
Displaced - part 1

Jun 17th, 2018
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  1. "Aha!" Anon explained triumphantly, he had just reached a new vault and singlehandedly decimated all the defenses within. He had been working tirelessly on the clues regarding this vault. He had thoroughly defeated Merula this time. He knew the girl was still stuck on the first clue, one he figured out a week ago, and the rest of the clues were easy for him. He actually managed to reach the vault in a single night on his own. It would take Merula weeks to reach this point. The boy imagined the disappointed look in her face, after she reached this point and found out that Anon had already beaten her to it. He thought about leaving her a message, something personalized to find out when she reached this point. Something that told her that he beat her. He started laughing when he pointed his wand at the wall above the door and wrote "Merula Snyde sucks niffler dicks" with big bright letters. He started laughing at it, imagining the frustration on her face as she finally got here. He then went to look at his prize, a strange metallic dial. He picked it up and turned it around in his hands, but decided not to actually flip the dial. He was smart enough not to fuck with things he didn't understand, he'd study it later. The renegade slytherin pocketed his newest item and left the vault. Admiring one more time the message to his rival, and laughing on his way out.
  3. later that evening, he was sitting in the common room with his mate, Rowan. A british-indian nerd. A weird fellow, had his face in this books all day, but never had anything to show for it. He could quote a lot of books, but he could apply it worth shit. Under normal circumstances the guy would be a Ravenclaw, but he wasn't smart enough and a bit of a cunt, so he got put into slytherin. He was a bit pathetic and weird, but a good friend nonetheless.
  4. "Shit, Anon, what the fuck am I looking here?" He asked looking at Anon's latest acquirement.
  5. "I have no fucking clue, but I do know that Merula isn't going to get it. I completely beat her this time and I left her a message in the vault." Anon said and started laughing again.
  6. "You are a right wanker, you know that? Was it that niffler cocksucker thing again?" Rowan said.
  7. "You fucking wot, Mate, you wanna start shit with me?" Anon asked and stopped laughing.
  8. "You're a broken record, Anon, she gets attacked once for bringing galleons to care of magical creatures class, and you've been using that insult ever since. It's getting old." Rowan told the boy off. "Also, I'll deck you, you cheeky git."
  9. Anon just laughed.
  10. "Ooh, intimidating, have you been practicing in front of a mirror?" The two boys laughed.
  11. After a while Anon pocketed the dial and told Rowan he was going to bed.
  13. Unbeknownst to Anon or Rowan, they had been eavesdropped on. Merula had kept a low profile in the common room listened to everything the arrogant fucker was saying. He didn't know that Merula wasn't just blindly following clues, she was also keeping an eye on his progress. And he made a slip this time, if he hadn't been careless and bragged to Rowan, she wouldn't have known he reached the vault and took an artefact with him. She decided she would just steal the artefact from him and ignore the vault altogether. All she had to do was wait for the boy to fall asleep
  15. It was 4 am when Merula decided to stick her head to the boy's dorms. Everyone was asleep when she crept to her nemesis' bed. She stopped for a while to look at the boy, he hadn't covered himself with his sheets. He laid there with nothing but boxers and socks and had his hand in his boxers. Merula admired the boy's toned body unapologetically, years of vault hunting and constant fighting had made him somewhat muscular, without bulking him too much, Like Barnaby. Merula hated the boy with fierce fury but she wouldn't mind hatefucking him at least once. She tried to catch a better glimpse at what the boy had going on in his pants, but when the boy snorted and started snoring, the girl tore her eyes off him and went to look for the artifact. She found it easily, the boy had just literally thrown it in his trunk and hopped on the bed for sleep. She took the item and sneaked out of the dorm, grinning maniacally. Once the girl had reached her dorm she jumped on her bed and started laughing into her pillow, she had utterly defeated the boy. How could he have been so stupid, he gloated about it and then just didn't even bother hiding it. He could never get the dial back, he couldn't enter the girl's dorms and every slytherin girl thought he was a shithead, so no one would help him get it back. She looked at the dial for a bit. She turned the dial a notch and it made a satisfying mechanical click, but nothing else. The girl was disappointed that nothing had happened and just decided to put the dial in a hidden compartment in her trunk. She wasn't stupid, she knew he couldn't get in the girl's dorms, but she didn't take any chances. She giggled as she imagined Anon's face when he realized his prize was now her prize and fell asleep.
