
Evemek: Madness II - Malignant Descent

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. Hunt all he could, the boy simply lacked the capability-- At the very least, he could he assured of something. He couldn't depend on others for his well-being. Everything from there onward would have to be of his own endeavor, from surviving to flourishing in a world without an observational figure.
  3. There was a reason other children did so well, even without parents... And it was because they could fend for themselves. They weren't troubled due to their own incompetence, nor dependent on any other party; He needed to become more like them.
  5. Wandering aimlessly, he eventually found himself midst a flowerbed stretching across a vast open space. A beautiful sight to some... But to him, it was just another place, no more important than the last. He sighed, having nothing to monologue to himself about, nothing to ponder upon, nor anyone to talk to. This, was just another place betwixt the former setting, and the next. Hopefully, a camp or village was looming somewhere nearby.
  7. Time matured the child, now standing around 5'4" with added size granted a diet off of the thieved goods he came across. Changed enough to garner some sense of control over his powers... Or so, he thought.
  8. (Evemek)
  9. Who is she?
  11. That question could be asked many times and get a different answer for each. It was a simple fact of; the vampire woman was no one person. Waves of black silk fluttered about her head, raven colored curls bouncing and swinging with each gentle gliding step, ever swing of her hips, every swish of her skirts. No breath entered or exited the 'young' woman's lips, no heart beat in her chest, just as no living blood flowed in her veins. She was as dead as every one of her lovers, but still she marched on.
  13. Cursed to live forever.
  15. Screams could be heard nearby. A large camp, enough to house more than thiry people atleast, seemed to be in an upheave. The scent of blood hung in the air, a creeping and terrible dread hanging in the air. As the screaming continued, it would sound as if it became quieter and quieter. As if, slowly, the camp was being silenced.
  17. Through the woods would tumble a man, he was breathing hard, blood covering his face and clothes. He was frantic, crying as snot dripped from his nose; terror had made him desperate, making him run with unstable legs and irregular breaths. He left behind a trail, one so easy to follow, it might as well be child's play. The man would crash into the boy, knocking him off his feet and sending the crying male tumbling to the floor with a grunt. A fatal mistake for the poor man.
  19. A flash of red and raven hues would blur past the eyes, a laugh echoing through the air as an ever familiar voice hummed softly. Landing on the ground, leather boots carried a very lavished woman across the ground. Her dress was short, hitting mid thight, black lace and tool causing for a slight frill around the skirt. Tied up in a corset underneath, her cleavage was pushed up and showed quite prominently hrough the square cut if the dress's neckline. A black hat sat on her head, acting as a guard for the raven curls that sat like satin underneath.
  21. She was simply a stunning figure, unafraid to show that pale and wonderful body of hers.
  23. There would be no doubt in any one's mind WHO that was. Her voice, face, and the swing in her walk could never be mistaken. It was the 'mother' of lost children and roaming vampire of the Bygroves, Doll De' Sanguine.
  25. (Carmen)
  26. He was bumped into-- Tossing the boy into the ground and tripping themself over in the process. Why did this man have to bother him? Why did they have to further badger him when he was already feeling down. Why did they puch him down?! He rose up to his feet, back facing the man that ran into him-- He wasn't having it. Not anymore...
  28. He had been bothered as it was, and he had not a soul to unleash his pent-up aggression upon. Alas, one made it out to him, having had the audacity to knock him to the ground?
  30. The runic inscription upon his right hand gleamed in activation, contorting at the very perception of reality as he saw it. All that mattered now, was paying this man back for his unkind gesture... Ten fold, with every bit of justice missed from those whom evaded it. It would be means of retribution, sacrifice to purify the sins of the fledded via one's blood.
  32. There was no word from the boy, simply the Occult demanding of what he did next... He had to offer this one up to the preternal forces of the void. This one, would be consumed in oblivion, mind lost in the vacant vacuum of Kraus' mistake. He reached out, much like a Malpercian would with fingers stretched out around one's visage, clutching hard to ease the slobbery messings along the creasing of his digits. However, one's soul was not bent to his volition-- No, but the mind was induced to the animated collage of thousands of eyeless faces and burning bodies.
