
Su la Mo

May 19th, 2019
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  1. It was yet another successful hunt for Katsuro and Kamiko, they've already collected their bounty and were now chilling at a cafe...
  2. (Kamiko) "Whoo-wee! We really showed that fish wyvern what for, didn't we? First you chopped it down with your mighty axe then I gave it the finishing blow by bashing its skull in with my hammer!~" The girl clasped her hands before taking a sip out of her tea
  3. (Katsuro) "Surprised it had a high bounty, that thing sure was huge but it has the defense of wet paper."
  4. The street outside was quiet and peaceful... ...Until two scantily-clad women bust through a brick wall and began swordfighting. The one in black nearly exposing her breasts was putting her all into the battle, while the lady in while that was almost nude from the chest down parried each and every strike with a calm, nearly detached precision
  5. (Kamiko) "Sweet sassafrass!"
  6. (Katsuro) "Looks like our favorite gals are at it again, eh? We got a front row seat to Lady Satsuki's divine rump~ The way she swings Bakuzan with grace just blows me away, a calculating woman like that deserves to be called a empress!"
  7. (Kamiko) "You're telling me, check out Ryuko's sweet sweet rack!" The the flatchested girl wiggled her ample bottom on the seat "Her ferocity is just..." She simply bit her lip and held in a moan
  8. The two blades clashed, the women wielding them locked in a battle of will to see who would survive. Just as they and the audience were about to find out who prevailed, the scene was washed in a white light that left the girls in more conservative school uniforms (Ryuko) "Aw shit, really? Now, of all times!?"
  9. (Katsuro) "Yo Ryuko! You and Lady Satsuki still trying to see who's superior? It's clear that Lady Satsuki is the queen, that woman knows just where to strike!" The burly man smugly took a sip of his tea
  10. (Kamiko) "While I do agree that sometimes you have to know where you're striking, Ryuko's putting all her might into that duel! In a close combat situation like that you gotta show 'em who's boss!"
  11. Satsuki spun her sword around as she slid it back into the sheath, looking at the bystanders with her usual scowl. "It should go without question that I remain the superior fighter, Matoi. I expected more of you when you said you would train to fight me."
  12. (Ryuko) "Bullshit, Kiryuin! If we didn't both run out of energy at the same time, I would've taken your damn head off!"
  13. Katsuro lifted his finger (Katsuro) "Excuse me ladies, may we offer a suggestion? How about fighting in a way that does not sap your blood?"
  14. (Satsuki) "Who are you to interfere in our- ...Oh, Katsuro. I didn't realize you were spectating~ What is your suggestion, then?"
  15. (Katsuro) "How about a sumo match? I mean it is the country's national sport. I'm surprised when I found out how strong sumo wrestlers were despite their looks."
  16. (Ryuko) "...You mean like in spirit, right? Like we're just grappling with each other to get one of us outta the ring, right?"
  17. (Katsuro) "Pft, nah I mean the whole shebang. Ya gotta get heavy as hell, did I mention that being bigger means that you're more powerful?" He winked at Satsuki
  18. Satsuki pondered for a moment, then straightened up and looked down at Katsuro. (Satsuki) "A sacrifice I will be willing to make."
  19. Ryuko, on the other hand was less accepting of the concept (Ryuko) "What!? No way, I'm not gonna turn myself into a lardball!"
  20. (Kamiko) "Oh come on, Ryuko. Don'chu wanna beat Satsuki at her own game? You're not gonna let some broad push you around, are ya? Just imagine your ferocity but on a huge scale! Nobody will mess with ya when you've smooshed the queen of the hive."
  21. (Satsuki) "I thought you had learned by now, Matoi: When the rules of battle change, so must you. Unless this is a declaration of surrender..."
  22. Ryuko, at this point looked like she was about to snap "Kamiko, bring me all the food you can get. I'm gonna get big."
