not.
  180. -->
  181. <!--
  182. <add key="SmtpForceSsl" value="1"/>
  183. -->
  184. <!--
  185. Ignore this setting unless you are esperiencing the symptoms
  186. related to this:
  187. -->
  188. <!--
  189. <add key="SmtpForceReplaceOfBareLineFeeds" value="1"/>
  190. -->
  191. <!--
  192. Dates fetched by the datepicker popup are formatted
  193. using the following specifiers.
  195. Set the second to your local date format without time
  197. The format can be combinations of the following:
  198. d - day of month (no leading zero)
  199. dd - day of month (two digit)
  200. D - day name short
  201. DD - day name long
  202. m - month of year (no leading zero)
  203. mm - month of year (two digit)
  204. M - month name short
  205. MM - month name long
  206. y - year (two digit)
  207. yy - year (four digit)
  210. -->
  211. <add key="DatepickerDateFormat" value="yy-mm-dd"/>
  212. <!--
  213. These settings control how dates are displayed in the
  214. web pages. It's not a perfect scheme, but the logic
  215. tries to display both the date and the time when that
  216. seems to be the right thing, and just the date, without
  217. the time, when that seems to be the right thing.
  219. See "Custom Date and Time Format Strings" for the .NET
  220. System.DateTime for the format specifiers you can use:
  222. -->
  223. <!-- American style -->
  224. <add key="DateTimeFormat" value="yyyy-MM-dd h:mm tt"/>
  225. <add key="JustDateFormat" value="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
  226. <!-- European style
  227. <add key="DateTimeFormat" value="dd.MM.yy HH:mm" />
  228. -->
  229. <!--
  230. This is used to convert the datetime into the format
  231. expected by SQL Server.
  233. Format SQL Server expects the dates to be in
  234. This doesn't affect what user sees on web pages.
  235. <add key="SQLServerDateFormat" value="yyyyMMdd HH\:mm\:ss"/>
  236. -->
  237. <!--
  238. If category/project/status/priority are not enough bug attributes
  239. for you, here's one more that you can name yourself.
  241. This is just one of the ways, a simple way, of creating
  242. custom fields. For more info, visit
  244. -->
  245. <add key="ShowUserDefinedBugAttribute" value="0"/>
  246. <add key="UserDefinedBugAttributeName" value="YourAttribute"/>
  247. <!--
  248. This controls whether entries are inserted into the bug_history table
  249. when the user changes description, category, priority, assigned to. or status.
  250. -->
  251. <add key="TrackBugHistory" value="1"/>
  252. <!--
  253. When per-project permission is not specified, what is the permission?
  254. 3 = "reporter" allow adds but after bug is added, only allow posting of additional comments
  255. 2 = allow everything
  256. 1 = allow view only
  257. 0 = hide
  258. -->
  259. <add key="DefaultPermissionLevel" value="2"/>
  260. <!--
  262. Set WindowsAuthentication to "1" if you want to use
  263. windows authentication instead of the logon page.
  265. 1) Configure your IIS virtual directory so that anon
  266. access is unchecked and windows authentication is checked
  268. 2) Configure IE to automatically send username and
  269. password
  271. 3) Usernames in users table should match your
  272. windows usernames. Passwords in users table will be
  273. ignored.
  275. If you want BOTH modes to work, set "WindowsAuthentication"
  276. to "2".
  278. Configure your IIS virtual directory as normal (allowing
  279. anon access). Follow these instrunctions for the file "loginnt.aspx":
  281. * From IIS Manager, right-click the file loginnt.aspx and select properties
  282. * Select the Security tab
  283. * Click Edit in the Anonymous Access and Authentication frame
  284. * Ensure Anonymous Access and Basic Authentication is cleared
  285. * Ensure Integrated Windows Authentication is selected
  286. * Click OK
  287. * Select the Custom Errors tab
  288. * Select HTTP Error 401;2 and click Edit Properties
  289. * Set the message type to File and select the file login.htm, including the full local path. (Note that this must be a file reference and not a URL)
  291. The idea is that when the user access default.aspx, it redirects to loginnt.aspx.
  292. When access to loginnt.aspx is denied, IIS resonds with the custom error login.htm.
  293. Login.htm then redirects to default.aspx.
  295. -->
  296. <add key="WindowsAuthentication" value="0"/>
  297. <!--
  298. You can have BugTracker.NET check the user's password using an LDAP server instead of
  299. checking it in the database. You still have to create a BugTracker.NET user. It's only
  300. the password that get's checked.
  302. To use LDAP, set AuthenticateUsingLdap to 1 and enter the appropriate distinguished name.
  303. The $REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$ gets replaced with the username that's typed in by the user
  304. when he tries to log on.
