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Aug 14th, 2018
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  1. ! function() {
  2. "use strict";
  3. var o = !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement),
  4. a = {
  5. canUseDOM: o,
  6. canUseWorkers: "undefined" != typeof Worker,
  7. canUseEventListeners: o && !(!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent),
  8. canUseViewport: o && !!window.screen
  9. };
  10. void 0 === (r = function() {
  11. return a
  12. }.call(t, n, t, e)) || (e.exports = r)
  13. }()
  14. },
  15. function(e, t, n) {
  16. "use strict";
  17. n(132), n(135);
  18. var r = n(136);
  19. n.d(t, "a", function() {
  20. return r.a
  21. });
  22. var o = n(89);
  23. n.d(t, "b", function() {
  24. return o.a
  25. });
  26. n(67), n(137);
  27. var a = n(138);
  28. n.d(t, "c", function() {
  29. return a.a
  30. });
  31. n(90), n(68), n(139)
  32. },
  33. function(e, t, n) {
  34. "use strict";
  35. t.a = Loading;
  36. var r = n(0);
  37. n.n(r);
  39. function Loading() {
  40. return r.createElement("div", {
  41. className: "cube-wrapper"
  42. }, r.createElement("div", {
  43. className: "cube-folding"
  44. }, r.createElement("span", {
  45. className: "leaf-1"
  46. }), r.createElement("span", {
  47. className: "leaf-2"
  48. }), r.createElement("span", {
  49. className: "leaf-3"
  50. }), r.createElement("span", {
  51. className: "leaf-4"
  52. })), r.createElement("span", {
  53. className: "loading loading--main",
  54. "data-name": "Loading"
  55. }, "Loading..."))
  56. }
  57. },
  58. function(e, t, n) {
  59. "use strict";
  60. Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
  61. value: !0
  62. });
  63. var r = n(448),
  64. o = n(449);
  65. t.URI = "Either";
  66. var a = function() {
  67. function Left(e) {
  68. this.value = e, this._tag = "Left"
  69. }
  70. return = function(e) {
  71. return this
  72. }, Left.prototype.ap = function(e) {
  73. return e.isLeft() ? e : this
  74. }, Left.prototype.ap_ = function(e) {
  75. return e.ap(this)
  76. }, Left.prototype.chain = function(e) {
  77. return this
  78. }, Left.prototype.bimap = function(e, t) {
  79. return new Left(e(this.value))
  80. }, Left.prototype.alt = function(e) {
  81. return e
  82. }, Left.prototype.orElse = function(e) {
  83. return e(this.value)
  84. }, Left.prototype.extend = function(e) {
  85. return this
  86. }, Left.prototype.reduce = function(e, t) {
  87. return e
  88. }, Left.prototype.fold = function(e, t) {
  89. return e(this.value)
  90. }, Left.prototype.getOrElse = function(e) {
  91. return e
  92. }, Left.prototype.getOrElseL = function(e) {
  93. return e(this.value)
  94. }, Left.prototype.mapLeft = function(e) {
  95. return new Left(e(this.value))
  96. }, Left.prototype.inspect = function() {
  97. return this.toString()
  98. }, Left.prototype.toString = function() {
  99. return "left(" + o.toString(this.value) + ")"
  100. }, Left.prototype.isLeft = function() {
  101. return !0
  102. }, Left.prototype.isRight = function() {
  103. return !1
  104. }, Left.prototype.swap = function() {
  105. return new i(this.value)
  106. }, Left.prototype.filterOrElse = function(e, t) {
  107. return this
  108. }, Left.prototype.filterOrElseL = function(e, t) {
  109. return this
  110. }, Left.prototype.refineOrElse = function(e, t) {
  111. return this
  112. }, Left.prototype.refineOrElseL = function(e, t) {
  113. return this
  114. }, Left
  115. }();
  116. t.Left = a;
  117. var i = function() {
  118. function Right(e) {
  119. this.value = e, this._tag = "Right"
  120. }
  121. return = function(e) {
  122. return new Right(e(this.value))
  123. }, Right.prototype.ap = function(e) {
  124. return e.isRight() ? : t.left(e.value)
  125. }, Right.prototype.ap_ = function(e) {
  126. return e.ap(this)
  127. }, Right.prototype.chain = function(e) {
  128. return e(this.value)
  129. }, Right.prototype.bimap = function(e, t) {
  130. return new Right(t(this.value))
  131. }, Right.prototype.alt = function(e) {
  132. return this
  133. }, Right.prototype.orElse = function(e) {
  134. return this
  135. }, Right.prototype.extend = function(e) {
  136. return new Right(e(this))
  137. }, Right.prototype.reduce = function(e, t) {
  138. return t(e, this.value)
  139. }, Right.prototype.fold = function(e, t) {
  140. return t(this.value)
  141. }, Right.prototype.getOrElse = function(e) {
  142. return this.value
  143. }, Right.prototype.getOrElseL = function(e) {
  144. return this.value
  145. }, Right.prototype.mapLeft = function(e) {
  146. return new Right(this.value)
  147. }, Right.prototype.inspect = function() {
  148. return this.toString()
  149. }, Right.prototype.toString = function() {
  150. return "right(" + o.toString(this.value) + ")"
  151. }, Right.prototype.isLeft = function() {
  152. return !1
  153. }, Right.prototype.isRight = function() {
  154. return !0
  155. }, Right.prototype.swap = function() {
  156. return new a(this.value)
  157. }, Right.prototype.filterOrElse = function(e, n) {
  158. return e(this.value) ? this : t.left(n)
  159. }, Right.prototype.filterOrElseL = function(e, n) {
  160. return e(this.value) ? this : t.left(n(this.value))
  161. }, Right.prototype.refineOrElse = function(e, n) {
  162. return e(this.value) ? this : t.left(n)
  163. }, Right.prototype.refineOrElseL = function(e, n) {
  164. return e(this.value) ? this : t.left(n(this.value))
  165. }, Right
  166. }();
  167. t.Right = i, t.getSetoid = function(e, t) {
  168. return {
  169. equals: function(n, r) {
  170. return n.isLeft() ? r.isLeft() && e.equals(n.value, r.value) : r.isRight() && t.equals(n.value, r.value)
  171. }
  172. }
  173. };
  174. var s = function(e, t) {
  175. return
  176. },
  177. u = function(e) {
  178. return new i(e)
  179. },
  180. l = function(e, t) {
  181. return t.ap(e)
  182. },
  183. c = function(e, t) {
  184. return e.chain(t)
  185. },
  186. f = function(e, t, n) {
  187. return e.bimap(t, n)
  188. },
  189. p = function(e, t) {
  190. return e.alt(t)
  191. },
  192. d = function(e, t) {
  193. return e.extend(t)
  194. },
  195. h = function(e, t, n) {
  196. return e.reduce(t, n)
  197. },
  198. m = function(e) {
  199. return function(n, r) {
  200. return n.isLeft() ? e.of(t.left(n.value)) :, u)
  201. }
  202. },
  203. g = function(e, n) {
  204. return r.tailRec(function(e) {
  205. if (e.isLeft()) return t.right(t.left(e.value));
  206. var r = e.value;
  207. return r.isLeft() ? t.left(n(r.value)) : t.right(t.right(r.value))
  208. }, n(e))
  209. };
  210. t.left = function(e) {
  211. return new a(e)
  212. }, t.right = u, t.fromPredicate = function(e, n) {
  213. return function(r) {
  214. return e(r) ? t.right(r) : t.left(n(r))
  215. }
  216. }, t.fromRefinement = function(e, n) {
  217. return function(r) {
  218. return e(r) ? t.right(r) : t.left(n(r))
  219. }
  220. }, t.fromOption = function(e) {
  221. return function(n) {
  222. return n.isNone() ? t.left(e) : t.right(n.value)
  223. }
  224. }, t.fromOptionL = function(e) {
  225. return function(n) {
  226. return n.isNone() ? t.left(e()) : t.right(n.value)
  227. }
  228. }, t.fromNullable = function(e) {
  229. return function(n) {
  230. return null == n ? t.left(e) : t.right(n)
  231. }
  232. }, t.toError = function(e) {
  233. return e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(String(e))
  234. }, t.tryCatch = function(e, n) {
  235. void 0 === n && (n = t.toError);
  236. try {
  237. return t.right(e())
  238. } catch (e) {
  239. return t.left(n(e))
  240. }
  241. }, t.fromValidation = function(e) {
  242. return e.isFailure() ? t.left(e.value) : t.right(e.value)
  243. }, t.isLeft = function(e) {
  244. return e.isLeft()
  245. }, t.isRight = function(e) {
  246. return e.isRight()
  247. }, t.either = {
  248. URI: t.URI,
  249. map: s,
  250. of: u,