  23. (Kamiko) "With pleasure!~ Lemme just grab Mako and we can get this bad boy started!~" The woman leaped from her seat and dashed off to prepare Ryuko's feast
  24. (Katsuro) "Looks like the competition's begun Lady Satsuki, shall I whip up a royal buffet?~" Katsuro stretched one of his arms
  25. (Satsuki) "Indeed, and alert my butler and the Culinary Arts Class as well. I am going to use all available resources to make sure I reach my fullest potential."
  26. "On it! With the amount of power you have already, you're going to crush Matoi!" Katsuro clenched his fist with an excited grin on his face
  27. Meanwhile...
  28. (Mako) "So wait you want my mom to make a mountain of her croquettes so that Ryuko can get nice and fat for the sumo match with Lady Satsuki?!" The coconut head looked up at Kamiko all surprised
  29. (Kamiko) "Basically and my cooking skills are terrible, so would you mind lending a hand? I'm gonna grab tons of takeout and all of it is going to all the right places~" Kamiko was going in a trance, her hips slowly swaying side to side
  30. (Mako) "Uh-huh, mom would be happy to make a batch!"
  31. (Kamiko) "Great!~ Just bring it over when it's all done, alright?"
  32. (Mako) "Got it!~" The lil' croquette smiled as she got to work...
  33. Back at Satsuki's...
  34. The Student Council Head was already gorging herself on food, her normal demeanour replaced with that of a ravenous beast as she tore through entire platters of food as if they were mere appetizers
  35. (Katsuro) " 'Nother round, Lady Satsuki?~" The man admired the way Satsuki gorged, he did love a woman who appreciates his fine culinary skills. And to see his lover gobble it all down while her curves were amplified just takes Katsuro's breath away. With the help of the culinary club and her chefs Lady Satsuki was getting quite hefty with most of the adipose accumulating in her posterior.
  36. Satsuki's ass had indeed formed quite a shelf, complimenting the fact that she was now using her stomach as a table. Wiping away some crumbs and letting loose a subdued belch, Satsuki turned her attention to her suitor "Uuuerrrp- That should go without saying, Katsuro. From now on, operate on the assumption I want another round of food until I tell you otherwise~"
  37. "At your service, Lady Satsuki!~" Katsuro excitedly filled one of many plates the woman cleaned off. You'd have sworn you saw hearts floating around the guy.
  38. Meanwhile back to Ryuko who was even more ravenous with her gorging. Kamiko was bringing piles after piles of food to the punk fatty. Ryuko had accumulated fat mostly in her gut and breasts, giving Kamiko quite the show. Of course Mako was contributing to the biggening of her best friends.
  39. Ryuko was grabbing handfuls of croquettes in one hand and boxes of takeout in the other, dumping both into her mouth as she scarfed down nearly everything in front of her with a ferocity to match even Mako and her family
  40. "Oooh Ryuuuuko~" Kamiko leaned over to the huge girl, her body slightly sinking into her immense tum. Her hands began caressing Ryuko's softened skin, trying to make even more room for the fattening feast. "With a big ol' gut like this there's no way Satsuki will even reach you!~" One of her hands held one of Ryuko's back rolls while the other brought over more food
  41. "I got a plan all- Urrrrrrp- lined up on how I'm gonna whoop Satsuki's ass~" Ryuko explained between mouthfuls of food and belches "I'm gonna get so big that I take up most of the (Uuuurrrop) ring, so I can push her out just by jiggling~"
  42. Just the very thought of Ryuko filling out most of the ring sent shivers through Kamiko’s body, her lover’s constant belches added to the arousal. “Perfect!~ And after your victory perhaps we can have a night of passion?~ It’s just that I find all of your extra curves so... Enticing...~” Kamiko bit her lip
  43. "Hell yeah!~ You and Mako could probably sleep on me by the time I'm through with all this food~" Ryuko boasted and fistpumped "Speaking of which, I gotta get back to eating, it's hard to do that and talk at the same time."
  44. “Good point~” Kamiko and Mako offered up the next mound of food, happily watching Ryuko gorge
  45. (Mako) “Wow Ryuko, you’re like a vacuum!”