  306. The LDAP auth type used when checking users' passwords using LDAP.
  307. Choices are:
  308. Anonymous
  309. Basic
  310. Negotiate
  311. Ntlm
  312. Digest
  313. Sicily
  314. Dpa
  315. Msn
  316. External
  317. Kerberos
  319. For details, see:
  321. -->
  322. <add key="AuthenticateUsingLdap" value="0"/>
  323. <!--
  324. These values worked for me when I tested with OpenLDAP
  325. -->
  326. <!--
  327. <add key="LdapServer" value="TicketSRV"/>
  328. <add key="LdapUserDistinguishedName" value="uid=$REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$,ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com"/>
  329. <add key="LdapAuthType" value="Basic"/>
  330. -->
  331. <!--
  332. There's a special user in the database, "guest". Think of it as a user account that can
  333. be shared by several people. The guest user can't save settings and can't save searches.
  334. If "AllowGuestWithoutLogin" is set to "0", and if you set the guest user to active,
  335. then the guest user still has to login with a password. If set to "1", then the guest
  336. user doesn't need to even enter a password. Instead, a link will appear on the login page,
  337. default.aspx, saying:
  339. Continue as "guest" without logging in
  341. You can control the per-project permissions of the guest user in the same way as other
  342. users EXCEPT that even if you give the guest user permissions beyond View Only and Reporter,
  343. the system will automatically reduce his permissions downward.
  344. -->
  345. <add key="AllowGuestWithoutLogin" value="0"/>
  346. <!--
  347. If you have windows security turned on, and if you set
  348. EnableWindowsUserAutoRegistration to "1", then windows users will be
  349. automatically added to the BugTracker.NET database as users.
  351. The new user will be a clone of the user specified in
  352. WindowsUserAutoRegistrationUserTemplate
  353. -->
  354. <add key="EnableWindowsUserAutoRegistration" value="0"/>
  355. <!--
  357. When creating a new user as a result of a auto-registration
  358. use an existing user's settings, permissions, etc as a template
  359. for the new user
  361. -->
  362. <add key="WindowsUserAutoRegistrationUserTemplate" value="guest"/>
  363. <add key="EnableWindowsUserAutoRegistrationLdapSearch" value="0"/>
  364. <!--
  365. Configure how you want BugTracker.NET to search LDAP for a new user's info.
  366. In the examples below, BugTracker.NET logic will replace the "$REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$" part
  367. with the user who is visiting the BugTracker.NET website for the first time.
  369. Replace "mycompany" with your company's domain.
  370. Replace "ExampleUsername" with the username IIS needs to use to connect to your AD or LDAP. And replace the password, of course.
  371. The tricy parts are "LdapDirectoryEntryAuthenticationType" and the parts that vary if your schema varies.
  373. Authentication types are as follows:
  374. None
  375. Secure
  376. Encryption
  377. SecureSocketsLayer
  378. ReadonlyServer
  379. Anonymous
  380. FastBind
  381. Signing
  382. Sealing
  383. Delegation
  384. ServerBind
  385. For details, see:
  388. -->
  389. <!--
  390. These values worked for me when I tested with OpenLDAP
  391. -->
  392. <!--
  393. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPath" value="LDAP://TicketSRV/DC=mycompany,DC=com" />
  394. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryAuthenticationType" value="Anonymous" />
  395. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryUsername" value="" />
  396. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPassword" value="" />
  397. <add key="LdapDirectorySearcherFilter" value="(uid=$REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$)" />
  398. <add key="LdapFirstName" value="gn" />
  399. <add key="LdapLastName" value="sn" />
  400. <add key="LdapEmail" value="mail" />
  401. <add key="LdapEmailSigniture" value="cn" />
  402. -->
  403. <!--
  404. These values worked for me when I tested with Microsoft "ADAM" on another machine
  405. -->
  406. <!--
  407. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPath" value="LDAP://,DC=com" />
  408. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryAuthenticationType" value="None" />
  409. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryUsername" value="cn=ExampleUsername,ou=people,dc=mycompany,dc=com" />
  410. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPassword" value="PASSWORD GOES HERE" />
  411. <add key="LdapDirectorySearcherFilter" value="(uid=$REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$)" />
  412. <add key="LdapFirstName" value="givenName" />
  413. <add key="LdapLastName" value="sn" />
  414. <add key="LdapEmail" value="mail" />
  415. <add key="LdapEmailSigniture" value="cn" />
  416. -->
  418. <!--
  419. "bhawkins" reported in the forum that these settings worked for his place.