  251. ap: l,
  252. chain: c,
  253. reduce: h,
  254. traverse: m,
  255. bimap: f,
  256. alt: p,
  257. extend: d,
  258. chainRec: g
  259. }
  260. },
  261. function(e, t, n) {
  262. "use strict";
  263. var r = n(1),
  264. o = n(0),
  265. a = (n.n(o), n(6)),
  266. i = n(5),
  267. s = n(464),
  268. u = n(465),
  269. l = n(78),
  270. c = n(47),
  271. f = n(65),
  272. p = n(190),
  273. d = n(4),
  274. h = n(14),
  275. m = n(125),
  276. g = n(58),
  277. y = n(16),
  278. v = n(467),
  279. b = n(63),
  280. w = n(201),
  281. E = n(81),
  282. _ = n(2),
  283. C = n(26),
  284. S = function(e) {
  285. function RouletteGUI(t) {
  286. var n =, t || {}) || this;
  287. return n.IE = !1, n.detectIE = function() {
  288. var e = window.navigator.userAgent;
  289. return ["MSIE ", "Trident/", "Edge/"].some(function(t) {
  290. return e.indexOf(t) > 0
  291. })
  292. }, n.IE = n.detectIE(), n
  293. }
  294. return r.d(RouletteGUI, e), RouletteGUI.prototype.render = function() {
  295. var e =;
  296. return this.IE ? o.createElement("div", {
  297. className: "roulette-container" + (e ? " special" : "")
  298. }, o.createElement("div", {
  299. className: "roll"
  300. }, o.createElement("div", {
  301. className: "roulette-arrow roulette-arrow--top"
  302. }), o.createElement("div", {
  303. className: "roulette-blackout"
  304. }, o.createElement("div", null)), o.createElement(k, null), o.createElement("div", {
  305. className: "roulette-arrow roulette-arrow--bottom"
  306. }), o.createElement("div", {
  307. className: "roulette-blackout"
  308. }, o.createElement("div", null)))) : o.createElement("div", {
  309. className: "roulette-container" + (e ? " special" : "")
  310. }, o.createElement("div", {
  311. className: "roll roll--use-clip-path"
  312. }, o.createElement(k, null)))
  313. }, RouletteGUI = r.c([Object(i.inject)("store"),], RouletteGUI)
  314. }(c.a),
  315. O = function(e) {
  316. function RouletteNumbers() {
  317. var t = null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  318. return t.arrowsColor = function(e) {
  319. return "black" === e ? "lightBlack" : e
  320. }, t
  321. }
  322. return r.d(RouletteNumbers, e), RouletteNumbers.prototype.render = function() {
  323. var e, t = this,
  324. n = (e = []).concat.apply(e, Array.from(Array(l.a.targetRotations + 2)).map(function() {
  325. return
  326. }));
  327. return this.props.empty ? o.createElement("div", {
  328. className: "numbers-arrow-helper"
  329. },, n) {
  330. return o.createElement("div", {
  331. key: n,
  332. className: "number " + t.arrowsColor(gameResultColor(e))
  333. })
  334. })) : o.createElement("div", {
  335. className: "numbers-container"
  336. },, t) {
  337. return o.createElement("div", {
  338. key: t,
  339. className: "number " + gameResultColor(e)
  340. }, gameResultNumber(e))
  341. }))
  342. }, RouletteNumbers = r.c([Object(i.inject)("store"),], RouletteNumbers)
  343. }(c.a);
  345. function gameResultNumber(e) {
  346. console.log(e.result)
  347. return e && "object" == typeof e ? e.result : NaN
  348. }
  350. function findArrayIndex(e, t) {
  351. e: for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
  352. for (var r in t)
  353. if (t[r] !== e[n][r]) continue e;
  354. return n
  355. }
  356. return -1
  357. }
  359. function gameResultColor(e) {
  360. return e.color
  361. }
  362. var k = function(e) {
  363. function RouletteAnimation() {
  364. var t = null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  365. return t.numberWidth = 80, t.divWidth = window.innerWidth, t.isFirstRender = !0, t.refreshDivWidth = function() {
  366. t.div && (t.divWidth = t.div.parentElement.clientWidth), t.numberWidth = window.innerWidth <= 768 ? 50 : 80
  367. }, t.div = null, t.setDiv = function(e) {
  368. return e ? t.div = e : null
  369. }, t.randomOffsetCache = new Map, t.targetPixels = Object(a.createTransformer)(function(e) {
  370. var n = findArrayIndex(, e.result),
  371. r = t.getRandomOffset(e.hash);
  372. return l.a.targetRotations * t.wholeRotationWidth + n * t.numberWidth - t.divWidth / 2 + r * t.numberWidth
  373. }), t
  374. }
  375. return r.d(RouletteAnimation, e), RouletteAnimation.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {
  376. this.isFirstRender = !1;
  377. var e = setInterval(this.refreshDivWidth, 100);
  378. this.refreshDivWidth(), this.disposer = function() {
  379. return clearInterval(e)
  380. }
  381. }, RouletteAnimation.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() {
  382. this.disposer()
  383. }, Object.defineProperty(RouletteAnimation.prototype, "currentGameResultIndex", {
  384. get: function() {
  385. return ? findArrayIndex(, : null
  386. },
  387. enumerable: !0,
  388. configurable: !0
  389. }), Object.defineProperty(RouletteAnimation.prototype, "wholeRotationWidth", {
  390. get: function() {
  391. return this.numberWidth *
  392. },
  393. enumerable: !0,
  394. configurable: !0
  395. }), RouletteAnimation.prototype.getRandomOffset = function(e) {
  396. return this.randomOffsetCache.has(e) || this.randomOffsetCache.set(e, Math.random() * (l.a.maxResultPositionInNumber - l.a.minResultPositionInNumber) + l.a.minResultPositionInNumber), this.randomOffsetCache.get(e)
  397. }, RouletteAnimation.prototype.render = function() {
  398. var e = {},
  399. t =;
  400. switch (this.isFirstRender && t === E.a.Rolling && (t = E.a.AcceptingBets), t) {
  401. case E.a.AcceptingBets:
  402. case E.a.WaitingForServer:
  403. e = {
  404. transform: "translate3d(" + -(n = ? this.targetPixels( % this.wholeRotationWidth : 0) + "px,0,0"
  405. };
  406. break;
  407. case E.a.Rolling:
  408. var n = this.targetPixels(,
  409. r =;
  410. e = {
  411. transitionTimingFunction: l.a.animationEasingFunction,
  412. transitionDuration: ( - r - l.a.animationFinishBefore_ms) / 1e3 + "s",
  413. transform: "translate3d(" + -n + "px, 0, 0)"
  414. };
  415. break;
  416. case E.a.AfterGame:
  417. e = {
  418. transform: "translate3d(" + -(n = this.targetPixels( + "px, 0, 0)"
  419. }
  420. }
  421. return o.createElement("div", {
  422. className: "numbers",
  423. style: e,
  424. ref: this.setDiv
  425. }, o.createElement(O, {
  426. empty: !0
  427. }), o.createElement(O, {
  428. empty: !1
  429. }), o.createElement(O, {
  430. empty: !0
  431. }))
  432. }, r.c([a.observable], RouletteAnimation.prototype, "numberWidth", void 0), r.c([a.observable], RouletteAnimation.prototype, "divWidth", void 0), r.c([a.observable], RouletteAnimation.prototype, "isFirstRender", void 0), r.c([a.computed], RouletteAnimation.prototype, "currentGameResultIndex", null), r.c([a.computed], RouletteAnimation.prototype, "wholeRotationWidth", null), r.c([a.observable], RouletteAnimation.prototype, "div", void 0), RouletteAnimation = r.c([Object(i.inject)("store"),], RouletteAnimation)
  433. }(c.a),
  434. A = function(e) {
  435. function PreviousRolls() {
  436. var t = null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  437. return t.modalOf = null, t
  438. }
  439. return r.d(PreviousRolls, e), PreviousRolls.prototype.render = function() {
  440. var e = this;
  441. if (! return o.createElement("div", {
  442. className: "col-md-6 previous-rolls"
  443. }, "Connecting...");
  444. var t = Object(b.c)(,,, l.a.historyCount);
  445. return o.createElement("div", {
  446. className: "col-md-6 previous-rolls"
  447. }, o.createElement("div", {
  448. className: "header"
  449. }, o.createElement(_.a, null, "Last Games:")), o.createElement("div", {
  450. className: "rolls"
  451. }, {
  452. var n = "/roulette/game/" +;
  453. return o.createElement("a", {
  454. key: t.hash,
  455. className: "roulette-round-number " + gameResultColor(t.result),
  456. href: n,
  457. target: "_blank",
  458. onClick: function(r) {
  459. r.preventDefault(), Object(C.a)(n), e.modalOf =
  460. }
  461. }, gameResultNumber(t.result))
