

Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. [X] 3 Bethany remembers a small military outpost nearby: (Warslick, Guile, CrawlingChaos74)
  2. [X] 2 Bethany remembers a small military outpost nearby.: (Grosstoad, Tempest)
  3. [X] 3 Flirt with Bethany a little, it might take the edge off. Assure them that you’re just testing a hypothesis, for science.: (Warslick, Guile, CrawlingChaos74)
  4. -[X] 3 If it’s occupied by the enemy, try the Batman approach; the stealth dash specialist Angel picking enemies off, with armor-man and the blaster mage waiting in the wings for a quick and messy extraction. If it’s occupied by humans, then it’s diplomacy time. We don’t have much to offer besides our powers, but those are not inconsiderable. If it’s occupied, odds are it’s by the military, and they can probably see the benefits of more firepower.: (Warslick, Guile, CrawlingChaos74)
  5. -[X] 1 Maybe broach the idea of Bethany travelling with us. For safety. <del>And maybe other stuff</del>.: (Guile)
  6. -[X] 2 Maybe broach the idea of Bethany travelling with us. For safety. And maybe other stuff.: (Warslick, CrawlingChaos74)
  7. -[X] 3 Restocking on supplies for the ‘mage’, any other goodies that might help? Rations, weapons, whatever. Upgrading from a car to a tank? I don't know.: (Warslick, Guile, CrawlingChaos74)
  8. --[X] 2 Scout first from a distant area: (Grosstoad, Tempest)
  9. [X] 2 Start an awkward conversation with Angel... you might want to figure out what to say... and or do.: (Grosstoad, Tempest)
  10. [X] 3 Then try flirting with Angel a little. You just fucked your sister from another mother last night, and that’s a little awkward. But she was into it too, so maybe… just float it out there. Kind of ease into it, get used to the idea of Angel being a sexual being to you.: (Warslick, Guile, CrawlingChaos74)
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