  420. -->
  421. <!--
  422. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPath" value="LDAP://DC=mycompany,DC=com" />
  423. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryAuthenticationType" value="Secure" />
  424. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryUsername" value="CN=ExampleUsername,OU=Service account,OU=Admin Service,DC=mycompany,DC=com" />
  425. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPassword" value="PASSWORD GOES HERE" />
  426. <add key="LdapDirectorySearcherFilter" value="sAMAccountName=$REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$" />
  427. <add key="LdapFirstName" value="givenname" />
  428. <add key="LdapLastName" value="sn" />
  429. <add key="LdapEmail" value="mail" />
  430. <add key="LdapEmailSigniture" value="cn" />
  431. -->
  433. <!-- "th" reported that this worked -->
  434. <!--
  435. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPath" value="LDAP://servername/DC=mycompany,DC=local" />
  436. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryAuthenticationType" value="ReadonlyServer" />
  437. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryUsername" value="CN=ExampleUsername,CN=users,DC=mycompany,DC=local" />
  438. <add key="LdapDirectoryEntryPassword" value="PASSWORD GOES HERE" />
  439. <add key="LdapDirectorySearcherFilter" value="sAMAccountName=$REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME$" />
  440. <add key="LdapFirstName" value="givenname" />
  441. <add key="LdapLastName" value="sn" />
  442. <add key="LdapEmail" value="mail" />
  443. <add key="LdapEmailSigniture" value="cn" />
  444. -->
  446. <!--
  447. TextArea for Custom fields
  448. This setting is used to format custom defined fields. If a field is greater than TextAreaThreshold, it will be
  449. displayed as a TextArea instead of a normal Input control. The number of rows in the TextArea is
  450. determined by dividing the field length by TextAreaThreshold up to a maximum value indicated by MaxTextAreaRows.
  451. -->
  452. <add key="TextAreaThreshold" value="80"/>
  453. <add key="MaxTextAreaRows" value="3"/>
  454. <!--
  455. Some folks don't like the word "bug". These next four settings allow you to
  456. override the text of the logo and the word bugs.
  457. -->
  458. <add key="AppTitle" value="BugTracker.NET"/>
  459. <add key="SingularBugLabel" value="bug"/>
  460. <add key="PluralBugLabel" value="bugs"/>
  461. <!-- customize marker for creating hyperlinks in bug comments -->
  462. <add key="BugLinkMarker" value="bugid#"/>
  463. <!--
  464. In dropdowns featuring users, do you want to see the logon names or their full names, in
  465. "LastName, FirstName" format?
  467. If you set this to "1", for the user-related filter dropdowns to work, you will also
  468. have to adjust your SQL that you use for the bug lists. Your SQL will need to end
  469. up with parts of it looking something like this. The names of the columns must
  470. be "reported by" and "assigned to" because the logic that creates the filter dropdowns
  471. looks for those names.
  473. ~
  474. ~
  475. rpt.us_lastname + ', ' + rpt.us_firstname [reported by],
  476. asg.us_lastname + ', ' + asg.us_firstname [assigned to],
  477. ~
  478. ~
  479. left outer join users rpt ...
  480. left outer join users asg...
  483. -->
  484. <add key="UseFullNames" value="0"/>
  485. <!--
  486. In edit_bug.aspx, you can have your own link appear:
  487. <a href="your_url.aspx?bugid=...">YOUR LINK</a>
  489. You have to HTML encode any HTML tags embedded here.
  491. -->
  492. <!--
  493. <add key="CustomBugLinkLabel" value="YOUR LINK"/>
  494. <add key="CustomBugLinkUrl" value="your_url.aspx"/>
  495. -->
  496. <!--
  497. You can add to the menu, just to the left of the "go to ID" button.
  498. You have to HTML encode any HTML tags embedded here.
  499. -->
  500. <!--
  501. <add key="CustomMenuLinkLabel" value="YOUR LINK"/>
  502. <add key="CustomMenuLinkUrl" value="your_url.aspx"/>
  503. -->
  504. <!--
  505. You can add a link to a bug post (comment, attachment, email, etc)
  506. Your link will looks something like this:
  507. <a href="your_url.aspx?postid=99999">YOUR LINK</a>
  509. You have to HTML encode any HTML tags embedded here.
  511. Jochen Jonckheere has contributed a fun sample that uses
  512. a web service to translate the text of a bug comment.
  513. -->
  514. <!--
  515. <add key="CustomPostLinkLabel" value="translate"/>
  516. <add key="CustomPostLinkUrl" value="translate.aspx"/>
  517. -->
  518. <!--
  519. Customize the text that appears in the subject of emails that allows
  520. us to related incoming emails to the bugids they refer to. We parse
  521. these words in the subject to get the bugid.