  34. The screams of an infinite quantity of deaths, whether it'd be of the Seers of Darkness themselves or the men, women and children subject to the Darkness' embrace. It was akin to countless felines dragging their claws across one's skin, bleeding it from every angle to leave him drenched further in his own sanguineous messings. One such mess that overflown from his vessel, defying logic and reality now replaced with an inverted realm of the child's surreality.
  36. The skies were painted a deprived vermillion, whilst the hand beneath the horizon a solid opaque onyx. The cry of banshees were the only tune audible through the hazy vision imbued upon this unfortunate man. His body, was soon consumed by the very same pyre the boy kept dormant, struggling to keep it so-- Instead, flaying the very flesh off the surface of a man's skin on persisted contact. He needed to feel, as he did-- When he was being consumed by the Crellus.
  37. He needed to experience, the sting of a blade plunging into his chest, but he couldn't die... Not yet... He wouldn't have that liberty. He needed to suffer the undoing of six souls... The exact number of those whom left him for dead... Then, and only then, could he have permission to perish. The malicious spark had grown potent in his gander, seeing this man, not for what he might've been, but what the voices cooed out to him of what he could've done.
  39. Whilst one felt his body being gnawed throughout his descent into the abyss, reality would have his petrified body ensnared, with naught but a clutching hand resting upon a frozen-terrified face. He violently trembled, forced into a seizure, eyes peeling over in his own blood, and breathing laboured-- But althroughout, Evemek could only glare down in stoicism. Any other presence, could wait...
  40. He needed to finish, for the rune demanded it of him.
  42. ...And then... He froze... and fell limp...
  43. Did he die already? Perhaps, it was to be expected from a non-magi...
  44. To anyone else, he simply took hold of the man's face, until he finally fell limp to the grounds, albeit oddly more eventful than that. Though, in reality, one faced transmundanic torment, till the end. The bombarding radiance of the Occult implied it so...
  46. "..."
  47. There were no words. Infact, he was still piping down from the moment, in disbelief that this man, that he... That he actually killed a man...
  48. No, he had to be sleeping. All be did was put a man that deserved punishment to sleep after terrorizing them... Right?
  49. He felt a presence, pivoting off to realize Carmen in the looming distance...
  50. Did she see?
  51. Wait, she was no stranger... He recognized her!
  52. Was that--
  54. "H- Huh?"
  55. (Evemek)
  57. "Well, well, well…What have we here?"
  59. She watched with intense interest, at the blood, the screaming, Carmen watches as he all but ate the man's soul! Even if it was her game, her catch…Oh, but the sight was worth it! Truly, the best sight is that of watching a child fall into an inescapable madness that she may have seeded in his soul. Or…Perhaps he had been inherently evil to begin with? Either way, she could feel bubbling mass of amusement from the sight of it.
  61. But once it was over with, she was bored again.
  63. Walking over to the boy, a slight sway to her hips, she would stop to stare him straight in the eyes. What a cute boy he was…Reaching forwards, her hand would lightly caress his cheek, the frigid feeling of her skin sucking away all warmth and leaving behind a cold chill down one's spine. After a moment, the young woman would grip his hand and pull him along, he really out to see the sight she had left while chasing after her fleeing prey.
  65. " It's been so long since I've last seen you sweetie! Sorry about up and vanishing on you…I ran into some trouble with Wrath and-Bah, it was one big mess I don't feel like talking about…Anywho! I see you've grown as the days went by, quite the impressive little thing, you are! Come on, come on! I'll show you something truly grand…"
  67. The direction the man had been running from would be the direction the two walked. The scent of death hung in the air, the smell of blood so thick it would make any normal human grow sick to their stomach. The trees had soft red color splashed across them, no bodies to be seen yet…But once they entered the camp's clearing, the slaughter would be apparent. The bandit camp, once alive and busy with activity, lay in shambles. All around lay bodies, most dead, some still crying out as they slowly bleed away their life force.
  69. It was wonderful.
  71. Letting go of the boy's hand, the raven haired female would walk to the center and stand in front of a tree post-Wait. Someone was TIED to it. A man, half his face looked to be clawed off…Funny enough, when Carmen held his hand, she left behind a spot of blood on the boy's skin. Her crimson gaze stared all around the camp. Some bodies lay whole, others lay in bits. Torn limbs, broken skulls, impaled on spikes or their own WEAPON! She had even gotten creative and did some modern art, tying a woman to a post and ripping out her neck, watching as the blood trickled out like a short lived fountain. Truly a wonderful sight to be seen! Ah…But, maybe it was a bit much for the boy, maybe…Maybe he would be apposed to this?
