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Creatures without graphical tiles in FoE

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Apr 11th, 2013
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  2. [FREQUENCY:3]
  3. [DESCRIPTION:Those phoenixes caught in the balefire explosions of the Last Day arose from the ashes largely unharmed, their once scarlet plumage now changed to green and gold. Balefire phoenixes can store excess radiation within their bodies for long periods of time, infusing their fire breath with balefire. Appearing rarely in only the most radioactive areas of the wasteland, their beauty and majestic aura are the stuff of legend.]
  4. --
  6. [DESCRIPTION:Those phoenixes caught in the balefire explosions of the Last Day arose from the ashes largely unharmed, their once scarlet plumage now changed to green and gold. This one appears sickly, having lost all its feathers and often keeling over.]
  7. [NAME:balefire phoenix:balefire phoenixes:balefire phoenix]
  8. --
  10. [FREQUENCY:17]
  11. [DESCRIPTION:A large bird with a featherless red head found in the sky of wastes, scanning the ground for dead carcasses.]
  12. --
  14. [FREQUENCY:17]
  15. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized, red-faced black bird that searches the wastes for carrion. It is well known by wastelanders as a portent of impending death.]
  16. --
  18. [FREQUENCY:9]
  19. [DESCRIPTION:A small, foreboding black bird that feeds on carrion. A common sight in the wastes, it is social, very intelligent, and knows how to use tools.]
  20. --
  22. [FREQUENCY:6]
  23. [DESCRIPTION:A small bird of prey that is capable of great speed. They dive on unsuspecting vermin.]
  24. --
  26. [FREQUENCY:3]
  27. [DESCRIPTION:A small bird of prey still found in many different parts of the world. Its screeching cry is admired by many wastelanders.]
  28. --
  30. [FREQUENCY:33]
  31. [DESCRIPTION:A small sea bird with great wings. It soars through the sky and dives for food on the surface of the water.]
  32. --
  34. [FREQUENCY:3]
  35. [DESCRIPTION:A small white bird that hunts in the coldest reaches of the world.]
  36. --
  38. [FREQUENCY:3]
  39. [DESCRIPTION:A small, nocturnal bird of prey with large eyes and protruding feathers. They are an extremely rare sight in the post-apocalyptic wastes.]
  40. --
  42. [FREQUENCY:3]
  43. [DESCRIPTION:An intelligent species of sentient, bipedal canines with sharp, powerful claws capable of rending through steel. They are the highly evolved descendants of diamond dogs, having been mutated over two centuries by megaspell radiation. As apex predators well-adapted to the harsh conditions after the Great War, they are considered by many to be one of the most dangerous creatures in the wastelands.]
  44. --
  46. [FREQUENCY:9]
  47. [DESCRIPTION:An intelligent species of sentient, bipedal canines with sharp, powerful claws capable of rending through steel. They are the highly evolved descendants of diamond dogs, having been mutated over two centuries by megaspell radiation. As apex predators well-adapted to the harsh conditions after the Great War, they are considered by many to be one of the most dangerous creatures in the wastelands.]
  48. --
  50. [FREQUENCY:9]
  51. [DESCRIPTION:A carnivorous pack hunter with the body of a dog but the head and tail of a rattlesnake. Its body is covered in fur and scales, which seem to blur and shimmer in the still air.]
  52. --
  54. [FREQUENCY:9]
  55. [DESCRIPTION:Though many wasteland canines thrive mysteriously free from the mutations suffered by other creatures, in the ruins of cities where radiation seeps from the very walls, dead dogs walk the earth, now mostly teeth, hatred, and leathery flesh that burns green with the glow of balefire.]
  56. --
  58. [FREQUENCY:17]
  59. [DESCRIPTION:Though many wasteland canines thrive mysteriously free from the mutations suffered by other creatures, in the ruins of cities where radiation seeps from the very walls, dead dogs walk the earth, now mostly teeth, hatred, and leathery flesh that burns green with the glow of balefire.]
  60. --
  62. [FREQUENCY:33]
  63. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized highly social mammalian carnivore that has reverted to its wild instincts, banding in groups and scavenging the wastes in search of food.]
  64. --
  66. [FREQUENCY:9]
  67. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized dog-like creature that scavenges the ruins of civilization. Unlike other wasteland creatures, they seem to have been barely affected by radiation, making them one of the few unmuted animals still living in the wastes. They are well known for being sly, and groups can be heard howling in the wasteland night.]
