

Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. Name: Kyianasura
  2. Handle: hiddenEyes
  3. Age: UNKNOWN
  4. Birthday: UNKNOWN
  5. Gender: Female
  6. Race: Void Demon
  7. Friends: NONE
  8. Love Interest/Lover/Boyfriend/Mate/Crush: NONE
  9. Weakness(es): kind souls
  10. Food: mostly whatever is available though she tends to eat the souls of dead humans which cleanses the souls and gives her sustenance
  11. Nationality: No human nationality since she was born in a seperate world
  12. Height: 4'11"
  13. Personality: outwardly emotionless, inwardly overemotional, quiet, can be hardheaded at times, fiercely protective of those she is close to(when she gets close to them), can be impulsive in actions when protecting others, rarely passionate about things(except for her opinions of people those opinions are thing she is passionate and hardheaded about), soft-spoken, and she is innocent to things that don't involve death, disease, nothingness, and even souls.
  14. Fun Facts: hates mirrors, hates kind souls, doesn't get along well with people most of the time but some people she can be around, no scent, no aura, can teleport, when she teleports black and white particles will drift through the air, used to be something like a caged "bird", has good fortitude due to her "emotionless" nature(even though she may be breaking down on the inside one would not be able to tell), and she always speaks in a monotone voice.
  15. Appearance: She has short white hair that falls to her chin before curling outwards slightly. She constantly has a pure white blindfold over her eyes. She wears white bandages all over her body mostly concentrated on her torso, face, and arms. She hides the bandages under her long-sleeved white shirt, long black skirt, and white cloak. Her hair hides the many bandages on her face since her bangs go a bit past her chin. She wears no shoes. She has elongated, pointed, elvish ears along with a slightly elongated tongue. Her skin is very pale almost appearing white in color.
  16. Backstory: Kyianasura was born in a small yet elegant corner of the Northern Lands of the Demon World which was under the rule of the dragon Daiyoukai Lord Mikorce. Lord Mikora was a complex and powerful fire and poison dragon demon. She was born with a demonic defect that made her become a void demon instead of being either a mix of the two kinds of demons that are known as her parents or just being one or the other. Her mother was a simple mink demon who was normally gone most of the time so she never noticed her own mother very much, but her father who was a complex ice and lightning wolf was different. Her father cared about her enough to be around and she thought highly of him and perhaps even cared deeply for him until a few years later when he figured out why she didnt have the features of either him or her mother. He abandoned her shortly after he found out that she was a void demon by leaving her for the wild to destroy believing that anyone would kill the montrosity he thought she was. She was found and taken in by Lord Mikorce who took care of her for a few years though she suffered quite a few injuries in that timespan due to his royal guard. She gained injuries during her time with him along with many abilities. The first injuries the guards gave her were more simple such as simple cuts and bruises, but as time went on the injuries got worse and worse. They would carve words into her skin which scarred over and mocked her even leaving her marked as what she is and cruel words marred her skin("worthless void", "Nothing", and "Little Bitch" are among a few of them), but the worst injury of all would be when they carved out her eyes. Lord Mikorce never seemed to find the wounds that she had because of the long dresses she normally wore, but once her eyes were carved out he punished the guards expelling them from the royal guard shortly after. He helped her to get around for quite some time due to her losing her eyes, but once she got used to moving around without eyes he stopped helping her around because he knew she needed to learn to do things herself. He gave her the blindfold she has currently when she said she wanted to cover her eye sockets so that no one would be freaked/creeped out by her lack of eyes. He decided that it would be a good idea to train her so that nothing like that could happen again. He enlisted the help of a still living void demon to help him train her in her powers along with training her himself. He also taught her in the ways of a lady so she would know what to do if she ever had to join him at court. She would constantly be found in a garden or with the servants who didn't hate her when she had free time. Lord Mikorce would treat her like his own child and he would try to arrange a marriage for her, but the proposals never turned out right. One day about a century later, the palace was under seige by Lord Kifano and Lord Hikusae, the lords of the Eastern and Western Lands respectively. Lord Kifano was a decent and powerful earth cat demon as long as he wasn't thirsting for more power and land. Lord Hikusae however was an extremely powerful wind fox demon who rarely, if ever, acted like a decent demon to anyone. He constantly thirsted for more power