  73. Though, the young woman would not understand WHY….This was a work of art.
  75. "…I think a few still got away, but most of them…Well…"
  77. A kick to a decapitated head would send it flying, tumbling into a tent and vanishing from sight. Holding up her arms, the vampire laughed wickedly, screaming 'GOOOAAAL!' The whole place was a horror show, a graveyard for those less fortunate, for the filth of humanity, and the forgotten no one cared to deal with. Heroes and villains lay in their own puddles of blood, acting as nothing more than a plaything for a twisted, sick minded individual.
  79. And she could not stop laughing.
  80. (Carmen)
  82. "Hello!"
  84. He entered with opened arms, his hands opened towards the lot of those that they had arrived at - and with haste would he step forwards, Kaia beside him! Or behind him, perhaps. Or in front of him.. In truth, he wasn't so sure of what direction she'd take. His Harukean cohort could take a great many ways about the place without his knowing! But, whatever the case, he'd still back her up no matter the case. A body guard for the both of them-- not that they needed one, anyways. That bloodied sword of Kaia's was more than enough to protect them regardless of who came against them! Even so, though, his instincts told him to be fearful - demanded that he find himself a stature more capable than most of the unwitting folk who stumbled upon those such as Carmen and her apparent companion.
  86. "Might I ask why the excess of corpses?", he continued. Perhaps it was strange to address these people, who were obviously quite carnivorous killers, in such a nonchalant manner! And, if you thought so, you weren't wrong. In fact, it made little-to-no sense whatsoever, and his flattened visage would only contort in response to the rancid stench of curdling blood and grime. Jeez, they weren't very hygenic, were they?! Not very clean at all.. Not like what Kadar was used to! Not to this extent, anyways. Kaia had a taste for raw meat and he was no different, not to mention the rather excessive cannibalism that all Harukeans of Xsperita were unfortunately victim and witness to alike.
  88. "Not that I mind. I'm sure Kaia doesn't mind either. Just asking, yes!"
  89. (Kadar Haruke)
  91. Gahg.
  93. Following after her comrade, she'd soon find herself overwhelmed with the stentch of rot and gore. Her nose would stiffen, her onyx gaze to flicker towards the man whome was hung to a tree. A shameful display. Furrowing her brows, she'd simply float slightly lower; using her size to undermine the stentch. The plague would either be too high, or too low for her, ya' see! But either way, the metallic tang still wretched at the back of her throat - discomfort galore arising from the scene. But, under her companions' rather nonchalant gait, she'd have to follow suit! To ignore the discomfort, and instead focus on something better. Like the grass. Grass was cool, especially when she wasn't touching it.
  95. So, the floating girl simply stared at the grass. The figures didn't interest her much, and if Kadar was talking, she didn't need to. A time and place would arise for that, yes? A time to strive for knowledge, and gain what attributes she could from the figures they approach so cautiously. Tucking either hand into her armor, she'd make small serpentine movements around her friend, occassionally blocking view to the young boy from the two figures' perspective. Disruptive, on a discreet level: to put blocks in whatever conversation might arise with her own social disadvantage.
  96. (Kaia Haruke)
  98. Mike had figuring out how to make his powers worked nodded. He saw that starts and stuff he needed to make sure he was prepared. He left his parents a note saying he went on a request for the old man in the village. The old man was a fellow villager who he did things for time and time again. The man was the reason he was able to travel. This time the man sent him to go to Byson to get mushrooms from the doctor.
  100. He nodded as the old man smiled at him. The guy was so nice to Mike as he was always. The two talked alot about things and stuff. So as the boy set off he was looked back as he felt the need to ask the old man a question. Sadly, this was something he would have to wait for in the near future. Then he headed through the wychwood forest.
  102. The desert was no longer a problem yet he still had to becareful as he traveled. Bandits have been gathering recently and robbing people. If he was a guard he would have searched more into that. Yet, he wasn't he put his mask on and continued to head through the place final;ly reaching the prarie of Nostvale. Now it was going to be easy to navigate his way through the place.