  68. --
  70. [FREQUENCY:6]
  71. [DESCRIPTION:A small omnivorous animal with a bright mask of fur, known for its intelligence and penchant for scavenging among the ruins of civilization.]
  72. --
  74. [FREQUENCY:3]
  75. [DESCRIPTION:A large canine whose packs are a relatively common sight in the wastes. Unlike other wasteland creatures, they seem to have been barely affected by radiation, making them one of the few unmuted animals still living in the wastes.]
  76. --
  78. [FREQUENCY:9]
  79. [DESCRIPTION:A large omnivorous predator mutated from pre-war bears. They exist in many parts of the world and are known as fierce animals able to kill anyone daring to cross their territory.]
  80. --
  82. [FREQUENCY:3]
  83. [DESCRIPTION:A large, round, lowland rodent. Many survived in burrows during the Last Day, and their descendents now rarely venture out for food in the wastes.]
  84. --
  86. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized highly social mammalian carnivore. Their keen sense of smell, ability to follow commands, and emotional qualities have endeared them to ponies, and so many survived along with their owners in the Stables when the megaspells fell. Now, they too have emerged alongside their masters into the wastes, all too eager to face new challenges and threats.]
  87. [NAME:dog:dogs:dog]
  88. --
  90. [DESCRIPTION:A small mammalian carnivore that often enjoys hunting vermin. Their aloof nature, affinity for stealth, and sense of pride have endeared them to ponies, and so many survived along with their owners in the Stables when the megaspells fell. Now, they too have emerged alongside their masters into the wastes, all too eager to hunt the newest small unfortunate creatures, but may soon be surprised...nothing in the wastes is quite as helpless as before.]
  91. [NAME:cat:cats:cat]
  92. --
  94. [CREATURE_TILE:'B'][COLOR:4:0:1]
  95. [NAME:brahmin:brahmins:brahmin]
  96. --
  98. [FREQUENCY:9]
  99. [DESCRIPTION:A strong mutated herbivore with curved horns, often domesticated for milk and wool. They travel in herds and are quite aggressive.]
  100. --
  102. [DESCRIPTION:A small domestic bird capable of flying short distances. Valuable for their eggs and meat, many were brought into the Stables as self-replenishing sources of food.]
  103. [NAME:chicken:chickens:chicken]
  104. --
  106. [FREQUENCY:17]
  107. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized animal that has spread throughout the wastes. Large patches of its skin are rotted away from radiation. Despite it being a well-known source of meat, its short temper and powerful tusks render it a challenge for the unprepared hunter.]
  108. --
  110. [FREQUENCY:17]
  111. [DESCRIPTION:A large hooved animal found roaming wild in untouched arctic. The males have long antlers.]
  112. --
  114. [FREQUENCY:9]
  115. [DESCRIPTION:A large hooved animal with curved horns and a thick brown coat. Known for its strong odor, it roams in the untouched arctic far from the irradiated wastes.]
  116. --
  118. [FREQUENCY:3]
  119. [DESCRIPTION:A bloated monstrosity with hairless, swollen flesh, glassy eyes, and a mass of writhing tentacles hanging out of its maw. From its twisted face and limbs, it appears to have once been a pony.]
  120. --
  122. [FREQUENCY:9]
  123. [DESCRIPTION:A bloated monstrosity with hairless, swollen flesh, glassy eyes, and a mass of writhing tentacles hanging out of its maw. From its twisted face and limbs, it appears to have once been a pony.]
  124. --
  126. [FREQUENCY:9]
  127. [DESCRIPTION:A mutated plant with a huge head and long stalk, surrounded by sacs of gas which it uses to drag itself along the ground. It is able to launch sprays of caustic goo from its sphincter-like mouth.]
  128. --
  130. [FREQUENCY:17]
  131. [DESCRIPTION:A mutated fungus with a huge head and long stalk, surrounded by sacs of gas which it uses to drag itself along the ground. It is able to launch sprays of caustic goo from its sphincter-like mouth.]
  132. --
  134. [FREQUENCY:33]
  135. [DESCRIPTION:A bloated sphere mutated from pre-war parasprites, this creature has retained its penchant for consuming food, and can be found just about everywhere in the wastes, gnawing on the detritus of destroyed civilization. Fortunately, it seems to have lost much of its ability to replicate, and often serves as popular target practice for bored wastelanders.]
