
Rebels in Equestria 6 - Redux

Jul 9th, 2012
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  1. > Your body aches.
  2. > Your vision is black.
  3. > And mind is numb.
  5. > But your hearing is acute.
  6. > All around you, the sounds of rubble and metal twisting engulf your hearing.
  7. > Car alarms ring off into the distance.
  8. > As your senses slowly come back to you, the realization of your situation sits in.
  9. > A slow crawling heat brushes against your side.
  10. > Smoke fills your lungs.
  11. > And the taste of oil fills your mouth.
  12. > The sounds of fire burning sounds off closer to your ears, and with it desperate calls for help.
  13. > Some belt out for help, while others simply scream out in pain.
  14. > There's no doubt in your mind that they are being burned alive.
  15. > You try to gather the energy to move away from the heat, even if only by an inch.
  16. > But even the slightest movement sets off the worst pain.
  17. > You lie against the oil slicked floor, sapped for energy.
  19. > What little strength you have, you focus into your voice.
  20. > With each breath you take, a rush of smoke fills your lungs.
  21. > You open your mouth and try to shout for help, but instead let out a hoarse croaking noise.
  22. > It's pathetic.
  24. > You gather your energy again to try again, but that's when you hear it.
  25. > Sirens.
  26. > Air raid sirens.
  28. > You've heard this sound just minutes ago before the building your were in was painted by bombers.
  30. > As the unmistakable siren echoes through the city, it freezes your blood cold.
  31. > They were going for another bombing run.
  32. “H-Help!” you cry. Your lungs feeling like they're going to burst.
  33. > A loud booming sound can be heard overhead.
  34. > The planes are getting closer.
  35. > You can feel it.
  36. > You open your mouth to shout once more, but are cut off.
  37. > The screams of men around you are silenced in an instant as a hard screeching noise fills the air around you.
  38. > Ear shattering explosions echo throughout the city.
  39. > The ground beneath you gives way. And for just a moment, you feel a sense of weightlessness before hitting against something with a loud thud.
  41. > The world around you slows down to a crawl.
  42. > You can feel the warm blood dripping from your head.
  43. > Your vision bobbles in and out.
  44. > Breathing becomes difficult.
  45. > And your body soon becomes cold and numb.
  46. > As you crawled closer and closer to death, your pains simply melted away.
  49. [spoiler] It feels good. [/spoiler]
  50. [spoiler] Too good to be true. [/spoiler]
  52. > A heavy electrical buzzing noise fills the air.
  53. > “Clear!” someone shouts. Her voice solid and stoic.
  54. > Suddenly, you feel a burst of electricity coarse through your body.
  55. > It jump starts every muscle in your body, causing your to seize uncontrollably.
  57. > You take a deep breath of air and feel your heart jump back to life.
  58. > It's beat is weak and sporadic, but it's a start.
  59. > “Clear!” she shouts
  60. > And no sooner do you feel another jolt of electricity.
  61. > Your vision resets and you feel pain all over your body.
  62. > You let out a primitive cry and thrash about.
  63. > Pain erupts from your back and arms.
  64. > It courses down your spine and throughout your body.
  65. > You cringe as your muscles start to spasm uncontrollably.
  66. > The same woman from before shouts again “Hang on- Hey! I've got pulse! I've got a pulse!”
  67. > She calls out for help before turning back to you.
  68. > “Easy. Easy now. You're gonna be fine.”
  69. > You glance up to her.
  70. > The cool blue moonlight gives off just enough light to reveal her features.
  71. > She stares down with a pair of huge teal eyes.
  72. > Her hair is as deep and rich as the night sky before her.
  73. > By the looks of it, she's only a few years older than yourself.
  74. > She slaps your cheek a few times to catch your attention.
  75. > “Just stay with me, kid. We'll get you out of here.”
  76. > She calls out to a group of men who come to your side.
  77. > Your throat is thick with a mixture of blood and phlegm.
  78. > It's hard to breath. But you manage.
  79. > Blood and sweat cloud your eyes, but your eyes adjust to your vision.
  80. > The moon and stars hang solemnly above the city high rises.
  81. > Cold sky scrapers reach high above.
  82. > You glance to your left.
  83. > There's a few cars lining the city streets.
  84. > A burning ambulance catches your eye.
  85. > It's windows are completely shattered, and it's doors have been blown clean off.
  86. > The side of the car reads “TARVO CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL”
  87. > You try your luck again, and start to pull yourself off the floor, but are halted by the jarring pain.
  88. > Your body is pinned against something.
  89. > And it's impossible to move.
  91. > There's rubble everywhere.
  92. > You can feel specks of dirt and rubble deep in your lungs.
  93. > The cries of men fill the air.
  94. > Screaming.
  95. > Crying for help.
  96. > Off in the distance, you hear the air raid siren.
  97. > Along with the tell tale sounds of bombs going off.
  98. > Small explosions go off in quick succession.
  100. > Suddenly a flurry of voices erupt from around you.
  101. > “Ready!? Lift this slab!”
  102. > “Okay! On three!”
  103. > “One! Two! Three!”
  104. > “Fuck!”
  105. > “Lift harder!”
  106. > “There! Pull him out! Pull him out!”
  107. > You feel several hands grab along your body and pull you out from the rubble.
  108. > You shout in pain as they grab the burns along the side of your body.
  110. > They carry you away, and you catch a glance of the wreckage you were pulled from.
  111. > What once was a makeshift hospice now lies in ruin.
  112. > All that remained were scraps of twisted metal and jarring concrete.
  113. > Dozens of men are scattered throughout the scene acting as rescue workers.
  114. > Desperately trying to free those trapped inside.
  115. > Your mind races to the few moments before this all started.
  116. > You were stationed on a balcony just outside the building's main entrance.
  117. > Lucky you.
  119. > The men place you down a fair distance away from the wreckage before heading back to the fray.
  120. > But the woman stays at your side.