  462. })), o.createElement(m.a, {
  463. target: this,
  464. game:
  465. }))
  466. }, r.c([a.observable], PreviousRolls.prototype, "modalOf", void 0), PreviousRolls = r.c([Object(i.inject)("store"),], PreviousRolls)
  467. }(c.a),
  468. x = function(e) {
  469. function RollingTimer() {
  470. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  471. }
  472. return r.d(RollingTimer, e), RollingTimer.prototype.render = function() {
  473. switch ( {
  474. case E.a.Disconnected:
  475. return o.createElement("div", {
  476. className: "header"
  477. }, o.createElement(_.a, null, "Connecting..."));
  478. case E.a.AcceptingBets:
  479. return o.createElement("div", {
  480. className: "header notRunning"
  481. }, o.createElement(_.a, null, "Spinning in"), " ",;
  482. case E.a.WaitingForServer:
  483. case E.a.Rolling:
  484. return o.createElement("div", {
  485. className: "header"
  486. }, o.createElement(_.a, null, "Spinning | Good Luck!"));
  487. case E.a.AfterGame:
  488. var e =;
  489. return o.createElement("div", {
  490. className: "header " + gameResultColor(e.result) + " " + ( ? "special" : "")
  491. }, o.createElement("div", null, o.createElement("div", {
  492. className: "roulette-round-number " + gameResultColor(e.result)
  493. }, gameResultNumber(e.result))));
  494. default:
  495. ! function(e) {
  496. throw "invalid state " + e
  497. }(
  498. }
  499. }, RollingTimer = r.c([Object(i.inject)("store"),], RollingTimer)
  500. }(c.a),
  501. T = function(e) {
  502. function JackpotCounter() {
  503. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  504. }
  505. return r.d(JackpotCounter, e), JackpotCounter.prototype.render = function() {
  506. return o.createElement("div", {
  507. className: "roundsSinceBonus"
  508. }, o.createElement(y.b, {
  509. className: "gamesSinceBonus " + d.jackpotSizeClass(,
  510. href: "faq#rouletteBonus"
  511. }, o.createElement("div", {
  512. className: "jpIcon"
  513. }), o.createElement(g.a, {
  514. component: "span",
  515. value: 0 |,
  516. style: {
  517. transition: "0.8s ease-out",
  518. transitionProperty: "background-color, color, opacity"
  519. },
  520. duration: 1e3,
  521. formatValue: d.coinsToString
  522. }), o.createElement("div", {
  523. className: "roulettePulseDiv"
  524. })))
  525. }, JackpotCounter = r.c([Object(i.inject)("store"),], JackpotCounter)
  526. }(c.a),
  527. I = function(e) {
  528. function RollingProgress() {
  529. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  530. }
  531. return r.d(RollingProgress, e), RollingProgress.prototype.render = function() {
  532. return !== E.a.AcceptingBets ? o.createElement("div", {
  533. className: "status progress",
  534. style: {
  535. visibility: "hidden"
  536. }
  537. }) : o.createElement("div", {
  538. className: "status progress"
  539. }, o.createElement("div", {
  540. className: "progress-bar",
  541. role: "progressbar",
  542. style: {
  543. transform: "scale3d(" + + ", 1, 1)"
  544. }
  545. }))
  546. }, RollingProgress = r.c([Object(i.inject)("store"),], RollingProgress)
  547. }(c.a),
  548. P = function(e) {
  549. function MainGUIWrap() {
  550. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  551. }
  552. return r.d(MainGUIWrap, e), MainGUIWrap.prototype.render = function() {
  553. return o.createElement(w.a, {
  554. constructor: u.a
  555. }, o.createElement(R, r.a({}, this.props)))
  556. }, MainGUIWrap = r.c([], MainGUIWrap)
  557. }(o.Component);
  558. t.a = P;
  559. var R = function(e) {
  560. function MainGUI(t) {
  561. var n =, t || {}) || this;
  562. return n.onMute = function() {
  563., = 0
  564. }, n.props.noSidebar && ( = !1), n
  565. }
  566. return r.d(MainGUI, e), MainGUI.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() {
  567. this.onMute()
  568. }, MainGUI.prototype.render = function() {
  569. var e =,
  570. t = e.profile.mobileMode;
  571. return o.createElement(h.e, {
  572. game: "roulette",
  573. sidebarVisible: e.sidebarVisible,
  574. mobileMode: t,
  575. tabSelectorProps: this.props.tabSelectorProps
  576. }, o.createElement(I, null), o.createElement(h.k, {
  577. elClass: "btn--sidebar"
  578. }, o.createElement(h.f, {
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  580. mobile: t
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  587. }, o.createElement(T, null)), o.createElement("div", {
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  589. }, o.createElement(x, null)), o.createElement(A, null)), o.createElement(S, null), o.createElement(h.k, {
  590. elClass: "btn--mute"
  591. }, o.createElement(h.j, {
  592. target: e,
  593. onMute: this.onMute
  594. })), o.createElement(v.a, {
  595. mobile: t
  596. }), o.createElement("div", {
  597. className: "outerScrollContainer"
  598. }, e.betOnGreenGuiShown && o.createElement(p.a, null), e.autoBetGuiShown && o.createElement(f.a, null), o.createElement("div", {
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  600. }, {
  601. return o.createElement(s.a, {
  602. key: e,
  603. color: e,
  604. mobile: t
  605. })
  606. })), o.createElement("div", {
  607. className: "row entries"
  608. }, {
  609. return o.createElement(s.b, {
  610. key: e,
  611. color: e,
  612. mobile: t
  613. })
  614. })))))
  615. }, MainGUI = r.c([Object(_.e)("roulette"), Object(i.inject)("store"),], MainGUI)
  616. }(c.a)
  617. },
  618. function(e, t, n) {
  619. "use strict";
  620. n.d(t, "c", function() {
  621. return u
  622. }), n.d(t, "a", function() {
  623. return l
  624. }), n.d(t, "b", function() {
  625. return c
  626. });
  627. var r = n(1),
  628. o = n(0),
  629. a = (n.n(o), n(5)),
  630. i = n(47),
  631. s = n(2),
  632. u = {
  633. autoBetOnGreen: {
  634. active: !1
  635. },
  636. betStyle: {
  637. betSetAmount: !1
  638. },
  639. betAmount: {
  640. amount: 10
  641. },
  642. percentageOfBet: {
  643. percentage: 10
  644. }
  645. },
  646. l = function(e) {
  647. function BetOnGreenGUI(t) {
  648. return, t) || this
  649. }
  650. return r.d(BetOnGreenGUI, e), BetOnGreenGUI.prototype.setBetOnGreen = function(e) {
  651. = e
  652. }, BetOnGreenGUI.prototype.setBetStyle = function(e) {
  653. "Coins" === e ? = !0 : "Percent of your bet" === e && ( = !1)
  654. }, BetOnGreenGUI.prototype.render = function() {
  655. var e = this,
  656. t =,
  657. n = t.betStyle.betSetAmount;
  658. return o.createElement("div", {
  659. className: "autobet"
  660. }, o.createElement("div", {
  661. className: "form row"
  662. }, o.createElement("div", {
  663. className: "field checkbox"
  664. }, o.createElement("label", null, o.createElement("input", {
  665. key: "a",
  666. type: "checkbox",
  667. checked: !!,
  668. onChange: function(t) {
  669. return e.setBetOnGreen(t.currentTarget.checked)
  670. }
  671. }), o.createElement("div", {
  672. key: "b"
  673. }, o.createElement("i", {
  674. className: "fa fa-check"
  675. })), o.createElement(s.a, null, "Automatically bet", o.createElement("span", {
  676. className: "blockWithMargin"
  677. }, o.createElement("input", {
  678. className: "inline",
  679. value: n ? t.betAmount.amount : t.percentageOfBet.percentage,
  680. onChange: function(e) {
  681. return n ? t.betAmount.amount = Math.max(1, +e.currentTarget.value) : t.percentageOfBet.percentage = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, +e.currentTarget.value))
  682. }
  683. }), o.createElement("select", {
  684. className: "betOnGreenSelect",
  685. value: n ? "Coins" : "Percent of your bet",
  686. onChange: function(t) {
  687. return e.setBetStyle(t.currentTarget.value)
  688. }
  689. }, o.createElement("option", {
  690. key: "Coins",
  691. value: "Coins"
  692. }, "coins"), o.createElement("option", {
  693. key: "Percent of your bet",
  694. value: "Percent of your bet"
  695. }, "percent of your bet")), "on Green whenever you place a bet on Red or Black (Auto or Manual)."))))))