  46. Ryuko just smirked and nodded, her now-multiple chins bouncing up and down as well
  47. Soon enough the day had arrived, there was quite a crowd surrounding the arena. Kamiko, Katsuro, and Mako having a front row seat to it all.
  48. (Katsuro) “You ready to see the might of Lady Satsuki topple the hell out of Ryuko?” He crosses his arms and smugly turned to Kamiko
  49. (Kamiko) “As if! Ryuko’s ferocious appetite will be victorious!~ Just you see, boy!”
  50. On cue, the warriors entered the arena... ...As best they could, at least. Despite the grand size of the stadium, both girls were large enough that their rear ends were still sticking out of the building
  51. The monster hunting duo were quite impressed with how huge they made the other’s partner
  52. (Kamiko) “Looks like your cooking really packed a punch, huh?~”
  53. (Katsuro) “And I see you and Mako kept Ryuko well-fed~ Still, look at Satsuki! She’s got the upper hand having such a glorious mountainous rear!~”
  54. (Kamiko) “Oh puh-lease! Ryuko’s mounding belly will push Satsuki off the arena! Kiryuin’s behind ain’t got shit!”
  55. (Ryuko) "Come the hell on... You stole my idea?! This is getting awkward..."
  56. (Satsuki) "Of course not, I don't steal from those so far below me. Though I will admit there's a certain irony here... Sumo is a sport where the contestants wrestle one another out of a circle, but here we are having wedged one another into it instead..."
  57. (Mako) “Wait so if that’s the case how do we do we pick a winner?”
  58. The swollen sisters turned to face their audience and spoke almost in unison "Get me more food, I have an idea!"
  59. (Kamiko, Katsuro, and Mako) “On it!~” And so, the trio and the rest of the audience gathered as much food as they possibly could for these sumos
  60. (Kamiko, Katsuro, and Mako) “On it!~” And so, the trio and the rest of the audience gathered as much food as they possibly could for these sumos
  61. As the crowd took a quick intermission (Ironically to grab snacks for Ryuko and Satsuki instead of themselves), the two did their best to glare at one another from behind the stadium-filling oceans of blubber that were their bodies
  62. Later the crowds came back with mountains and mountains of food...
  63. Which the two ended up coming to blows over, belly-bumping one another to get at the pile of food in an attempt to force the other out of the stadium entirely by growing so large as to single-handedly fill the field
  64. (Satsuki) "This is futile, Matoi; I am an expert in the arts of weight gain! I can reach sizes far greater than this, a feat my companion Katsuro can attest to!"
  65. (Katsuro) “Damn right, my Lady Satsuki deserves every single morsel of food!~ Such a lowly peasant such as yourself deserves nil, offer your portions to the queen!”
  66. (Kamiko) “Can it, Ms. Eyebrows! Ryuko is giving her all into this thing me and Mako are going to make sure all of this goes to Ryuko herself!”
  67. (Ryuko) "Yeah, take some advice from my friends and stick that high-and-mighty attitude of yours up your ass! You've got more than enough space for it now~" The soft edgelady taunted through a mouthful of pastries, getting icing all over herself
  68. Kamiko giggled and gave the messy girl a kiss on her pillow-like cheek, she and Mako continued to pile Ryuko with food
  69. Satsuki would have shot back with an equally-devastating rebuttal, if not for two reasons: One, she was raised as a lady of class and sophistication, and two, she currently had her mouth stuffed to the brim with food as she continued to gorge herself like a starved beast
  70. (Katsuro) “Seems like your little insult had no effect on Lady Satsuki, she’s only focused on one thing and that’s proving herself as superior!~” Katsuro affectionately caressed Satsuki’s messy face as he kept feeding her
  71. By now, 'feeding' Satsuki was more like trying to fill whatever pockets of empty space were left in her mouth with more food and wait for her to swallow it all in one gulp. If Ryuko's cheeks were like pillows, then Satsuki's were king-sized beds
  72. (Mako) “Damn it Ryuko, look how much Satsuki’s stuffing into her mouth! We gotta catch you up!” Kamiko and Mako began stuffing Ryuko’s mouth with as much food as they could possibly fit in
  73. (Ryuko) "Waitasec, how am I supposed to see her over my own- Glumph" Ryuko was cut off by a flood of croquettes poured directly into her mouth "Mmrrrph-"
  74. “Doesn’t matter now Ryuko, you gotta get growing now!”
