

Mar 15th, 2019
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  1. You have emoted: Tatia steps on the balcony while chuckling softly. "Hey you." she says to Toz warmly.
  3. Turning to face you, Toz smiles warmly at you, his hand curled to a delicate fist behind him. He steps closer, warmly returning, "Hello yourself."
  5. You have emoted: Tatia tucks her staff away and moves towards Toz, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss Toz's jaw. Settling herself back down, she tilts her head curiously at him.
  7. Leaning in to kiss your cheek in reply, Toz straightens and clears his throat. "You have marked me," he begins to you, "And so I decided, perhaps, it was time to mark you?" He brings his free hand up, catching your left, holding gently at the wrist. He brings his other around, moving to slide an entwined three-pointed ring of gold onto you ring finger.
  9. Formed of three triangles, this gold ring is a simple design. The base of each triangle has been curved and fused with its neighbor, making it impossible to tell where one begins and the other ends, creating a smooth, circular ring to loop around the finger of the wearer. Each of the triangle's points rise away from one another equidistant apart from one another, coming to a sharp point. The triangles taper inwards as well, leaving the ringed base to fit comfortably, and each point as a narrower spot that presses against the skin, much less pleasant to remove than it is to slip on.
  10. It is an Ankyrean artifact, enchanted with the following powers:
  11. paired
  13. You have emoted: Tatia smiles softly with the returned kiss to her cheek, her gaze falling to her hand as Toz catches her wrist. She stares almost blankly at the ring as he slips it on her finger. After a moment, she looks up at Toz with a stunned expression. "It's gorgeous." she finally manages to stammer out, lifting her right hand to grip the panel of his coat and pull him down into a passionate and lingering kiss.
  15. Meeting your kiss as you pulls him in, Toz gives a muffled chuckle against you, his arms going to wrap around you after settling the ring firmly in place, each of the three points scraping lightly against your skin as it goes on- their points set inward to make removal of the ring more tricky than putting it on. He pulls back, if only just, and murmurs, "Try TOUCHing it."
  17. You reach out and touch an entwined three-pointed ring of gold.
  18. As you touch an entwined three-pointed ring of gold it begins to glow softly, and you feel a tugging at your soul.
  20. You are pulled along by an entwined three-pointed ring of gold, warping through space to meet with Toz.
  22. You have emoted: Tatia leans back from Toz and extends her hand in front of her to admire the ring. She flips her hand palm up in an attempt to look at the points pressing in against her skin. She glances up at Toz's prompting and pulls her hand from his face to touch the ring as instructed, her eyes widening as she warps vaguely out of reality. She shakes her head lightly and stares up at Toz, almost confused. "What..?" she questions with a disbelieving laugh.
  24. With a more open laugh as you appears at his side once more, Toz reaches out and catches your hand, holding fiercely on. "You have been walking to my side lately, for fights," he murmurs to you, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek. "I thought I'd speed up the effort?" His side bumps against your, gesture openly fond. "I hope you like it?"
  26. You have emoted: Tatia leans in against Toz's side, laughing quietly while extending her hand once more - pulling Toz's hand with hers. "I love it." she assures him, bumping her hip in return to Toz. "Well? How does it look?" she asks, tearing her glance away from her hand to look up at him with a pleased smile.
  28. With a toothy sort of grin to you, Toz nods down to the ring. "As I imagined it would," he tells you, grip tight on your hand. "Glad you like your surprise." He twists then, moving to press his front to your, his free hand going to rest on your hip, pulling your form in against his own once more. "You look good in gold."
  30. You have emoted: Tatia cant hide the grin stretching widely over her features. "I love it." she corrects Toz with a laugh, bringing her right arm around him. "I look better in nothing." she teases, leaning up to nip lightly at Toz's neck. "I.. wasn't expecting anything like..this." she murmurs, pulling back to look at Toz.
  32. Tilting his head just a little at the nip, Toz lets his eyes mostly slide shut. "I did promise you a symbol," he points out to you, tilting his head and regarding you with a good deal of attention. "And, why not naked save for some gold?" he wonders after, absently as he can feign. "Just a necklace to draw the gaze, some rings on your fingers and bracelets on your wrists to catch the light while they move?"