  121. > She lies your flat on your back and starts unbuttoning your shirt.
  122. > “Hey-hey! Kid. Look at me. You're gonna pull through.” Her voice almost dwarfed out by the explosions breaking all around you.
  123. > She slaps your cheek once more to grab your attention.
  124. > “What's your name, kid?” she calmly asks.
  125. > You cough up some blood before managing a response.
  126. “A-Anonymous.” you croak.
  127. > She cuts through your clothing and exposes your chest.
  129. > She lets out a playful scoff before starting to treat your wounds.
  130. > “Now this might hurt a bit. But just bare with me.”
  131. > Her cold hands run along the length of your body, applying gauze and ointments to your burns.
  132. > She produces a small syringe and injects you with it's contents.
  133. > You wince in pain as she applies pressure to your wounds.
  134. > Blood seeps out of her hands and drains all over the ground beneath you.
  135. > You feel her cold hands press against your abdomen.
  136. > It's strange.
  137. > The pain is starting to go away...
  139. > She grabs a piece of nearby piece of debris and uses it to prop up an IV line.
  140. > “Now don't you worry Anonymous, I've got an excellent track with this line of work.” she proudly declares. “I'll get you and up and running, better than new, in no time!”
  141. > You hack up a bit of blood before weakly responding. “Gah, that's exactly what I'm worried about.”
  142. > She belts out a hearty laugh before returning to her work.
  143. > “Hey now, don't go soft on me. We need you back in action, Anony-”
  144. > Gun fire erupts not too far from here.
  145. > You can hear chaos break out just a few blocks away.
  146. > A few men who were in the rescue effort have taken up arms and began marching toward the gunfire.
  147. > The radio on your shoulder springs to life with combat chatter.
  148. > Yet, the woman mending your wounds seems completely oblivious to all this.
  149. > She looks back at you with a cool, calm collective face.
  150. > “What unit you from?”
  151. > You turn your head to face the sounds.
  152. > Your eyes stricken with fear.
  154. > “Come on now.” she mumbles while fumbling with her sutures. “Don't be scared. You'll be fine. Now tell me, what unit? You with the boys in Alpha? Bravo?”
  155. > You glance back to her and shakily reply : “E-Echo.”
  156. > She gives you a surprised look on her face. “Echo unit, eh? How a scrawny shrimp like you end up in Echo?”
  157. “B-Bad luck..”
  158. > She chuckles under her breath. “Echo is reserved for the cream of the crop. And.. Well, you're certainly no military commando, that's for sure. So that must mean you're a specialist or something. Am I right?”
  159. “E-Explosives..” you grunt.
  160. > You feel your head lighten.
  161. > “Well then Anonymous,” she declares as she finishes suturing a wound. “We can't afford to lose guys like you. For one thing, you might actually know how you're doing around here. It's hard enough finding guys to volunteer for this shit as it is.”
  162. > You let out a soft chuckle.
  163. > She leans you over to your side and places a makeshift stretcher underneath you.
  164. > You gasp in pain as she grabs your still tender wounds.
  165. > “There. There. We're almost done here. We're gonna get you out. Understand?”
  166. > You try to give a nod.
  167. > But it's difficult.
  168. > Your body gives out.
  169. > And your overcome with a general sense of helplessness
  170. > “Anonymous?” the medic asks. “Anonymous!?”
  172. > You become loose and your head plops back onto the ground.
  173. > Each breath becomes a struggle in itself.
  174. > One that proves to be too difficult.
  176. > “I'm losing him! I'm losing him!” the medic shouts.
  177. > She flicks a switch against her headset.
  178. > “This is Charlie One! Charlie One to command!”
  179. > Her voice echoes in the radio transceiver hung around your chest.
  180. > “I've got a priority one patient, located just south of the hospice. Requesting immediate medivac!”
  181. > Gun fire whizzes nearby.
  182. > She flinches.
  183. > “We need to pull out!” she barks to the other medics.
  184. > The darkness creeps in from the corner of your vision.
  185. > “Anonymous?” she shouts, “Just stay with me! Just stay wi-”
  186. > Her voice is cut short.
  187. > Red mist splatters from her body onto her face.
  188. > Streams of blood land on your face and skin.
  189. > She clutches her stomach and falls to the ground, writhing in pain.
  190. > You struggle.
  191. > The crippling darkness engulfs your vision.
  192. > One by one, your senses go flat.
  193. > You order body.
  194. > To move.
  195. > To do anything.
  197. > You jerk your arms.
  198. > You kick your legs.
  199. > You thrash your body.
  200. > You muster what little strength you have.
  201. > “N-No! Help!” you croak.
  203. > “Hold him down!”
  204. > “I-I can't! He's kicking around too much!”
  205. > “S-Stop him! Before he hurts somepony!”
  206. > “Hi legs! Tie his legs!”
  207. > You feel a barrage of hands holding you down.
  208. > They pin you down to the cold floor.
  209. > It's a horrible feeling.
  210. “S-Stop! Please!” you shout.
  212. > Those voice.
  213. > They sound familiar.
  214. > Your eyes quickly become adjusted to the new light as you glance around.
  215. > Twilight hovers over you.
  216. > Her face plastered with worry.
  217. > “Are..” he whispers “Are you alright?”
  219. > Her voice mesmerizes you.
  220. > You stare long and hard at the purple unicorn.
  221. > You glance around once more.
  222. > You're still in the throne room.
  223. > The other ponies close by.
  225. > “Anonymous?” Twilight meekly asks
  226. > You snap back at her.
  227. > “Are you alright?”
  228. > Her voice echoes throughout the throne room.
  229. > You pause for a moment to collect your thoughts.
  230. “Y-Yeah.” you croak. “I'm just...shaken up.”
  232. > You sit up, to which the ponies crowd around you.
  233. > Placing one foot in front of the other, you try to stand.
  234. > But your body is still stiff from your ordeal.
