
Rizevim's durability

Apr 22nd, 2020
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  1. Michael raised his hand to the sky, and in mid-air — appeared an immensely large spear of light! …If one was to be hit by that gigantic spear of light, any kind of devil’s life would be in danger! Michael mercilessly lowered his hand. The gigantic spear of light flew towards Rizevim! In the instant that it hit, a large amount of light was released in an explosion! Michael immediately erected a barrier, to protect us from the impact of the explosion. That was not the case for Rizevim, he took a head on strike from that gigantic spear of light.
  3. “Ha—hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!”
  5. Several more explosions occurred within the Garden of Eden, so that even the landscape significantly changed. In the midst of the explosions, that guy kept laughing continuously. —Then, in the centre of the explosions caused by the spear of light, appeared twelve black pillars. They expanded and then bent…like wings. No, this is— After the assault from the spears of light stopped, I saw Rizevim standing in the centre of where the explosions were with twelve black wings spread out. The shape of his wings were familiar. That’s right, it was from when the three factions made peace. My rival — Vali, he had these black wings! It was Lucifer’s…black wings! Rizevim survived the attack of light. With his wings coming out of his back, he rested his hand on his chin.
  7. “Oh no, what should I say…ah, yes — so sorry. I really underestimated you. Oh no, because it’s been a few thousand years, a few thousand years without exercising much, my shoulders are a bit sore.”
  9. Volume 18, Life 4
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