  696. }, BetOnGreenGUI = r.c([Object(a.inject)("store"),], BetOnGreenGUI)
  697. }(i.a),
  698. c = function() {
  699. function GreenBetter(e) {
  700. = e
  701. }
  702. return GreenBetter.prototype.placeBetOnGreen = function(e, t) {
  703. var n =;
  704. if ( && "green" !== t) {
  705. var r = n.betStyle.betSetAmount ? n.betAmount.amount : Math.round(n.percentageOfBet.percentage * e / 100);
  706. r > 0 && r <= &&"green", r, !0)
  707. }
  708. }, GreenBetter
  709. }()
  710. },
  711. function(e, t, n) {
  712. "use strict";
  713. var r = n(0),
  714. o = n(469),
  715. a = n(472);
  717. function reducePropsToState(e) {
  718. var t = e[e.length - 1];
  719. if (t) return t.title
  720. }
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  729. title: o.string.isRequired
  730. }, DocumentTitle.prototype.render = function() {
  731. return this.props.children ? r.Children.only(this.props.children) : null
  732. }, e.exports = a(reducePropsToState, handleStateChangeOnClient)(DocumentTitle)
  733. },
  734. function(e, t, n) {
  735. "use strict";
  736. (function(e) {
  737. var r = n(1),
  738. o = n(0),
  739. a = (n.n(o), n(11)),
  740. i = (n.n(a), n(15)),
  741. s = n(9),
  742. u = n(210),
  743. l = n(124),
  744. c = n(13),
  745. f = n(2),
  746. p = n(4),
  747. d = n(16),
  748. h = n(23),
  749. m = [
  750. [0, 0],
  751. [10, .2],
  752. [20, .4],
  753. [30, .6],
  754. [40, .8],
  755. [50, 1],
  756. [60, 1.3],
  757. [70, 1.6],
  758. [80, 2],
  759. [90, 2.5],
  760. [100, 3]
  761. ],
  762. g = {
  763. slow: 6e3,
  764. fast: 1500
  765. },
  766. y = {
  767. crashMaxBet: u.a.maxBetAmount,
  768. crashMaxProfit: s.a.shared.crash.individualMaxWin,
  769. crash1percentjackpot: s.a.shared.crash.profitNeededForOnePercentJackpotChance,
  770. rouletteMaxBet: {
  771. green:, "green", {
  772. depositor: !0
  773. }),
  774. redBlack:, "red", {
  775. depositor: !0
  776. })
  777. }
  778. },
  779. v = function(e) {
  780. return 1 - Math.pow(.99, e / y.crash1percentjackpot)
  781. },
  782. b = function(t) {
  783. function Question() {
  784. var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  785. return n.el = null, n.handleToggle = function(t) {
  786. t && t.preventDefault(), n.el && (e(n.el).find("dd").slideToggle(200), e(n.el).find(".arrow").toggleClass("rotate"))
  787. }, n
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  790. return this.props.title.toLowerCase().replace(/[?!.]/g, "").replace(/[^a-z]+/g, "-")
  791. }, Question.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {
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  799. }, g.slow))
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  801. }, Question.prototype.render = function() {
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  804. n = t.title,
  805. r = t.children,
  806. a = t.hash,
  807. i = void 0 === a ? this.hashFromTitle() : a;
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  816. onClick: this.handleToggle
  817. }), o.createElement("a", {
  818. href: "/faq#" + i,
  819. onClick: this.handleToggle
  820. }, o.createElement("dt", null, n)), o.createElement("dd", null, r))
  821. }, Question
  822. }(o.Component),
  823. w = function(e) {
  824. function Category() {
  825. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  826. }
  827. return r.d(Category, e), Category.prototype.render = function() {
  828. var e = this.props,
  829. t = e.children,
  830. n = e.title;
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  832. className: "category"
  833. }, o.createElement("h2", {
  834. className: "cat-" + n.toLowerCase()
  835. }, n), t)
  836. }, Category
  837. }(o.Component),
  838. E = function(t) {
  839. function FAQ() {
  840. var n = null !== t && t.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  841. return n.handleNavigate = function(t, r) {
  842. r && r.preventDefault(), console.log(n.refs);
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  844. o.scrollIntoView(), e(o).stop().css("background-color", "#444").animate({
  845. backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)"
  846. }, r ? : g.slow)
  847. }, n
  848. }
  849. return r.d(FAQ, t), FAQ.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {
  850. var e = location.hash && location.hash.substr(1);
  851. e && this.refs[e] && this.handleNavigate(e)
  852. }, FAQ.prototype.render = function() {
  853. var e = this,
  854. t = function(t) {
  855. var n = t.hash,
  856. r = t.children;
  857. return o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(i.a, {
  858. to: "/faq#" + n,
  859. onClick: function(t) {
  860. return e.handleNavigate(n, t)
  861. }
  862. }, r))
  863. },
  864. n = this.props.children,
  865. r = {
  866. return o.cloneElement(e, {
  867. ref: e.props.title.toLowerCase(),
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  875. }, o.createElement("div", {
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  879. }, {
  880. return e.props.title
  881. }).map(function(e) {
  882. return o.createElement(t, {
  883. key: e,
  884. hash: e.toLowerCase()
  885. }, e)
  886. })))), o.createElement("div", {
  887. className: "faq-wrap"
  888. }, o.createElement("div", {
  889. className: "faq"
  890. }, o.createElement("h1", {
  891. className: "page_title"
  892. }, "Frequently Asked Questions"), o.createElement("dl", null, r))))
  893. }, FAQ
  894. }(o.Component),
  895. _ = function(e) {
  896. function GamdomFAQ() {
  897. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  898. }
  899. return r.d(GamdomFAQ, e), GamdomFAQ.prototype.render = function() {
  900. var e = this.props.t;
  901. return o.createElement(E, null, o.createElement(w, {
  902. title: e("General")
  903. }, o.createElement(b, {
  904. title: e("What is Gamdom?")
  905. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Gamdom offers ", {
  906. count: s.a.enabledGames.length
  907. }, " thrilling games to help users multiply CS:GO skins! We strive to provide our players with the best possible gaming experience and continuously improve the site based on YOUR feedback."))), o.createElement(b, {
  908. title: e("What are the Chat rules?")
  909. }, o.createElement("ol", null, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Don't promote or advertise other services.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "English is the only language to be spoken outside of the designated language channels.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Don’t beg or ask for coins.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Don't spam, harass or be offensive to other users.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Predictions are only allowed in the corresponding game chat channel.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Don't discuss or promote trades you’re offering.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Submitting links in chat will result in a mute or permanent ban.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Don't talk about tips."))), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: Based on the judgement of our chat moderators, additional rules may be enforced according to the situation."))), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Offenses will result in a mute."))))), o.createElement(w, {
  910. title: e("Coins")
  911. }, o.createElement(b, {
  912. title: e("What are coins?")
  913. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "1 SkinDollar = 1000 coins")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Coins have no real currency value, but are used to withdraw skins from the marketplace on our website."))), o.createElement(b, {
  914. title: e("Can I transfer coins to another account?")
  915. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "You can transfer coins to a secondary account or friend’s account by using our tipping feature. To tip another user, simply click on their name in the chat, select the option “Tip” and enter the desired amount of coins you want to send.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "We do NOT transfer balances in any other way to prevent scams.")), o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note:"), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "In order to tip, you need to have deposited 1000 coins (1$) and have wagered at least 40k.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Tipping is an irreversible action and the site will not refund you if you tip the wrong person or enter the wrong amount."))))), o.createElement(b, {
  916. title: e("My coins disappeared, what now?")
  917. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Please make sure no one around you has access to your account and lost your balance gambling. Also ensure your account is safe by never installing any viruses or harmful browser extensions. Lastly, we do NOT refund these types of incidents. We only refund what we can see and prove in our logs/database."))), o.createElement(b, {
  918. title: e("How can I get free coins?")
  919. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "There is a couple of ways you can earn free credits on Gamdom:")), o.createElement("ol", null, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement("h5", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Daily reward:")), o.createElement(f.a, null, "You can earn up to 440 coins daily by claiming your Daily Reward. Head over to your profile tab and make sure your account is verified. You must have played at least 5 hours of CS:GO to be able to verify your account."), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Don't forget that you'll receive more coins as you level up!")))), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement("h5", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Rainbot:")), o.createElement(f.a, null, 'The rainbot enables us to give back to the community. It will give out free coins to everyone who clicked “here” while it was active. The Rainbot appears every 2-28 minutes in chat. You will get 50% more from the rain if you add "" to your name.'), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: The rain is meant to enable you to test and play our games. You are NOT allowed to collect it without playing."))), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement("h5", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Giveaways:")), o.createElement(f.a, null, "We are also hosting awesome item giveaways all the time."), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Make sure to", " ", o.createElement("a", {
  920. href: ""
  921. }, "follow us on Twitter"), " so you don't miss them!")))))), o.createElement(b, {
  922. title: e("What is Rain abuse?")
  923. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Rain coins are intended to be played with on the games provided on our site exclusively.")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "Saving up free Rain coins over an extended period of time and/or not using them to genuinely participate in the games provided is considered Rain abuse and", " ", o.createElement("b", null, "will result in a ban.")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: Rain abuse bans are permanent and will not be lifted."))))), o.createElement(w, {
  924. title: e("Affiliate")
  925. }, o.createElement(b, {
  926. title: e("How can I earn extra coins by referring new users?")
  927. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Create your unique code in the affiliate tab and receive 250 coins for every user placing a deposit who used your code.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "The code will also generate 500 coins for the person who uses the code.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: The code should not be misleading or violate any trademarks.")))), o.createElement(b, {
  928. title: e("How much commission do I get when my referrals place a bet?")
