

Jun 4th, 2017
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  1. [22:18:03] Kinven Nicald > sorry we had to pass you on to someone eles... not something we usually do, but it couldn't be helped :)
  2. [22:18:24] Kinven Nicald > i read your chat with kev to catch up...
  3. [22:18:47] Fihd > welcome
  4. [22:18:57] Kinven Nicald > all looks pretty good to me. We use tripwire instead of siggy... have you used trip before?
  5. [22:19:10] Fihd > no
  6. [22:20:07] Kinven Nicald > i've not used siggy myself, so can't tell you what the diffrences are, but it's easy enough to get a grip on
  7. [22:20:31] Fihd > I'm checking on the website
  8. [22:21:03] Fihd > it uses a webpage too
  9. [22:21:49] Fihd > the path to navigate between the different WH seems to be similar
  10. [22:22:20] Fihd > but it consolidates other informations like Dotlan
  11. [22:22:56] Kinven Nicald > it also lets us set in game destinations and waypoints via the website
  12. [22:23:20] Kinven Nicald > can tag a system to view to see how many jumps from an exit it is etc
  13. [22:23:43] Kinven Nicald > pretty handy stuff
  14. [22:23:47] Fihd > yes nice, and we can have a view on Mobile when we are not at home
  15. [22:23:50] Fihd > yes
  16. [22:24:37] Kinven Nicald > you sound like you'd be looking to do more pvp... have you flown with many fleets before?
  17. [22:25:49] Fihd > only few in WH and around 50 times in NS
  18. [22:26:27] Fihd > I forgot the basic English orders but I think it will came back soon...:)
  19. [22:28:07] Kinven Nicald > easily picked up along the way... if ever unsure, just ask someone to clarify
  20. [22:28:22] Kinven Nicald > would you say you get easily offended?
  21. [22:29:17] Fihd > do you mean offended when someone talk to me?
  22. [22:29:43] Kinven Nicald > we're an adult corp, with a good amount of adult content... be it bad language, sexual refrences... jokes with poor taste, that sort of stuff
  23. [22:29:52] Fihd > :)
  24. [22:30:17] Fihd > It will be the occasion to learn this term in English
  25. [22:31:14] Fihd > I used to speak English at the Office, but we speak only work
  26. [22:31:33] Fihd > BTW no problem for me
  27. [22:32:30] Kinven Nicald > would you be willing to train into specific ships and fittings as part of corporate doctrines?
  28. [22:34:00] Fihd > yes
  29. [22:34:39] Fihd > I have 3 accounts that I reactivated
  30. [22:34:54] Kinven Nicald > just thought.... i should have you add your api's to our website...
  31. [22:34:56] Fihd > I think I will keep only one
  32. [22:35:02] Kinven Nicald > <url=>How to add API key on our website</url>
  33. [22:36:32] Kinven Nicald > let me know once you've added it
  34. [22:36:37] Kinven Nicald > /slash: /them
  35. [22:36:42] Kinven Nicald > ./them
  36. [22:38:49] Fihd > done
  37. [22:41:45] Kinven Nicald > ok, cool... i see them, but it takes a while for the info to update so we can check it out
  38. [22:42:38] Kinven Nicald > are you applying to any other corps?
  39. [22:42:45] Fihd > no
  40. [22:42:48] Fihd > I have the time
  41. [22:43:22] Kinven Nicald > i'm assuming Banana corp is a holding corp?
  42. [22:43:36] Fihd > I'm in a NS renter corp for the time being, so it's more to gather ISK
  43. [22:43:44] Fihd > and banan is my very old corp
  44. [22:43:54] Fihd > I was here in WH
  45. [22:44:26] Fihd > it's my corp to centriled my assets and do some trading
  46. [22:44:44] Fihd > (centrilized)
  47. [22:46:11] Kinven Nicald > where do you see yourself in 3 months if you were to join us?
  48. [22:49:01] Fihd > good question
  49. [22:50:05] Fihd > I can adapt quickly so I suppose the first month will be more to have a regular isk income and try 4-5 pvp fleets
  50. [22:53:38] Fihd > so in 3 month I see me at home in one WH of the corpo with a clear objective to fight hostiles corporation to our corp
  51. [22:55:04] Kinven Nicald > as a wh pilot yourself, im sure you're aware that there will be times there is nothing going on. How would you occupy yourself during these quiet times?
