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a guest
Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. Settings:
  2. Prefix: '&8[&6SellChest&8]: ' #The prefix before all messages from the plugin.
  3. Metrics: true #If the plugin is allowed to send server data to anonymously.
  4. Check-For-Updates: true #If the plugin will check for updates.
  5. Base-Price: 10 #The base price for the items being sold.
  6. Base-Currency: Vault #The base currency being used when selling items.
  7. Allow-Damaged-Items: true #Toggle if players can sell damaged items.
  8. Use-Two-Factor-Auth: true #Toggle if the player has to do the command again to confirm the sell.
  9. Custom-Currencies: #List of custom currencies that you can make. If you wish to not use them leave as it and just don't use it in the prices.
  10. Vault:
  11. Command: 'eco give %player% %cost%'
  12. Gold_Ingot:
  13. Command: 'give %player% goldingot %cost%'
  14. Chest-Selling-Item:
  15. Item: 'QUARTZ' #The item the chest selling item will be.
  16. Name: '&6Selling Wand' #The name of the item.
  17. Lore: #The lore of the item.
  18. - '&7The Epic Selling Wand sells the'
  19. - '&7chest that you right click with it.'
  20. - ''
  21. - '&7&l(&4&l!&7&l) &7Right click a chest to sell it.'
  22. Glowing: true #If the item has an enchanted glowing effect.
  23. Selling-Options:
  24. Price-Selling-Only: false #Sell only items that have a price.
  25. Region-Options: #All the options regarding regions.
  26. Max-Block-Area: 5000 #The max amount of blocks in the region a player can have.
  27. Chest-Sell-Toggle: true #Toggle if players have max chests that can be sold in a region.
  28. Max-Chest-Sell: 50 #The max amount of chests players can sell in a region. It ignores any chests that are empty or just have blacklisted items.
  29. Sign-Options:
  30. Toggle: true #Toggle if players can make signs. The player must have this permission: epicsellchest.sign
  31. Inventory-Name: '&7&l>&8&l> &8Auto Sell' #The name of the inventory when the player sells from a sign.
  32. Sign-Maker: '{SellChest}' #The line the player puts at the top to make a sign.
  33. Two-Factor-Auth-Options: #The options for the signs if the two factor auth option is on.
  34. Inventory-Name: '&7&l>&8&l> &8Two Factor Authentication' #The name of the inventory that opens.
  35. Accept: #The item for the accept button.
  36. Item: 'STAINED_GLASS_PANE:5'
  37. Name: '&a&lAccept'
  38. Lore:
  39. - '&7Click this option to sell all items.'
  40. - '&7&l(&c&l!&7&l) &cClosing this inventory will auto sell.'
  41. Info: #The item for the Info button.
  42. Item: 'STAINED_GLASS_PANE:7'
  43. Name: '&6&lInformation'
  44. Lore:
  45. - ''
  46. - ' &a<--- Sell the inventory'
  47. - ' &cDon''t sell the inventory --->'
  48. - ''
  49. - '&7&l(&c&l!&7&l) &cClosing this inventory will auto sell.'
  50. Deny: #The item for the deny button.
  51. Item: 'STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14'
  52. Name: '&c&lDeny'
  53. Lore:
  54. - '&7Click this option to get your items back.'
  55. - '&7&l(&c&l!&7&l) &cClosing this inventory will auto sell.'
  56. Lines: #When a sign is made what the lines will be.
  57. 1: '&8[&7Auto-Sell&8]'
  58. 2: 'Click here to sell'
  59. 3: 'your items you'
  60. 4: 'don''t want.'
  61. Black-List-Items: #Black listed items that can't be sold.
  62. - 'BEDROCK' #BedRock
  63. - 'SPONGE' #Sponge
  64. Black-List-Enchantments: {} #Use like the normal Black-List option if using it this.
  65. Enchantment-Cost: #The extra "Currency" each enchantment level gives to an item.
  66. #If you wish not to give extra make it like this "Enchantment-Cost: {}" and remove all enchantments.