  929. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Each time your referral makes a bet, you will receive a percent of the bet as a commission."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "The commission percentage varies, depending on how many users you have referred which have consequently made a deposit."), o.createElement("br", null)), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "View the table below for more info:")), o.createElement("table", {
  930. className: "table"
  931. }, o.createElement("thead", null, o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Level")), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Depositors")), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Commission")))), o.createElement("tbody", {
  932. className: "sectionsBody"
  933. }, {
  934. return Object(l.c)(e.referredUniqueDepositors)
  935. }).map(function(e) {
  936. return o.createElement("tr", {
  937. key: e.level
  938. }, o.createElement("th", null, "A", e.level), o.createElement("th", null, e.have, e.needed ? " - " + e.needed : "+"), o.createElement("th", null, Object(l.d)(e.percentage), "%"))
  939. }))))), o.createElement(w, {
  940. title: e("Deposit")
  941. }, o.createElement(b, {
  942. title: e("How do I deposit skins?")
  943. }, o.createElement("ol", null, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Start by setting up your Steam URL by clicking on your profile tab just below the graph and entering your trade URL under “Edit Trade URL”.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Click on the “Deposit” tab and select the skins you would like to convert into coins.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Our Bot will send you a trade offer with your selected item(s). Accept the trade after making sure the security codes on both the trade offer and the site match.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Head to the main page, select the number of coins you want to play with and start busting!")))), o.createElement(b, {
  944. title: e("How are skin prices determined?")
  945. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "The prices of the skins in our marketplace is determined through the SteamAnalyst API price averages and our own custom prices for rare skins. We apply a discount to discourage player from depositing a large quantity of low value items."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "Here is how much discount you get for your skins:")), o.createElement("table", {
  946. className: "table"
  947. }, o.createElement("thead", null, o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Price")), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Discount")))), o.createElement("tbody", {
  948. className: "sectionsBody"
  949. }, o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Keys")), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "No Discount"))), o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, "0.00 - 5.00"), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "10% off"))), o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, "5.01 - 10.00"), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "5% off"))), o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, "10.01+"), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Full Price"))))), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement("i", null, " ", o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: ", o.createElement("br", null), " We do not accept sticker, cases, souvenir weapons and other items because of their price volatility or popularity.")))), o.createElement(b, {
  950. title: e("How does the deposit bonus work?"),
  951. hash: "depositbonus"
  952. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "You can earn up 5% bonus on every deposit you make.")), o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, 'You\'ll get 2% for adding "" to your steam name.')), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Your deposit bonus will increase with your level:"), o.createElement("table", {
  953. className: "table"
  954. }, o.createElement("thead", null, o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Level")), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Bonus")))), o.createElement("tbody", {
  955. className: "sectionsBody"
  956. }, {
  957. var t = e[0],
  958. n = e[1];
  959. return o.createElement("tr", {
  960. key: t
  961. }, o.createElement("td", null, "≥ ", t), o.createElement("td", null, "+", n.toLocaleString(void 0, {
  962. minimumFractionDigits: 1
  963. }), "%"))
  964. })))))))), o.createElement(w, {
  965. title: e("Withdraw")
  966. }, o.createElement(b, {
  967. title: e("How do I withdraw skins?")
  968. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "After you are done playing, you can head over to our ", o.createElement("i", null, "Marketplace"), " and select skins based on how many coins you currently have. If items appear to be no longer available, please refresh the page as someone else might have already withdrawn them.")), o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note:"), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "In order to withdraw, you need to deposit 1000 coins and wager at least", " ", {
  969. percent: "100%"
  970. }, " of what you have deposited.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Using our marketplace as a trading platform is prohibited. Users found breaking this rule will be blocked from withdrawing and may have other restrictions put in place. We define trading as using our service to deposit items with the intention of withdrawing other items for a profit without a proportionate amount of play.")))))), o.createElement(w, {
  971. title: e("Games")
  972. }, o.createElement(b, {
  973. title: e("Is there a maximum bet/profit?")
  974. }, o.createElement("p", null, "Crash:", o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "We currently restrict bets to ", {
  975. amount: Object(p.coinsToString)(y.crashMaxBet)
  976. }, " coins and you'll be automatically cashed out if you profit more than", " ", {
  977. amount: Object(p.coinsToString)(y.crashMaxProfit)
  978. }, " coins.")), o.createElement("p", null, "Roulette:", o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "Bets are currently restricted to", " ", {
  979. amount: Object(p.coinsToString)(y.rouletteMaxBet.redBlack)
  980. }, " coins for red/black and", " ", {
  981. amount: Object(p.coinsToString)(
  982. }, " coins for green.")))), o.createElement(w, {
  983. title: e("Crash")
  984. }, o.createElement(b, {
  985. title: e("What happens if I disconnect during a Crash round?")
  986. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Regardless of whether your client is connected or not, the ", o.createElement("em", null, "auto-cashout"), " feature will work as expected (it happens on the server), and we highly recommend you use it if internet reliability or performance is a concern."))), o.createElement(b, {
  987. title: e("The game lagged for me?")
  988. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Most of the time any lag on the site is client side. This problem can be linked to high latency on either the user end or the server end."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, 'We always advise our players to use "auto-cashout" when playing crash to avoid this from happening. We are NOT giving refunds for these types of problems IF there is no clear evidence that the user can provide that will prove that this happened.'), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, 'An example is a video recording with the exact "Game ID" of the round (found in the history tab) and time / date, please send it to', " ", o.createElement(d.b, {
  989. href: "support"
  990. }, "our support team"), "."))), o.createElement(b, {
  991. title: e("Is there a limit to the Crash Multiplier?")
  992. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "There's no real limit! However, you'll be cashed out automatically if you make more than", {
  993. amount: Object(p.coinsToString)(y.crashMaxProfit)
  994. }, " coins in one game."))), o.createElement(b, {
  995. title: e("How can I win the Crash Jackpot?")
  996. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "The progressive Jackpot on Gamdom is a special prize which can be won by our luckiest players. All you have to do in order to win the Jackpot is to play crash. When the Jackpot is won, 75% go to the winning player and 25% will be split among all the other users in that round based on how much they profited."), o.createElement("br", null)), o.createElement("h5", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Example 1:")), o.createElement("ul", null, [1e4, 15e4, 3e5].map(function(e) {
  997. return o.createElement("li", {
  998. key: e
  999. }, o.createElement(f.a, null, "A player winning ", {
  1000. amount: Object(p.coinsToString)(e)
  1001. }, " coins has a", " ", {
  1002. chance: Object(p.chanceToString)(v(e))
  1003. }, " chance of winning the Jackpot."))
  1004. })), o.createElement("h5", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Example 2 (Splitting the pot):")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Let's say someone wins a 100k Jackpot and the total profit excluding the winner in that round was 10k.", o.createElement("br", null), "Someone profiting 1k would get 2.5% or 2.5k of the total Jackpot since 25k would be split among all the players in that round.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "The Jackpot will increase every single round by 1% of the total bets placed, until the grand prize won.")), o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: The Jackpot percentages shown are rounded numbers."), " ", o.createElement(f.a, null, "The exact formula used to pick the winner is:"), " ", o.createElement("br", null), "(1-0.99^(profit/", y.crash1percentjackpot, "))*100"))), o.createElement(w, {
  1005. title: e("Roulette")
  1006. }, o.createElement(b, {
  1007. title: e("What is Roulette?")
  1008. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Our Roulette is a number spinner consisting of numbers 0 to 14 generated randomly. Players are able to bet on red, black, and green. Red and black profit is 2 times what you put down. Green profit is 14 times what you put down."))), o.createElement(b, {
  1009. title: e("How does the Roulette Jackpot work?"),
  1010. hash: "rouletteBonus"
  1011. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "The roulette jackpot works much like the crash jackpot. 1% of the total bets each round will be added to the jackpot by us. You'll have a chance of winning the it everytime you place a bet on roulette based on how much profit you make."), o.createElement("br", null)), o.createElement("div", null, o.createElement("ul", null, [5e4, 5e5, 1e6].map(function(e) {
  1012. return o.createElement("li", {
  1013. key: e
  1014. }, o.createElement(f.a, null, "A player winning ", {
  1015. amount: Object(p.coinsToString)(e)
  1016. }, " coins has a", " ", {
  1017. chance: Object(p.chanceToString)(Object(h.c)(, e))
  1018. }, " chance of winning the Jackpot."))
  1019. })), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "70% of the jackpot will go to the winner, 20% will be split among all those betting on the winning color and 10% will be split among the people betting on the losing colors.")), o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: The Jackpot percentages shown are rounded numbers."), " ", o.createElement(f.a, null, "The exact formula used to pick the winner is:"), " ", o.createElement("br", null), "(1-0.99^(profit/",, "))*100")))), o.createElement(w, {
  1020. title: e("Tradeup")
  1021. }, o.createElement(b, {
  1022. title: e("What is Tradeup?")