  75. Later...
  76. The two sumo had long since overfilled the stadium, their blobby bodies pouring over the top in the world's most extreme muffintop. Their bottom halves filled almost every last inch inside, squishing the spectators between a wall and a soft place and causing the structure itself to split at the seams like an overtaxed pair of pants
  77. Meanwhile their lovers were looking at each other dead in the eye
  78. (Kamiko) "Well it seems to be clear that Ryuko won! She ate the most food!" She proclaimed while holding her partner's dazed, bloated face
  79. (Katsuro) "Hmph! You merely copied us! Satsuki was gorging herself way before you caught on!"
  80. Satsuki managed to swallow her massive mouthful of food first, letting loose a ground-shaking belch afterwards "Huuuoooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrp... So I've proven myself victorious once more, correct?"
  81. (Katsuro) "Seems like it, Lady Satsuki~" The man lovingly rubbed his cheek against the multiple royal bed's worth that was one of Satsuki's cheeks
  82. A few minutes later Ryuko swallowed as well, letting loose an equally, if not even louder burp "UUUUUOOOOUUUUURRRRRRRRP!! ...How the hell was I 'copying' her!? We were both stuffing ourselves like, like.... ...Damn, I can't even come up with a suitable metaphor for how ravenous I was! ...But anyway, it's not copying someone if you were both doing the same thing to begin with!"
  83. A spotlight appeared over Mako followed by a "Hallelujah!" (Mako) "Exactly! Plus Ryuko ate with so much more gusto so she surpassed Lady Satsuki in gluttony!" She charaded an imaginary stomach "Lady Satsuki was holding back because she is a woman of class and that obviously gave Ryuko a step-up and that was why Ryuko managed to beat Satsuki at her own game!"
  84. "I barely caught half of that, but I'll take it~" Ryuko smirked, making herself jiggle a bit to taunt Satsuki as best she could
  85. Meanwhile Kamiko was simply having the time of her life, her hands getting grabby and the wavey motions on her ocean of a girlfriend just sealed her fate. Kamiko hugged as much of Ryuko's cheek as she could and gave it a big smooch, gently grinding her hips side to side
  86. (Kamiko) "Y-Yeah, Ryuko won by a landslide!~ H-Heh, if Satsuki hadn't filled up on so much tea she would've won!"
  87. (Satsuki) "That was merely to wash down the copious amounts of food I was consuming. But that doesn't matter, what matters is which one of us is bigger."
  88. (Katsuro) "Hm... I'm wondering how we should actually measure this... You two have grown so large, it'd be impossible to measure you with any conventional methods..."
  89. (Ryuko) "Well Satsuki, you own like the entire school. You of all people should have some way to measure us!"
  90. (Satsuki) "I can't concern myself with every facet of the academy, though I assume you, Katsuro would know a fuller list of resources~"
  91. Katsuro thought for a second, then smirked "How about we count chin rolls? The bigger you are the more chins you have, right?~"
  92. (Ryuko) "Hey, if we managed to get this big in the first place then that's perfectly sound~"
  93. And so, the chin counting began... Mako counting for good measure. It took a long while with all the double checking but they came to a conclusion... Ryuko had the most chins!~
  94. (Ryuko) "Ha! Suck it, Kiryuin! So what do I get for winning?"
  95. (Kamiko) "W-Well... First of all the feeling of superiority and a little something sweet for my Matoi~" Kamiko gently caressed Ryuko's plushy face, grabbing one of her chins
  96. (Ryuko) "Mmmph~ The superiority thing is more than enough, but I'll gladly take the something sweet too~"
  97. "One question, are you willing to accept it here~? Of course you have to work those lips before you get to the sweet nectar~" Kamiko's face came closer to Ryuko with lustful look in her eyes, licking her lips.