  522. -->
  523. <add key="TrackingIdString" value="DO NOT EDIT THIS:"/>
  525. <!--
  526. If you want replies to be generated automatically.
  527. -->
  528. <add key="AutoReplyText" value="Thanks for you email.
  529. Don't call us, we'll call you."/>
  530. <add key="AutoReplyUseHtmlEmailFormat" value="0"/>
  532. <!--
  533. SearchSQL allows you to customize the columns, etc that are displayed on the "search"
  534. page, search.aspx.
  536. The "[br]" characters are replaced by line breaks. They are there to make the SQL
  537. display nicely, but the SQL will work without them too.
  539. The "$WHERE$" marks the spot in the SQL where the logic will modify the where
  540. clause based on what the user entered in the search form.
  541. -->
  542. <!--
  543. <add key="SearchSQL" value="[br]select isnull(pr_background_color,'#ffffff') [color], bg_id [id],
  544. [br]bg_short_desc [desc] /* *** ADD OTHER COLUMNS YOU WANT HERE **** */
  545. [br]from bugs
  546. [br]left outer join users rpt on rpt.us_id = bg_reported_user
  547. [br]left outer join users asg on asg.us_id = bg_assigned_to_user
  548. [br]left outer join projects on pj_id = bg_project
  549. [br]left outer join categories on ct_id = bg_category
  550. [br]left outer join priorities on pr_id = bg_priority
  551. [br]left outer join statuses on st_id = bg_status
  552. [br]left outer join user_defined_attribute on udf_id = bg_user_defined_attribute
  553. [br]$WHERE$
  554. [br]order by bg_short_desc
  555. "/>
  556. -->
  557. <!--
  558. Search has a "Suggest" feature like Google Labs "Suggest"
  559. at
  561. Suggest starts working after you type in 3 characters in the "description contains"
  562. field. But you can change the number of characters required here.
  563. -->
  564. <add key="SearchSuggestMinChars" value="3"/>
  566. <!--
  567. If you want emails handled by btnet_service.exe to automatically reset a bugs
  568. status, set this to the st_id, the integer, of the status you want.
  570. Set it to 0 to turn this feature off.
  571. -->
  572. <add key="StatusResultingFromIncomingEmail" value="0"/>
  573. <!--
  574. If you set this to 1, you will see an additional "Visible to internal users only"
  575. checkbox in pages to edit bugs, attachments, and comments. If you check it, then
  576. that attachement or comment will not be visible to users who are marked "external".
  578. They ARE visible in prints for internal users, and they are visible when an
  579. internal users checks "Include print of Bug" when sending email.
  581. If you want the entire bug to be private, create another project and don't give
  582. the external users permissions for that project, and then assign the bug to that other
  583. project.
  584. -->
  585. <add key="EnableInternalOnlyPosts" value="0"/>
  591. <!--
  592. Turning this on make a "revisions" link visible on the edit bug page.
  593. Svn_hook_for_btnet.rename_to_py is the hook script for integrating svn
  594. and BugTracker.NET. Edit the settings here, install the hook script,
  595. and edit the values in the hook script. There are more instructions in
  596. the hook script file.
  597. -->
  598. <add key="EnableSubversionIntegration" value="0"/>
  599. <!--
  600. svn.exe, the Subversion client, needs to be on the web server
  601. -->
  602. <add key="SubversionPathToSvn" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Subversion\bin\svn.exe"/>
  603. <add key="SvnHookUsername" value="admin"/>
  604. <!--
  605. If BugTracker.NET needs a username and password to access a repository,
  606. it will look them up here. The key is the repository. The value is
  607. the username and password separated by a "|" character.
  608. -->
  609. <add key="svn://TicketSRV/mysvn_repo" value="corey|password"/>
  610. <!--
  611. You can specify some additional arguments that will get appened to every svn command.
  613. I found that on Windows 7 I needed to copy the C:\Users\corey\AppData\Roaming\Subversion
  614. folder so that it was not under C:\Users.
  615. -->
  616. <add key="SubversionAdditionalArgs" value=" --config-dir c:\cit\mysvn_config"/>
  617. <!-- First, look for bugid at end of checkin message, the way ToroiseSVN does it -->
  618. <add key="SvnBugidRegexPattern1" value="([0-9,]+$)"/>
  619. <!-- If not there, look to see if message starts with an integer -->
  620. <add key="SvnBugidRegexPattern2" value="(^[0-9,]+ )"/>
  621. <!--
  622. Turning this on make a "commits" link visible on the edit bug page.
  623. Git_hook_for_btnet.rename_to_py is the hook script for integrating git
  624. and BugTracker.NET. Edit the settings here, install the hook script,
  625. and edit the values in the hook script. There are more instructions in the
  626. hook script file.