  104. He then reached the caves as he was able to see navigate around the yokai. They were vicious creaturres. He had yet to witness evil until the when he meets them. As he made it out the swamps the Crellus were a annoying bunch. He then saw more yokai as he had to cut threw the trees, As he saw a huge tree house ahead all he could think of was one word.
  106. 'Cool'
  108. He then heard voices as hewent to see into what was going on. He then saw someone head go flying about. The stench of blood was strong to the drak as he covered his nose. It was really bad and deathly. He looked to see a strange woman laughing at the sight of this and other people. He didn't know who the hell these people were but he approached slowly.
  110. His hand wouldn't dare touch his blade though. He wasn't stupid enough to do something like He didn't know who these people were but they were all weird or evil. He could be seen clealry as some of the blood landed on him.
  111. (Mike Ernesto)
  113. The overshadowing veil of darkness sheathed his senses from the initial brew of raw flesh and fluid, drawn open to excessively age beyond stature of prime-- Inevitiably rotten to churn at his stomach and upset his anatomy. The urge to comply with a heave, with the unveiling of his last supper was strong-- But his resolve was stronger. Albeit wincing, he pulled through-- Transcending the expression across his visage into one of a pained annoyance.
  114. Though, to some degree, he was all too familar.
  116. He knew that stench well... In his travels, he had come to note it midst the clouding miasmas of the well-named Deadlands. Did he fall from reality's grasp? The touch of the depraved had pried him back, blinking to find the undead mistress of the night he had come to learn of in his wander. Though there was no time to waste, it seemed-- His hand was taken, and without a word in defiance, he followed suit.
  118. There, he saw the sights of the... Unfortunate.
  119. To say the least, it was grotesque, from the stains that drew the whine of flies pestering any whom would dare to come too close, to the cadavers slewn across the camp over yonder. Not merely left as they fell, but some in enough pieces to construct one's own unique brand of art. To say the least, it horrified him to the core... But through his eyes, the Occult magnified it. He couldn't control what powers he was lead into...
  120. And thus, it warped what it saw for the worse.
  122. Ethereal figurines materialized from the radiance of his own circuit, whilst shadows of the fallen rose, animated once more to lock their gander upon his persona; vermillion optics pursued his every cringe, whilst the whispers of Oblivion's abyss cooed out to him.
  123. "Help us..."
  124. They pleaded, flickering his gaze from one to the other...
  125. "We're sinners too..." Another assured, piked up top their own halbert, lips unmoving throughout the blurb.
  126. "We deeeseeeerved this..."
  128. The vampress' laughter overshadowed it all, complemented by the moans that tormented his soul. Almost abruptly, one of the corpses leaped up to him, tightly grasping at his shoulders as it seemingly gasped for another breath. "Isn't it graaaaand, boyo?" The voice was strained, much like a final whisper sounded in a mesh of awe and anguish. The corpse, was the decrepit cadaver of a camper here, lost of an eye and most teeth... But almost as fast as it happened-- A blink, dispelled the apparition.
  130. The woman that guided him here kicked a decapitated head, and left him... Silent... Possessed by the esoteric forces at hand, in such manner that many would claim to be "Occult Madness". To him, it was a chilling blanket that swathed him from the villains in the light. In the dark, he could hide... And soon enough, with his adapting eyes, he too, could see.
  131. The voice of another turned his attention-- Another traveler? How dare he interupt this... Art? Who was this individual to barge in in such manner?
  132. --And then another?
  133. .... And then another...
  135. Was there a village nearby? Was Carmen not efficient enough? Or, was this something else...
  136. "Do you see him?" spoke a voice beyond one's perception, omnipresent to Evemek. "He acts oblivious, they both do!... It's like... It's like they're disrespecting the punishments upon the damned!" He took a step forward, runic inscription upon his right arm illuminating in his acknowledgement of their presence...
  138. Before eyes fell upon another, completely silent and seemingly... Unrelated to the others... Younger... Innocent... Much like him, when he was forced to this way of life: Mike.
  139. If only, the lot of them could hear the voices in his head... At the very least, they could comprehend the bone chill of the transmundane.
  141. ". . . Y- You three. . . " He said alloud, "D-... Do you... Do you not... Understand, judgement?" The words strained to come aloose, pressured into such error by his constant shivering, struggling to keep what was beneath the surface, under control: Unrelenting rage... and fear.