  235. > And you quickly stumble back to the ground.
  236. > The ponies catch you before you hit the floor.
  237. > “Careful!” Twilight barks. “Are you alright!?”
  238. > You groggily place one hand on her head, and reassure her your fine.
  239. > “Is there anything we can do for you?” she timidly asks.
  240. “W-Water.” you croak. “Please. I need water.”
  242. > The royal pony steps forward, and casts a magic spell.
  243. > A flash of white light blinds your eyes.
  244. > Once it settles, you see glass bottle and cup floating in front of you.
  245. > You ignore the cup and go straight for the bottle.
  246. > You barely have time to savor the taste.
  247. > Clean, crisp and cool.
  248. > A luxury you couldn't afford in the war.
  249. > You finish the bottle and hand it back to royal.
  250. “T-Thank you.”
  251. > “You're welcome.”
  252. > You glance up at the royal pony.
  253. > Something about her seems all too familiar.
  254. > You feel as though you've met her before in some other place.
  255. > You scour your mind for what seems like ages before it hits you.
  256. “Celestia?” you whisper
  257. > Her ears perk as you mention her name.
  258. “Your name. Princess Celestia. Isn't it?”
  259. > She smiles, and for a split second you can almost see a wave of a relief pass over her.
  260. > “Yes. It is.” she mentions. “I take it my spell worked.”
  261. “Barely.” you mutter.
  263. > “Can you stand?” she asks.
  264. “After that episode back there? I hope so.”
  265. > Her faces cringes at the pain in your voice.
  266. > She quickly trots to your side.
  267. > “I'll help you.” she whispers.
  268. > Her horn glows white and your body engulfs in a rich white aura.
  269. > She lifts you back onto your feet.
  270. > You wrap your arm around her neck and lean on her for support.
  271. > She pulls you up to stand and helps you up.
  272. > This time, you feel a certain sense of weightlessness in your step.
  273. > “There. There.” the royal whispers. “One step at a time.”
  274. “Where are we going?” you ask.
  275. > She doesn't respond.
  276. > The rest of the ponies follow suite.
  277. > They whisper amongst themselves the entire way out.
  279. > Celestia doesn't tell you where she's taking you.
  280. > Instead, she leads you out the throne room and through the halls, albeit slowly.
  281. > Many of the castles denizens stop in their tracks once they spot you.
  282. > You try to ignore their stares .
  284. > You arrive at a set of tall white doors.
  285. > “We're here.” the Royal Pony declares before swinging them open.
  286. > Inside rows and rows of hospital bed line the walls.
  287. > Celestia limps your over the nearest one and helps you on.
  288. > “There. Just relax.” she coos. “You're safe. We'll take care of you.”
  289. > “Is he alright?” Twilight nervously asks.
  290. > “He doesn't look alright to me.” the Cyan Pony replies “Is that blood running down his side?”
  291. > She prods a hoof into your chest.
  292. > A dull pain runs down your body.
  293. > Your body, it's still sore.
  294. > “Don't touch him!” Twilight shouts.
  296. > “Celestia?” an unfamiliar voice calls out. “Celestia? Is that you?”
  297. > Her voice echoes from another room.
  298. > “Yes. Nurse Redheart. It's me!” Celestia responds. “I hope it's not too much of a burden, but one of my guests here has fallen ill. Could you be a dear and give him quick checkup?”
  299. > “Why, I thought I heard a familiar voice.” she hollers from the doorway. “Anything for you, Celes-”
  300. > She rounds the door way and finally lays eyes on you.
  301. > She stop in her tracks.
  302. > Her eyes widen, and she drops the pan she was carrying.
  303. > She quickly glances back between you and Celestia, her eyes begging for an explanation.
  304. > Celestia leaves your side and walks over to the nurse.
  306. > “Nurse Redheart? This here is my guest.” she so. “His name is Anonymous.”
  307. > Nurse Redheart simply stares in confusion.
  308. > She doesn't break eye contact with you.
  309. > “Now. Now. Don't be shy.” Celestia jests. “He doesn't bite. I promise.”
  310. > “Celestia?” she whimpers “What is that?”
  311. > “My guest.” Celestia starkly replies. “He is wounded. Please, won't you help him?”
  312. > Nurse Redheart looks at you with cold curious eyes.
  313. > She examines every inch of your body before turning back to the princess.
  314. > “Anything for you, Celestia.” she coldly responds
  316. > Heading to the other room she returns with a cart of medical supplies.
  317. > She reaches out and touches your arm.
  318. > Hesitantly, she extends it.
  319. > Al the meanwhile, she keeps her dead locked onto you.
  320. > With a frightened look in her eyes, she carefully watches to how you'd react.
  321. > Eventually, she loosens up as curiosity get's the best of her.
  322. > She holds your hand in her hoof.
  323. > “It's beautiful.” she whispers.
  324. > She takes her hoof and runs it down your hand down along your muddy clothes.
  325. > She pulls back on your sleeve, revealing your skin.
  326. > It's swollen, peeling and sore to the touch.
  327. > With a curious look, she turns back to the princess.
  328. > “I'll need him to undress.” she worriedly declares.
  330. > Princess Celestia simply nods before turning to you.
  331. > “Anonymous?”
  332. > You give a quick glance over to Celestia.
  333. > “Can you do it yourself? Or would you like my help?” she asks.
  334. “Please.” you reply. “My head is still spinning.”
  335. > Nurse Redheart's ear perk up at the sound of your voice.
  337. > You let out a heavy sigh before you start to remove your clothes.
  338. > Celestia uses her telekinesis to give you a hand.
  339. > Layer by layer, she remove your upper body clothing.
  340. > The air is cool, and you feel goosebumps rising along yourself.
  341. > The only thing left on your body are various makeshift bandages across your chest and back.
  342. > Old torn up shirts and rags hold your wounds in place.
  343. > All of which are stained in a deep red.