  17. The next morning Merula felt distant, it was as if she was looking at the world trough a window. She dismissed it as tiredness from staying up all night waiting for a chance to steal the artefact from Anon. She had made her way to great hall when she realized something was badly wrong. She decided she would get it checked by madam Pomfrey. On her way to the hospital wing, she tried to avoid running into Anon. She knew their next duel would be fierce and she would have to be at 100% for it. She hurried her way to the hospital wing, but she would never reach it...
  19. Anon Ymous, the self-proclaimed badass vault-hunting warlock woke up that morning still riding his high over his victory over Merula. He laughed and went to look for the dial, which he couldn't find.
  20. "Rowan! Get in here you cunt!" He yelled. "Where's my magical thingamajig? I told you to ask permission before you study my cool vault-shit!"
  21. Rowan immediately shot up, having been woken up by Anon shouting at him from the next bed, he scrambled for his glasses.
  22. "What are you shouting at me for?" He said defensively and looked at Anon. "I haven't touched your stuff."
  23. "Then where the fuck is it? I put it in my trunk before going to bed." Anon said and stared at his friend.
  24. "You didn't hide it, you sure Merula didn't take it then?" Rowan asked while getting dressed.
  25. "Don't be stupid, she couldn't get past the magical wards on the dorms. I once tried to go to girl's dorms to put a dung bomb under her pillow, but I got my ass knocked back into the floor fountain by some magic preventing the opposite sex from getting into the other's dorm."
  26. "Don't you know anything, that ward only affects boys, girls can come and go in boy's dorms as they please." Rowan said surprised that Anon didn't know this.
  27. Anon just stared at his friend for a bit.
  28. "MERULA, YOU BITCH!" He shouted and ran off.
  30. Anon was livid, he ran all the way to great hall and the atmosphere change immediately. Students turned to stare at him for a spectacle, and the teachers were getting prepared to break the fight he and Merula were inevitably going to have. It was common sight around the castle, the teachers had given up on threatening either of them with expelling. The problem was mostly contained, as the two rivals only duelled each other and left everyone else mostly alone. Anon scanned the hall quickly looking for Merula, but he couldn't find her. He turned around and rushed to search the castle for her. The girl had seemed to go into hiding, she had probably sensed his fury. He was about to give up and just wait for potions classes to confront her, when he head a familiar voice call out to him.
  32. "A-anon~" Merula yelled at the boy. "I'm over here." She waved at the boy.
  33. This caught Anon somewhat off-guard, he thought the girl was going to ambush him, but this could still be a trap. He pulled out his wand and walked up to the girl. something was off, he thought.
  34. "Sorry for worrying like that, I felt a bit under the weather, but it passed before I got to the hospital wing. I bet you just gave me butterflies and made me all woozy, it keeps happening whenever I look at your gorgeous face." She said quickly and giggled.
  35. "What the fuck are you talking about, you bitch." Anon shouted at Merula, not buying into her act. "Where the fuck is my fucking gadget?"
  36. Merula just jumped back surprised and looked like she was about to start crying.
  37. "W-what... What did I do, why are you shouting at me?" She asked sorrowfully.
  38. "Alright, enough of this act, I'm not buying it." Anon shouted. "Fine, we'll duel first and then I will force you to tell me where my artifact is!" The boy took his stance.
  39. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what I did wrong. I haven't taken anything from you... Well except... for..." Merula stammered with tears filling her eyes.
  40. "Enough!" Anon yelled.
  41. The girl just yelped and ran off in terror.
  42. Anon was completely flabbergasted, she had never turned her back on him during a duel. And the way she acted now was really weird. She had tried all kinds of tricks to get a drop on him, but this took the cake. The boy didn't even cast a spell on the girl as she had her guard dropped, he just stared at her in disbelief. What the fuck was wrong with Merula, why had she taken the time to change her hair style?
  44. ...And why the fuck was she wearing hufflepuff robes?
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