  1023. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Our unique Tradeup game mode enables you to trade a set amount of coins for any skin available in our marketplace."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "The chances of you winning the skin will be calculated automatically based on your bet and the price of the targeted skin."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "After winning a skin you can chose between reselling back to us for a 5% bonus or to simply withdraw it like any other item from the marketplace. You can also choose to upgrade your skin to an even better one which will give you a 5% better chance of winning the next tradeup.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "What happens if I disconnect after I won a skin?")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, 'We will "reserve" the skin for you for a period of 10 minutes in which you can again choose to resell/withdraw it using your transaction page.The skin will be automatically resold for the 105% price and the coins will be added to your balance.')))), o.createElement(w, {
  1024. title: e("Hilo")
  1025. }, o.createElement(b, {
  1026. title: e("What is Hilo?"),
  1027. hash: "what-is-hilo"
  1028. }, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Hi Lo is a multiple stake game with 9 different gambling choices. Players will gamble on what card is drawn next. Payouts vary depending on what you bet on. The bet multiplier is shown on the bottom of the bet tab. For example, if the next card drawn is Red, then the payout is 2.00x what you placed on it."), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("i", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Note: The Joker is not higher or lower than the current card nor is the Joker red or black. If a Joker card is drawn, the HI and LO bet tables will be based off of the card prior to the Joker.")))), o.createElement(b, {
  1029. title: e("Hi or Lo Gamble?")
  1030. }, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Located directly to the left of the dealt card, Hi/Lo gives odds based on the currently drawn card. The player can choose to bet on whether the next card will be higher or lower than the dealt card. The Ace is the highest card in the deck and the 2 the lowest card. If the player gambles on a card and the same card is dealt again, the player loses. If the player bets correctly, the return displayed within the Hi/Lo button when pressed will be paid into the Stake area."))), o.createElement(w, {
  1031. title: e("Fairness")
  1032. }, o.createElement(b, {
  1033. title: e("Are the games fair?")
  1034. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Absolutely! And we can prove it. Please see", " ", o.createElement(d.a, {
  1035. href: "fair"
  1036. }, "our provably fair page"), " for technical details.")))), o.createElement(w, {
  1037. title: e("Promotion")
  1038. }, o.createElement(b, {
  1039. title: e("Can I get paid to promote this website?")
  1040. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "If you have a large fan base on social media, YouTube, or a site related to CS:GO feel free to leave us an email at", " ", o.createElement("a", {
  1041. href: ""
  1042. }, ""))))), o.createElement(w, {
  1043. title: e("Help")
  1044. }, o.createElement(b, {
  1045. title: e("What if I can't stop?")
  1046. }, o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Like all forms of gambling, online gambling can become an addiction that can have serious negative effects on your life."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(f.a, null, "If you lose more than you planned to or can't safely afford and find yourself struggling to control time and/or money spent gambling, please check these sites for information that could help you:")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "HELP:"), " "), o.createElement("a", {
  1047. href: ""
  1048. }, ""), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(f.a, null, "Self Help:"), " "), o.createElement("a", {
  1049. href: ""
  1050. }, "")))))
  1051. }, GamdomFAQ = r.c([Object(f.e)("faq")], GamdomFAQ)
  1052. }(o.Component);
  1053. t.a = _
  1054. }).call(t, n(10))
  1055. },
  1056. function(e, t, n) {
  1057. "use strict";
  1058. var r = n(1),
  1059. o = n(0),
  1060. a = (n.n(o), n(2)),
  1061. i = n(23),
  1062. s = n(14),
  1063. u = function(e) {
  1064. function FairPage() {
  1065. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  1066. }
  1067. return r.d(FairPage, e), FairPage.prototype.render = function() {
  1068. return o.createElement("div", {
  1069. className: "static_page fair"
  1070. }, o.createElement("h1", {
  1071. className: "page_title"
  1072. }, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Provably fair")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "How it works")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "We have generated a chain of 10 million SHA256 hashes for each game, starting with a server secret that has been repeatedly fed the output of SHA256 back into itself 10 million times.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "The SHA256 of the final hash for crash starting at game 2,146,223 is:"), " ", o.createElement("code", null, "33d8be75c9f6cb219a1763e77e307ac0a1107c85bd9fee53e81be0ec592ff4c5")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "The SHA256 of the final hash for roulette is:"), " ", o.createElement("code", null, "5bf9a3fae704667be2d3704ea8b6e703796defaa5f328e1a8d46b3a0fa12269f")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "By publicising it here we are preventing any ability to pick an alternate SHA256 chain. Now the game server is playing through this chain of hashes in reverse order, using these values to calculate the game's crashpoint provably fair."))), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "How to verify")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(a.a, null, "Anyone can easily verify integrity of the chain. We're publishing a game's hash immediately after the game ends. By checking that the SHA256 hash of that game's hash is the game's hash of the previous game you can make sure that we were not able to modify the result."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(a.a, null, "The sample code to generate games hashes and calculate ", {
  1073. game: "Crash"
  1074. }, " results can be found", " ", o.createElement(s.l, {
  1075. href: ""
  1076. }, "here"), "."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(a.a, null, "The sample code to generate games hashes and calculate ", {
  1077. game: "Roulette"
  1078. }, " results can be found ", o.createElement(s.l, {
  1079. href:"")
  1080. }, "here"), "."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(a.a, null, "The sample code to generate games hashes and calculate ", {
  1081. game: "Hilo"
  1082. }, " results can be found", " ", o.createElement(s.l, {
  1083. href:"")
  1084. }, "here"), "."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(a.a, null, "To verify your Tradeup games please head over to your Tradeup history.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Fairness")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(a.a, null, "Bottom line is that results for all future games are already predefined and normally distributed due to math that backs up the strong cryptographic SHA256 function. We cannot manipulate this chain of results without the public noticing it.")))
  1085. }, FairPage = r.c([Object(a.e)("fair")], FairPage)
  1086. }(o.Component);
  1087. t.a = u
  1088. },
  1089. function(e, t, n) {
  1090. "use strict";
  1091. var r = n(1),
  1092. o = n(0),
  1093. a = (n.n(o), n(5)),
  1094. i = n(7),
  1095. s = n(2);
  1097. function mailto(e, t, n) {
  1098. return void 0 === t && (t = ""), void 0 === n && (n = ""), "mailto:" + e + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(t) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(n)
  1099. }
  1100. var u = function(e) {
  1101. function SupportPage() {
  1102. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  1103. }
  1104. return r.d(SupportPage, e), SupportPage.prototype.render = function() {
  1105. var e = function(e) {
  1106. return mailto(e + "", "", i.a.user ? "\n\nMy SteamID: " + i.a.user.steamid : "")
  1107. };
  1108. return o.createElement("div", {
  1109. className: "static_page support"
  1110. }, o.createElement("h1", {
  1111. className: "page_title"
  1112. }, o.createElement(s.a, null, "Support")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(s.a, null, "Moderator Applications")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(s.a, null, "We are not looking for moderators unless otherwise declared. If you are interested in applying for a moderator position, you need to first be active and helpful in the chat for a considerable amount of time.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(s.a, null, "Sponsorship")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(s.a, null, "We Require at least 4000+ Youtube Subscribers and 4000+ average views per video for a sponsorship."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(s.a, null, "We only whitelist people's referral code if they have a considerable social media or Youtube following."), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(s.a, null, "If you ask for a sponsorship/referral code and do not meet the above requirements, we will not respond to your email.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(s.a, null, "Support")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(s.a, null, "If you have a request or concern directed at our Support, please always provide your Steam64ID", i.a.user ? o.createElement("span", null, ": ", o.createElement("b", null, {
  1113. steamid: i.a.user.steamid
  1114. })) : "", " ", "and screenshots or otherwise relevant information.")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement("table", null, o.createElement("tbody", null, o.createElement("tr", {
  1115. className: "contactRow"
  1116. }, o.createElement("th", {
  1117. className: "contactTitle"
  1118. }, o.createElement(s.a, null, "Support")), o.createElement("th", {
  1119. className: "contactEmail"
  1120. }, o.createElement("a", {
  1121. href: e("support")
  1122. }, ""))), o.createElement("tr", {
  1123. className: "contactRow"
  1124. }, o.createElement("th", {
  1125. className: "contactTitle"
  1126. }, o.createElement(s.a, null, "Marketing")), o.createElement("th", {
  1127. className: "contactEmail"
  1128. }, o.createElement("a", {
  1129. href: e("business")
  1130. }, ""))), o.createElement("tr", {
  1131. className: "contactRow"
  1132. }, o.createElement("th", {
  1133. className: "contactTitle"
  1134. }, o.createElement(s.a, null, "Technical Support/Bugs")), o.createElement("th", {
  1135. className: "contactEmail"
  1136. }, o.createElement("a", {
  1137. href: e("admin")
  1138. }, ""))))))
  1139. }, SupportPage = r.c([Object(s.e)("support"),], SupportPage)
  1140. }(o.Component);
  1141. t.a = u
  1142. },
  1143. function(e, t, n) {
  1144. "use strict";
  1145. var r = n(1),
  1146. o = n(0),
  1147. a = (n.n(o), function(e) {
  1148. function TermsPage() {
  1149. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  1150. }
  1151. return r.d(TermsPage, e), TermsPage.prototype.render = function() {
  1152. return o.createElement("div", {
  1153. className: "static_page terms"
  1154. }, o.createElement("h1", {
  1155. className: "page_title"
  1156. }, "Terms of Service"), o.createElement("div", {
  1157. className: "panel panel-black_theme"
