
Bea sucks

Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn sat in the corner booth of the little bar she'd discovered, the interior of the place being uncomfortably familiar to her. She had a beer and a plate of french fries in front of her, looking mostly glum as she stared out the window and very slowly munched on french fries. She couldn't get her mind off home and her friends and how much she missed everything about home, and the establishment certainly wasnt helping with that.-
  2. Smokeless has joined the chat
  3. Tsaaq: Penelope thought the place looked nice on the outside but once she opened the door and saw the inside her large red lips began to curl in disgust. She pulled her coat closed over her chest as she went towards the bathroom, which was somehow worst than the rest of the place to her. Penelope couldn't wait to leave as she made her way back out, only to see Quinn in a back booth by herself. "Q-t, what are you doing here all alone?" She asked with a worried look.
  4. Covet has joined the chat
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Penelope's voice, she turned from the window to look at her, forcing a smile onto her face, however painful it might be. "Oh, hi Penelope. I was just... coming for a drink and a snack. I was kind of bored." She spoke in a small voice, gesturing to the french fries in front of her. "Do you want some?"-
  6. Smokeless: Bea smiled as her heels clicked against the sidewalk. She was in a fairly good mood. She had been at pop's earlier for karaoke but she had to show someone how to get to the sorority house. She smiled returning to pop's and opened the door looking around. She sa penelope but then again how could you not see penelope. She then saw Quinn and smiled making her way over to the girls her hips swaying slightly."Oh Quinn there you are just the person I am looking for. I just wanted to tell you that something came up with Cho. She will not be attending this year but you still have a very nice roommate by the name of missy. I showed her to her room earlier. I just didn't want you to be alarmed if you didn't see cho in there."
  7. Tsaaq has left the chat
  8. Alexithymiaa: -When Penelope excused herself to run to the bathroom, Quinn fell back into silence, tearing her gaze from the window yet again when Bea walked over. "Oh. Okay. Thank you for letting me know. I'll be sure to be on the look out for her, then." She pursed her lips, pulling a french fry off her plate to bite into it, her eyes settling on the beer in front of her.-
  9. Smokeless: Bea smiled and nodded her head"good good." she tooked a deep breath and looked around for a moment."You know we really haven't gotten to know each other very well Quinn and we are suppose to be sisters. Mind if I sit with you and get to know you just a tad bit better I man we live together andhardly know one another."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Right..." She mumbled halfly to herself in response to Bea's statement, her hands moving to circle around her beer bottle uncomfortably now that she was alone with someone she didnt really know all that well. "Sure, I guess...." She spoke in a small voice, gesturing to the other side of the booth across from her and sealing her lips.-
  11. Smokeless: Bea smiled and slid into the booth across from Quinn. she looked at her." So Quinn. How are you liking SouthCott so far?" she stopped a waitress." Can I get just get a pepsi please and perhaps some of pop's famous wings"
  12. Alexithymiaa: "It's um..." She paused, moving her fingers to pull another french fry from the plate as she twisted it around. "It's okay. It's different than home, that's for sure. The people are different. Just... everything."-
  13. Smokeless: "well as long as you are enjoying yourself and all that's all that matters." she shrugged some."Any hobbies or anything? I like sewing." she smiled and the waitress came back with her pepsi and she took a sip.-
  14. Alexithymiaa: "I guess." She said with a shrug, not looking up into the female's face. "I like to dance. And I like reading." She chewed on the inside of her cheek, her eyes darting across the bar in the direction of the bathroom to look for Penelope, almost willing her to return so she felt more comfortable having this conversation.-
  15. Smokeless: Bea looked at Quinn."Why so tense?" she set her hands on the table looking uinn up and down." I only ask because you have yet to look at me since we started to talk."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I just..." She paused, glancing up at Bea across the table and lacing her fingers together in front of her. "I don't really know you at all. We've seen each other in passing and spoken a few words here and there, but I have no idea who you are. The only thing I've heard from you other than polite greetings and small talk are negative comments about my friends, which frankly is a bit offputting."-
  17. Smokeless: "hmm I see well like you said you really don't know me and I really don't know you. As for your friends I have no quarel with them at all. I do admit I have been in some bad moods and have not agreed with them on some topics, but I am only human and humans are not perfect." she shrugged some looking at Quinn.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Everyone's entitled to being in a bad mood now and again, but taking that out on other's isn't exactly the best way to make friends. Not to mention I heard you call Thorn 'schwein' on your way passed us and neither of us had even addressed you. I might not know German, but I do have access to the internet. So I'm well aware that you called him a pig out of no instigation on his part. Honestly Bea? That's just rude."-
  19. Smokeless: "Oh it was rather instigated. I find it rather rude of him to be very unpleasant towards penelope. She did seem a little off when we came home that night and he was well you know on you, but you three seem to have worked it all out. I rather like Penelope and to sit there in the open and just do what he did was rather upsetting. I do consider penelope a friend. She is an amazing person." she shrugged."and as far as I am concerned I am intitled to my opinon of people. Thorn has not been very nice to me either from the first day I have met him but I am sure he would never tell you that."