  67. KNOCKBACK: #The enchantment which gives more "Currency"
  68. - 'Level:1, Cost:50' #The Level the enchantment is and the cost that level gives.
  69. - 'Level:2, Cost:135'
  70. - 'Level:3, Cost:200'
  71. #######################
  72. # Item:<ID:MD> - The item ID and Meta Data. Meta Data is optional.
  73. # Cost:<Number> - The amount of currency the player will get for selling it.
  74. # Currency:<XP_Level/XP_Total/<Custom Currency Name>> - The currency the player gets for selling it.
  75. # Example: - 'Item:311, Cost:4, Currency:Vault'
  76. #
  77. # Item Names can be found here:
  78. #######################
  79. Item-Cost:
  80. - 'Item:GRASS:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  81. - 'Item:DIRT:0, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  82. - 'Item:DIRT:2, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  83. - 'Item:MYCEL:0, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  84. - 'Item:GRAVEL:0, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  85. - 'Item:COBBLESTONE:0, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  86. - 'Item:STONE:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  87. - 'Item:STONE:1, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  88. - 'Item:STONE:3, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  89. - 'Item:STONE:5, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  90. - 'Item:SMOOTH_BRICK:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  91. - 'Item:SMOOTH_BRICK:1, Cost:1.25, Currency:Vault'
  92. - 'Item:SMOOTH_BRICK:2, Cost:25, Currency:Vault'
  93. - 'Item:LOG:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  94. - 'Item:LOG:1, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  95. - 'Item:LOG:2, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  96. - 'Item:LOG:3, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  97. - 'Item:LOG_2:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  98. - 'Item:LOG_2:1, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  99. - 'Item:WOOD:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  100. - 'Item:WOOD:1, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  101. - 'Item:WOOD:2, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  102. - 'Item:WOOD:3, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  103. - 'Item:WOOD:4, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  104. - 'Item:WOOD:5, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  105. - 'Item:OBSIDIAN:0, Cost:50, Currency:Vault'
  106. - 'Item:SNOW:0, Cost:0.2, Currency:Vault'
  107. - 'Item:ICE:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  108. - 'Item:PACKED_ICE:0, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  109. - 'Item:ENDER_STONE:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  110. - 'Item:SAND:0, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  111. - 'Item:SAND:1, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  112. - 'Item:SANDSTONE:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  113. - 'Item:SANDSTONE:1, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  114. - 'Item:SOUL_SAND:0, Cost:2.5, Currency:Vault'
  115. - 'Item:GLOWSTONE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  116. - 'Item:ENCHANTMENT_TABLE:0, Cost:1119, Currency:Vault'
  117. - 'Item:BOOKSHELF:0, Cost:60, Currency:Vault'
  118. - 'Item:HARD_CLAY:0, Cost:10.5, Currency:Vault'
  119. - 'Item:CLAY:0, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  120. - 'Item:SLIME_BLOCK:0, Cost:9, Currency:Vault'
  121. - 'Item:END_BRICKS:0, Cost:14, Currency:Vault'
  122. - 'Item:MAGMA:0, Cost:34, Currency:Vault'
  123. - 'Item:NETHER_WART_BLOCK:0, Cost:36, Currency:Vault'
  124. - 'Item:RED_NETHER_BRICK:0, Cost:16.2, Currency:Vault'
  125. - 'Item:BONE_BLOCK:0, Cost:4.5, Currency:Vault'