  627. -->
  629. <!--
  630. This is a hack. My logic in the svn pages doesn't handle files that have
  631. been renamed, like, if you want to diff revision 2 "new_name.txt"
  632. with revision 1 "old_name.txt". Set this to "1" in and the logic will
  633. trust paths in the urls. It makes a little hole in the permissions, but
  634. you probably don't care, because somebody could theoretically look at a
  635. file that's unrelated to a bug they have permission for.
  636. -->
  637. <add key="SvnTrustPathsInUrls" value="0"/>
  639. <add key="EnableGitIntegration" value="0"/>
  640. <!--
  641. git.exe, the git client, needs to be on the web server
  642. -->
  643. <add key="GitPathToGit" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe"/>
  644. <!--
  645. The username that the git hook sends to the web server has to
  646. match this user. svn_hook.aspx checks that the request is
  647. coming from this username.
  648. -->
  649. <add key="GitHookUsername" value="admin"/>
  650. <add key="GitBugidRegexPattern" value="(^[0-9]+)"/>
  651. <!--
  652. Mercurial integration.
  653. Works just like the git integration, so see comments above for git.
  654. -->
  655. <add key="EnableMercurialIntegration" value="0"/>
  656. <add key="MercurialPathToHg" value="c:\Program Files (x86)\Mercurial\hg.exe"/>
  657. <add key="MercurialHookUsername" value="admin"/>
  658. <add key="MercurialBugidRegexPattern" value="(^[0-9]+)"/>
  659. <!--
  660. These entries control where attachment file are uploaded to and how large
  661. the files can be.
  663. If StoreAttachmentsInDatabase is set to "1", all new attachments
  664. will be stored in the SQL database. If StoreAttachmentsInDatabase
  665. is set to "0", all new attachments will be stored in the
  666. folder indentified by the UploadFolder setting (if uncommented).
  668. For the UploadFolder setting, if you specify the folder starting with a
  669. drive letter or the \\ that indicates a UNC path, it's treated as a full path.
  670. For example: c:\\something or \\somemachine\something
  672. Otherwise it's treated as a path relative to where you virtual directory is
  673. located.
  675. Database storage of attachments is backward compatible with
  676. the prior version of BugTracker.NET. If the attachment cannot
  677. be found in the database, BugTracker.NET will check the
  678. UploadFolder. Therefore, you may enable StoreAttachmentInDatabase
  679. even if you have previously used UploadFolder.
  680. -->
  681. <!--
  682. Turning this on make a "commits" link visible on the add/edit bug page.
  683. See the "git" folder for hook scripts that will integrate git with
  684. BugTracker.NET. For installation instructions, read the comments in
  685. the script.
  686. -->
  687. <add key="StoreAttachmentsInDatabase" value="1"/>
  688. <add key="UploadFolder" value="App_Data\uploads"/>
  689. <!-- MaxUploadSize here is bytes. See also maxRequestLength above in KB, not bytes -->
  690. <add key="MaxUploadSize" value="5000000"/>
  691. <!--
  692. For now (version 3.6.7) just used to control how long to wait for inserting attachements in the db.
  693. Maybe in future versions it will be used for other queries. 30 seconds is the default.
  694. -->
  695. <add key="SqlCommand.CommandTimeout" value="30"/>
  696. <!--
  697. If set to "1", then passwords need to be at least 8 characters long.
  698. The characters in the password need to be from at least 2 of the
  699. following categories:
  700. * lowercase letters
  701. * uppercase letters
  702. * numbers
  703. * special chars
  704. -->
  705. <add key="RequireStrongPasswords" value="0"/>
  706. <!--
  707. Show "Forgot Password?" link.
  708. -->
  709. <add key="ShowForgotPasswordLink" value="0"/>
  710. <!--
  711. Allow people to self-register.
  712. You must also set "SelfRegisteredUserTemplate".
  713. You should also consider setting "RequireStrongPasswords"
  714. -->
  715. <add key="AllowSelfRegistration" value="0"/>
  716. <!--
  717. When creating a new user as a result of a self-registration,
  718. use an existing user's settings, permissions, etc as a template
  719. for the new user
  720. -->
  721. <add key="SelfRegisteredUserTemplate" value="guest"/>
  722. <!--
  723. Number of minutes a new user has between the time they register
  724. and the time they must confirm the registration by clicking on
  725. the link they received by email
  726. -->
  727. <add key="RegistrationExpiration" value="20"/>
  728. <!--
  729. Some people have reported problems with the HTML TABLE borders
  730. missing in email notifications. Actually, the css settings
  731. seem to get ignored entirely. Setting this to "1"
  732. will force the table to have borders even without css.