  142. (Evemek)
  143. [11:34:49] Amongst her art, imperfections arose. Turning slowly, the 'young' woman casted her glance over the three figures. Oh…Oh goodness no! That SIMPLY would not DO! This was HER canvas, HER art! How DARE they stumble upon it and…And desecrate what she worked so HARD to perfect! Hours worth of slaughter, murder, creativity! Behind her hung a mangled man, arms chained to his sides to give him the look of a spider. He twitched-Oh…He was still alive. Poor fella.
  145. Taking a deep breath, the vampire looked about ready to lose her cool-But she stops! Why? Well…She had an idea. Waling over to her lovely 'son', she sets hands on his shoulders and squeezes lightly; she had a job for him.
  147. " I've got to go attend to some things…Be a dear and take care of these three? Thanks dear~"
  149. Giving his shoulders a firm hug and no real time to answer, the girl turns and begins to walk away. Blood staining the leather of her boots.
  150. (Carmen)
  152. He'd find himself also plagued by the.. plague, obviously enough. Even if the likes of the Vampiric Carmen had vanished into the air within which they stood, it was still apparent enough just how awful and terrible the bloodied rot was - and more than that, it was a sort that infected and drilled into the mind of the young Harukean just how bad it really was. His nose would be vacated of pleasantries and replaced duly by the inherent stench of that which the vampire had wrought forth unto the many present; and, while it wasn't as bad as it could've been, it was still very, very bad. Now catching a true whiff of it, he'd retch slightly - with no vomit, of course, for he still held some degree of restraint - and turn towards Kaia with an involved stare.
  154. Shortly thereafter, though, would his gaze return to Evemek as Carmen fled, his eyes squinting through the bloodied haze and his head barely managing a few short thoughts. "I don't exactly know what you mean by judgement," Kadar uttered, choking through his syllables with surprising efficiency. "You might have to explain it before I understand it, guy." His head tilted to the side, shifting to a midpoint between Kaia and Evemek - she was something of an anchor for him, and the way she seemed so excellently unafflicted by the musk of death, at least to Kadar, was quite intriguing! Appealing, even.
  156. "... What do you think, Kaia?", he'd whisper or mutter once her paces brought her close enough to hear.
  157. (Kadar Haruke)
  159. Pft.
  161. Kadar asked Kaia for an intellectual standpoint? She wasn't one for brains. Hell, she wasn't even one for thinking. An impulsed person whom worked solely on the moment: stresses to never arise outside the moment aswell. An easy life of little to no effort in anywhere BUT the moment. And in this moment, she wasn't even paying attention! The skull-faced girl would snap up to look at her comrade, squinting her onyx gaze down to little flutters. How could Kadar expect her to know what the boy was saying?
  163. " Iunno. Pro'lly summin' about how 'e's playin' around bodies. "
  165. It was a simple response, of simple value. There was no discretion in her voice, no lowering of her tone; she said it aloud for everyone around to hear. Her ideals were based on simple deduction. How could his statement mean anything else? It was an easy topic- the boy was scared the duo of Haruke's would judge him for what he was hanging around - or mayhap doing. But in the end, Kaia didn't care. She just fluttered around Kadar lightly in the same sense; like a moth to a light in the night.
  166. (Kaia Haruke)
  167. [11:53:36] The boy's eyes widen as he saw horrors all around. No, this wasn't right at all. The whole places had corpses all around. It was like a sick slaughter. People dead all around. Pieces of eyes or other things laid around the place. He even saw skulls which was totally terrifying for a kid his age. The look on his face showed pure horror but it couldn't be seem with the mask on. He was shaking badly from the stench of the dead and lost souls.
  169. The vampire woman laughed about something like this. I caused the drak to grit his teeth with anger as he wanted to break out and attack her. Even the young man wouldn't want to see a bandit like this. These people were tortured and killed on sight. This was not right at all to the kid's mind. He started to cough as the smell was so corrupted it was almost deadly toxic. Th eothers looked around like they were use to this.
  171. These people were either monsters or crazy. The vampire creature had fled but the boy's fear had not. He saw then the look from another person had come into cntact with him. He asked the boy did he know what judgement was. This wasn't judgement this was not either justice. This was pure adulterated slaughtering for joy. No, way in hell would Ryujin approve of this at all.