  126. - 'Item:LEAVES:0, Cost:0.1, Currency:Vault'
  127. - 'Item:LEAVES:1, Cost:0.1, Currency:Vault'
  128. - 'Item:LEAVES:2, Cost:0.1, Currency:Vault'
  129. - 'Item:LEAVES:3, Cost:0.1, Currency:Vault'
  130. - 'Item:LEAVES_2:0, Cost:0.1, Currency:Vault'
  131. - 'Item:LEAVES_2:1, Cost:0.1, Currency:Vault'
  132. - 'Item:LONG_GRASS:1, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  133. - 'Item:LONG_GRASS:2, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  134. - 'Item:DEAD_BUSH:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  135. - 'Item:YELLOW_FLOWER:0, Cost:4, Currency:Vault'
  136. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  137. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:1, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  138. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:2, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  139. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:3, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  140. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:4, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  141. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:5, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  142. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:6, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  143. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:7, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  144. - 'Item:RED_ROSE:8, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  145. - 'Item:BROWN_MUSHROOM:0, Cost:4, Currency:Vault'
  146. - 'Item:RED_MUSHROOM:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  147. - 'Item:VINE:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  148. - 'Item:WATER_LILY:0, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  149. - 'Item:DOUBLE_PLANT:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  150. - 'Item:DOUBLE_PLANT:2, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  151. - 'Item:DOUBLE_PLANT:3, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  152. - 'Item:DOUBLE_PLANT:4, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  153. - 'Item:WEB:0, Cost:25, Currency:Vault'
  154. - 'Item:ITEM_FRAME:0, Cost:12, Currency:Vault'
  155. - 'Item:PAINTING:0, Cost:12, Currency:Vault'
  156. - 'Item:FLOWER_POT:0, Cost:19.5, Currency:Vault'
  157. - 'Item:ARMOR_STAND:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  158. - 'Item:JUKEBOX:0, Cost:454, Currency:Vault'
  159. - 'Item:NOTE_BLOCK:0, Cost:11.5, Currency:Vault'
  160. - 'Item:LADDER:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  161. - 'Item:IRON_INGOT:0, Cost:25, Currency:Vault'
  162. - 'Item:SIGN:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  163. - 'Item:FENCE:0, Cost:0.75, Currency:Vault'
  164. - 'Item:FENCE_GATE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  165. - 'Item:SPRUCE_FENCE:0, Cost:0.75, Currency:Vault'
  166. - 'Item:SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  167. - 'Item:DARK_OAK_FENCE:0, Cost:0.75, Currency:Vault'
  168. - 'Item:DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  169. - 'Item:NETHER_FENCE:0, Cost:16, Currency:Vault'
  170. - 'Item:BIRCH_FENCE:0, Cost:0.75, Currency:Vault'
  171. - 'Item:BIRCH_FENCE_GATE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  172. - 'Item:JUNGLE_FENCE:0, Cost:0.75, Currency:Vault'
  173. - 'Item:JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  174. - 'Item:ACACIA_FENCE:0, Cost:0.75, Currency:Vault'
  175. - 'Item:ACACIA_FENCE_GATE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  176. - 'Item:COBBLE_WALL:1, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  177. - 'Item:COBBLE_WALL:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  178. - 'Item:END_ROD:0, Cost:11.5, Currency:Vault'