  344. > A soft audible gasp is heard throughout the room as you reveal yourself.
  345. > Many of the ponies step back in shock.
  346. > You can see the horror in their eyes.
  348. > Your time in the war has taken it's toll.
  349. > Both mentally and physically.
  350. > Heavy scars and wounds run across your body.
  351. > Burns run across your back.
  352. > Your skin runs charred and wrinkled.
  353. > It runs all the way down your arms and onto your neck.
  354. > There's almost no hiding it.
  355. > It's a heavy burden.
  356. > But one you've become accustomed to.
  358. > Save for the sounds of a flickering candle light, the room is silent.
  359. > It's a dreadful silence.
  360. > One that you wish would end.
  362. >[spoiler] Yeah. Take a good look. This is what I've become. [/spoiler]
  363. >[spoiler] This is who I am. [/spoiler]
  365. > Celestia's hooves make a soft clopping sound against the marble floor.
  366. > She stands by your side, giving off a warm and boastful aura.
  367. > You hear the soft ruffle of feathers as she runs her wing along your back.
  368. > “These burns?” she asks “Are these from the-”
  369. “They're from the hospital.” you interrupt. “There wasn't enough to perform a proper skin graft. So I'm stuck like this.”
  370. > She drapes her wing over your shoulder and exchanges glances with you.
  371. > She's silent.
  372. > But her eyes say it all.
  373. > [spoiler] I know. [/spoiler]
  374. > [spoiler] I saw. [/spoiler]
  375. > [spoiler] And I'm truly sorry. [/spoiler]
  376. > She looks like she's on the verge of tears.
  377. > You can just see the pain in her eyes.
  378. > True pain.
  380. > You break eye contact and glance to the others.
  381. > Twilight and the others are whispering amongst themselves.
  382. > They sound worried.
  383. > Frightened even.
  385. > But you wouldn't hold it against them.
  387. > “Well then.” Redheart announces. “I'd better get started then.”
  388. > Nurse Redheart takes a wet sponge from her cart and starts washing along your body.
  389. > The water is warm and inviting.
  390. > And the mud on your skin falls right off.
  391. > She hands you a small wash cloth.
  392. > “Give me a hand, won't you?”
  393. > You take it and clean yourself off little by little.
  395. > Next, she grabs a pair of scissors and starts removing the makeshift bandages.
  396. > Her eyes squint in disbelief during the whole procedure.
  397. > But one by one, Redheart removes you dirtied 'bandages' and replaces them with new ones.
  398. > “This should help with the burns.” she declares as she rubs various ointments along your skin.
  399. > They're cool to touch, leaving you with goose bumps.
  400. > She moves down your body, all the way to your legs.
  401. > It takes a while, but Redheard finally finishes up with her patch job.
  403. > By the time she finishes, she's nearly got your entire body covered in gauze.
  404. > “There.” she remarks. “That should hold him up for a few days.”
  405. > “How is he?” Twilight asks “Is he well? What about those cuts?”
  406. > “Those wounds? They've healed.... Well, mostly.”
  407. > She glances over to you.
  408. > “How long does he plan on staying here? I think I'd like to keep an eye on them just to be sure.”
  409. > Celestia glances at you.
  410. > “Permanently.” Celestia beams.
  411. > It's barely visible, but Redheart cracks the tiniest smile.
  412. > You can see the excitement in her eyes.
  413. > She must be giddy with joy to be able to play doctor on you.
  414. > Whatever her feelings may be, she does an excellent job at maintaining her professionalism.
  415. > “Good.” Redheard responds. “In the meanwhile, he should get some rest. I expect him to check in with me at least once a day.”
  416. > “Thank you, Nurse.” Celestia replies.
  417. > Redheart glances at wall clock, and turns back to Celestia
  418. > “I'll be finishing my rounds for tonight, anything happens, just give me a holler.”
  419. > Celestia nods.
  420. > And just like that. Redheart disappears, leaving a cold silence in the room.
  422. > “How are you feeling?” Celestia smiles warmly.
  423. “Better. But not quiet there yet.”
  424. > “Well,” she starts. Her voice on the cracks with remorse. “You've been through a lot, Anonymous.”
  425. > She pulls a blanket over you and lies you on your side.
  426. > “But you're safe here. With me-...” she pauses. “....With us.”
  427. > She prods your shoulder with her horn, and engulfs your body with a rich aura.
  428. > A sensation of bliss and relief washes over your body.
  429. > And just for a split second.
  430. > You escape your pain.
  432. > You stare deep into those bright pink eyes.
  433. > There, you see nothing less but of compassion, sympathy and understanding.
  434. > They alone say everything that's needed to be said.
  435. > [spoiler] You've been through a lot. And I understand. [/spoiler]
  436. > [spoiler] I've seen your pain. Felt it even. [/spoiler]
  437. > [spoiler] Your sacrifice. It's not something just anyone can understand. [/spoiler]
  438. > [spoiler] But I do. [/spoiler]
  439. > [spoiler] I've been there. And I'll be there. [/spoiler]
  440. > [spoiler] For you. [/spoiler]
  442. > Her spell is running it's course.
  443. > Your eyes feel heavy.
  444. > Your body begins to fall numb.
  445. > “Rest easy Anonymous.” she whispers.
  446. > “You've earned it.”
  459. >You feel a surge of pain erupting from your right arm.
  460. >The pain jolts you awake
  462. >Your voice is dry and you cough up some blood in the process
  463. >You try to move but you can't, someone is pinning you down.
  464. >Instinctively you begin to struggle against your suppressor
  465. >"Anon! Anon! Stop moving! Calm down!" Someone barks at you
  466. >You do as ordered
  467. >The voice sounds familiar
  468. >”Good, now just hold still for a sec. This might sting a bit”
  469. >Yep, that definitely sounds like your comrade Mac.