  173. One was floating which was something new. He never seen this power before. He would read more on things like this. He saw the other two were not right as they were acting like this was usual. He just had to ak though as his fear was causing him to do this.
  175. "How could you people act like this okay?! This a not right at all this a freaking nightmare! By the gods Ryujin please give these poor souls freedom in the afterlife." he prayed.
  179. (Mike Ernesto)
  180. [12:02:59] The adopted night mother had spoken, and the voices in his head complied. What was he to deny them? He was weak... Kraus, would never accept him, would he? Could he pray more to garner forgiveness for this curse? Or was this a curse at all? No, this wasn't-- Kraus would accept him, he just needed to make an image for himself. He needed to take upon a facade that many and all would come to appreciate!
  182. But first, he had to do his chores..
  183. The depraved notion was enacted by the dictating forces of the stygian essence empowering his soul. He could feel it burning, dancing around within his vessel. The mark that singed his flesh demanded of its release, he needed its euphoric hold to relish him throughout the sickly satisfaction he squeezed out of playing the foul acts of sin himself. They were cleansing... Mind-numbing... Pure and unadulterated, as claimed by the vocalizations issuing the commands.
  185. Lips parted, but not to speak-- But sing a banshee's song; shrill and slightly monotone for what seemed like miles. It was almost like a cry, except, it was far too sharp-- Too controlled to be the act of a mere deranged lunatic. It was a shout unlike the suspected from a boy his age, carrying out for a near whole dozen seconds in duration.
  186. Then... Came silence? Was he tired? Catching his breath? No... He was waiting...
  187. Had they listened, they could hear it too...
  188. The trampling stampede of dozens of daemonically warped personas-- Varied from humanoid to insectoid to avian and all in-between.
  190. Serpentine tendrils slithered humped from the ocean's surface, prior to reaching out to imply the presence of aquatic monstrosities of the deep. This, was a call: A Dark Call...
  191. The caw of abnormalities in the skies soon heralded the coming of a gargantuan crow-esque beast, landing to the boy's side. It was not alone however, soon accompanied by a serpent of a thousand legs: A monstrous millipede arched over his shoulder, quartet of optic beads trained on Mike in particular in the distance.
  192. Rather than take a third presence to his side, it'd be that of dozens of... Locusts? No, they were extraordinarily small, but they came in vast number-- A hivemind of sorts, and thus definable as a single creature.
  194. This, were Seers of Darkness whom heard this child's call...
  195. And this boy...
  196. Soon complemented their presence with the kindling of his soul. The runic inscription across his right arm was the spark, and the pyre-- The lavender flare that consumed him whole... Empowered him... Strained his very physicality to mild degree with exaggerated vascularity and the likes.
  198. "Mother demands, judgement..." He said allowed, encouraged by attempted communications by the millipede, clicking its incisor maws together in imitation of remote means of speech. Quite clearly, these happenings did not imply of pending solace.
  199. (Evemek)
  201. "Oh, a fight?!", Kadar pronounced with a grin. He hadn't been in many fights! He hadn't been in any at all in the past year or so, perhaps even two. A good refresher would be nice, wouldn't it? And with a drawn-out grin, it'd be expressed happily just how much he was excited for this opportunity. It was, however, a little bit saddening that he and Kaia had to fight alongside a stranger-- even so, though, the opportunity wouldn't be passed up! Not even slightly so. Flexing his fingers backwards, their individual nailbeds would spike with a glorious razing flame, his fingertips suddenly alight with a substance unknown to the large majority of the nonmagi population!
  203. And well-known amongst scholarly magi as the art of the shadowflame. With a violent fist upwards, his entire figure would see itself aligned with the utmost darkness, his eyes glaringly bright with a glaring darkness: Occultism drawn to his irises, filtered out through the corners of his eyes as it'd drift upwards, endlessly upwards. Shadow incarnate, flame realized - summoned forth from the depths of a forgotten abysm to bend to the will of the Harukean male. To rival Evemek's own summonings, the brought-forth, conjured Yokai rivaled by a singular figure made larger by the illusory machinations of a terrible power! The power that the minions of Evemek wield themselves, utilized in such an offensive form so as to challenge their being as an entirety.