  179. - 'Item:HAY_BLOCK:0, Cost:20.25, Currency:Vault'
  180. - 'Item:SPONGE:0, Cost:2000, Currency:Vault'
  181. - 'Item:BEACON:0, Cost:500, Currency:Vault'
  182. - 'Item:NAME_TAG:0, Cost:73.5, Currency:Vault'
  183. - 'Item:LEASH:0, Cost:11, Currency:Vault'
  184. - 'Item:SADDLE:0, Cost:125, Currency:Vault'
  185. - 'Item:ANVIL:0, Cost:2092.5, Currency:Vault'
  186. - 'Item:FURNACE:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  187. - 'Item:WORKBENCH:0, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  188. - 'Item:CHEST:0, Cost:4, Currency:Vault'
  189. - 'Item:TRAPPED_CHEST:0, Cost:38, Currency:Vault'
  190. - 'Item:PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX:0, Cost:500, Currency:Vault'
  191. - 'Item:IRON_BARDING:0, Cost:500, Currency:Vault'
  192. - 'Item:GOLD_BARDING:0, Cost:500, Currency:Vault'
  193. - 'Item:DIAMOND_BARDING:0, Cost:500, Currency:Vault'
  194. - 'Item:NETHER_STAR:0, Cost:1000, Currency:Vault'
  195. - 'Item:FLINT:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  196. - 'Item:COAL:0, Cost:4, Currency:Vault'
  197. - 'Item:REDSTONE:0, Cost:4.5, Currency:Vault'
  198. - 'Item:INK_SACK:4, Cost:3, Currency:Vault'
  199. - 'Item:IRON_INGOT:0, Cost:20, Currency:Vault'
  200. - 'Item:GOLD_INGOT:0, Cost:25, Currency:Vault'
  201. - 'Item:QUARTZ:0, Cost:45, Currency:Vault'
  202. - 'Item:DIAMOND:0, Cost:75, Currency:Vault'
  203. - 'Item:EMERALD:0, Cost:100, Currency:Vault'
  204. - 'Item:COAL_BLOCK:0, Cost:36, Currency:Vault'
  205. - 'Item:REDSTONE_BLOCK:0, Cost:27, Currency:Vault'
  206. - 'Item:LAPIS_BLOCK:0, Cost:27, Currency:Vault'
  207. - 'Item:IRON_BLOCK:0, Cost:180, Currency:Vault'
  208. - 'Item:GOLD_BLOCK:0, Cost:225, Currency:Vault'
  209. - 'Item:QUARTZ_BLOCK:0, Cost:450, Currency:Vault'
  210. - 'Item:DIAMOND_BLOCK:0, Cost:675, Currency:Vault'
  211. - 'Item:EMERALD_BLOCK:0, Cost:900, Currency:Vault'
  212. - 'Item:DIODE:0, Cost:24.5, Currency:Vault'
  213. - 'Item:REDSTONE_COMPARATOR:0, Cost:42.25, Currency:Vault'
  214. - 'Item:DISPENSER:0, Cost:17.5, Currency:Vault'
  215. - 'Item:DROPPER:0, Cost:9.25, Currency:Vault'
  216. - 'Item:HOPPER:0, Cost:341.5, Currency:Vault'
  217. - 'Item:PISTON_BASE:0, Cost:77.5, Currency:Vault'
  218. - 'Item:PISTON_STICKY_BASE:0, Cost:78.5, Currency:Vault'
  219. - 'Item:TRAP_DOOR:0, Cost:1.5, Currency:Vault'
  220. - 'Item:IRON_TRAPDOOR:0, Cost:270, Currency:Vault'
  221. - 'Item:REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF:0, Cost:7.75, Currency:Vault'
  222. - 'Item:LEVER:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  223. - 'Item:STONE_PLATE:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  224. - 'Item:STONE_BUTTON:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  225. - 'Item:WOOD_BUTTON:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  226. - 'Item:WOOD_PLATE:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  227. - 'Item:IRON_PLATE:0, Cost:135, Currency:Vault'
  228. - 'Item:GOLD_PLATE:0, Cost:450, Currency:Vault'
  229. - 'Item:TRIPWIRE_HOOK:0, Cost:34, Currency:Vault'
  230. - 'Item:DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR:0, Cost:66, Currency:Vault'
  231. - 'Item:REDSTONE_LAMP_OFF:0, Cost:32, Currency:Vault'
  232. - 'Item:OBSERVER:0, Cost:12, Currency:Vault'
  233. - 'Item:SEEDS:0, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  234. - 'Item:PUMPKIN_SEEDS:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  235. - 'Item:MELON_SEEDS:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  236. - 'Item:INK_SACK:3, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  237. - 'Item:NETHER_WARTS:0, Cost:4, Currency:Vault'
  238. - 'Item:SUGAR_CANE:0, Cost:3, Currency:Vault'
  239. - 'Item:MELON_BLOCK:0, Cost:9, Currency:Vault'