  1158. }, o.createElement("h2", null, " 1. Acceptance of the Terms of service "), o.createElement("p", null, 'These terms of service are entered into by and between You and Smein Hosting N.V. ("Company", "we" or "us") operating under the license (8048/JAZ2016-072), a limited liability company organized under the laws of Curaçao, having its registered address at E-Commerce Park, Vredenberg, Curacao and corresponding address at Wilhelminalaan 13, Willemstad, Curaçao, registered at the Curacao Chamber of Commerce. The following terms of service, (collectively, these "ToS"), govern your access to and use of the Website ("Website"), including any content, functionality and services offered on or through the Website, whether as a guest or a registered user. You acknowledge and agree with our terms and conditions in with and without reservation.'), o.createElement("p", null, "These ToS come into force as soon as You access the Website, by doing which You signify to that You have read these ToS and accept them. By using any page of the Websites You signify that You agree entirely with these ToS and our Privacy Policy. If you do not want to agree to these ToS or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Website."), o.createElement("p", null, " is authorized and regulated in Curacao Chamber of Commerce & Industry authorized by the Government of Curaçao, as an Information Provider legally authorized to conduct online egaming operations from Curaçao. Egaming Licensing and Supervision is provided by Antillephone N.V."), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, "By using this Website, you represent, warrant, and agree that:")), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, "You are under no legal disability that would prevent you from forming a binding contract with the Company."), o.createElement("li", null, "You are at least 18 years of age or such higher minimum legal age of majority as stipulated in the laws of jurisdiction applicable to You."), o.createElement("li", null, "You will provide accurate information to the Company for purposes of establishing a user account on this Website.")), o.createElement("h2", null, "2. Your obligations as a player"), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, "You hereby declare and warrant that:")), o.createElement("p", null, "In the case of identification of a minor player, the account will be closed immediately."), o.createElement("p", null, "You will use this Website and your Account solely and exclusively for the purpose of Your genuine participating in the Games and not for any financial or other operations, Your participation in the Games will be strictly in Your personal non-professional capacity for recreational and entertainment reasons only;"), o.createElement("p", null, "People living or having a permanent or temporary residence in these countries are not entitled to register the player's account on, or the use of service"), o.createElement("p", null, "Aruba, Austria, Bonaire, Curacao, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Germany, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Hungary, Isle of Man, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Martinique, Reunion, Mayotte, Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom.", o.createElement("br", null), "Residents from the aforementioned territories are prohibited from opening an account or in any way use the gaming services offered by"), o.createElement("p", null, "In the jurisprudence of your country or the country where You are currently staying gambling and / or games of chance they may be prohibited. You are responsible for making sure such restrictions and / or bans in their home country or the country in which he resides. It is up to You to ensure that You act in accordance with the laws of your home country or the country where You currently reside. You has no right to use the services as anonymizing proxy, VPN or the like in order to bypass the law resulting from the blockade by countries. In case of violation of these principles reserves the right to block and / or immediately close the account and You lose all wins."), o.createElement("p", null, "All information that You provide to during the term of validity of this agreement is true, complete, and correct, and that You shall immediately notify of any change of such information;"), o.createElement("p", null, "You are solely responsible for reporting and accounting for any taxes applicable to You under relevant laws for any winnings that You receive from"), o.createElement("h2", null, "3. Privacy policy"), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, "This policy applies to information We collect:")), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, "On this Website."), o.createElement("li", null, "In e-mail, text and other electronic messages between you and this Website."), o.createElement("li", null, "Through mobile and desktop applications you download from this Website, which provide dedicated non-browser-based interaction between you and this Website."), o.createElement("li", null, "When you interact with our advertising and applications on third-party Websites and services, if those applications or advertising include links to this policy.")), o.createElement("p", null, "Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to use our Website. By accessing or using this Website, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This policy may change from time to time. Your continued use of this Website after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy periodically for any updates."), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, "From time to time, We may collect several types of information from and about users of our Website, including information:")), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, 'By which you may be personally identified, such as name, screen name, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number or ANY OTHER INFORMATION THE WEBSITE COLLECTS THAT IS DEFINED AS PERSONAL OR PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION UNDER AN APPLICABLE LAW ("Personal Information");'), o.createElement("li", null, "That is about you individually, but does not identify you; and"), o.createElement("li", null, "About your internet connection, the equipment you use to access our Website and usage details.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, "We collect this information:")), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, "Directly from you when you provide it to us;"), o.createElement("li", null, "Automatically as you navigate through the site. Information collected automatically may include usage details, IP addresses and information collected through cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies; and"), o.createElement("li", null, "From third parties, for example, our business partners.")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, "The information We collect on or through our Website may include:")), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, "Information that you provide by filling in forms on our Website. This includes information provided at the time of registering to use our Website, subscribing to our service, posting material, or requesting further services. We may also ask you for information when you enter a contest or promotion sponsored by us, and when you report a problem with our Website."), o.createElement("li", null, "Records and copies of your correspondence (including e-mail addresses), if you contact us."), o.createElement("li", null, "Your responses to surveys that we might ask you to complete for research purposes."), o.createElement("li", null, "Details of transactions you carry out through our Website and of the fulfillment of your orders. You may be required to provide financial information before placing an order through our Website."), o.createElement("li", null, "Your search queries on the Website.")), o.createElement("p", null, 'You also may provide information to be published or displayed (hereinafter, "posted") on public areas of the Website, or transmitted to other users of the Website or third parties (collectively, "User Contributions"). Your User Contributions are posted on and transmitted to others at your own risk. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users of the Website with whom you may choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized persons.'), o.createElement("p", null, "In order to make Your visit to the Websites more user-friendly, to keep track of visits to the Websites and to improve the service, collects a small piece of information sent from Your browser, called a cookie. You can, if You wish, turn off the collection of cookies (please refer to Your browser instructions as to how to do this). You must note, however, that turning off cookies may restrict Your use of the Websites."), o.createElement("h2", null, " 4. Limitation of liability "), o.createElement("p", null, "You enter the Website and participate in the Games at Your own risk. The Website and the Games are provided without any warranty whatsoever, whether express or implied."), o.createElement("p", null, " does not guarantee continuous availability and functionality of all products. can not be held liable for any damages, gambling losses or lost winnings, which were caused by the unavailability of products offered by"), o.createElement("p", null, " not be held liable for damages caused by incorrect, delayed, manipulated or improper way of data on the Website. places particular emphasis on the technological and financial proper way to store and protect customer data. Despite the behavior of such procedures, is not responsible for monitoring the processing of customer information by third parties for loss or damage resulting therefrom. In this context, you can not claim any claims with respect to"), o.createElement("p", null, "You are responsible for any damage or loss caused by the breach of the ToS or other provisions relating to the Games. You are obliged to to compensation for any third party claims resulting from violation of those principles."), o.createElement("p", null, " will not be held liable for your damage or loss, that were beyond the normal control and provided at the time of entry. Excluded is any liability for damages and losses that result from carelessness. is not responsible for lost winnings."), o.createElement("p", null, "Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding provision,, its directors, employees, partners, service providers"), o.createElement("ul", null, o.createElement("li", null, "do not warrant that the software or the Website is/are fit for their purpose;"), o.createElement("li", null, "do not warrant that the software and Website are free from errors;"), o.createElement("li", null, "do not warrant that the Websites and/or Games will be accessible without interruptions;"), o.createElement("li", null, "shall not be liable for any loss, costs, expenses or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or otherwise, arising in relation to Your use of the Websites or Your participation in the Games.")), o.createElement("p", null, "You hereby agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless, its directors, employees, partners, and service providers for any cost, expense, loss, damages, claims and liabilities howsoever caused that may arise in relation to Your use of the Website or participation in the Games."), o.createElement("h2", null, "5. Responsible gaming"), o.createElement("p", null, "On request, we will close any account for a minimum period of 6 months during which time it will not be possible for the account to be re-opened for any reason.", o.createElement("br", null), "You can close your account under our responsible gaming self-exclusion policy at anytime by contacting our Customer Support team by emailing", o.createElement("br", null), "Upon expiry of the self-exclusion period you may request to re-open a closed account by contacting our Customer Support team."), o.createElement("h2", null, "6. Entire Agreement"), o.createElement("p", null, "The Terms of service and our Privacy Policy constitute the sole and entire agreement between you and the Company with respect to the Website and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to the Website."), o.createElement("h2", null, "7. Changes to the Terms of service"), o.createElement("p", null, "We may revise and update these Terms of service from time to time in our sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately when we post them, and apply to all access to and use of the Website thereafter. However, any changes to the dispute resolution provisions set forth in Governing Law and Jurisdiction will not apply to any disputes for which the parties have actual notice on or prior to the date the change is posted on the Website."), o.createElement("p", null, "Your continued use of the Website following the posting of revised Terms of service means that you accept and agree to the changes. You are expected to check this page from time to time so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you."), o.createElement("h2", null, "8. Applicable law and jurisdiction"), o.createElement("p", null, "These ToS are governed by the Laws of Curacao and parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Curacao courts."), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("i", null, " is not affiliated with Valve Corporation or Steam."))))
