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- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include "pru_uart.h"
- #include "pru_ecap.h"
- #include "sys_gpio.h"
- // define PWM inputs for motor controll
- #define EPWM1A ( *(uint16_t volatile *)0x48302212 )
- #define EPWM1B ( *(uint16_t volatile *)0x48302214 )
- // encoder position in other PRU core's memory
- #define position_var ((uint32_t const volatile *)0x00002000)
- struct Message {
- uint32_t id;
- uint32_t timestamp;
- uint32_t position;
- int32_t control_signal;
- int16_t force;
- int16_t motor_effort;
- };
- // layout of shared ddr3 memory (filled in by loader)
- struct DDRLayout {
- Message volatile *msgbuf;
- uint16_t num_msgs;
- uint16_t msg_size;
- };
- struct SharedVars {
- // set by pru before halting
- char const *abort_file;
- int abort_line;
- // read-pointer updated by python
- uint16_t ridx;
- uint16_t signal[1000];
- };
- far struct DDRLayout ddr __attribute__((location(0x10000))) = {};
- far struct SharedVars volatile shmem __attribute__((location(0x10100))) = {};
- static inline uint32_t timestamp_cycles()
- {
- return CT_ECAP.TSCTR;
- }
- // for easier debugging, record where in the source code we halted
- __attribute__((noreturn))
- void abort_at( char const *file, int line )
- {
- shmem.abort_file = file;
- shmem.abort_line = line;
- for(;;) __halt();
- }
- static inline void assert_at( bool cond, char const *file, int line )
- {
- if( ! cond )
- abort_at( file, line );
- }
- #define abort() abort_at( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
- #define assert(cond) assert_at( (cond), __FILE__, __LINE__ )
- // local copy of write-pointer
- static uint16_t widx = 0;
- // global var for write-pointer is located right after message ringbuffer
- #define ddr_msgbuf_end ( ddr.msgbuf + ddr.num_msgs )
- #define ddr_widx ( *(uint16_t volatile *)ddr_msgbuf_end )
- // receive byte from uart
- static inline char uart_recv_byte()
- {
- for(;;) {
- uint8_t lsr = CT_UART.LSR;
- if( lsr & 0x1e )
- abort(); // receive-error occurred
- if( lsr & 0x01 )
- return (char) CT_UART.RBR;
- }
- }
- // receive CR-terminated line from uart
- static inline uint8_t uart_recv_line( char volatile msg[], uint8_t maxlen )
- {
- uint8_t len = 0;
- for(;;) {
- char c = uart_recv_byte();
- if( c == '\r' )
- break; // found end of line
- if( len == maxlen )
- abort(); // line does not fit in buffer
- msg[ len++ ] = c;
- }
- return len;
- }
- int32_t abs(int16_t value){
- return value * ((value>0) - (value <0));
- }
- int16_t receive_measurement()
- {
- // allocate buffer at fixed address for debugging convenience
- static char volatile msg[8] __attribute__((location(0x1f00)));
- // receive line from uart
- uint8_t len = uart_recv_line( msg, sizeof msg );
- // verify length and prefix
- if( len != 8 || msg[0] != 'N' || (msg[1] != '+' && msg[1] != '-'))
- abort();
- // parse the remainder as integer
- int16_t value = 0;
- uint8_t i;
- for( i = 2; i < len; i++ ) {
- if( msg[i] < '0' || msg[i] > '9' )
- abort();
- value = value * 10 + ( msg[i] - '0' );
- }
- if (msg[1] == '-')
- value *= -1;
- return value;
- }
- void initialize()
- {
- // perform sanity-checking
- assert( 0x80000000 <= (uint32_t)ddr.msgbuf );
- assert( ddr.msgbuf < ddr_msgbuf_end );
- assert( ddr.msg_size == sizeof(Message) );
- assert( ddr_widx == widx );
- assert( shmem.ridx == widx );
- }
- static inline uint16_t next_idx( uint16_t idx )
- {
- if( ++idx == ddr.num_msgs )
- idx = 0;
- return idx;
- }
- void send_message( uint32_t id, int16_t current_force,uint32_t current_position, int32_t input, int16_t output)
- {
- uint16_t next_widx = next_idx( widx );
- if( next_widx == shmem.ridx ) {
- // can't send message, ringbuffer is full
- abort();
- }
- Message volatile *msg = &ddr.msgbuf[ widx ];
- // fill in contents of message
- msg->id = id;
- msg->position = current_position;
- msg->force = current_force;
- msg->timestamp = timestamp_cycles();
- msg->control_signal = input;
- msg->motor_effort = output;
- // update write-pointer
- ddr_widx = widx = next_widx;
- }
- void main() {
- int32_t control_signal = 0;
- int32_t error[3];
- CT_UART.THR = 'S';
- CT_UART.THR = 'N';
- CT_UART.THR = '\r';
- initialize();
- uint32_t id =0;
- uint32_t reference_count = *position_var; // initil reading from decoder as unit32
- uint16_t counter = 0;
- gpio_set_one_low(&GPIO0,31);
- // PID parameters
- int32_t Kp = (int)(10 * 0x010000) ;
- int32_t Ki = (int)(10 * 0x010000) ;
- int32_t Kd = (int)(10 * 0x010000) ;
- int16_t A[3] = {0};
- A[0] = Kp + Ki + Kd;
- A[1] = -Kp -2*Kd;
- A[2] = Kd;
- while (true) {
- int16_t force = receive_measurement();
- uint32_t current_position = *position_var - reference_count;
- int16_t input_signal = shmem.signal[counter];
- // Control logic work in progress
- error[2] = error[1];
- error[1] = error[0];
- error[0] = input_signal + reference_count; // current reading from decoder
- error[0] = error[0] - current_position;
- control_signal += A[0] * error[0] + A[1] * error[1] + A[2] * error[2];
- // check if motor direction must change
- if (control_signal < 0) {
- // place lower bound on control signal
- if (control_signal < -(4000 << 16))
- control_signal = -(4000 << 16);
- gpio_set_one_low(&GPIO0,31);
- } else {
- // place upper bound on control signal
- if (control_signal > (4000 << 16))
- control_signal = (4000 << 16);
- gpio_set_one_high(&GPIO0,31);
- }
- // check for fault condition
- // if (position > 25000 && reference_count < 42949000)
- // EPWM1A = 0;
- // else
- EPWM1A = abs(control_signal) >> 16;
- //report to python
- send_message( ++id,force, current_position, input_signal,control_signal);
- ++counter;
- // reset counter to enforce periodicy
- if (counter > 999){
- counter = 0;
- reference_count = *position_var; // initil reading from decoder as unit32
- }
- }
- }
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