and was extremely manipulative. He tended to get whatever it was he wanted and rarely lost to what he craved for. Unfortunately, this was not one of those rare times. He wanted to gain more land and power so he decided that the best way to do so would be to defeat Lord Mikorce. Hikusae would normally take the servants, guards, and anyone else that lived there and would force them to work or live under his rule. This was one of those times. Kyianasura was forced to live under his rule, but unlike her former living conditions.... here she became a caged bird. She would be forced to stay in the dark room that became hers. She rarely got any sun so her skin became paler than it was before becoming almost white in tone. She started to grow outwardly accustomed to the conditions shortly after she stared living there, but on the inside she was breaking from being seperated from Mikorce and from being imprisoned. She got thinner and thinner appearing too skinny due to how little food she was getting. The servants in the new palace treated her well except for a few who thought it would be amusing to try to abuse her in her slightly weakened state. Hikusae knew a form of magic that could make people listen to him by many methods.The method that he decided would be best with Kyianasura was to literally take her heart from her body so that she couldn't do whatever she wanted without repercussions, one of which was possible death. She hated Hikusae with a burning passion, but she was unable to do a single thing about said hatred. Eventually after a few decades, Hikusae decided to force Kyianasura to become his personal assassin which she was unable to refuse since he held her heart against her. She reluctantly became an assassin for the one she hated when she should have been assassinating him instead. As each day passed with more and more deaths occurring because of her and as she was forced to always do as he said, she was slowly breaking even more inside. Centuries later, a shadow bat demon appeared before her in her room, or as she called it her cage, putting her on edge. He introduced himself as Yggliss completely skipping any and all formalities to get straight to the point so as not to get caught. He knew who she was, who she worked for, almost everything about her except it seems for what she was feeling. Yggliss set her on edge more than she cared to admit. She questioned him, his actions, why he is doing what he is doing all of these questions before he could even speak again. He explained that he couldn't stand to watch her do something she hated any longer so he was going to get her her freedom and was going to get her out of here before she fell into irrepairable ruin even if it cost him his life. She questioned his motives and even asked him how he knew she wasn't already broken beyond repair. He believed that as long as she continued to speak to people and hate her lord as she does that she wasn't completely broken. He explained that he knew Mikorce before the seige and knew that he would want her out of these surroundings as soon as possible and he explained that he even grew to want it himself as he worked out a plan to set her free. He said he didn't want to see her be beaten and cut into more than she already was. He explained to her the enitre plan: from how he was going to steal her heart all the way to how he was going to get her out of there. She went along with the plan but honestly believed that he was going to die trying and be unable to finish his plan. He managed to sneak her heart out and back into her body somehow easily enough, but the hard part was getting her out of the palace. He moved her out of her room with ease, but they had to stick to the shadows in order to move past the prowling guards. This strategy worked until the shadows started to thin out near the entrance to the palace itself where the guards can easily spot them. The guards did spot them as well causing them to have to come up with a backup plan. They ran towards the entrance as quickly as they could with Yggliss gripping onto her wrist. He made shadows push back some guards and some tendrils of shadows even went so far as to attack the guards. They eventually made it out and he took off with Kyianasura to a place where she could be safe. He stayed with her for an unknown amount of time. Was it a decade or two... or has it been a few centuries she would ask herself. She was never sure as to the answer since she never could get a grasp on the passing on time ever since she lost her eyes. He left her after the time was up and he was sure she could take care of herself. She would think and wish that he would come back, but now she pushes that to the back of her mind. Thoughts like that still surface in the present even though she wishes that she could ignore such things. She is still broken on the inside. She thinks she is irrepairable and thinks that her irrepairable broken mental state is why Yggliss left her all those centuries ago. She isn't irrepairable truthfully, but instead she just hasn't had a way to fix her mind. She currently lives in a small town near Lord Mikorce's palace, but she never goes back believing that he wouldn't want her there.
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