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SWTOR External Hard drive

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Feb 8th, 2020
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  1. [–]vaderberg
  3. Hi, I'm trying to install this game on my external hard drive (not enough space on my laptop :/), so I chose a folder for the installation on my external, even though it did not update the space available. Then, when I tried to make the shortcut at the end of the installation by choosing launcher.exe on the external, it says:
  5. Error in POL_Shortcut Binary not found: launcher.exe Have you installed the program to the default location?
  7. Any ideas where I may have gone wrong?
  9. Thanks
  11. [–]AgentRG | SWTOR On Mac Support[S]
  13. Well, I never worked with installing applications on the external hard drive, but I will try to do my best. First I suggest to install the application on your external hard drive only if it's an SSD.
  15. SSD is great for running applications externally due to the speed of read/write. If you have an HDD instead, the game will still run, but I'm unsure exactly how well it will run.
  17. As I said in the beginning, I have never worked with installing applications on external hard drives, so I won't lie and say that I know what's wrong >_>
  19. Can you tell how what exactly did you install on the external hard, and how you did it? That way I can at least know what I'm dealing with.
  21. [–]vaderberg
  23. Ok so everything is the same until step 8 of the installation. On step 8, instead of choosing the setup.exe as the install file from my downloads folder, I moved it to a new 'Games' folder on my external HD and chose it from there. Then I clicked next and everything is okay until I get to step 10.
  25. At this point it tells me I need 25.0 GB of free space and I only have 11.3, but I click install anyway (express install still) and it allows me to choose an install location. I have to navigate down through drive Z:\ -> Volumes before I get to the root directory of my external HD, and when I navigate down further to the new 'Games' folder I created, it does not update the available space info. Leads me to believe it doesn't think its installing on an external drive. Since there doesn't seem to be much else I can do here, i click next anyway and it pops up and tells me there is not enough space on the selected disk (there definitely is though ~700 GB). I click yes thinking it just doesn't know where its installing, and proceed through the rest of the installation which works fine.
  27. Back to the PlayOnMac dialog in step 13, the launcher.exe file is not visible in the list for making a shortcut, so i click browse and navigate to the launcher.exe file on my external HD (which did install to the proper location in the 'Games' folder). After naming the shortcut and trying to continue i get the following error:
  29. Error in POL_Shortcut Binary not found: launcher.exe Have you installed the program to the default location?
  31. Since I can't create a shortcut, I haven't found a way to actually run the launcher. I did try to install the game on my internal HD as well even though there isnt enough space for the whole game, and that all worked fine - I made it to downloading and installing the whole game (step 8 after the bitlauncher stuff), which obvs started to do so on my internal HD, so I stopped the download. Couldn't find a way to install the game on my internal, and just download all the game files to my external either.
  33. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated! I just finished KOTOR and KOTOR 2 so I'm really looking forward to SWTOR! Thank you :)
  35. [–]AgentRG | SWTOR On Mac Support[S]
  37. Oh yea I think I know what the reason is. PlayOnMac doesn't let you install the game in whatever folder you want to sadly.
  39. When you create a wrapper for a program, you tell PlayOnMac that "Hey! I will install a program in this wrapper you created for me!" and it goes "Okay, give me the installation file, and I will install it in this wrapper I created for you".
  41. Since you chose to install the game not in the wrapper it created, you technically didn't install the game at all from its point of view. Which is why it can't find the launcher, because technically it doesn't exist.
  43. If you want the game to work from your external hard drive, you will need to install PlayOnMac on the external hard drive as well. Make sure to only install the game in the default directory it gave you.
  45. Hope this helps!
  47. [–]vaderberg
  49. OK that makes sense, your comments led me to this and similar threads, but I am having trouble recreating the steps.
  53. I tried copying the wineprefix folder from the PlayOnMac folder in Library in my User folder to my external, then deleting the one in the user library. Then I right clicked the new folder and made an alias to it, which I then placed in my User home folder, replacing the one that was already there named 'Play On Mac's virtual drives'
  55. Then, when I opened PlayOnMac, it just recreated the wineprefix folder where it was before... might be missing how to create a symlink? thought that was the same as an alias..
  57. [–]AgentRG | SWTOR On Mac Support[S]
  59. Hey man sorry for the super late reply. Work and sleep kept me occupied for the whole day and I barely had free time. I'm currently in the restroom hiding from the higher ups to write this >_>
  61. I see what they meant in that thread, but alias isn't the same as symlink. Alias is the same as shortcut on Windows. I see the logic in how you did it. Yea that does sound like a good idea, but as I said, PlayOnMac is looking for it's own things. It sees the shortcut, but for it it's just a shortcut to some folder rather than something that belongs to itself.
  63. Alias is basically a more user friendly type of shortcut. You click it, and it leads you to the original folder. Imagine alias like a receptionist. You come to one and ask him “Hey can you tell me where room 211 is? I need to give Danial this report he asked for.” The receptionist will show you the way to the room, so you can give it to him yourself.
  65. Symlink, on the other hand, opens the folder as if it’s controlling the original folder. In this situation, rather than the receptionist telling you where the room is, it will instead fax the report to Danial directly. It doesn’t open the folder itself, just a copy of the original folder that if you edit, will edit the original folder.
  67. This is what you have to do to create a Symlink with wineprefix. First, leave the wineprefix folder in your external hard drive, you did that correctly. Now, open the application called Terminal in the Utilities folder in your applications.
  69. This is where we will have to type in a series of commands. First, we will have to lead you to where the symlink folder WILL be. Remember you can press the Tab button to auto-complete a folder name if there is only one folder with that sequence of letters, like the Library folder. You can press Tab once you have written Lib and it will auto complete the folder’s name.
  71. Type in the following command…
  73. cd Library/PlayOnMac
  75. Now we will have to tell Terminal to create a symlink folder named wineprefix in that directory. The source will be the wineprefix folder on your external hard drive. Type in the following command.
  77. ln -s /Volumes/NameOfYourExternalHardDrive/TheLocationOfYourwineprefixFolder/wineprefix wineprefix
  79. For example, me creating a symlink would look like this
  81. cd Library/PlayOnMac
  83. ln -s /Volumes/AgentRG/wineprefix wineprefix
  85. That will create a symlink folder in my PlayOnMac directory called wineprefix. Now you can hopefully install the game as your normally would. Please tell me how it goes.
  87. [–]vaderberg
  89. Ok awesome thank you for the great instructions! So I got through to the installation and it showed that i had 956 GB free, but then it the actual installation seems to just hang and not finish? No errors or anything, here are the last 2 commands it tries before stalling:
  91. Running external installer for 'Visual C Runtime (2008)'; this may take a few moments...
  93. Execute: "C:\users\Hvandenberg\Local Settings\Application Data\Temp\InstallSWTOR\software\VisualCRT\vc2008redist_x86.exe" /qb
  95. Should I just keep waiting for it to finish?
  97. [–]vaderberg
  99. Oh it worked! :)
  100. [–]AgentRG | SWTOR On Mac Support[S]
  102. Yay! Happy to hear it worked! Tell me if any other issue occurs and I will try to help.
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