  136. --
  138. [FREQUENCY:33]
  139. [DESCRIPTION:A larger, predatory mutation of the bloatsprite, it is highly aggressive and possesses a corrosively toxic bite.]
  140. --
  142. [FREQUENCY:33]
  143. [DESCRIPTION: It was often said that roaches would be the only survivors of a megaspell war - a saying proven by these critters, now much larger due to radiation. They often mass in groups to prey upon supplies, and are quite common in the post-apocalyptic wastes.]
  144. --
  146. [FREQUENCY:33]
  147. [DESCRIPTION:A dangerous insect with sharp pincers and a poisonous barbed tail. They and their larger cousins are a ubiquitous sight in the wastes.]
  148. --
  150. [FREQUENCY:9]
  151. [DESCRIPTION:A large insect with sharp pincers and a poisonous barbed tail. They and their cousins are a ubiquitous sight in the irradiated wastes.]
  152. --
  154. [FREQUENCY:17]
  155. [DESCRIPTION:A large insect with sharp pincers and a poisonous barbed tail. They and their cousins are a ubiquitous sight in the irradiated wastes.]
  156. --
  158. [FREQUENCY:9]
  159. [DESCRIPTION:A gigantic insect with huge pincers and a poisonous barbed tail, only found in the most dangerous regions of the wastes. Its chitin is virtually impervious to gunfire.]
  160. --
  162. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized underwater mollusk with eight arms, and is the most clever of its kind. Among the few creatures of the ocean weren't heavily affected by the radioactive fallout, it can still be found in relative abundance.]
  163. [NAME:octopus:octopuses:octopus]
  164. --
  166. [DESCRIPTION:A tiny shelled ocean creature with many long legs. It has two large pincers on its front limbs. Among the few creatures of the ocean weren't heavily affected by the radioactive fallout, it can still be found in relative abundance.]
  167. [NAME:crab:crabs:crab]
  168. --
  170. [DESCRIPTION:A tiny sea animal that lives in the sand just offshore. It has a flat body with legs underneath. Among the few creatures of the ocean weren't heavily affected by the radioactive fallout, it can still be found in relative abundance.]
  171. [NAME:horseshoe crab:horseshoe crabs:horseshoe crab]
  172. --
  174. [DESCRIPTION:A giant marine mammal with a toothy jaw that has suffered heavy exposure to radiation. Its movements are erratic, and large patches of its skin are rotted away.]
  175. [NAME:radwhale:radwhales:radwhale]
  176. --
  178. [DESCRIPTION:A huge aquatic mammal with giant tusks and dense whiskers. A rare sight even in the relatively untouched arctic, they are thick and blubbery and live almost exclusively on mussels.]
  179. [NAME:walrus:walruses:walrus]
  180. --
  182. [DESCRIPTION:A small oceanic eel-like creature that latches onto the side of its victim and tears into them. Among the few creatures of the ocean weren't heavily affected by the radioactive fallout, it can still be found in relative abundance.]
  183. [NAME:sea lamprey:sea lampreys:sea lamprey]
  184. --
  186. [DESCRIPTION:A giant oceanic fish with rows and rows of razor-sharp pointed teeth that has suffered heavy doses of radiation. Its movements are erratic, and large patches of its skin are rotted away.]
  187. [NAME:radshark:radsharks:radshark]
  188. --
  190. [FREQUENCY:20]
  191. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized sea mammal with a long thin horn on its nose that it uses to communicate and break up ice. They are a rare sight even in the relatively unaffected arctic.]
  192. --
  194. [FREQUENCY:17]
  195. [DESCRIPTION:A bipedal reptile, often hunted for its hide. Geckos are not very dangerous, but their bite is painful and they can be aggressive in numbers.]
  196. --
  198. [FREQUENCY:17]
  199. [DESCRIPTION:A bipedal reptile, often hunted for its hide. Golden geckos are larger and more aggressive than their smaller kin.]
  200. --
  202. [FREQUENCY:9]
  203. [DESCRIPTION:A huge, predatory reptile with pale, colorless scales and red eyes. It lives in caves far from the radioactive surface, and often lies in wait just under the surface of cave lakes to ambush its prey.]
  204. --
  206. [FREQUENCY:9]
  207. [DESCRIPTION:A small reptile with a tell-tale rattle and vicious bite that leads to a quick death.]