  205. "Stranger, you needn't fight with us if you do not desire. The same goes for you, Kaia, though I'm almost certain you'd enjoy a fight. If not, I'll take him myself! Up to you."
  206. (Kadar Haruke)
  208. FIGHT
  210. Her interest was peaked - though, minorly. Why did the boy want to fight again? All of his words fell on daft ears, ones that affected her nearly zero percent. Her grasp would change to the blade upon her hip, as she floated slowly next to her comrade. Behind the ivory skull mask she bore, the onyx gaze that stared blankly towards whatever caught their intrigue would dually stare towards the boy before them. A fight was a fight. Fights were fun - Fights were good. Grasping the hilt of her blade, she'd slowly begin pulling it from the erie sheath upon her hip.
  212. " I can fight'em too! "
  214. Again, simplicity; her eshlon. She remained as simple as she possibly could. No speciality, no, she was a simple girl with simple goals. She wanted to learn about these lands, and do so aside her friend. And here, in this situation, she was beside her friend - and he needed her help. So he would get her help! The floating girl rubbed her hip against his shoulder, to show her support in this fight; and would glare towards the boy before her. No one could stop the duo in their prime, no no!
  215. (Kaia Haruke)
  217. Mike was scared out his mind as the creatures appeared. His mind was going crazy as this seemed like a nightmare more than a reality thing. He didn't know how this was going to go as the guy was speaking in a weird tongue. He kept speaking about judgement but he had freaking monsters around him! The things seemed to be also gazing at Mike. Then the guiy seemed to have a dark like matter appear around his body.
  219. This seem just like the girl from Nostvale. She had used a dark aura such as this. He was amazed people contained such power. He then turned to see the boy speak to him. The guy had dark flames coming from him. This was a little out of control now as this a battle of power he himself couldn't scale up to yet. He was afraid he was also angry that this had happen to the poor people around here.
  221. "They didn't deserve this! Your a monster and your going to pay for your actions." He says with anger as his wings flapped with intensity. His fear was at a high point but he was going to give these people a proper rest they deserved. His mask hid the fear on his face but the darkness could feel his fear. THen he felt that same chill from before coming upon him.
  223. He was ready for this. He stepped up with them as he was not going to back away. "I-i-i am afraid but as a future king of Frostvale i shall fight with you guys. Fear can not hold a person who mind is set to be king. A king has to protect everyoen no matter what!" he says as he roared!
  224. (Mike Ernesto)
  226. Don't fight if he didn't want to?
  227. But the Mark demanded it of him! The voices pressured it on to him. His adopted 'mother' told him to! There was nothing to deny the authorities at play; Nothing overshadowed them in trifecta!
  228. --And even when he looked elsewhere, he couldn't deny the simple fact. He may've lacked control over his actions for the most part, but in the end, true to the claim of the whispers and coos... He loved it.
  229. He couldn't fight the intoxication any longer...
  231. The darkness had comforted him...
  232. Strengthened him... Empowered him...
  233. Yet, with the first two in the prime of his sights, the third party had managed to somehow garner the fullest of the boy's attention. He spoke of stopping him? Of becoming a King? He claimed the others didn't deserve it?! Who was this person to make such claims?! It was a beyond a simple taunt, it was insulting! What fear once riddled through his system of the dark, was dismissed for the fury he had held down for so long. Finally, mindless malice could have its way, its targets without true definition-- Simply those that found themselves before the fringe of his blade upon charging. The intended targets: Anything that was more human-like than what he surrounded himself with.
  235. "Me?.. Stopped?.....No.... You...You... Will pa- pay penance... O- Or... Face judge--...--ment." The violent shivering could've been easily mistaken for sadness, for fear-- Albeit, the charge that followed contradicted all of that. His trajectory? Beelined for Mike, with hand drawn to his backside to tightly grasp his broadsword's handle.
  236. Teeth were grit and lips reeled back to reveal the foam easing past the slim gaps in his teeth, akin to a mangy rabid dog sought on tearing its determined victims to shreds.