  20. Smokeless: [damn enter button]
  21. Smokeless: Her voice was calm and collective. She didn't seem angry or anything. She actually seemed nice about it. "I really don't want trouble between any of me and my sisters. We are suppose to be a team and a unit not enemies in my book. We wouldn't be much of a sorority if we all hated each other now would we."
  22. Covet: Thorn made his way into the Bar, intending to get something to eat, because he'd driven and wasn't cool with the whole drinking and driving thing. Looking around as he came in he spotted Quinn's familiar blonde hair. His ears perked up as he heard his name being said. He walked over to the table and gave a huge grin, "Tada...Someone says my name and so I shall appear...Now what are you hens clucking about today?" He asked sitting in the booth next to Quinn getting himself comfortable.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "If you think it was instigated then you obviously don't know anything. Penelope was well aware of the events of that night prior to them happening, and all three of us have always been on the same page. So I would appreciate it if you didn't point fingers and make accusations about things you clearly know nothing about. He hasnt done anything wrong and this has been discussed extensively, not that it's any of your business. The fact that you're even inserting yourself into a situation that doesn't include you is discouraging about the type of person you are." She spoke in a huff before glancing up when Thorn appeared. Beetlejuice. The new trend. "We were just discussing how Bea was going to mind her own business from now on, weren't we Bea?" She asked with a tone, clearly all riled up.-
  24. Smokeless: Bea chuckled a little."You are right it isn't my business and I have been staying out of your business. It is.."she turned here."oh well jsut the person we are talking about. It is him who needs to mind his business and his tongue." Bea looked at Thorn directly."I don't rather enjoy your smart remarks about me. I ignore them for the sake of arguing because I really hate arguing with people." she turned her attention to Quinn again."As I said before you don't know me and I don't know you as a matter of fact I don't think either of you have even tried to take the time to get to know me. I have tried with both of you but for some odd reason you hate me. The only one who has shown any kindness towards me is penelope. She is also the only one to try and get to know me as well. We have had a disagreement but we settled it."she looked between the two of them."So since you you would like for me to stay out of your business I would much like it if you stayed out of mine. My love life is none of your concern" her eyes went directly to Thorn. She got up and r=placed a few crisp bills on the table."for my pepsi. I do hope you two have a lovely evening." she turned and made her way towards the door to head back home. She wasn't angry she want upset but she was glad to let both of them know exactly how she felt. She did feel rather out numbered at times and she did not like the little remarks she over heard about herself.
  25. Smokeless: [that was much longer then i expected it to be]
  26. Covet: [XD it works]
  27. Covet: Thorn scrunched his face up listening to them both. "Wait.. what are you..." He tried to interrupt but the two of them kept going. "Me? Mind my...excuse you... There is nothing wrong with my tongue. It's made plenty of people happy, and laugh, and a variety of other human noises." Thorn tried to interject again. But when she got up he stood up as well, taking her bills as he walked over to her, "Woah woah woah, You don't just get to squawk at me with your feathers in a ruffle, and then walk away. Not without at least letting me explain myself. "Hate is such a strong word, and I don't care enough to hate anyone. So lets get you out of that bonnet. I don't care about your love life, I was just making a comment about your pissy mood that day, there's another bonnet, Lastly, as for my smart remarks, I appologize if you felt that was special just for you, but I talk like that to everyone. So don't take it so personal..." He said putting his hands lightly on her shoulders still talking in a calm tone, then handed her bills back over. "And don't worry about the drink. I'm covering it tonight." He said with a smile as he gave her a pat on the shoulder, then went to sit back down at the booth with Quinn.