  733. -->
  734. <add key="ForceBordersInEmails" value="0"/>
  735. <!--
  736. If this is set to "1", then the list of user names in the dropdowns
  737. in the search page is limited to those users who have either reported bugs
  738. or have bugs currently assigned to them. Setting this to "1" might
  739. make the search page load slower. Setting it to "0" might result in
  740. too many names in the dropdowns on the search page.
  741. -->
  742. <add key="LimitUsernameDropdownsInSearch" value="0"/>
  743. <!--
  744. Enabling tags lets you mark bugs with your own free-form keywords and
  745. then filter bug lists using your keywords.
  747. Note that you might not want to use this feature if you are also using
  748. tricky permissions, because the page that displays already-used tags
  749. and their counts looks at all bugs, not just the bugs that the user
  750. is elegible to see. That is, if somebody with rights only to project A
  751. tags 3 bugs with "Foo", then somebody with rights only to project B
  752. will see "Foo(3)" in the tags.aspx page. Maybe that matters to you,
  753. maybe not.
  755. -->
  756. <add key="EnableTags" value="0"/>
  757. <!--
  758. I'm not 100% sure that FCKEditor, or the way I'm using FCKEditor,
  759. is secure. It might be possible to use it for Cross-Site-Scripting.
  760. If you don't trust it, or me, set this to 1.
  761. -->
  762. <add key="DisableFCKEditor" value="0"/>
  763. <!--
  764. If your view_attachment.aspx isn't working when you are trying to download
  765. a large file, then try setting this to 1.
  766. But you might have problems on Windows Server 2000:
  768. -->
  769. <add key="UseTransmitFileInsteadOfWriteFile" value="0"/>
  770. <!--
  771. BugTracker.NET can remember which bugs you have seen or not. To
  772. enable this feature, set this to 1. You also have to include
  773. the $SEEN magic word in your query as explained in edit_query.aspx
  774. -->
  775. <add key="EnableSeen" value="0"/>
  776. <!--
  777. People can vote for their favorte bug. To enable this feature, set
  778. this to 1. You also have to include the $VOTE magic word in your
  779. query as explained in edit_query.aspx
  780. -->
  781. <add key="EnableVotes" value="1"/>
  782. <!--
  783. Enabling this adds a "news" link to the menu that goes across the page.
  784. Click on the "news" page, leave it up, and it will refresh itself as people
  785. add and change bugs.
  788. It doesn't obey any permissions, so you probably don't want to use this
  789. page if you also use project or organization permissions.
  790. -->
  791. <add key="EnableWhatsNewPage" value="0"/>
  792. <add key="WhatsNewPageIntervalInSeconds" value="20"/>
  793. <add key="WhatsNewMaxItemsCount" value="200"/>
  794. <!--
  795. Something I use for debugging, in conjunction with the view_memory_log.aspx.
  796. Only useful for a programmer. If you are interested, search the code
  797. for MemoryLogEnabled.
  798. -->
  799. <!--
  800. <add key="MemoryLogEnabled" value="1" />
  801. -->
  802. <!--
  803. Use this to turn on/off the full text search in the upper right corner.
  804. I think, the only reason to turn it off is if you have some technical problem
  805. with it.
  806. -->
  807. <add key="EnableLucene" value="1"/>
  808. <add key="LuceneIndexFolder" value="App_Data\lucene_index"/>
  809. <!--
  810. Adds a button to the top of the form too.
  811. -->
  812. <add key="DisplayAnotherButtonInEditBugPage" value="0"/>
  813. <!--
  814. Adds the "tasks/time" link to edit_bug page, which you can use for entering
  815. sub-tasks, entering time-tracking info, entering scheduling info. It's
  816. flexible. See the "ShowTask.." settings below also.
  817. -->
  818. <add key="EnableTasks" value="0"/>
  819. <!-- These control the default selections in the task dropdowns -->
  820. <add key="TaskDefaultDurationUnits" value="hours"/>
  821. <add key="TaskDefaultHour" value="09"/>
  822. <add key="TaskDefaultStatus" value="[no status]"/>
  823. <!--
  824. Use these settings to show LESS in the tasks/time pages.
  826. So, for example, if you are using tasks just for time tracking,
  827. you might only want to show the "Actual Duration" column and
  828. hide the others.
  830. Or,if you are using tasks as sub-tasks, you might only want to
  831. show the "Status" and "Assigned To" columns and hide the
  832. others.