  208. --
  210. [FREQUENCY:9]
  211. [DESCRIPTION:A large mutated reptile found in rivers and marshlands. Despite its aggressive nature, its meat is widely regarded by wastelanders as a delicacy.]
  212. --
  214. [FREQUENCY:9]
  215. [DESCRIPTION:A tiny shelled reptile that lives in the desert.]
  216. --
  218. [FREQUENCY:9]
  219. [DESCRIPTION:A small venomous lizard.]
  220. --
  222. [FREQUENCY:3]
  223. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized reptile. They can be found foraging for food such as eggs or worms. They are said to be the most intelligent of their kind, and have adapted well to the post-apocalyptic wasteland.]
  224. --
  226. [FREQUENCY:3]
  227. [DESCRIPTION:A small aggressive snake which can move very quickly. Its venom is deadly to even creatures mutated by radiation.]
  228. --
  230. [FREQUENCY:3]
  231. [DESCRIPTION:A small snake found in the trees. It kills its prey by using its long body to constrict them.]
  232. --
  234. [FREQUENCY:3]
  235. [DESCRIPTION:A medium-sized snake that lives in the trees. It eats prey much larger than itself and slays them by crushing them to death.]
  236. --
  238. [FREQUENCY:9]
  239. [DESCRIPTION:A humanoid monster wearing a hard chitin shell. It looks like a bipedal crab, and is aggressive and surprisingly resilient. The only part not covered by its shell is a small flat head which nests on its front.]
  240. --
  242. [FREQUENCY:33]
  243. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo arcane floating radio drone, nicknamed "Sprite-bot". They were deployed by the Ministry of Morale to spread uplifting music throughout the land, and still continue to diligently annoy all wastelanders with their polka music.]
  244. --
  246. [NAME:armored sprite-bot:armored sprite-bots:armored sprite-bot]
  247. [CREATURE_TILE:'o'][COLOR:0:0:1]
  248. --
  250. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo arcane floating radio drone, nicknamed "Sprite-bot". This one has been rigged with explosives, and will seek out and home in upon enemies before detonating.]
  251. [NAME:rigged sprite-bot:rigged sprite-bots:sprite-bot]
  252. --
  254. [FREQUENCY:9]
  255. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo arcane sentry robot, nicknamed "Protectapony". As one of the earliest robots released into the civilian market, they were produced in large numbers and used for everything from ticket collectors at transit hubs to mechanized soldiers that still roam the wastes today.]
  256. --
  258. [FREQUENCY:17]
  259. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo arcane sentry robot, nicknamed "Protectapony". As one of the earliest robots released into the civilian market, they were produced in large numbers and used for everything from ticket collectors at transit hubs to mechanized soldiers that still roam the wastes today. This is plated with steel and has the emblem of the Ministry of Wartime Technology emblazoned across its flank.]
  260. --
  262. [FREQUENCY:9]
  263. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo arcane sentry robot, nicknamed "Protectapony". As one of the earliest robots released into the civilian market, they were produced in large numbers and used for everything from ticket collectors at transit hubs to mechanized soldiers that still roam the wastes today. This is plated with steel and has the emblem of the Ministry of Wartime Technology emblazoned across its flank.]
  264. --
  266. [NAME:armored protectapony:armored protectaponies:armored protectapony]
  267. [CREATURE_TILE:'P'][COLOR:7:0:0]
  268. --
  270. [NAME:minigun protectapony:minigun protectaponies:minigun protectapony]
  271. [CREATURE_TILE:'P'][COLOR:7:0:0]
  272. --
  274. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo personal home robot, nicknamed "Mr Hooves". A reliable robot with a pleasant attitude, it quickly spread into common use, with numerous models developed before and during the war. One key feature is its ability to maintain and repair other robots, allowing groups of Mr Hooves to keep themselves in working condition for many decades. Its maintenance and cleaning range is 5 tiles.]