  34. You have emoted: Tatia snickers softly while keeping her gaze fixed to Toz's. "I think you made sure this gold would stay put." she returns with an amused quirk of her eyebrow. "My jewelry generally stays on when I am naked... though I will take it as a compliment that you haven't noticed." she thinks aloud, bumping her hips lightly against Toz.
  36. "Just a retort to you saying you look better in nothing," Toz replies to you. He bumps back against you, pressing you towards the railing of the balcony, only halting his advance once your form touches it. He leans in, nipping at your lower lip, then catching you in a long, lingering kiss, his eyes sliding shut.
  38. You have emoted: "In your words? I like my reality better." Tatia teases, not realizing that she's stepping back with Toz's guidance until she bumps against it. Before she can say a word, her hands come up to rest lightly against each side of his face while she leans into the kiss. Her hands slip from his face, one draping around his neck while to other slips under the collar of Toz's shirt to graze against the skin of his back.
  40. Curling a loose fist into your dress, Toz reaches past you and braces against the balcony itself with his other hand, hemming you in. He nips again, then bears down harder still into the kiss, murmuring a pleased sort of noise against your mouth. He holds there for a long moment, simply savoring the contact, and even when he breaks it by resting his forehead firmly against your, he doesn't pull back far. "I love you," he informs you, words simple. "Would you like to do something, or go somewhere? Or just spend the time together in here?"
  42. You have emoted: Tatia remains still, her eyes taking several moments to reopen from the shared kiss breaking. She shakes her head slowly against Toz's, bumping her nose gently against Toz's nose. "I love you too." she returns fondly, smile plainly heard. "Whatever you feel like?" she decides thoughtfully, "I just want to be close to you for a while." she murmurs.
  44. "We can do that," Toz assures you, bumping against you gently before he draws back slowly. "We can go sit by the fire, or sprawl out on the beach?" he suggests to you, raising his hand to stroke your cheek slowly, thumb grazing against the skin time and again. "Leaning against you leaning against something can't be comfortable for long, though."
  46. You have emoted: "Fire sounds good." Tatia returns, letting Toz pull away from her. She straightens up against the railing and shifts her chin up. "Do you want to go lesser, first?"
  48. Toz nods to you. "Let's go."
  50. **Lesser then back to house**
  52. You have emoted: Tatia purses her lips for a moment while her glance slips to her hand for a moment. "Did you want to go to the beach or stay by the fire?" she questions curiously, glancing up to Toz.
  54. "Lady's choice," Toz tells you, tucking his axes away and raising his hands instead to cup your cheeks. "So long as you're there, it'll be good."
  56. You have emoted: Tatia smiles softly up at Toz, tilting her cheek against his right hand. "We'll go to the beach, we could always make a fire should the mood strike." she decides.
  58. **To beach in haven**
  60. You have emoted: Tatia chuckles quietly while lowering herself to the blanket stretched out over the sand. She leans forward and pulls her boots off, one by one. She looks up at Toz and smiles. "Care to join me?" she asks with the cant of her head.
  62. Reaching down to slide his own makeshift boots off, Toz treads over and slides down onto the blanket alongside you, stretching out on his back and lifting his chin up, stretching for a long moment before sighing and settling down again. "Mmh. Now you come here," he instructs, with a nod down to his chest, gaze going to you after.
  64. You have emoted: Tatia watches Toz settle and laughs, pushing herself forward to crawl over on top of Toz. Instead of laying against his chest she opts to straddle him, pulling the skirt of her dress loose to keep her modesty. She leans forward just slightly to run her hands along Toz's chest, pushing his coat to fall open on each side of him. "I think.. you should tell me something." she says with a half grin.
  66. Shifting both hands to rest on your hips, Toz squeezes tight as you moves to straddle him. "Other than that you're magnificently beautiful?" he wonders up at you, with a slight hint of a grin. "Mm. I like this position?" he tries, giving your hips a push-and-pull back and forth atop him, just a little. "Or, if you're in the mood for something else, I like this. Being here with you."
  68. You have emoted: Tatia arches her back slightly to almost pose for Toz, her eyes falling almost closed with Toz's guide to her hips. "Flattery and maybe a hint of seduction?" she murmurs, quirking an eyebrow. She leans forward to plant a hand on Toz's chest, pushing up on her knees just enough to return the movement against Toz - making sure to keep her body pressed to his. "I like you being here too. Two of my favorite things.. you and the beach."