  470. >Knowing you’re in good hands you relax for a moment
  471. >A quick check of your surroundings reveals you’re not in the throne room anymore
  472. >Your left eye is completely swollen and sore to the touch
  473. >With all your strength you focus the vision of your good eye
  474. >To your right there is a burning Police Car
  475. >It reads "Tarvo City Police Department" on the side door
  476. >The sound of fighter jets zooming above fills your ears
  477. >The moon and stars hang above the skyscrapers around you
  478. >Even during a warzone the city is still beautiful
  480. >You finally come to your senses.
  481. >This is another night from your days in the resistance, embedded deep in your memories
  482. >You can't shake the feeling that someone else is in your subconscious watching this with you
  483. >It doesn't feel like the same presence that the White Alicorn had when she delved into your past
  484. >In fact, it doesn’t really feel hostile or ominous at all, just [spoiler] curious [/spoiler]
  485. >Fuck it
  486. >You ignore the presence and decide to go with the flow.
  487. >Your dream flows once more
  489. >"Just hang in there Anon, you’re gonna be fine”
  490. >You find it hard to move or even talk right now
  491. >He loads you onto a make shift stretcher while another Resistance Fighter, the squad medic, tends to your wounds.
  492. >There's blood running from the back of your head, you can feel a large lump forming where you impacted the concrete
  493. > It’s pretty sore to the touch
  494. >Your arm is still torn up as well.
  495. >You can feel bits of shrapnel lodged in your forearm and your torso.
  496. >When you try to flex your arm jolts of pain erupt in response.
  497. >The medic is working on extracting the shrapnel
  498. >Your clothes completely bloodstained.
  499. > You reek of gasoline and blood
  500. > The medic constructs a makeshift tunicate on your arm and wraps your head in a bandage
  501. >That bullet took a chunk of flesh out of your arm.
  502. > Despite their best efforts, you were still losing a lot of blood
  503. "M-Mac. Wha-"
  504. >Mac cuts you off
  505. >”Save your breath, Anon.”
  506. >Mac then turns his attention to the medic
  507. >”Hey man, ready to go?”
  508. >>”Yeah he seems stable. I think we can move him without too many complications”
  509. >By now your throat has cleared up a bit
  510. “Mac, where are we going?”
  511. >”Anon, it’s not safe here. We think there are bombers headed over here. I mean look, there are enemy fighter escorts already clearing out the skies”
  512. >Mac points to the jet fighters engaged in dog fights up above
  513. >”We need to get out of the streets”
  514. >You are carried away from the enemy checkpoint
  515. >They carried you a few blocks before you blacked out from the pain
  517. >You fell in and out of consciousness a couple of times
  518. >It felt like you were out traveling for hours
  519. >When you woke up you were in the kitchen of an abandoned Burger Town
  520. >The smell of freshly grilled burgers filled the air
  521. >”Get Anon. You need some grub in your system!”
  522. >Mac hands you this double stacked bacon cheeseburger
  523. >Maybe it’s the fact that you haven’t eaten a hot meal in days, or maybe it’s the fact that you were completely exhausted...
  524. >But holy shit, fast food has never looked or tasted so good!
  525. “Hey Mac, where’s everyone else?” Between each word you stuff your face with your meal
  526. > ”They left to go to the munitions depot. They were going to leave you here and pick you up on the way back. But I didn’t like the idea, it seemed too risky. I told em’ I’d stay with you and take you back to base in one piece. The Boss didn’t really like the idea, but he didn’t have much of a choice. We already lost the element of surprise for tonight, so we needed to get this shit done fast.”
  527. > Fucking Mac, always got your back
  528. “Thanks Mac. I’m glad I can count on you”
  530. > Mac begins to work on redressing your wounds
  531. > The worst part was when he rubbed alcohol in your wounds to prevent infection.
  532. “Fuck! You bastard just fucking kill me now Mac”
  533. >Oh god the pain.
  534. > "Anon, I'm not going to lie. When I saw those rockets explode right next to you, I thought you were fucking toast. You're pretty lucky if you ask me"
  535. "Lucky? I got this shit all over me man. How the fuck do you consider this lucky?" You point to the various bits of shrapnel still embedded in your body
  536. > "Awww quit your bitchin’ Anon. You’re still alive aren’t you?”
  537. “Yeah, well fuck you too Mac. This shit hurts”
  538. > "Sorry Anon, but you’re just gonna to have to deal with it. We administered our meds to those who need it more than you."
  539. "Well shit Mac. What the hell am I gonna do now?"
  540. > "Don't worry! Your buddy Mac always carries a little somethin’ somethin’ for all kinds of pains! Here take a swig of this”
  541. > Mac pulls out a large flask from his coat. He takes a drink himself before handing it to you.
  542. > "Drink the rest Anon. It's good for you, I promise."
  543. > You drink from the flask....
  544. > Of course Mac would have vodka on him.
  545. > You're not used to the burn of hard alcohol so it takes you a while to finish the flask.
  546. > You can already feel the effects
  547. “Godammit Mac, you’re gonna get me shit faced drunk!”
  548. > You both share a couple laughs
  549. > Being the drunk bastard he was, Mac hands you another flask from his bag.
  550. > This time you share it
  551. > Booze and Burgers
  552. > This is the good life
  553. > Maybe it was the alcohol, but for a moment you felt at ease
  554. > For a minute you just didn’t give a fuck about anything in the world
  556. > The ground suddenly shook and a barrage of explosions could be heard far off in the distance
  557. >Those bombers are giving it all they got
  558. >That brought you back to earth
  559. >Shit was serious
  560. > “Come on Anon, we gotta get moving. We gotta get the fuck out of here. Can you walk?"
  561. "I think so...just give me a sec."
  563. >You eventually get to your feet and grab your backpack
  564. > It looks pretty wrecked
  565. > You rummage inside, worried about its contents
  566. > Some of your gear was destroyed by shrapnel
  567. > You frantically search the bag
  568. “Come on. Come on! Where is it?”