  238. With his savage encroachment, the conjured monstrosities acted on their own, following his lead to jump upon Mike en mass-- Though, such was not to say that he had forgotten about the others. An extended hand for the boy issued out the extended reach of the cabalistic, prying at one's breath and crushing at their lungs should they fail to resist-- Though, hardly to a totally manipulative degree, and capable of being defied, should he had proven strong enough.
  240. It was the first strike to be blown... Immediately twisted into a full-bodied twirl with blade encircling his form to tornado into what he'd suspect to be a nearby duet of Harukeans. Battle, was soon to ensue...
  241. (Evemek)
  243. Mike was off like the the others. He saw the other kids were concentrated so he himself had to be also. All kinds of fire and dark magic began to fly as they battled the guy. He was tough indeed as knowing if he was alone Mike would surely lose. This guy was no push over. Mike had to constantly duck being hit by the beams the man sent. One of things could have ended Mike in a second.
  245. He saw the other guy was using dark fire. He would hope to see the developments of his future choice of which road he would travel. He began to launch his fireballs at the man making sure they were going to land. This guy needed to be took down. He was dangerous and needed to be put away. Jail was probably the best thing for him. He then saw the girl was being hit badly.
  247. He couldn't help her ass the creature the guy summoned he had to burn away. He then saw the other kid had knocked the girl out by accident. Luckily he knew she was alive though. The two now were only standing. He made sure to use his scales to block against some of the attacks that came his way. He roared shooting flames from his hands at the guy.
  249. The shadow flame kid then managed to senf hs own flames at the guy which took him down. The creatures were burnt to a crisp as they died away in the flames. Mike walked over to the older person and pucned him in the face. "Stay down!" he yelled. He then ran over to the girl to see if she was okay.
  251. His anger raised as he saw the scar on the girl. This pissed him off as he walke dover to the guy and stepped on his chest. He fire in his hand ready to end the creepy guy for good. Yet, was this his choice would a king do this to a person. He had to make sure the girl was okay first.
  253. He then kicked the guy hard across the face to make sure he was out. Running back over to the girl he asked. "Are you okay please be okay!" he says panicking.
  254. (Mike Ernesto)
  256. The beasts, dispatched one by one... But just as they were torn down, more came in their place, spread out amongst the Harukeans and Drakanite alike to better aid his open-brawling style. He didn't need to flicker amongst the numbers so often, for the yokai aided in evening out the playing field. Although he doggedly pursued the Drakanite, he seemingly eluded his reach, -just- an inch beyond the slip of his blade.
  258. Every turn towards the topless Kadar, was rewarded with a blurry assault on his vision, leaving him to scamper blindly for a brief moment, uncoordinated as he would've hoped. It was getting hard to breath, armor heating far beyond comfortable stature-- And it was all justified by the contorted pyre of one's volition. Though, it was deprived of its heat in representation, it still ate away at the flesh and singed to the touch. Perhaps, in raw chill? He hadn't much comprehension for this muddled variant of the occult, and he wasn't willing to ponder it further!
  260. Kaia's approach was interupted by a diving avian variety of daemon... But it'd only hold them off for so long... Until his beast fell... Until, he fell... Unable to resist the burn of the blackened flame and searing maelstrom any longer.
  261. He had fallen to his knees... Bested? Vanquished? He failed? The whispers evolved into laughter, mocking him. He couldn't do it... He couldn't enact judgement upon these folk... Because he was weak; Too weak.
  263. "I-... I couldn't... I couldn't do it?" He monologued, only a second prior to a fist rupturing his visage and sending ripples across his cheek. The hit was taken in slo-mo, shaking and contorting his facial features comically before they'd reshape back to their former stature with moderate swelling ensued once he hit the ground, vision, fading in and out.
  264. He was stronger than that! Though, he admittedly moaned at the pain.
  266. The command, it angered him so... But the mark, had been sated. Though, he could not avenge his unreleased fury, he could certainly go about knowing he was beaten out of the control it beared on his poor soul. He leaned over, soon feeling the crushing weight of a foot on his chest, peering eyes found the faint silhuoette of Mike, standing over him.
  267. Was this what it was like, when those bandits beheaded his parents? Was this, what it was like to finally come to a means of an end?
  269. Then, came the rise and fall of one's foot...
  270. Silence...
  271. Empty black...
  272. Totally vacant...
  274. Nothing but him, and his thoughts for the coming hours, unconscious.
  275. (Evemek)
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