  70. "I multi-task," Toz tells you plainly, his hands following your motions now, instead of guiding you along, seeming quite pleased with how you sways. "Mine," he tells you, plainly, and continues on after a beat, "You're scaring them, you know. Went for you right away, in that fight- Vyxsis, Mjoll, Mazzion and I, and they take you." His lips curl up into a small smile, "You just need to learn how to run, and all will be well."
  72. You have emoted: Tatia uses her free hand to grip Toz's on her hip, guiding it slowly from her hip to rest against her ass while she continues to press her body against his - dipping her hips down against him and back. "I hate running." she returns while biting lightly on her lower lip, "But you're right, I need to learn to run." she says, lifting her glance to meet Toz's briefly.
  74. With you guiding his hand, Toz squeezes against your ass and gives a single, firm tug down against him, his hips raising, pressing firm against you. He gives a slight grin, murmuring, "Better to live and kill them all than stand and die alone." His other hand likewise leaves your hip, reaching up to find your breast, squeezing firmly through your dress, wrapping around after and hooking his fingers into your hair, fisting tightly.
  76. You have emoted: "Maybe you'll just have to punish me when I am stubborn and dont run." Tatia retorts barely above a whisper. She inhales sharply with Toz's attention to her chest and pressing against her. "Or." she states, reaching behind her to catch Toz's wrist and tugging it from her ass, "I'll just have to take my frustration from"
  78. With you pulling his hand away again, Toz curls his into your, digging his claws into the back of your hand. He gives a sharp yank of your hair, raising his hips to give another bump up against you. "Is that so?" he wonders. "Frustrated, even though we won the fight? Or maybe you didn't get worn out enough from the one rush?"
  80. You have emoted: Tatia groans quietly with the tug to her hair, her chin lifting to keep some slack in her hair. "You didn't fall the moment we stepped in." she returns, her hand jerking with the stinging sensation of Toz's claws digging in. She pushes her weight a little more against his chest, dropping her weight to grind against Toz.
  82. Toz lets his eyes drift closed as you moves atop him. "I didn't, you're right," he murmurs, lazily grinning. "I work hard to survive, and you will learn." He slides from your hair and instead slowly rakes down your back, scraping through the dress as he goes.
  84. You have emoted: Tatia jerks forward against Toz with his claws raking along her back, she drops her head a suppresses a groan in her throat. She balls the hand resting on Toz's chest into a fist, tugging at his shirt almost roughly. "I'll learn." she murmurs through clenched teeth, trying to mask the longing in her voice.
  86. With you pressing flat to his chest, Toz slips his other hand from your, moving to wrap around your back as he twists, rolling over onto you in an abrupt movement. With you beneath him, half on and half off the blanket, he gives a rough roll of his hips down against you, murmuring lowly to you, "I want you," as he finds your ear, nuzzling softly at it before nipping at the lobe, catching it with his sharp teeth.
  88. You have emoted: Tatia squeaks softly with the rolling, her lips parting to inhale sharply at the roll of Toz's hips against her. Her back arches partly in the sand, pressing against his chest with the attention to her ear. She slips her left leg from under Toz and loosely wraps it around his waist, pulling away from Toz's nip to her ear and in turn pressing her lips to his ear. "If it's yours, take it." she murmurs softly.
  90. "It is," Toz informs you, as if to clear up any questions on the matter you might have. He pushes his hand against the sand, raising his chest, other dipping between the pair to unfasten his pants, undoing them just enough to draw his length from within. He gives a few slow strokes of himself, letting his gaze fall to your dress next. Letting go of his shaft, he moves to instead shove your dress up higher, lowering his top half down so he can kiss your jaw once, warmly.
  92. You have emoted: Tatia grins slightly up at Toz, lifting her head just enough to help sort the shirt of her dress out the way. She slips her right hand from her skirt to slide along her own body until she blindly finds his shaft, stroking lightly a few times before lining him with her slit - the warmth from her obvious desire easily felt. She lifts her eyes to Toz once more, leaning up to press her lips to his, pulling back to murmur, "Show me."
