
MRVerse Chapter 3

Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. It's been a year since we've seen our heroes and they are now in Ylisse..a more modernized region with a very well-run Monster Organization called the MA. During that year, they managed to get Sora to Rank A and get closer getting Big Bang. At the moment, they are heading back to the Papas Arena for the Phoenix Cup.
  3. The 3 of them sit down in their dug out...Colt overlooking some of the notes she have on the foes here while Jalen just lay back on the bench with Sora eating some carrots.
  5. Jalen: "What we looking at...?" He opens the cooler and begin to take a swig of a Gatorade after picking it out of it..
  6. Colt: "We got 2 phoenixes and a Jill....Well, I thi-"
  7. Jalen: Spits his drink out with widen eyes. "PHOENIXES!?!? WHAT!?!? AND WHAT THE FUCK IS A JILL!?!?"
  8. Colt: Closes her eyes and sigh...before she look at him with a annoyed look. "Dude, it's called PHOENIX wouldn't think we would face them here?"
  9. Jalen: Look at her with an alarmed look. "NO, I DIDN'T WHAT THE FUCK!?! AND WHAT THE HELL IS A FUCKING JILL!?!?"
  11. Colt facepalms as the doors open and she points over to a breeder dressed like a farmer with what Jalen would describe as an evolved form of a Hare. A giant monster at 7 ft with a fat hairy body that seems to hide it's sleeves inside the fur coat with long bunny ears..It also had one hell of a white moustache with brown fur on the body until the lower regions which was white.
  12. Jalen: Looks over and see the Wondar(Jill/Hare) and press himself against the wall in fear "HOLY MONTY OUM, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!"
  15. As Jalen slowly calm down from his frightfest...the 2 Phoenixes and their breeders come and arrive in the arena in a over the top that involves a blinding light via teleportation..
  16. Jalen: "Well..they like to be flashy it seems..."
  17. Colt: Nods as the cup is about to get underway as Volcane and Bernard...the 2 phoenixes get on the the field and prepare to fight.
  19. The match between them was a tight one as Volcane barely wins with a well-aimed Heat Beam at his rival..sending him to the wall. After Bernard is hoisted off of the wall, it was time for Sora, 4ft tall, to fight against BigFoot the Wondar...the steps from the Jill make the arena shakes with loud noises as the crowd watches in eagerness for the "David vs Goliath" match..
  21. The bell rings as Bigfoot bring out his hands and immediately goes for a Clap Attack...slamming his hands together to crush Sora. Luckily, Sora dodges it with a backflip and lands on the ground to look up and see Bigfoot slamming his hands on the ground for a Ice Spikes attack to impale the Hare. Sora jumps to the side to avoid said attack and crouch down before he jumps towards the Wondar with a hand behind him before he slam the hand on the belly of the monster for a Bang. Red energy echos off of the Wondar as he is sent rocketing towards the wall and bounce off of it back towards Sora who spins and launch ANOTHER BANG with a different hand this time...Bigfoot get strucks and stand there on his feet as he stumbles a bit with blood leaking out of his mouth and falls down KO'ED with a rose in his hands folded on his body..
  22. Sora walks back to his breeders as medical staff pick the giant monster up and place him on a stretcher...
  24. Jalen: Rubs his chin in both pride and concern. "Maybe Rhiannon was right..."
  25. Colt: looks up to him with a confused look." Huh?"
  26. Jalen: "About 2 weeks ago, I called her up and told her about Sora's progress in our battles..and she essentially said that he's becoming a psychopath..."
  27. Colt: Looks over at Sora who approaches them and smiles with pride at his work while Bigfoot is hauled off.. "You don't say..."
  28. The next match is between Sora and Volcane...
  29. The bell rings as Volcane tries to hit Sora with Frame 2 Heat Beam...only for Sora to do the Frame 1 Dodge to the side and avoid the explosion behind him as he runs in and stay close to the bird. Making sure that he can't use any of his INT attacks in the process...Volcane tries to hit him with a Beak...but Sora grabs it and bring his hands back for a BANG TO THE FACE!!
  30. Volcane's body extinguished the flames as the bird stand there naked with a pink body with widen eyes before Sora let go of his beak and let the bird fall over with 'X'in his eyes and tongue out..
  31. The trio wins another match...unaware of Raven in the crowd watching them with notes being taken on them...very detailed notes on how to beat them...
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