  569. > Finally you found it.
  570. > Your old school Gameboy, you turn it on praying for its survival
  571. > The startup sound is like music to your ears
  572. > It has survived the blast without a single scratch
  573. > [spoiler] Fucking Nintendium [/spoiler]
  574. >With your most important asset safe, you were ready to head out into the fray
  576. > Due to your wounds you arm was completely immobilized
  577. > The bandages reached from your chest out to your forearm
  578. > Fortunately the bleeding has stopped.
  579. > You sling your rifle across your back.
  580. > There's no way you could use it in your condition.
  582. > Mac himself is equipment various weapons.
  583. > He owns a modern AK-47 variant. On his back you can point out a Mosin-Nagant Rifle.
  584. > [spoiler] /k/ would have been proud [/spoiler]
  585. > He gives you a look of disapproval when you pull out your Glock pistol from it's holster.
  586. >"Anon, you're going to need to defend yourself in case shit hits the fan. Luckily for you, I've got just the thing. Here."
  587. "Mac, what do you think I have this for?" You gesture at the pistol in your grip.
  588. > "Anon, that shit’s going to explode on you.”
  589. > Mac rummages through his bag and pulls out a Revolver and some ammunition.
  590. > "Here, you can use this. It's never failed me once."
  591. > You wield the weapon in your free hand.
  592. >> [spoiler] You know, looking back at it, you have no idea how the fuck you were going to reload that thing [/spoiler]
  593. "Thanks Mac. I appreciate it."
  594. > Mac's right.
  595. > That Glock was a time bomb waiting to go off
  597. > You both traverse the city heading for the rebel base.
  598. > You quickly do the math in your head
  599. > It took you 30 minutes to get here via pickup truck
  600. > Therefore it would take you fucking forever to get back on foot
  601. > The rest of your squad has already moved up ahead to the depot via the sewers.
  602. > The pickup would be waiting for them at the depot
  603. > Lucky bastards
  604. > Because of your condition, you were unfit to traverse the sewers
  605. > So instead you started walking down the roads.
  606. > At this hour, most streets would be completely empty
  608. > The sound of bombs going off in the distance echoes in the air
  609. > It wasn't long before Mac stirred up a conversation
  610. > "So tell me Anon. What was your life like before the war? What did you do?"
  611. "Mac you’re looking at Tarvo City’s finest engineer.”
  612. > ”Somehow I have a hard time believing you Anon.”
  613. “No I’m being serious! I study here during the fall and winter. During the summer I work for some company in Gracemeria.”
  614. > ”Gracemeria eh? I’ve never been to the capital city before. Tell me, how’s it like?”
  615. “Eh. It’s just like here. Same shit different place. The only difference is that the rent is higher over there. Luckily I’ve got some family over there. They let me stay with them during the summer.”
  616. > You pull out your cell phone and show him a few pictures of the Capital City and you family
  617. “How about you Mac? Any family?”
  618. > ”I used to have a family Anon. But that’s all in the past now.”
  619. “What happened to them Mac?
  620. > Mac seemed hesitant, but answered your question anyways
  621. >"Ehh you know the Estovakians?"
  622. "You mean the bastards that invaded our country? Yeah I know of em."
  623. > "Well actually I used to live in Estovakia. I had a home and beautiful family. Life was good! Haha.”
  624. > Mac pulls out his wallet and shows you various photos of his wife and children
  625. > "I lived a happy life Anon. I worked as a contractor. You know fixing homes and shit. My wife, she worked at a bank. I had a daughter as well. She was about your age when..."
  626. "When what Mac?"
  627. > ”When things took a turn for the worse. When the government began to crumble. Our country was recuperating from a collapsed economy. People wanted answers and they couldn’t find any. It wasn't long before fighting broke out. Next thing I know, we’ve got a god damned civil war on our hands."
  628. >At this point Mac's eyes are welling up.
  629. > "It wasn't safe Anon. We tried to leave Estovakia before the fighting became serious.”
  630. > You can hear him sobbing softly between each word
  631. > “But...things got complicated on our escape. They didn't make it Anon."
  632. "Who Mac? Who didn’t make it?"
  633. >You already knew who he was talking about
  634. > "My family Anon. My fucking family."
  635. >You've never seen this side of Mac before.
  636. >"Finally having the Estovakians come and invade here? It's real fucking ironic when you think about it. I mean I've been fighting all my life Anon. I have nothing left in my life. Sometimes I just wonder why I’m still fighting. Why I don’t just put a bullet right through my skull"
  637. > You notice Mac fiddle around with the wedding band on his finger
  638. > You place your arm on his shoulder to comfort him
  639. > Before you could say anything to console him he shoved you onto the sidewalk. You trip over a pile of corpses rotting on the sidewalk
  640. > They were probably the bodies of civilians caught in one of the raids
  641. > The stench of rotting corpses reaches you
  642. "Oh what the fuck!?"
  643. > Mac has quickly regained his composure
  644. >"Shh! Look!" Mac points down the street
  646. > Far in the distance you spot a pair headlights coming your way.
  647. > “Those aren’t friendly Anon.”
  648. "Damn! Well shit! You think they saw us?"
  649. > "Probably not, but we need hide fast."
  650. > The two of you frantically begin searching for a hiding spot
  651. > You’d be surprised on how difficult it is to find a hiding spot in an urban area
  653. > "Here Anon! Quick!"
  654. > Mac gestures at the pile of dead bodies.
  655. > Surely this was one of Mac's sick jokes
  656. "Oh what the fuck man. Seriously?"
  657. > "Just fucking get in!"
  658. > You both slide in the middle of the pile of bodies
  659. > The stench was unbearable.
  660. > The cold skin of the bodies gave you shivers down your spine.
  661. > You could feel the maggots running along your skin
  662. > You couldn't hold in your lunch
  664. > "Shhh Anon! They're stopping."
