
oo-accept broker 2host

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. [root@broker ~]# oo-accept-broker -v
  2. INFO: Broker package is: openshift-origin-broker
  3. INFO: checking packages
  4. INFO: checking package rubygem-openshift-origin-common
  5. INFO: checking package rubygem-openshift-origin-controller
  6. INFO: checking package openshift-origin-broker
  7. INFO: checking package rubygem-rails
  8. INFO: checking package rubygem-passenger
  9. INFO: checking package rubygems
  10. INFO: checking ruby requirements
  11. INFO: checking ruby requirements for openshift-origin-controller
  12. INFO: checking ruby requirements for config/application
  13. INFO: checking that selinux modules are loaded
  14. NOTICE: SELinux is Enforcing
  15. NOTICE: SELinux is Enforcing
  16. INFO: SELinux boolean httpd_execmem is enabled
  17. INFO: SELinux boolean httpd_unified is enabled
  18. INFO: SELinux boolean httpd_can_network_connect is enabled
  19. INFO: SELinux boolean httpd_can_network_relay is enabled
  20. INFO: SELinux boolean httpd_run_stickshift is enabled
  21. INFO: SELinux boolean allow_ypbind is enabled
  22. INFO: checking firewall settings
  23. INFO: checking mongo datastore configuration
  24. INFO: Datastore Host:
  25. INFO: Datastore Port: 27017
  26. INFO: Datastore User: openshift
  27. INFO: Datastore SSL: false
  28. INFO: Datastore Password has been set to non-default
  29. INFO: Datastore DB Name: openshift_broker
  30. INFO: Datastore: mongo db service is remote
  31. INFO: checking mongo db login access
  32. INFO: mongo db login successful: --username openshift
  33. INFO: checking services
  34. INFO: checking cloud user authentication
  35. INFO: auth plugin = OpenShift::RemoteUserAuthService
  36. INFO: auth plugin: OpenShift::RemoteUserAuthService
  37. INFO: checking remote-user auth configuration
  38. INFO: Auth trusted header: REMOTE_USER
  39. INFO: Auth passthrough is enabled for OpenShift services
  40. FAIL: Did not get expected HTTP 200 response from https://localhost/broker/rest/api
  41. FAIL: Did not get expected HTTP 200 response from https://localhost/broker/rest/cartridges
  42. FAIL: Did not get expected HTTP 401 response from https://localhost/broker/rest/user
  43. FAIL: Did not get expected HTTP 401 response from https://localhost/broker/rest/domains
  44. INFO: checking dynamic dns plugin
  45. INFO: dynamic dns plugin = OpenShift::NsupdatePlugin
  46. INFO: checking bind dns plugin configuration
  47. INFO: DNS Server:
  48. INFO: DNS Port: 53
  49. INFO: DNS Zone:
  50. INFO: DNS Domain Suffix:
  51. INFO: DNS Update Auth: key
  52. INFO: DNS Key Name:
  53. INFO: DNS Key Value: *****
  54. INFO: adding txt record named to server this_is_a_test
  55. INFO: txt record successfully added
  56. INFO: deleteing txt record named to server
  57. INFO: txt record successfully deleted
  58. INFO: checking messaging configuration
  59. INFO: messaging plugin = OpenShift::MCollectiveApplicationContainerProxy
  60. 4 ERRORS
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