  275. [NAME:Mr. Hooves:Mr. Hooves robots:Mr. Hooves]
  276. --
  278. [NAME:Nurse Redheart:Nurse Redheart robots:Nurse Redheart]
  279. [CREATURE_TILE:'R'][COLOR:6:0:1]
  280. --
  282. [NAME:Pinkamena:Pinkamena robots:Pinkamena]
  283. [CREATURE_TILE:'P'][COLOR:5:0:1]
  284. --
  286. [NAME:Mr. Macintosh:Mr. Macintosh robots:Mr. Macintosh]
  287. [CREATURE_TILE:'M'][COLOR:4:0:1]
  288. --
  290. [FREQUENCY:3]
  291. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo military robot, nicknamed "Mr Macintosh". A combat version of the Mr Hooves personal home robot commissioned by the Ministry of Wartime Technology in honor of the hero of Shattered Hoof Ridge, it is armed with an array of lethal weapons.]
  292. --
  294. [FREQUENCY:9]
  295. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo military robot, nicknamed "Mr Macintosh". A combat version of the Mr Hooves personal home robot commissioned by the Ministry of Wartime Technology in honor of the hero of Shattered Hoof Ridge, it is armed with an array of lethal weapons.]
  296. --
  298. [FREQUENCY:3]
  299. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo military robot, nicknamed "Mr Macintosh". A combat version of the Mr Hooves personal home robot commissioned by the Ministry of Wartime Technology in honor of the hero of Shattered Hoof Ridge, it is armed with an array of lethal weapons.]
  300. --
  302. [FREQUENCY:3]
  303. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo advanced multi-purpose robot, often referred to as a "Robobrain". Designed in collaboration with the Ministry of Wartime Technology, this robot is unique in that it uses an actual organic brain as its central processor. Though originally intended for military service, many found their way into the private sector as security for factories and other industrial installations.]
  304. --
  306. [FREQUENCY:9]
  307. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo advanced multi-purpose robot, often referred to as a "Robobrain". Designed in collaboration with the Ministry of Wartime Technology, this robot is unique in that it uses an actual organic brain as its central processor. Though originally intended for military service, many found their way into the private sector as security for factories and other industrial installations.]
  308. --
  310. [FREQUENCY:3]
  311. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo advanced multi-purpose robot, often referred to as a "Robobrain". Designed in collaboration with the Ministry of Wartime Technology, this robot is unique in that it uses an actual organic brain as its central processor. Though originally intended for military service, many found their way into the private sector as security for factories and other industrial installations.]
  312. --
  314. [NAME:minigun robobrain:minigun robobrains:minigun robobrain]
  315. [CREATURE_TILE:'R'][COLOR:0:0:1]
  316. --
  318. [FREQUENCY:9]
  319. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo arcane floating sentry drone, nicknamed "Sprite-bot". They were deployed by the Ministry of Morale to spread uplifting music throughout the land, and still continue to diligently annoy all wastelanders with their polka music. This one has been corrupted by pink cloud, to the point where its now necromantic broadcast can kill a living creature within seconds.]
  320. --
  322. [DESCRIPTION:An automated gun turret widely used by Stable-Tec to provide security.]
  323. [NAME:security turret:security turrets:security turret]
  324. --
  326. [NAME:flamethrower turret:flamethrower turrets:flamethrower turret]
  327. [CREATURE_TILE:'T'][COLOR:4:0:1]
  328. --
  330. [NAME:minigun turret:minigun turrets:minigun turret]
  331. [CREATURE_TILE:'T'][COLOR:0:0:1]
  332. --
  334. [NAME:cyberdog:cyberdogs:cyberdog]
  335. [CREATURE_TILE:'d'][COLOR:6:0:1]
  336. --
  338. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo heavy assault robot designed by the Ministry of Wartime Technology for participation in the heaviest firefights during the war. Inspired by the highly lethal Zebra hunter killer robots, it is equipped with a minigun, a guided missile launcher, and sturdy armor plating.]
  339. [NAME:super sentinel:super sentinels:super sentinel]
  340. --
  342. [FREQUENCY:3]
  343. [DESCRIPTION:A small mammal with a leathery hide. It can roll into a ball to escape predators, a trait that has somehow allowed it to escape extinction and survive in the post-apocalyptic wastes.]
  344. --
  346. [FREQUENCY:17]
  347. [DESCRIPTION:A medium rodent with long ears, strong hind legs and three eyes.]
  348. --
  350. [FREQUENCY:17]
  351. [DESCRIPTION:Mole rats are giant, hairless rodents commonly found throughout the wastes. No one is sure whether these creatures are the result of a creative union between similar species, or an even stranger union with a little radiation to help things along the way. Molerats range in size anywhere from 30 centimeters to a meter and a half; the largest stand almost a meter at the shoulder.]