  665. > The lone patrol car truck right in front of you
  666. > Several people exited the truck
  667. > You could make out several enemy troops
  668. > “Don’t do anything stupid Anon."
  669. > Mac's right, there were too many troops to take out on your own
  670. > Several prisoners were also disembarked from the truck
  671. > The enemy troops where all speaking in Estovakian
  672. > You didn't have the slightest clue of what they were saying
  673. > One thing was clear, they were all shitfaced drunk
  674. > One of the prisoners, a woman, spoke in English "Please! No please! Just let us go! I'll give you anything you want. Anything! Just let us go!"
  675. > The soldiers laughed cruelly in response, talking amongst each other
  677. “Hey Mac. What are they saying?" You whisper
  678. > Mac gives no response
  679. > He looked very disturbed
  680. > Perhaps the soldiers said something offensive?
  681. > Mac was too busy watching the situation unfold
  682. > An Estovakian officer grabbed a little girl and brought her over to the pile of bodies.
  683. > You could smell the alchohol on him from here
  685. > She looked no older than 10 years old
  686. > Poor bastard probably didn't know what was going on
  687. > She was handcuffed and blindfolded
  688. > "No! No! Leave her alone! Stop! Please! Please! I'll do anything!" Her mother yelled from the line of prisoners
  689. > The other prisoners remained silent
  690. > They all tried their best to ignore the situation
  691. > The Estovakian officer said something in a taunting manner to his comrades before turning his attention to the girl
  692. > He pulled out his pistol from its holster
  693. > "NO! NO! PLEASE! NO! NO! NO!"
  694. > The mother's desperate cries echoed throughout the cold streets
  695. > The Estovakian Troops only laughed at her cries
  696. > The officer loaded the weapon and held it to the girl's forehead
  697. > From your concealed spot you looked into the officer's eyes
  698. > Do you know what you saw?
  699. > [spoiler] Nothing. No remorse, no sympathy, no mercy [/spoiler]
  700. > The officer pulled back on the weapon's hammer
  701. > You can only imagine the horror the mother is going through right now
  703. > Everything from then on seemed to happen in slow motion
  704. > The girl’s face was emotionless
  705. > She had probably caught on what was going on
  706. > You both knew what was going to happen next
  707. > Tears are flowing against your will
  708. > You can't bring yourself to watch
  709. > [spoiler] “Anon, I remember why I'm still here. I remember why I’m still fighting in this shit hole” [/spoiler]
  710. > The gunshot was heard for miles in the silent night
  712. > You awake in a startle
  713. > You struggle and thrash about on the floor instinctively
  714. > In your struggle you hit something hard
  715. > It takes all your mental power to calm yourself down, but you managed
  716. > The clothes you’re wearing are completely soaked in a cold sweat
  717. > You're hyperventilating and you’re still trembling
  718. > You begin to hack up a mix of mucus and blood
  719. > It feels like your throat is on fire
  720. > Your voice is extremely choppy right now
  721. > Whenever you try to speak you are met with a burning pain
  723. > A quick look around confirms you’re not in the city anymore
  724. > Once again you find yourself in the throne room
  725. > A sigh of relief escapes your mouth
  727. > You can still hear the gunshot sound ringing in your ears.
  728. > A cold shiver is sent down your spine
  729. > To your left you can see Twilight knocked down on her side
  730. > [spoiler] Whoops! [/spoiler]
  731. > “Oh my! Twilight! Are you alright? Did he harm you?” The white pony’s horn begins to glow
  732. > “No it’s alright Rarity, I’m fine. I’m sure it was just an accident.”
  733. > “Accident or not. You really should be more careful around this..this thing.”
  735. > “Ya sure ya’ll alright sugarcube? You hit the ground there mighty hard”
  736. > “Applejack I’m fine! Honest!”
  737. > Twilight gets back on her feet and gives a warm smile
  739. > It takes your mind a second to process what just occurred in front of you
  740. > The world around you fades away as you become lost in thought
  741. > Your mind is flooded by the questions you keep asking yourself
  742. > How did you just understand what they were saying?
  743. > Exactly how long were you knocked out?
  744. > What the fuck did that alicorn do to you?
  745. > You search your mind for answers
  746. > Desperately trying to make sense of the situation
  748. > “Anonymous! Hello? Can you hear me?”
  749. > You snap back to attention, by now Twilight has turned to speak to the white alicorn
  750. > “Celestia, I don’t think the spell worked.”
  751. > Spell? What the fuck is she talking about?
  752. > “It does seem that way Twilight.” Celestia’s voice is verdant and puts you at ease for a bit.
  753. > Celestia steps forward.
  754. > “Princess I think we should try it one more time.”
  755. > You can spot a lone tear falling from Celestia’s eye
  756. > “Celestia. Are you alright? What’s wrong?”
  757. > Celestia responds with heavy sobbing
  758. > “Nothing Twilight. You’re right. Let’s proceed.”
  759. > She is still sobbing in her speech. It’s hard to understand her
  760. > Her horn begins to spark and glow.
  761. > Every time she makes eye contact with you, she loses her concentration and her spell fades
  762. > Fighting tears, she shuts her eyes and tries again
  763. > You can feel the weightlessness of telekinesis once again
  765. > Oh fuck.
  766. > You knew where this shit was going
  767. > Celestia’s power has a tight grip on you
  768. > Your struggles only make her tighten her grip
  769. > It’s becoming difficult to breath
  770. > This telekinetic sensation is similar to the pressure you experienced when you went diving in the ocean.
  771. > Except here you can’t breathe and the pressure was much, much greater.
  772. > You made this soft wheezing noise as the air was squeezed out of your lungs
  773. > You could feel your face turning blue
  774. > Most of the ponies looked away
  775. > Celestia’s glowing horn is drawing nearer and nearer
  776. “NO! STOP!”