  28. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  29. Alexithymiaa: "But you haven't been staying out of my business. I've never done a single thing to you other than be polite and yet you make comments left and right about things going on in my life. You are blissfully ignorant and that's fine, but don't take your closed mindedness out on others. I haven't taken the time to get to know you because all I have heard from you are rude remarks about two people I care about and I'm not interested in befriending someone like that. If you want to be fake to Penelope, that's your own perogative, but I'm sure she sees right through it to know that you speak ill about her behind her back." She said in a huff, crossing her arms over her chest and taking a deep breath because unlike Bea, she was pretty annoyed. "Thorn don't..." She said in a low voice, turning her head to glance out the window with furrowed brows until he came back to sit next to her. "This place sucks."-
  30. Tsaaq: She came from the gross bathroom and went to spray herself with the perfume that had been in her purse just to mask the scent that could've possible attached itself to her. Her hips moved left and right as she walked towards the public area once more. From a far she smiled from the sight of the two of them. She didn't quite see Bea yet. She jogged in her heels as her braless bewbs bounced. Her stomach dropped when hearing Thorn and Quinn speaking. "Hi?" She greeted unsurely.
  31. Smokeless: Bea ignored Quinn completely because she knew she had never said one bad thing about Penelope behind her back. She really had no one to say bad things to about anyone for that fact. She stopped when Thorn stopped her."I accept your apology and I hope we can get along from here on out. I am sorry for calling you pig as well. That was very mean of me to say." she took the bills back and nodded."Thank you." she turned again to head out to her car. She slid into the drivers seat and sighed some.
  32. Covet: "Shit happens." Thorn said as he watched Bea, then looked at Quinn, putting an arm around her, rubbing her shoulders. "Hey.. Sorry. Just wanted to clear the air there. But.. it sucks less now because I'm here right?" He added with a cheeky smile trying to cheer her up. Then Penelope came bouncing up, only making him grin bigger. "Hi there Penny, I didn't know you were here too."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Yes..." She spoke in a small voice to him before looking over at Penelope and forcing a smile. "Hi." She waited a moment before turning to face Thorn, taking a deep breath and honestly trying not to cry because 'strong women don't cry.' "Can you let me out, please?" She asked politely despite being antsy to escape.-
  34. Tsaaq: "I was using the um, facilities." She grit her teeth at the though of it. "When did you get here?" Penelope asked with a tilt of her head. She definitely felt as if she'd missed something. "Is everything okay Q?" She asked softly as she took a few steps back while waiting on the blonde to get out of the booth.
  35. Covet: "Uh.. Yeah sure....Everything alright Q?" He asked more serious, with his brow furrowed all concerned like. "About two heated statements between Quinn and Bea, ago." He said as if that was any sort of valid measure of time, as he got up so Quinn could get out.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -She grabbed her purse and slipped out of the booth, looping the strap over her shoulder and digging her hand into it for her wallet. "Everythings fine, I'm just not feeling well." She glanced at the beer and the fries she'd left on the table and pulled out $15 in cash, setting it down on the table. "I might go home for the weekend so if I don't see you two before tomorrow afternoon, have a good weekend."-
  37. Tsaaq: "Oh. Oh my." She murmured. "Bea was here?" She narrowed her eyes a moment, really feeling lost now. Penelope watched Quinn with sad eyes as she began to rummage around her purse. "Oh... Alright." She whispered with a nod. "I'll miss you." Penelope offered Quinn a smile and leaned in to give her a light kiss on the cheek.
  38. Covet: "Okay, Get feeling well.. and enjoy your weeked at home. Tell your folks I say Hi. I'll miss you too!" Thorn said with a concerned look, leaning in to give them both a hug, since Penelope was right there, but Thorn, really.. you don't even know her parents.
  39. Alexithymiaa: (My boyfriend and girlfriend say hi. "WHAT?")
  40. Smokeless: [XD]
  41. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you." She said in a small voice, leaning into Penelope's kiss before kind of half assing the hug. She was feeling down. She dipped her head and turned away from the two, clutching her bag to her side as she made her way out of the bar and out to her car so she could go home and pack because she was definitely going home this weekend. She missed her dog, honestly.-
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