  834. Or, if you are using tasks for estimation, you might only want
  835. to show the "Planned Duration" and "Percent Complete" columns.
  837. -->
  838. <!--
  839. <add key="ShowTaskAssignedTo" value="0" />
  840. <add key="ShowTaskPlannedStartDate" value="0" />
  841. <add key="ShowTaskActualStartDate" value="0" />
  842. <add key="ShowTaskPlannedEndDate" value="0" />
  843. <add key="ShowTaskActualEndDate" value="0" />
  844. <add key="ShowTaskPlannedDuration" value="0" />
  845. <add key="ShowTaskActualDuration" value="0" />
  846. <add key="ShowTaskDurationUnits" value="0" />
  847. <add key="ShowTaskPercentComplete" value="0" />
  848. <add key="ShowTaskStatus" value="0" />
  849. <add key="ShowTaskSortSequence" value="0" />
  850. -->
  851. <!--
  852. Enables the "relationships" link on the edit bug page.
  853. -->
  854. <add key="EnableRelationships" value="0"/>
  855. <!--
  856. Different versions of ASP.NET give the form different names. If you are
  857. having problems paging or sorting the bug list, if you are getting
  858. javascript errors, then do a view source to see what the form name is,
  859. and then put that here.
  860. -->
  861. <!--
  862. <add key="AspNetFormId" value="ctl00" />
  863. -->
  864. <!--
  865. If you want to create users automatically from incoming emails, then
  866. set this value to the same BugTracker.NET username as btnet_service.exe.
  867. So, for example, if btnet_service.exe logs on as "email", then set this
  868. to "email".
  870. BugTracker.NET will create new users by copying the username specified
  871. in the "CreateUsersFromEmailTemplate" setting.
  873. The new users username will be the "from" email address.
  874. -->
  875. <add key="CreateUserFromEmailAddressIfThisUsername" value="btnet_service.exe username goes here"/>
  876. <!--
  877. The new users created via email will be clones of the user specified here.
  878. -->
  879. <add key="CreateUsersFromEmailTemplate" value="customer1"/>
  880. <!--
  881. If you are using the settings above, CreateUserFromEmailAddressIfThisUsername
  882. and CreateUsersFromEmailTemplate, then you can also allow incoming emails
  883. to create new organizations.
  885. The user will still be created with the user template EXCEPT that instead
  886. of the template user's org, the system will create a new org using the
  887. incoming email address's domain name. So, if jsmith@example,com sends
  888. an email, the system will create an org, "" based on the template
  889. user's org a user, "", based on the template user.
  890. -->
  891. <add key="UseEmailDomainAsNewOrgNameWhenCreatingNewUser" value="0"/>
  892. <!--
  893. For throttling brute force attempts, only allow N failed attempts in the most recent N minutes
  894. for a given username.
  895. -->
  896. <!--
  897. <add key="FailedLoginAttemptsMinutes" value="10"/>
  898. <add key="FailedLoginAttemptsAllowed" value="10"/>
  899. -->
  900. <!--
  901. Controls whether bug posts are displayed with the most recent listed first, "desc"
  902. or the least recent listed first, "asc"
  903. -->
  904. <!--
  905. <add key="CommentSortOrder" value="desc"/>
  906. -->
  907. <!--
  908. The times in the database are in the server's time zone.
  909. If all your users are in another time zone and you'd like to display the times
  910. in that, use this offset.
  911. -->
  912. <!--
  913. <add key="DisplayTimeOffsetInHours" value="0"/>
  914. -->
  915. <!--
  916. Work around a problem that some users are having when email addresses are in the format:
  917. Corey Trager <>
  918. instead of
  920. -->
  921. <!--
  922. <add key="StripDisplayNameFromEmailAddress" value="1"/>
  923. -->
  924. <!--
  925. This SQL is executed in insert_bug.aspx after a bug has been inserted.
  926. You could use it, for example, to update custom fields, or to implement a more
  927. complicated way of assigning the bug to the riht person.
  929. $BUGID$ gets replaced by the newly inserted bug's id.
  931. This gets executed as a batch of sql, so there can be more than one
  932. update statement.
