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Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. Blood and immunity
  2. Antibodies are specific, meaning that an antibody produced to fight against once antigen cannot fight against a different antigen (R):A
  3. The conidition in which rh+ red blood cells of a fetus are attacked by anti-RH antibodies of the fetus' Rh-Mother is called ___ (R):A
  4. All of the following are part of the immune system except: (R):D
  5. Antibody and cell-mediated immunity are considered to be forms of ___ immunity.(R):B
  6. AIDS is caused by __, a virus that infects ___.(R):C
  7. Which of the following shows the correct sequence of events leading to the formation of a bood clot? (R):A
  8. Blood cells are formed from ____. (W):
  9. Which of the following is not a type of leukocyte (white blood cell)? (W):D
  10. __ is a cancer of the cells that produce white blood cells (w):C
  11. Albumins are the plasma proteins responsible for...? (R):A
  12. A person with type O blood ... (R):D
  13. __ is the proccess by which red blood cells are produced. this proccess takes place in the ___. (R):B
  14. Persons with the hereditary disease hemophilia ... (R):B
  15. Heparin is an anticoagulant. (R):A
  16. Which of the following is likely to occur if a person with type A blood recieves a transfusion of type B blood? (R):C
  17. Blood is responsible for all of the following except:(W):B
  18. __ is the condition in which a person has an insuficient amount of hemoglobin or too few red blood cells.(R):C
  19. Renal erythropoietic factor, or REF, is ... (R):D
  20. the body's first line of defence against infection by various pathogens includes all of the following except (W):A
  21. The rhesus, or RH, factor is ... (R):C
  22. __ are white blood cells that are responsible for recognizing and destroying foreign antigens.
  23. _ are cells that engulf and digest bacteria and other foreign substances as well as debris from dead cells. (R):C
  24. A Vaccine... (W):B
  25. in __ immunity a person is given an injection of antibodies from another person or animal. (R):A
  26. Which of the following is not autoimmune disease?(R):D
  27. __ is a respiratory pigment that carries oxygen (R):C
  28. White blood cells are formed from __ (W):C
  29. The mixture of phagocytes, bacteria, dead cells and tissue fluid, t hat collects in a wound is called __. (R):C
  30. ___ is an overreaction of the immune system to an invading particle or substance that is not normally harmful. (R):C
  31. in antibody immunity, when a pathogen enters the body it is engulfed by a macrophage and its antigens are pressed into the macrophage's plasma membrane. the foreign antigens pressed into the plasma membrane are then recognized by ___, which in turn stimulate ___.(R):B
  32. One a wound heals the blood clot is dissolved by a plasma protein called __.(W):A
  33. __ are cell fragments found in the blood that are involved in blood clotting. (R):platelets
  34. The liquid part of the blood is called ___.(W):D
  35. ___ causes an inflammatory response characterized by such symptoms as sneezing, a runn nose, and constricted air passages. (R):A
  36. a person's blood type depends on the prsence or absence of certain proteins called __ on the surface of his or her red blood cells (R):B
  37. Globulins are the plasma proteins responsible for ... (R):C
  38. pathogens are ...(R):D
  39. Fibrinogens are the plasma proteins responsible for ... (W):C
  40. A person with type AB blood ... (R):D
  41. __ are a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response.(R):A
  42. HIV can be transmitted from one person to another through ...(R):D
  43. The blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues, and carbon dioxide from the body tissues to the lungs are called ___.(R):D
  44. If the same pathogen invades the body twice, it will be recognized and destroyed more quickly the second time because of (W):D
  45. reticulocytes are.. (W):D
  46. ___ control the immune response by shutting down the production of antibodies in antibody immunity and the production of killer T cells in cell-mediated immunity (W):C
  47. The volume of blood found in the body of an average-size man is about __, while the volume of blood found in an averagae-size woman is about __. (W):D
  48. The warmth, redness, and swelling of skin infections are characteristic of the ____ response. this serves as the body's ___ line of defense.(W):A
  49. all of the following make up the nonliquid part of the blood except : (W):A
  50. in cell-mediated immunity, ___ bind to and tear open the cell membranes of invading cells or infected body cells. (W):B
  51. A(N) ____ is formed when a blood clot dislodges from a vessel and begins traveling through the blood stream (W):C
  52. ___ produce antibodies and are formed from b cells. (R):C
  53. the bodys most specific defence mechanism is the (R):a
  54. a person with ___ is born with no immune system (W):D
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