  777. > By some miracle you found the strength to speak
  778. > The princess didn’t expect you to yell out like that
  779. > She releases her grip on you
  780. > You hit the floor with a loud “THUD”. Your ass takes the brunt of the fall
  781. “Please. Stop. Not..not that shit again. I’ll do a-anything but th-that.”
  782. > It’s difficult to speak when you’re coughing out your lungs
  783. > The ponies help to your feet.
  784. > Crisis Averted
  786. > Twilight was as happy as a small child on Christmas day.
  787. > “It worked! I knew it would! Celestia! The spell worked!”
  788. > Celestia on the other hand was still lost in her emotions
  789. > She can’t even look you in the eye anymore
  790. > [spoiler] Does she feel guilty about nearly suffocating you? If that’s the case you should let her know you forgive her. [/spoiler]
  791. > The rest of the ponies don’t seem to notice Celestia’s breakdown, you have the limelight right now
  792. > “Well ah’ll be, honestly ah didn’t think yer little spell there would work. After the way you had this poor fella was I thought he was a gonner for sure. How do you think he’s holding up? He doesn’t look too good ya know.”
  793. > Before you could say something you were interrupted by the white pony
  794. > “I’ll say. Just look at his outfit! It’s absolutely ruined. This is unacceptable! I cannot stand by and watch anypony walk around in such rags. As soon as we get back to Ponyville I’ll start working on a new change of clothes, free of charge!.”
  795. > “Forget your silly old dresses, Rarity! What he needs now is a huge welcome party! He’s gotta make some friends!”
  796. > The pink pony runs up to you and holds up her hoof.
  797. > She kinda smells like Cotton Candy
  798. > “Hiya there! I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet! I’m Pinkie Pie! You must be Anonymous! Nice meeting you!”
  799. > With all your strength you finish her handshake
  800. “Pl-Pleasure’s all mine Pinkie Pie”
  801. > “Well in that case I’m sure Anonymous here would like to meet the coolest Pegasus in all of Equestria!”
  802. > The Cyan Pony butts her way in front of everyone else
  803. > “Name’s Rainbow Dash. Don’t wear it out!”
  804. > She strikes this pose in front of your face
  805. > You can’t tell if she’s trying to look good or something’s wrong with her.
  806. “Nice meeting you too Rainbow Dash, you definitely seem pretty cool.”
  807. > “Hah! You got that right Anonymous! The coolest all around!”
  808. > You put on a weak smile at her shenanigans
  809. “ And I already know your names. Applejack, Rarity and Twilight. It’s a pleasure to meet you all”
  810. > The three blush at your introduction
  811. > “My my such a well mannered gentlecolt. You know I think I’ll get along just fine with you Anonymous.”
  812. > You turn your attention to the Yellow Pony who’s been avoiding you the entirety of this scene
  813. > You hold out your hand for a handshake, which she does not meet
  814. “H-How’s it going?”
  815. > She only quivers in response
  816. > God, you aren’t that scary looking are you?
  817. > “Why that’s Fluttershy! Don’t worry Anonymous, she’s the kindest mare you’re ever gonna meet! She’s just a bit shy is all. Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to ya’ll eventually”
  818. “Well I’m glad to meet you either way Fluttershy.”
  819. > You pat her on the back, her body becomes stiff at your touch
  821. > You hear this voice from behind you
  822. > “Allow me to introduce myself.”
  823. > [spoiler] Oh shit, she startled you! [/spoiler]
  824. > You turn to face the Alicorn
  825. > She’s staring into your eyes once again
  826. > Except, this time she’s not staring daggers
  827. > What you see in her eyes is not hate, nor fear
  828. > But instead sympathy
  829. > “Anonymous. I am Princess Celestia, alongside my sister we rule these lands.”
  830. “Your majesty, it’s an honor.” You struggle to kneel down before you
  831. > She struts away for a moment and stares off into the distance
  832. > “Anonymous, earlier we had received reports of a creature scouring the forests near Ponyville. The reports included strange sounds that sounded like explosions. I had expected some sort of monster. In response I sent out the Elements of Harmony to investigate. The last thing I expected was to find an actual Human in the flesh.”
  833. “I-I don’t understand”
  834. > “Anonymous, right now you are in the land of Equestria. I don’t think you realize I yet. Here, humans are nothing more than an old pony tale. Their last known existence was several centuries ago. And even then I’ve only met a handful in my entire life. As a young filly I’ve always been told humans are an intelligent race. But I’ve never gotten the chance to see it for myself.”
  835. “I-Is that why you-“
  836. > “I needed to Anonymous. As ruler of these lands it’s my duty to keep my citizens safe. I needed to see whether you had other intentions. I need to protect the things I care about Anonymous. I’m sure you’d understand”
  837. “Yes Princess. I understand”
  838. > “I had to learn more about you Anonymous. More about your past. I needed to.”
  839. > Celestia begins to tear up again
  840. > “I peered into your mind, into your past life.”
  841. > She begins sobbing
  842. > “I. I saw everything Anonymous.”
  843. > You maintain your deadpan stare
  844. > The princess wraps her wings around you and leans her head on yours.
  845. “Pr-Princess I-“
  846. > “Say nothing Anonymous.”
  847. > She holds you close, her embrace makes you feel safe and welcomed
  848. > “Your heart and mine were as one, however briefly…
  849. > She breaks the hug
  850. > “Such suffering you had endured.”
  851. > Your deadpan has been broken
  852. > You can’t hold back the tears
  853. > All those memories you tried to forget are coming back to you.
  854. > [spoiler] Why can’t the past ever stay the past? [/spoiler]
  855. > “I’m sorry Anonymous. I’m sorry for everything.”
  856. > All those buried feelings are coming back to you
  857. “It’s…It’s alright Princess. It’s not your fault.”
  858. > You maintain your embrace for what seems like an eternity
  861. *AN* Kudos to whoever can spot out the Twilight Princess reference.
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