  52. [22:56:03] Fihd > I already asked this question when I recruited new members:)
  53. [22:56:36] Fihd > gas mining, exploration and if it's allowed farm in the NS in the renting corp
  54. [22:56:44] Fihd > with a alt
  55. [22:56:51] Fihd > (an)
  56. [22:57:39] Fihd > and discuss with the other corp members
  57. [22:58:03] Kinven Nicald > did you enjoy recruiting when you used to do it?
  58. [22:59:30] Fihd > yes. The backend question was to try to identify a spy or a thief
  59. [23:00:13] Fihd > but the main discussion was very pleasant to discuss with new players or players that never played in WH
  60. [23:01:04] Fihd > it was difficult to explain them that sometimes that they will have few/nothing to do
  61. [23:01:50] Fihd > and explain them the live in a POS, not in a station
  62. [23:01:51] Kinven Nicald > did they used to find something to do themselves... or just wait to be told?
  63. [23:02:01] Fihd > to anticipate the gap
  64. [23:02:12] Fihd > it depends
  65. [23:03:10] Fihd > usually we have the path in Siggy so they can do some logi
  66. [23:04:17] Fihd > around 50% were waiting the first weeks...
  67. [23:05:31] Fihd > but after they used to find something to do, the keypoint was that we have someone connected around 10 hours per day
  68. [23:06:15] Fihd > at a moment we were in a C6 static C4
  69. [23:06:41] Fihd > so it was easy when 3-4 were logon
  70. [23:07:16] Kinven Nicald > k, i'd like to give you the opportunity to ask some questions of your own... i'm sure you must have one or two for us
  71. [23:07:20] Fihd > to farm the C4 with tengu+other ship depending if they can use it
  72. [23:09:13] Fihd > yes thanks
  73. [23:09:55] Fihd > how many Wormhole and class do you have?
  74. [23:11:37] Kinven Nicald > our home wh is a class 4... it has static connections, but we dont share that info with non corp members
  75. [23:11:56] Fihd > ok
  76. [23:12:23] Fihd > it's nice a C4: 2 connections, like the C2, good for pve and pvp
  77. [23:13:21] Fihd > what is the corpo main pvp objective? I see small gangs and pvp operations with others corpos
  78. [23:14:44] Kinven Nicald > we often have people scan chains looking for both pvp and pve... we try to make use of whatever we can find. if we find a good hole to run sites in... we'll do that. If we find content (pvp) then we'll do that. Often the mood of the fleet dictates what
  79. [23:14:52] Kinven Nicald > we do together
  80. [23:15:53] Kinven Nicald > though we do have a regular mining op, and a regular pvp roam op... which we encourage people to join in on, but it's by no means compulsory
  81. [23:16:39] Fihd > ok nice
  82. [23:16:55] Fihd > for the corp Wormhole it's not difficult to find it:)
  83. [23:17:12] Fihd > Epithal kill->J155214 C2/C3
  84. [23:17:43] Kinven Nicald > glad to see you use the tools at your disposal
  85. [23:18:09] Fihd > many players didn't pay attention when they do PI and continue to do the PI instead of only take the PI and run
  86. [23:18:58] Fihd > the C3 is good to farm and C2 good for pvp
  87. [23:19:12] Fihd > I suppose you find many pvp corp in the C2
  88. [23:19:22] Fihd > so it maybe good fights
  89. [23:19:42] Kinven Nicald > we've had some good ones :)
  90. [23:20:13] Fihd > and a last question : can I keep an alt in the renting NS corp to farm isk in parralel?
  91. [23:20:42] Fihd > <url=showinfo:2//98505151>Country House</url>
  92. [23:21:12] Kinven Nicald > you can... we don't restrict how you want to play. we only expect you to follow any rules we lay out, and pay attenton to the fc during any ops we do.
  93. [23:21:24] Kinven Nicald > and not to be a dick of course :P
  94. [23:21:26] Fihd > sure
  95. [23:21:38] Fihd > yes I see it was the first requirement:)
  96. [23:24:09] Kinven Nicald > alright... ima warp this up. I'll pass on your information to higher leadership for them the view, and they'll make a decision and either myself or one of them will let you know either way.
  97. [23:24:32] Fihd > ok thanks for your time
  98. [23:24:45] Fihd > does I apply now?
  99. [23:25:28] Kinven Nicald > yes please... if you have roles in your current corp, you;'ll have to remove those first
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