  94. With a quiet groan as you lines him up with you, the quiet encouragement against his lips is all that Toz needs to do so- he rocks his hips forward, pressing into you slowly, if only at first. His hand leaves your dress after, raising up to catch your throat instead, pinning you down to the sand by it. As his grip tightens so, too, do his movements speed up, setting into an abrupt hard, fast pace down against you, his other hand curling into a loose fist in the sand, still serving to partially prop himself up. His eyes settle onto your, watching your features intently as he takes you.
  96. You have emoted: Her mouth falling open slightly as Toz pushes slowly inside of her, a quiet moan slips out of Tatia's mouth. Her eyes go wide when his hand slips around her throat, her hand coming up immediately to catch Toz's wrist instinctively. She tilts her chin back causing the sand to shift under her, a breathy yelp making its way out with the abrupt shift in pace. "You feel...amaz.."she rasps out the best she can manage, her leg tightening around him.
  98. With your words choking off, Toz lifts his chin just a little, visibly pleased with himself. Though he's careful to not strangle you, as his rough motions continue down against you, his claws do dig into the skin, threatening to pierce it with his more enthusiastic motions. His wings stretch out just a little behind him, flaring to help him keep his balance while he moves, eyes mostly lidded in apparent pleasure. "So do you," he murmurs down to you. "And since I don't have to worry about breaking you..." He trails off, giving an especially sharp slam down against you, flexing his hand around your neck meaningfully.
  100. You have emoted: Tatia arches her back against the sand to, instinctively pulling at Toz's hand around her throat but leaning her head a little more into Toz's claws threatening to break through the delicate skin of her neck. Her eyes nearly roll back in her head when he slams against her, a broken and raspy scream slipping from her throat. Her chest heaves while she tries to yelp and draw breath at the same time, her face turning a faint shade of pink.
  102. With you arching up against him, Toz loosens his hold, if only to allow you a moment to catch you breath. He doesn't slow his strokes however, driving himself towards his climax swiftly as he takes full advantage of your body pinned beneath his own. With his orgasm kicking off, he drives his hips into your a final time, burying fully within you, hand on your neck raking down and dragging his claws against your skin, leaving angry red scratches behind, settling with his palm pinning you down by resting on you chest. He groans out his pleasure as he finds his release, eyes squeezed shut and head hanging down a little lower, hissing to you, "Mine."
  104. You have emoted: Tatia gasps roughly the instant Toz turns her throat loose, she squeezes her eyes closed and within a few more of his strokes looses her loosely grasped composure. Her body clenches tightly around Toz, her leg locking in place against Toz's waist while her head tilts back and now able to breathe, a mix between crying out and moaning echo throughout the area. She continues to jerk under Toz while he finds his own climax, her chest still heaving roughly. Eventually she opens her eyes to look up at Toz, her hand sliding up to rub lightly over her throat. "Damn." she murmurs out, still raspy from the lack of air and screaming. "Yours." she whispers softly in return.
  106. As he comes down, Toz relaxes the press on your chest, eventually just using the hand to balance himself out a little more, bending the elbow so he can lower down to claim your lips in a firm kiss. His hips bump against your pointedly, remaining in you as he kisses you, offering up merely a wordless, pleased groan. When he breaks the kiss, he rolls to the side, coming to sprawl on his back beside you, panting a little for air, side-eying you as he does.
  108. You have emoted: Tatia barely lifts her head to meet Toz's kiss, groaning lightly against his lips with the bump against her. She watches Toz roll off of her, the pushes herself up slowly and ruffles her hair to the side in attempt to get the sand out. She looks over at Toz and offers a slight smile, "You okay over there?" she teases, reaching out to brush her fingertips along Toz's leg.
  110. "I fought the whole time," Toz quips back to you, baring his teeth in a grin at you. "And then took the lead up here, too." He bumps his side against your, not bothering to make himself decent as he remains sprawled alongside you, his eyes lidded and chest still rising and falling a little quickly as he works to catch his breath. "How about you?"
  112. You have emoted: Tatia narrows her eyes at Toz, watching him quietly for a few moments. "I suppose I will just have to make it up to you, hm? Mean me, letting you do all the work." she returns coyly with a quirked eyebrow, her hand brushing against Toz's leg pausing and instead gripping his thigh. Sucking her teeth lightly, she pushes up to her knees and pulls her dress down. "How can I make it up to you..I wonder." she feigns thinking aloud.