  98. (Ryuko) "Aw, but I already worked my lips sooo haaaaaard already to get this big~"
  99. "Then let me do all the work for you~" Kamiko wiggled her derriere before going in for the kill la kill, her lips embracing Ryuko's. Her hands held onto the soft cushy rolls as she moaned and wriggled her tongue around the insides of Ryuko's maw.
  100. "M-Mmmmmnhhh~" Ryuko moaned, making the most of the makeout to rustle Satsuki's jimmies
  101. Kamiko's body surged with lust, her body grinding on Ryuko's luscious body as the makeout continued. Kamiko then raised dat ass of hers allowing Ryuko to get a full view of her shapely peaks.
  102. The surly swordswoman moaned a little more, admiring Kamiko's slim athletic frame "Daaaaaaamn, I may feel amazing at this size, but you look better at yours!~"
  103. "Oh love, you know I gotta keep in tip top shape to fight off those monsters. You could say that my butt is my literal moneymaker~" Kamiko giggled and nuzzled Ryuko, placing one hand on her hair "But I think you've warmed up quite enough, how about we get to that sweet prize?~" Kamiko then stripped, leaving her buck naked. She sat on one of Ryuko's chins and slowly opened her legs to reveal the smooth crevice that was in between and it seemed to be quite moist already. "It's all yours, Ryuko dear~"
  104. "Ohoho, so your surprise was something else to eat, eh?~" Ryuko smirked before getting to work
  105. Kamiko was in pure bliss, throwing her head back trying to hold back a few moans with only several melodic vocalizations slipped by. Her toes clenched and she was grabbing anything she could. Her upper body swivelling as Ryuko continued to eat her out "Y-Yes!~ Aaah...~"
  106. (Satsuki) "I don't need to bear witness to this... Katsuro, tell me there's a way to get me out of here..."
  107. (Katsuro) "Oh I've already dialed up the DNG teleporter, it should take us to a location far away from this disturbance." Katsuro had a disc-like device that projected a mini-map hologram, inputing the coordinates and who'd he'd be transporting with.
  108. (Satsuki) "Good, good... Despite my loss, I believe that you are more than deserving of a reward of your own...~"
  109. (Kamiko) "Oh my Lady I'd be honored to give you a romantic destresser~ That royal gut of yours deserves a lil' love, and after that I'll give you the power of a real monster hunter~ One that'll even make Gamagori jealous~"
  110. (Satsuki) "I trust you'll make good on that boast~ But for now let's just get away from this shameless hedonism."
  111. "We shall." The button clicked, teleporting both Satsuki and Katsuro out of the stadium, leaving Ryuko's massive bod to spill out and fill the gaps
  112. (Ryuko) "Unnh, thank goooooooddddd~ It was getting a little tight for me, which means it must've been crazy tight for you skinny people~"
  113. (Kamiko) “And thank goodness we don’t have Satsuki to glare down at us. Oh I bet her reaction was priceless as she watched us~”
  114. (Ryuko) "Was it, though? I just assumed she's stuck on 100% scowl by default, I don't think she can physically show any more disapproval~"
  115. (Mako) “Oh she was pretty grumpy, Ryuko.~ Lady Satsuki’s so uptight about everything.”
  116. (Ryuko) "Pfft~ Oh man, this day just gets better and better!~"
  117. Kamiko let out a happy sigh, giving Ryuko a smooch on forehead (Kamiko) “This has been a wonderful experience, Ryuko~ And I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did~”
  118. (Ryuko) "Hah, I'd say I enjoyed it even more! After all, which one of us just got the meal of a lifetime?~"
  119. (Kamiko) “It’s safe to say that you did, my ferocious girl~”
  120. (Ryuko) "But hey, I'm glad you guys had some fun too~"
  121. (Mako) “We sure did, Ryuko!~” Both girls hugged the massive Matoi.
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