
Door Password System

May 4th, 2018
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  1. function save(text,name)
  2. local file =,"w")
  3. file.write(text)
  4. file.close()
  5. end
  6. function load(name)
  7. local file =,"r")
  8. local data = file.readAll()
  9. file.close()
  10. return data
  11. end
  13. term.clear()
  14. term.setCursorPos(1,2)
  15. local ch1
  16. local ch2
  18. if fs.exists("pass") then
  19. ch1 = true
  20. else
  21. print("Please enter a password for your doors:")
  22. print()
  23. p1 = read("*")
  24. print()
  25. print("Please repeat your password:")
  26. print()
  27. p2 = read("*")
  28. print()
  29. if p1 ~= p2 then
  30. print("Password and repeated password doesn't match.")
  31. sleep(3)
  32. os.reboot()
  33. else
  34. save(p1, "pass")
  35. os.reboot()
  36. end
  37. end
  39. if fs.exists("l") then
  40. ch2 = true
  41. else
  42. print("Please tell me where are your doors. (left / right / front / back / top / bottom)")
  43. print()
  44. l = read()
  45. print()
  46. if l == "left" or l == "right" or l == "front" or l == "back" or l == "top" or l == "bottom" then
  47. term.clear()
  48. term.setCursorPos(1,2)
  49. save(l, "l")
  50. print("Thank you for setting up system. rebooting in 5 secounds.")
  51. sleep(5)
  52. os.reboot()
  53. else
  54. print()
  55. print("Use left / right / front / back / top / bottom!")
  56. sleep(3)
  57. os.reboot()
  58. end
  59. end
  61. if ch1 and ch2 then
  62. print("Please enter password to open door (or enter '*YOURPASSWORD*edit' ex. 'exampleedit' to setup doors system again):")
  63. print()
  64. input = read("*")
  65. if input == load("pass") then
  66. term.clear()
  67. term.setCursorPos(1,2)
  68. print("Correct password.")
  69. redstone.setOutput(load("l"), true)
  70. sleep(3)
  71. redstone.setOutput(load("l"), false)
  72. os.reboot()
  73. elseif input == load("pass") .. "edit" then
  74. term.clear()
  75. term.setCursorPos(1,2)
  76. print("You can setup your doors system again in 3 secounds.")
  77."delete pass")
  78."delete l")
  79. sleep(2)
  80. os.reboot()
  81. else
  82. term.clear()
  83. term.setCursorPos(1,2)
  84. print("Wrong password!")
  85. sleep(3)
  86. os.reboot()
  87. end
  88. end
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