  114. With you rising up onto you knees, Toz rolls his head to the side, watching you move. "I'm sure you'll figure something out," he retorts, flashing a lazy grin. He stretches his legs out and raises his hand, folding behind his head, other coming to rest on his chest as he watches you move. "Though there's a mess made, so if you decided to clean it up...?"
  116. You have emoted: Tatia cuts her eyes towards Toz, a smug smirk on her face. "I think you had the same idea I did." she informs him. She moves to crawl over him, bringing both knees down to straddle him once more except this time, her back is facing Toz. She lifts a hand to brush the hair from her face and leans forward, her skirt pulling forward to just barely cover her ass while her hand slips around the base of Toz's shaft. She dips her head to run her tongue lightly along the circumference of the tip, pulling back to glance at Toz over her shoulder.
  118. With your tongue grazing against his sensitive length, Toz groans lowly and shifts, trying to stir closer to the touch. As your gaze turns back his way, he smirks back and lifts his chin a little, raising both hands to find your ass, squeezing once before pressing the skirt higher. "Good girl," he murmurs low to you, "Keep doing that, it feels good." He slips his hands beneath your skirt after, sliding up to hook into skin so he can claw slowly down once more. "Everything you do feels so good."
  120. You have emoted: Tatia wiggles her hips slowly from side to side while she lowers her head once more. "I'm glad my Alpha approves." she says coyly, her grip around the base of Toz's shaft tightening briefly. Her tongue makes its way along Toz's tip and around, then teasingly slips down the underside of his shaft and back up. She pressing his tip against her wet lips and barely parts them, instead of letting Toz slip in her mouth, she runs her tongue painfully slown along to top half of his shaft and back up again.
  122. The teasing taking its toll on Toz, he shifts and squirms just a little as his still sensitive length gets attention from your lips and tongue, the murmur of 'Alpha' drawing a low growl from behind you. He catches into your back with his claws and flexes, pointedly digging into the skin and holding fast for a moment, murmuring his pleasure afterwards. "You keep that up..." he murmurs, trailing off afterwards, leaving it unsaid - though with his claws flexing again before they start to resume their stroking across your skin, the implication is fairly straightforward.
  124. You have emoted: "Mm, Mine." is all Tatia bothers to say, her hips still swaying in front of Toz though her thighs tighten with Toz's claws digging into her skin. Her tongue flickers a few times along the rim of Toz's tip, her hand gripping his shaft loosens considerably until her hand is barely grazing against Toz while her hand moves upward and then downward against Toz. Her tongue finds its way back up to tease along Toz's tip, her intention of torturing him for a time becoming obvious.
  126. Toz's eyes drift almost completely shut as you continues to tease him, starting to grow firmer in you grasp. His head digs into the ground a little, thumb drifting to the side to prod at the entrance to your ass. "Just remember, I will pay you back," he warns to you, though his touch drops after, his hips instead lifting as he seeks more contact with your lips and tongue. "It does....feel good, though."
  128. You have emoted: Tatia lifts her head just slightly, her lightly stroking hand tightening abruptly as she jumps just slightly at Toz's prodding touch. "Not like you haven't been there before." she murmurs back at Toz while licking her lips just before refocusing her attention on his length in her grasp. She keeps her grip tighened and resumes her stroking while she lowers her head and slowly presses his tip past her lips.
  130. Starting to grow distinctly firmer as you continues to tease him, Toz gives a quiet chuckle at your comment, nodding along with it. He breathes in and holds it as your lips circle the head of his cock, hand sliding up your back until he finds your head, curling into a tight fist in you hair. "Mmh," he murmurs in clear approval. "I want more."
  132. You have emoted: Tatia moves her head slowly up and down with her attention focused on teasing Toz's tip, not letting any more of Toz's cock slip past her lips. Her hand strokes in rhythm with her head, her grip changing every so often from tighter and looser and back. Hearing Toz's words, she lets another inch slip past her lips but no more than that continuing with her trend of teasing Toz.
  134. With a growl mingling in with his groan of pleasure as you refuses to give more than a slight increase in contact, Toz gives your hair a rough yank, nearly pulling you from his length. "More," he says, sounding far less like a request, shifting to plant his other arm against the blanket beside the pair, pushing up his torso just a little so his hand atop your head has a more favorable angle.