  352. --
  354. [FREQUENCY:33]
  355. [DESCRIPTION:Mole rats are giant, hairless rodents commonly found throughout the wastes. No one is sure whether these creatures are the result of a creative union between similar species, or an even stranger union with a little radiation to help things along the way. Molerats range in size anywhere from 30 centimeters to a meter and a half; the largest stand almost a meter at the shoulder.]
  356. --
  358. [FREQUENCY:9]
  359. [DESCRIPTION:A grotesque mutated bat with leathery wings, found throughout the wastelands. It feeds by draining the fluid from its prey, leaving a dessicated corpse behind. The average bloodwing can reach three times the size of a stallion, and can kill a pony-sized victim within mere seconds.]
  360. --
  362. [FREQUENCY:17]
  363. [DESCRIPTION:A grotesque mutated bat with leathery wings, found throughout the wastelands. It feeds by draining the fluid from its prey, leaving a dessicated corpse behind. The average bloodwing can reach three times the size of a stallion, and can kill a pony-sized victim within mere seconds.]
  364. --
  366. [DESCRIPTION:A tiny, aquatic, worm-like creature that feeds on blood.]
  367. [NAME:leech:leeches:leech]
  368. --
  370. [DESCRIPTION:A tiny land mollusk. It can be found under rotten logs and in gardens.]
  371. [NAME:slug:slugs:slug]
  372. --
  374. [DESCRIPTION:A rolling platform for carrying passengers or cargo.]
  375. [NAME:wagon:wagons:wagon]
  376. --
  378. [NAME:Talon mercenary:Talon mercenaries:Talon mercenary]
  379. [CASTE_NAME:griffon:griffons:griffon]
  380. --
  382. [NAME:blank griffon:blank griffons:blank griffon]
  383. [CASTE_NAME:blank griffon:blank griffons:blank griffon]
  384. --
  386. [NAME:griffon:griffons:griffon]
  387. [CASTE_NAME:restrained griffon:restrained griffons:griffon]
  388. --
  390. [DESCRIPTION:Dragons are mostly solitary creatures that make their homes in remote caves. They collect their own treasure hoards that mostly consist of gold and gems. Many dragons that weren't killed outright by the balefire fallout of the apocalypse took refuge in their caves, though after two centuries, a few have started to emerge. With their nearly imepenetrable hide, razor-sharp claws, and firebreath, very few, if anything, remains in the wastes that could challenge them.]
  391. [NAME:dragon:dragons:dragon]
  392. --
  394. [DESCRIPTION: A giant, zombie-like minotaur that has the remains of metal armor fused to its skin by balefire radiation. Its movements are unexpectedly firm and purposeful, and powerful muscles ripple throughout its body.]
  395. [NAME:feral minotaur reaver:feral minotaur reavers:minotaur reaver]
  396. --
  398. [DESCRIPTION:A giant dragon-like monster with seven biting heads.]
  399. [NAME:hydra:hydras:hydra]
  400. --
  402. [DESCRIPTION:A horror out of zebra legends - a creature from beyond the moon, unleashed upon the world eons ago as a gift from the stars - this monstrous beast is completely invisible save for the surging, living constellations of light that seemed to float around and inside of it. Despite its immense size, this one is just a baby.]
  403. [NAME:star-spawn:star-spawn:star-spawn]
  404. --
  406. [DESCRIPTION:A RobronCo heavy assault robot designed by the Ministry of Wartime Technology for participation in the heaviest firefights during the war. Inspired by the highly lethal Zebra hunter killer robots, it is equipped with a minigun, a guided missile launcher, and sturdy armor plating.]
  407. [NAME:super sentinel:super sentinels:super sentinel]
  408. --
  410. [DESCRIPTION:A giant limbless dragon that lives in the sea, deep enough to escape the balefire fallout unscathed. It has only recently returned near the surface.]
  411. [NAME:sea serpent:sea serpents:sea serpent]
  412. --
  414. [DESCRIPTION:A giant creature with many eyes and arms to terrify the sea. It has only recently returned near the surface.]
  415. [NAME:sea monster:sea monsters:sea monster]
  416. --
  418. [DESCRIPTION:At first glance, this creature appears to be a pony foal, but its hairless, slimy flesh and deformed limbs quickly reveal otherwise. Though still small, it is growing rapidly.]
  419. [NAME:infant abomination:infant abominations:infant abomination]
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