
There is no tickling loophole

Dec 20th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Felix was in the kitchen playing with all the candy decoration things for the gingerbread cookies. He was already coming up with some brilliant ideas of what to put on them. He popped a few gumdrops in his mouth chewing them up, then got up to start getting a few dishes washed up while Steph was getting the dough ready. "You made sure to put a decent amount of the butter into them right?" He asked.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -She stood in front of the pan with the dough in the middle of it, a rolling pin in her hands as she worked it out repeatedly until it was flat. "Yes, I followed the recipe I found. It's not all that different from regular baking." Setting the rolling pin down, she grabbed for the cookie cutter, beginning to punch out little gingerbread men.-
  3. Covet: "Cool, These are going to be awesome." He said with a grin getting the bowl that the dough had been in washed up as well as the other stuff. " It's cool that it's an easy switch from one to the other. "I'm going to make so many of these ridiculous ones." He told her drying off his hands just a little before he turned around and smacked her butt with his still damp hands.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -She jumped when he smacked her butt, narrowing her eyes on his face before continuing the cutting out process. "Okay you can make ridiculous ones, and I'll make cute ones. That way you and Seb can eat the ridiculous ones and there will still be cute ones for your mother and me." Setting the cookie cutter to the side, she peeled back the excess dough, rolling it into a ball before setting it down and grabbing the rolling pin again to roll it out.-
  5. Covet: "Who said Seb get's any of these. These are for us and Mom. Not him." Felix said furrowing his eyebrows. "I'll eat all the ridiculous ones. But My mom will eat one, because I'm going to give him a chest tattoo that says I heart Mom on it."
  6. Alexithymiaa: -She set the rolling pin down and turned to look at him, tipping her head to one side. "Is there a particular reason why you're so mean about your brother? The dude can have a cookie, Arizona. It's not the end of the world." She grabbed the cookie cutter again, cutting out the remainder of cookies and setting them on the tray.-
  7. Covet: He grabbed some more of the candies, and nodded, "Yes, because he's my brother, and that's what we do. I'm the evil one anyways, remember." He told her with a shrug then stuck her tongue out, "I'm licking all of the ones that are ours then."
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but brother or not... you're a little defensive about all things that involve him in any way. It's just a tad alarming." Picking up the pan, she turned and slipped it into the oven, setting the timer. "Okay we've got about twenty minutes before those can come out and cool."-
  9. Covet: "I know. It's just how it is with us. Most of what in regards to him is in jest, he knows that." Felix said, "He doesn't deserve my nice things. Sorry.. Our nice things. We owe him nothing." He told her then grinned..."So this means game on then?"
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Uhuh... well where you might be making jokes at him the entire time, I intend to be nice. And seeing as I am the one baking these cookies, I get to decide who can have some. And I say he can have some. If you have a problem with it, then I guess you'll just have to get over it." She stuck her tongue out at him, moving out from behind the counter and holding her arms out on either side of her. "I would love to see you try this."-
  11. Covet: "I'm still licking all of them." He told her. "That's how I'm going to get over it." Felix sassed her, then walked around the counter, "This was your idea just remember that." He said as he crossed his arms looking at her before he walked over to her slowly, "You have to pin me in order to win this. And if I pin you, I win." He knew better than to go at her first, because she'd be better at anticipating his moves.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "A pin in shoulders to the floor for three seconds, right?" She asked just for clarification as she watched him, her eyes dropping over him as she examined him and only half checked him oout.-
  13. Covet: "Yes. Exactly. I think you have me at a bit of a disadvantage...I'm going to even the playing field a bit." He told her then kicked his shoes off and stripped off his shirt, tossing it to one of the stools, then walked over to her, leaning down to give her a sweet kiss, "I just want to let you know, there will be no hard feelings if you somehow manage to win." Then he deepened the kiss, before he picked her up, holding her close to himself, pulling her legs around his torso so that he could kneel down. and get on a floor level with her.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "You mean when I win?" She asked him before kissing him back. She wasnt about to deny a passionate kiss and looped legs around his waist until he was on the floor. She pulled her face back to look into his eyes as she mumbled. "You're definitely going to get hurt..." She quickly slipped her legs off of him until she was kneeling also, grabbing ahold of his shoulders to pull him forward roughly and pulling her knee up to push into his stomach in an attempt to throw him off balance and push him down to the floor.-
  15. Covet: "I'm pretty used to pain at this point, Red." He told her with a grunt as he curled into her while she pulled him in and brought her knee up. He tucked his arm up under her knee and pulled her with him as he fell back, rolling on his back before tipping to the side so his back wasn't on the floor. He crabled to get her other leg so she couldn't use them to get leverage on him.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled when him when he grabbed her knee, falling onto her side and kicking her feet a bunch of times so he wouldn't be able to get a good hold on her. She reached out and grabbed his pinky and ring finger to pull them back hard so she could free herself from him because that shit hurts, quickly scooting away from him out of reach. "I'll have you know this is much more difficult trying to avoid hitting you in the nuts."-
  17. Covet: Felix grunted as she kicked her feet then winced when he felt her pull his pinky back, "Ouch... those don't bend that way." He went to roll himself over top of her, pulling his hand down to get it out of her grasp. His hand slid up under her hip causing her leg to be thrown up over his shoulder as he leaned into her again. "I appreciate you for taking my nuts into consideration."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "That's the point, Arizona." When he tossed her leg over his shoulder, she quickly straightened her back so her body was rigid, kicking her legs over the top of her to throw herself into a walk over so she could stand up to her feet. Leaning down, she planted her hands on his shoulder and cartwheeled over the top of him so she could get behind him, instantly dropping down to her knees and looping the bend of her arm around his neck. She locked her fingers together to hold the position tight, applying pressure to his neck.-
  19. Covet: "Hey...damn you and your flippy trick bullshit." He said furrowing his brow then his eyes got wide as he felt her arm slip around his neck, "This isn't pinning, you can't choke me out and force the pin, that's cheating." He told her her struggling to talk. One hand was pulling at her fingers while the other one reached around behind him and started to tickle her ass.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "That was not discussed prior and therefore is not a rule Im willing to abide by. But if you tap out, I win. So it's your pick." She burst into laughter when she felt him tickling her, wiggling about as she tried her best to keep her hold on him, but her grip was loosening with all the moving she was doing to try to avoid the tickling.-
  21. Covet: Felix slipped his hand up underneat his arm as he felt her grip loosening He grabbed her wrist and slipped his head out, rolling over on the floor. He held her wrist loose enough that he didn't take her with him when he rolled, but as soon as he was free he held her wrist tightly and pulled her against himself, letting his finger tips graze over the parts of her skin that were showing, still tickling her.