  934. If you use < or > in this SQL, code it as &lt; &gt;
  935. -->
  936. <!--
  938. <add key="UpdateBugAfterInsertBugAspxSql" value="
  939. /*
  940. Sample custom post insert sql for insert_bug.aspx
  941. The sample demos setting the priority based on which user reported the bug.
  943. */
  945. declare @username varchar(100)
  947. select @username = us_username from bugs inner join users on bg_reported_user = us_id
  948. where bg_id = $BUGID$
  950. update bugs set
  951. bg_priority =
  952. case
  953. when @username like '%admin%' then 3
  954. when @username like '%tester%' then 2
  955. else 1
  956. end
  957. where bg_id = $BUGID$
  959. "/>
  961. -->
  962. <!--
  963. HTML attachments to bugs or emails could contain malicious javascript.
  964. BugTracker.NET before version 3.5.3 made it too easy to view these
  965. attachments. If you want the older, more dangerous behavior, set the
  966. value here to "1".
  967. -->
  968. <add key="ShowPotentiallyDangerousHtml" value="0"/>
  970. <!--
  971. Some folks my want to change this to a semi-colon, for example
  972. -->
  973. <!--
  974. <add key="EmailAddressSeparatorCharacter" value=","/>
  975. -->
  977. <!--
  978. New as of Jan 2013: A few pages with mobile friendly layouts.
  980. Login at mlogin.aspx for mobile.
  982. !!! IMPORTANT: These pages don't respect project or org permissions.
  983. If you rely on permissions, don't enable them.
  986. -->
  987. <add key="EnableMobile" value="0"/>
  990. <!--
  991. There two ways to handle incoming emails. One way is to use btnet_service.exe
  992. which has its own config settings and a second way is to enable a pop3 worker
  993. thread in the ASP.NET app itself.
  995. The advantages of using btnet_service.exe are:
  996. * Has been used by many since 2003. The ASP.NET thread approach is new in Dec, 2010.
  997. * One service can handle multiple BugTracker.NET websites.
  998. * Pushes to website via HTTP, so should work in every situation. The ASP.NET
  999. worker thread approach violates "Medium Trust", a configuration used by shared hosting
  1000. services like GoDaddy.
  1002. The advantages of using the ASP.NET worker thread are:
  1003. * Easier setup and configuration. Configure everything here, rather than in
  1004. btnet_service.exe.config.
  1006. -->
  1007. <add key="EnablePop3" value="0"/>
  1008. <add key="Pop3Server" value=""/>
  1009. <add key="Pop3Port" value="995"/>
  1010. <add key="Pop3UseSSL" value="1"/>
  1011. <!--
  1012. How frequently should btnet check the pop3 server for emails?
  1013. -->
  1014. <add key="Pop3FetchIntervalInMinutes" value="1"/>
  1015. <!--
  1016. Username that the pop3 logic uses when creating bugs from emails
  1017. -->
  1018. <add key="Pop3ServiceUsername" value="admin"/>
  1019. <!--
  1020. How many errors should we allow before the fetch loop automatically
  1021. stops? This is to prevent some glitch causing the logic to create
  1022. thousands of bad entries.
  1023. -->
  1024. <add key="Pop3TotalErrorsAllowed" value="100"/>
  1025. <!--
  1026. Are you Swedish?
  1028. Turning this on changes how the service reads its input. If you are
  1029. finding that special characters have been mysteriously stripped out
  1030. of the incoming emails, set this to "1" and see if it helps.
  1031. -->
  1032. <add key="Pop3ReadInputStreamCharByChar" value="0"/>
  1033. <!--
  1034. Only retrieve messages if their subject contains the magic string below.
  1035. If the value is blank, then btnet_service.exe will retrieve all messages.
  1036. Probably for your production, the value should be blank.
  1037. -->
  1038. <add key="Pop3SubjectMustContain" value=""/>
  1039. <!--
  1040. Skip message if the subject contains the magic string below.
  1041. You can specify multiple strings by separating them with a
  1042. pipe character like this:
  1043. "string one|string two|string three"
  1044. -->
  1045. <add key="Pop3SubjectCannotContain" value=""/>
  1046. <!--
  1047. Only retrieve messages if their "from" address contains the magic string below.
  1048. If the value is blank, then btnet_service.exe will retrieve all messages.
  1049. Probably for your production, the value should be blank.
  1050. -->
  1051. <add key="Pop3FromMustContain" value=""/>
  1052. <!--
  1053. Skip message if the "from" address contains the magic string below.
  1054. You can specify multiple strings by separating them with a
  1055. pipe character like this:
  1056. "string one|string two|string three"
  1057. -->
  1058. <add key="Pop3FromCannotContain" value=""/>
  1059. <!--
  1060. For my own testing, it was useful to have this option.
  1061. For production the value should be 1.
  1062. -->
  1063. <add key="Pop3DeleteMessagesOnServer" value="1"/>
  1064. <!--
  1065. For diagnosing problems.
  1066. -->
  1067. <add key="Pop3WriteRawMessagesToLog" value="0"/>
  1068. </appSettings>
  1069. </configuration>
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