  136. You have emoted: A little surprised by the yank to her hair, Tatia readjusts the hand planted beside Toz supporting her weight. She pulls her head forward, pulling Toz's fist balled in her hair forward with her. She tightens her grip around his cock considerably and the pace with her hand picks up. Her head drops letting another half inch pass through her lips with each bob of her head though she makes sure his tip doesnt meet the back of her throat yet.
  138. With you resisting his pull and giving him a little more contact - and your hand picking up the pace - Toz doesn't shove down on your head, instead relaxing the pull and simply keeping pressure against the back of it, resisting your attempts to draw back. His hips start to lift, meeting your downward motions against him, seeking more contact still. "Just like that," he encourages lowly. "Don't stop."
  140. With you resisting his pull and giving him a little more contact - and your hand picking up the pace - Toz doesn't shove down on your head, instead relaxing the pull and simply keeping pressure against the back of it, resisting your attempts to draw back. His hips start to lift, meeting your downward motions against him, seeking more contact still. "Just like that," he encourages lowly. "Don't stop."
  142. You have emoted: Tatia keeps her pace going and it starts to build, speeding up just a bit. After several strokes against Toz, she lets his tip bump against the back of her throat every few strokes, humming softly while she does. She shifts her weight from one side to another on her knees, clearly enjoying Toz's enjoyment. She abruptly drops her head, letting his cock hit her throat and slip a little past - her throat constricting and tightening around him while her hand continues to work along what isn't in her mouth.
  144. your throat against the tip of his length has Toz giving a slight jerk, pushing down on your head. The constriction after hes lips past elicits a proper moan from him, keeping his hips moving up against you any time you bobs down against him. Falling wordless, his free hand moves to drop back against the sand, moving his hand to grip your waist as you hips squirm atop him, squeezing painfully hard, breathing picking up and clearly starting to tense beneath you.
  146. Each stroke you makes draws a shift from Toz beneath you, trying to meet you more firmly, seeking more contact. His breathing comes fast and, as you drives down onto him and grips around his length, he hisses a quiet, "Fuck," and finds his release again, hand on your head shoving down to keep you there while he does, hips lifted from the ground to seek as much contact as he can manage. He rakes against your hips, pulling his claws back in a single, sharp yank to score you, groaning his pleasure.
  148. You have emoted: Her hand slipping from Toz's length to instead plant on the ground for extra support, Tatia pushes backwards against Toz's hand holding her head down. A muffled groan reverberates through her throat, causing it to clench even more around him with his claws dragging along her skin.
  150. Keeping his claws sunk into you, and your head held down until his orgasm passes, Toz lets all of the tension go from himself at once, going slack beneath you and breathing fast in the aftermath of his second release. He strokes his hand through your hair, as if to smooth it back into place, murmuring, "You're...spectacular," in a worn-out, lazy sort of way as he does.
  152. You have emoted: Tatia pulls her head back, letting Toz slip from her throat and then lips. She takes several long breaths while wiping her eyes and then her mouth. She pushes herself upright and stretches her back out then glances over her shoulder at him with a slight smile. "Only for you, Mine." she murmurs softly, planting her hands once more to turn herself around to face Toz though she lifts her skirt to look at the score marks on her skin with a soft grin.
  154. With you twisting around atop him again, Toz raises his hands to catch your hips, flashing a warm smile back up at you, his eyes dragging slowly up your form. "I love you, Mine," he tells you quietly, wondering, "Come settle down and we'll drift off together on the beach? Seems like a romantic end to all this."
  156. You have emoted: Tatia stretches her back once more and looks around the beach with a warm smile. She leans down and stretches herself out to rest against Toz's chest, nuzzling her face against Toz's neck. "I love you too, Mine." she murmurs softly, pressing a light kiss against his neck.
  158. Toz tilts his head to welcome the kiss, smiling fondly. His hands shift to their usual spot, one wrapping around you while the other lifts to stroke through your hair, scritching briefly at your scalp. "Sleep well, you earned it," he teases gently to you, keeping his chin lifted while his eyes slide shut, swiftly starting to drift off.
  160. You have emoted: Tatia cracks a slight smirk while her eyes fall closed. "Pleasant dreams, Mine." She shifts once against Toz and starts to slip off almost immediately after pressing her head to his chest.
  162. Toz falls asleep in short order, comfortably settled beneath you.
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