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Felix!" She shrieked as he tickled her, unable to stop laughing as she leaned against him while also trying to get away from him. The brain is fried from tickling. "Felixxx!" She whined this time, leaning her head down into his shoulder, the tears dropping from the corners of her eyes with all the laughter, completely out of breath.-
  23. Covet: Felix took the moment to take both of her wrists in his hand and bring her arms up over her head, then rolled over so he could lay her down on the ground. He only had her wrists pinned to the floor, but he leaned in and started to nibble on her neck "I like when you're giggling out my name in whines and shrieks. It's fun..." he said with a playful growl then brought his head down to give her a raspberry right on her stomach.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She struggled against him to try to free her hands from the floor, giving a few good tugs only to find that he was much stronger than she was and that shit wasnt happening. Her heart dropped for a moment, quickly closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before she opened them to look at Felix and relaxing again... until this asshole blew a raspberry on her stomach. She started to giggle uncontrollably, bringing her legs up to circle around his waist. "Like you don't get enough of that, right?"-
  25. Covet: "Nope. There's no such thing as enough when it comes to things like that." He said against her skin. He felt her legs wrap around him and he came back up to meet her face, leaning in to give her a kiss, letting his hips rock forward, "How much longer do the cookies have?" He asked her her his mind clealry on other things at this point.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Probably only a couple minutes. The timer is on the oven if you can see it." She tried to tug her hands free from his grasp again, taking a deep breath and leaning her head up to kiss him again. "Does this mean I lost? Because I don't take kindly to losing...."-
  27. Covet: "That's so not enough time..." He said with a huff, not letting her get her hands free, he wasn't going to look at the timer so she could get the upper hand while he was distracted, "You totally lost Red. But I already did most of the dishes, so there's only counters to clean up. The losing prize can be a lot more fun anyways, so I'm pretty sure you'll take to it just fine."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Well you cheated and I'm sticking with that. I'd have won if you didn't cheat." She raised her brows at him and his words. "And what exactly is the losing prize?" She asked as the timer on the oven started to beep.-
  29. Covet: "How did I cheat?" He scoffed. "The losing prize is that one you have to leave the mess until in the morning. And while the cookies cool, we're going to conduct a replay in the bedroom, but this time I'm also going to be pantsless." He said letting her go since the oven was beeping and he didn't want burned cookies.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Tickling is cheating." She pulled her arms down and rubbed her fingers over her wrists as she sat up. "But... there's cookie dough on the counter... and flour... and..." She trailed off, her eyes looking at the messy counters. She quickly climbed to her feet and rushed to the oven, pulling out the cookie tray with an oven mitt and setting it down so the cookies could cool a bit before they removed them from the pan. Admiring the perfectly browned edges, she turned back to face him. "I think some minor adjustments to the replay are in order though."-
  31. Covet: "I know there is...and none of it is something that's going to hurt the pets, it will be fine until the morning." He told her as he got up off the floor, "We never declared tickling was against the rules." He said grinning at the loophole. "What kind of adjustments are you talking about?"
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Tickling is always against the rules." Moving over to him, she looked up into his face, looping her arms around his neck. "Maybe a little less dibilitating pinning and more pinning to you instead?" She asked, not wanting to fully come out and say she'd been a little uncomfortable.-
  33. Covet: "Tell you what. I'll let you pin me this time. It will be the alternate ending, exclusive Bluray edition." He told her with a smirk as he looked back at her and started walking her back to her bedroom. "I don't believe you. I will always default to tickling. Nobody can stop me."
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Let me? Oh now it's a real rematch." She said with a laugh, walking back with him into the bedroom. She pushed him back onto the bed, climbing on top of him to pin him down to do the hot things.-
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