  240. - 'Item:CACTUS:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  241. - 'Item:PUMPKIN:0, Cost:4, Currency:Vault'
  242. - 'Item:WHEAT:0, Cost:2.25, Currency:Vault'
  243. - 'Item:CARROT_ITEM:0, Cost:2.25, Currency:Vault'
  244. - 'Item:POTATO_ITEM:0, Cost:2.25, Currency:Vault'
  245. - 'Item:SAPLING:0, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  246. - 'Item:SAPLING:1, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  247. - 'Item:SAPLING:2, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  248. - 'Item:SAPLING:3, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  249. - 'Item:SAPLING:4, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  250. - 'Item:SAPLING:5, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  251. - 'Item:CHORUS_FLOWER:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  252. - 'Item:CHORUS_FRUIT:0, Cost:15, Currency:Vault'
  253. - 'Item:BEETROOT:0, Cost:2.5, Currency:Vault'
  254. - 'Item:BREWING_STAND_ITEM:0, Cost:25.75, Currency:Vault'
  255. - 'Item:BLAZE_ROD:0, Cost:25, Currency:Vault'
  256. - 'Item:MAGMA_CREAM:0, Cost:13.5, Currency:Vault'
  257. - 'Item:SUGAR:0, Cost:13, Currency:Vault'
  258. - 'Item:GHAST_TEAR:0, Cost:50, Currency:Vault'
  259. - 'Item:GOLDEN_CARROT:0, Cost:202.5, Currency:Vault'
  260. - 'Item:SPECKLED_MELON:0, Cost:26, Currency:Vault'
  261. - 'Item:FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE:0, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  262. - 'Item:STICK:0, Cost:0.25, Currency:Vault'
  263. - 'Item:GLOWSTONE_DUST:0, Cost:0.5, Currency:Vault'
  264. - 'Item:GLASS_BOTTLE:0, Cost:4.25, Currency:Vault'
  265. - 'Item:CAULDRON_ITEM:0, Cost:472.5, Currency:Vault'
  266. - 'Item:APPLE:0, Cost:12, Currency:Vault'
  267. - 'Item:GOLDEN_APPLE:0, Cost:210, Currency:Vault'
  268. - 'Item:GOLDEN_APPLE:1, Cost:16210, Currency:Vault'
  269. - 'Item:MELON:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  270. - 'Item:BAKED_POTATO:0, Cost:6, Currency:Vault'
  271. - 'Item:BREAD:0, Cost:20, Currency:Vault'
  272. - 'Item:COOKED_FISH:0, Cost:3, Currency:Vault'
  273. - 'Item:COOKED_FISH:1, Cost:2, Currency:Vault'
  274. - 'Item:GRILLED_PORK:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  275. - 'Item:COOKED_BEEF:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  276. - 'Item:COOKED_MUTTON:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  277. - 'Item:MUSHROOM_SOUP:0, Cost:9, Currency:Vault'
  278. - 'Item:COOKIE:0, Cost:0.6, Currency:Vault'
  279. - 'Item:CAKE:0, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  280. - 'Item:PUMPKIN_PIE:0, Cost:9.5, Currency:Vault'
  281. - 'Item:RABBIT_STEW:0, Cost:22.3, Currency:Vault'
  282. - 'Item:BEETROOT_SOUP:0, Cost:15.3, Currency:Vault'
  283. - 'Item:ROTTEN_FLESH:0, Cost:0.1, Currency:Vault'
  284. - 'Item:BONE:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  285. - 'Item:SULPHUR:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  286. - 'Item:STRING:0, Cost:2.5, Currency:Vault'
  287. - 'Item:SPIDER_EYE:0, Cost:3, Currency:Vault'
  288. - 'Item:ENDER_PEARL:0, Cost:25, Currency:Vault'
  289. - 'Item:SLIME_BALL:0, Cost:1, Currency:Vault'
  290. - 'Item:LEATHER:0, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  291. - 'Item:INK_SACK:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  292. - 'Item:FEATHER:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  293. - 'Item:EGG:0, Cost:2.5, Currency:Vault'
  294. - 'Item:ARROW:0, Cost:1.5, Currency:Vault'
  295. - 'Item:RABBIT_HIDE:0, Cost:2.5, Currency:Vault'
  296. - 'Item:RABBIT_FOOT:0, Cost:5, Currency:Vault'
  297. - 'Item:RAW_FISH:2, Cost:10, Currency:Vault'
  298. - 'Item:SKULL_ITEM:5, Cost:500, Currency:Vault'
  299. - 'Item:SHULKER_SHELL:0, Cost:50, Currency:Vault'
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