  1159. }, TermsPage
  1160. }(o.Component));
  1161. t.a = a
  1162. },
  1163. function(e, t, n) {
  1164. "use strict";
  1165. t.a = LeaderBoardInfoFetch;
  1166. var r = n(1),
  1167. o = n(0),
  1168. a = (n.n(o), n(5)),
  1169. i = n(6),
  1170. s = n(79),
  1171. u = n(4),
  1172. l = n(52),
  1173. c = n(16),
  1174. f = n(9),
  1175. p = n(2),
  1176. d = {
  1177. wagered: "Wagered",
  1178. profit: "Profit",
  1179. xp: "Level"
  1180. },
  1181. h = {
  1182. wagered: "Most ",
  1183. profit: "Most ",
  1184. xp: "Highest "
  1185. },
  1186. m = {
  1187. roulette: "Roulette",
  1188. crash: "Crash",
  1189. tradeup: "Tradeup",
  1190. hilo: "Hilo",
  1191. allGames: "All games"
  1192. };
  1194. function formatValue(e, t) {
  1195. return "xp" === t ? Object(l.a)(e) + "" : Object(u.coinsToString)(e) + " coins"
  1196. }
  1197. var g = function(e) {
  1198. function LeaderTable() {
  1199. var t = null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  1200. return t.chosenGame = "allGames", t.toggleGame = function() {
  1201. var e = Object.keys(,
  1202. n = (e.indexOf(t.chosenGame) + 1) % e.length;
  1203. t.chosenGame = e[n]
  1204. }, t
  1205. }
  1206. return r.d(LeaderTable, e), LeaderTable.prototype.encode = function(e) {
  1207. return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/'/g, "%27").replace(/"/g, "%22")
  1208. }, LeaderTable.prototype.render = function() {
  1209. var e = this,
  1210. t = this.props,
  1211. n = t.containerClass,
  1212. r = t.title,
  1213. a = t.type,
  1214. i = t.timeFrame,
  1215. s =[this.chosenGame],
  1216. u = Object.keys( > 1,
  1217. l = o.createElement("span", {
  1218. style: u ? {
  1219. cursor: "pointer"
  1220. } : {},
  1221. onClick: this.toggleGame
  1222. }, o.createElement(p.a, null, m[this.chosenGame]));
  1223. return o.createElement("div", {
  1224. className: n
  1225. }, o.createElement("h5", {
  1226. className: "table_title"
  1227. }, r, "xp" === a ? "" : o.createElement("span", null, " — ", l)), s ? o.createElement("table", {
  1228. className: "table " + a + "_" + i,
  1229. key: this.chosenGame
  1230. }, o.createElement("thead", null, o.createElement("tr", null, o.createElement("th", null, "#"), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(p.a, null, "Username")), o.createElement("th", null, o.createElement(p.a, null, d[a])))), o.createElement("tbody", null, {
  1231. return o.createElement("tr", {
  1232. key:
  1233. }, o.createElement("td", null), o.createElement("td", null, o.createElement(c.b, {
  1234. href: "user/" + e.encode(t.username)
  1235. }, t.username)), o.createElement("td", null, formatValue(t.value, a)))
  1236. }))) : o.createElement("span", null, o.createElement(p.a, null, "No data available")))
  1237. }, r.c([i.observable], LeaderTable.prototype, "chosenGame", void 0), LeaderTable = r.c([Object(p.e)("common"),], LeaderTable)
  1238. }(o.Component),
  1239. y = function(e) {
  1240. function LeaderBoardPage() {
  1241. var t = null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  1242. return t.selectedTab = "weekly", t
  1243. }
  1244. return r.d(LeaderBoardPage, e), LeaderBoardPage.prototype.getWidget = function() {
  1245. var e = this,
  1246. t = function(e) {
  1247. var t =,
  1248. n = e.children;
  1249. return o.createElement("div", {
  1250. className: "tab-pane fade in active",
  1251. id: t
  1252. }, o.createElement("div", {
  1253. className: "row"
  1254. }, n))
  1255. },
  1256. n = this.props[this.selectedTab],
  1257. r = Object.keys(n),
  1258. a = 12 / r.length;
  1259. return o.createElement(t, {
  1260. id: this.selectedTab
  1261. }, {
  1262. return o.createElement(g, {
  1263. key: t,
  1264. containerClass: "col-xs-12 col-sm-" + a,
  1265. title: p.b.t(h[t] + d[t]),
  1266. timeFrame: e.selectedTab,
  1267. type: t,
  1268. data: n[t]
  1269. })
  1270. }))
  1271. }, LeaderBoardPage.prototype.render = function() {
  1272. var e = this,
  1273. t = function(t) {
  1274. var n =,
  1275. r = t.children;
  1276. return o.createElement("li", {
  1277. className: e.selectedTab === n ? "active" : "",
  1278. onClick: function() {
  1279. return e.selectedTab = n
  1280. }
  1281. }, o.createElement("a", null, r))
  1282. };
  1283. return o.createElement("div", {
  1284. className: "leader_board"
  1285. }, o.createElement("div", {
  1286. className: "tab-container noselect"
  1287. }, o.createElement("ul", {
  1288. className: "nav nav-pills nav-justified",
  1289. "data-tabs": "tabs"
  1290. }, o.createElement(t, {
  1291. name: "daily"
  1292. }, o.createElement(p.a, null, "Daily")), o.createElement(t, {
  1293. name: "weekly"
  1294. }, o.createElement(p.a, null, "Weekly")), o.createElement(t, {
  1295. name: "allTime"
  1296. }, o.createElement(p.a, null, "All Time")), o.createElement(t, {
  1297. name: "other"
  1298. }, o.createElement(p.a, null, "Level"))), o.createElement("div", {
  1299. className: "tab-content widget-container container-for-" + this.selectedTab
  1300. }, this.getWidget())))
  1301. }, r.c([i.observable], LeaderBoardPage.prototype, "selectedTab", void 0), LeaderBoardPage = r.c([], LeaderBoardPage)
  1302. }(o.Component);
  1304. function LeaderBoardInfoFetch() {
  1305. return o.createElement(s.a, {
  1306. url: f.a.apiRoot + "/leaderboard.json",
  1307. success: y,
  1308. error: function() {
  1309. return o.createElement("span", null, "Could not load leaderboard")
  1310. }
  1311. })
  1312. }
  1313. },
  1314. function(e, t, n) {
  1315. "use strict";
  1316. var r = n(1),
  1317. o = n(0),
  1318. a = (n.n(o), n(2)),
  1319. i = function(e) {
  1320. function NamePromotionPage() {
  1321. return null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments) || this
  1322. }
  1323. return r.d(NamePromotionPage, e), NamePromotionPage.prototype.render = function() {
  1324. var e;
  1325. return e = this.props.namePromotion ? o.createElement("span", {
  1326. className: "highlight good"
  1327. }, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Active")) : o.createElement("span", {
  1328. className: "highlight bad"
  1329. }, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Inactive")), o.createElement("div", {
  1330. className: "static_page namePromotion"
  1331. }, o.createElement("h1", {
  1332. className: "page_title"
  1333. }, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Name Promotion")), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "By adding '' to your Steam Nickname, you can get the following perks:"))), o.createElement("ul", {
  1334. className: "npBulletPoints"
  1335. }, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "You get ", o.createElement("span", {
  1336. className: "highlight"
  1337. }, "100% more from the Daily Reward"), ' which you can claim in the "Free Coins" tab!')), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "You get ", o.createElement("span", {
  1338. className: "highlight"
  1339. }, "50% more from Rains"), ", including the big Rains!")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "You ", o.createElement("span", {
  1340. className: "highlight"
  1341. }, "gain xp twice as fast"), " while betting!")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "You get ", o.createElement("span", {
  1342. className: "highlight"
  1343. }, "2% Deposit Bonus!")))), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "How to activate the name promotion on your account"))), o.createElement("ol", {
  1344. className: "npBulletPoints npEnum"
  1345. }, o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, 'Simply add \'\' to your Steam profile name! E.g. If your old Name was "Steve", you can change it to "Steve |"'), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement("a", {
  1346. target: "_blank",
  1347. href: ""
  1348. }, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Click here to change your Steam profile name"))), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Save your settings on steam, log out and back in on Gamdom.")), o.createElement("li", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, 'The name promotion should now be active. You can check if it worked in the "Profile" tab on the main page or by refreshing this page.'))), o.createElement("p", null, o.createElement("b", null, o.createElement(a.a, null, "Is the name promotion active on my account?")), o.createElement("br", null), o.createElement(a.a, null, "When loading this page the status of your name promotion was: "), e))
  1349. }, NamePromotionPage = r.c([Object(a.e)("namepromotion")], NamePromotionPage)
  1350. }(o.Component);
  1351. t.a = i
  1352. },
  1353. function(e, t, n) {
  1354. "use strict";
  1355. (function(e) {
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