
Going away

Feb 18th, 2014
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  1. In the crowed train station she stood, dressed in her Sunday dress, her hair adorned with ribbons and curs, resting by her side, sat a old worn down traveling case, filled with the few personal items she would need, her stuffed bunny lay there, sandwiched between a blouse and a skirt.
  3. As she stood there, her brown orbs, scanning the train ticked one more time, she could not help but wonder, why, she had been the chosen one to be sent away, her heart burned and her eyes watered at the thought, of one day passing without looking upon her mothers smiling face.
  5. But all and all, she swore by god, she would not miss the cold, cutting remarks of the other one, who so lavished loved upon the young one, on how they burned the bitter memories of joy she had witness from the shadows of the hallway.
  7. Cloaked in shadows she had seen, the unfolding events, from the bringing of gifts to the gifting of a pet, all for him, all on him. Choking now on her own tears she hangs her head and let them fall, rolling like tiny boulders down a steep sloop. Even now, they where away, taking him upon the hills to play, too ashamed they where of the deed they had sanctioned to stay and see it through.
  9. “Sixteen more minutes, till the great western leaves.” Bellowed the station master from the platform, the cubby ol’ fellow reminded her of her step uncle, winking his eyes at her in a jolly way he slipped his golden pocket watch into his coat pocket and stepped aside for a spot of tea.
  11. Cleaning the tears from her eyes, she reached into her dress pocket and pulled out a piece of folded paper, the paper boar the title To mommies little Flower.
  13. The enclosed text read as followed:
  15. To mommies little flower;
  16. I know it must be hard, leaving us, now that spring is near, but you must understand how much we hurt, having to send you away to England’s tide. Money is short here you see, and well we can only feed three, not four as we would have liked or have loved, we can’t make the books balance like this.
  18. And so we ask, that you’ll understand are plight and reason for us for a while, true we have neglected you in ways, and maybe we are to blame, but listen my dear flower, when where settled and are books are balanced, mommy will do all in her power to make emends with thee, and just you watch and see, it will happen, when you return, you shall welcome like a queen.
  20. Cry not little flower, for this cruel fate is one we share, like a good princess you bore the news of leaving with courage, you did not raise a fuss or whine or pout as we thought you would. You only nodded your head, and packed your things.
  22. And so mommy thanks you, she thanks you from the bottom of her heart. Be good and pray the rosary.
  23. -Mommy.
  25. Daisy blinked and took a deep breath, as she picked up her old leather suitcase, O’ what sweet lies they tell, to make them sleep a little better. But still she stepped aboard the old railroad carriage, and its started to move, she pressed her nose to the glass windowpane and watched are the stationed flew by, and each passing minute, took her a little further away from her home.
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