
MRVerse Chapter 5(Nohr Saga)

Jul 2nd, 2018
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  1. ------------------
  2. (Sept 1606)
  3. |Nohr Saga-Chapter 1|
  4. "" = Jalen
  5. [] = Colt
  6. {} = Rhiannon
  7. ^^ = Siegbert
  8. It's been some years since we've seen the likes of Jalen and Colt following their win in the Official Rank S Cup...
  9. The 1st being that they had to freeze Sora since he was too old to compete..they're saving him for a later combination in the future...at the moment they are at the ranch and having their new monster, Oswald(Hare/Zuum) who, at the moment,is currently doing the Domino Drill that boost POW as he throws a rock at the 3 set pillars to knock them all down.
  11. Inside the house, Jalen sit on the couch as he channel surf the TV with Colt, both of them in their PJs, as they are trying to find somethng interesting to watch..
  13. "Goddamn, ain't shit on to watch..." He grumbles as he lean back in the couch and tosses the remote to Colt who catches it and change the channel to the news.
  14. [Well, it's kinda early in the morning, so I don't expect much to be on...]
  16. They land on a channel that showcase some of Nohr's battle where a purple haired girl with glasses and a rather nice looking leather jacket with black jeans command a Suezo in battle against an Ape, ending it with a Telepathy. Jalen sits up a bit as he knows this girl..
  18. "Princess Rhiannon..."
  20. [Funny how you came to know someone of her stature...] It was a tourney way back then where Jalen lost to her that he caught her eye...and the 2 became good friends afterwards. Occasionally speaking to one another over the phone over various subjects
  22. "Well, I just see her as a normal person..And she appreciate that from me." He shrugs as he gets up and walk over to the back window to watch over Oswald as he continue to throw rocks at the domino pillars... "It helps that she knows a lot about monsters..."
  24. [Like, a lot?] Colt ask from the couch as she continues to watch the TV..."Yeah, a lot..in particular Suezos and Jokers...her two favorite monsters."
  25. [Wait, she can train freaking JOKERS!?!] Colt holler from the couch in shocked, Jokers are notorious for being extremely violent and almost hard to train...the fact that Rhiannon is capable of training them speaks highly of her skill.
  27. "Yeah...She's very talented..." Jalen scowls as he turn back to his assistant. "More talented than her younger cousin, that's for sure..." Colt also frowns with distaste...She know who he was referring to..[You mean..Prince Siegbert?] "I prefer calling him Siegbitch..."
  29. Siegbert, or Prince Siegbert as he constantly prefer to be called, is the opposite of his older cousin. Whereas Rhiannon is blunt and have no filter(For the most part) due to not giving a damn to protocol or anything related to that., Siegbert speaks with a refined tone.
  31. Rhiannon doesn't mind helping her far more poorer people, often spending time with them and getting to know them(Or most of them) on a personal level and more, Siegbert prefers to stay with the elites of the higher-ups and privately look down on the less unfortunate.
  33. Siegbert also loves to rely on his father's status to get what he want and is very spoiled for it, where as Camilla, Rhiannon's mother, have made sure not to spoil her daughter and make sure that she works for her stuff.
  35. Colt sighs as she leans back on the couch...[Oum above, I hope we never have to meet this guy...]
  37. Suddenly, the channel Colt was watching turn to the news for a Breaking News section where they tell the public that both Crown Prince Siegbert and Princess Rhiannon shall be visiting Remmant with the former taking part in the Rank E Artemis Cup. Behind Siegbert as he and Rhiannon sitat a table before the press(Siegbert seems to be soaking the attention up while Rhiannon looks like she barely wanna be there..) are 2 monsters, Rhiannon's Suezo, Vendorren, who's busy eating the food before him loudly(And anyone who tells him to stop that get a baleful glare from both him and Rin..) Behind Siegbert is one behemoth of a monster...a BattleRocks(Golem/Durahan) named Julius.
  39. "Goddamn, you see the size of that thing..." Jalen sit down next to Colt who stammers..[It-It gotta be a-a-at least 8 ft...] "And it's a fucking kid at this point too!!...
  40. At the end of the interview as the 2 nobles get up and walk away...Jalen facepalms as next week is the Artemis Cup...The 2 nobles are here in Remmant and will be here for that...and Oswald have signed up for it...
  42. [Well...we can beat him....right?] Colt doesn't sound too sure about their chances while Jalen crosses his arms and look at Oswald outside the window who is sitting on a tree trunk to rest up."Yeah, we can...we just need to be annoying bastards." And he smirks to himself..."And we have juuust the move for it"
  44. [Oh Oum....] Colt grimaces as she know what move he have in mind..[I still think making Oswald a lil dick to learn that move will only lead to chaos...] "But it will be soooo funny and cool!" He stands up as he head outside.. "Now, c'mon, we gotta go practice said move!" Colt sighs as she gets up and follow Jalen outside..
  46. Meanwhile, in the limo towards their 6-star hotel...
  48. A purple haired girl with short hair sighs as she adjusts her glasses as she look out the window...she had to do the one thing she detests the most.
  50. Listening to her younger cousin brag about himself.
  52. ^I must say, Rin...I am not terribly impressed with the quality of the trainers here. It seems Remmant lack the quality of gadgets that us Nohrians are in possession of, Am I correct?^ He swirls the wine in his glass as he wears the finest black tux money can fine...as opposed to Rhiannon's more greaser attire.
  54. {Well...} A tough sounding voice come out of the cute girl {I would disagree as there are some notable trainers here..The Branwen Twins, Soleil Howard, Jalen Pruett and many more...} She crosses her arms with a frown. {Just cause they don't have the many benefits we have..doesn't make them worse than us.}
  57. The limo stops as they reach their hotel. Vendorren was small enough to ride next to his master as he chomp down on the bowl of fruits in their while Julius was in a big truck behind them due to his size. Siegbert sighs as he step out of the limo following the butler who was driving it,let them out.
  59. ^Your ways will always befuddle me, cousin...Now let's rest up for next week, I shall win the Artemis Cup!^
  61. {(Sweet Oum, this ego of his needs to be deflated..)} Rin sourly thinks to herself as she soon smile at Vendorren.{C'mon Ven, let's go inside!}
  62. Vendorren nods as they step out of the limo while workers let Julius out of his truck as he step out with a heavy thud...the nobles and their monsters then rest up at the hotel for next week...
  64. The Artemis Cup begins!
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