
Anonzilla in Equestria

Jun 22nd, 2014
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  1. >Day SCREEEEEARRGH in Equestria
  2. >Walking through ponyville.
  3. >Pick up a cute little pony.
  4. >Ask her for directions.
  6. >She starts screaming.
  7. >Try to hush her and let her know it's okay.
  9. >She goes quiet with fear, and then feints.
  10. >Great, that's not safe.
  11. >Gotta take the poor little pony to the doctor, blacking out can lead to health problems.
  12. >Turn to all the other terrified little ponies around you.
  13. >Ask them if they know where the doctor is, or, failing that, might be able to take your friend to the hospital for you.
  15. >They panic even more as you realize you just smacked your tail into one of their houses.
  16. >You apologize and check on the poor little pony in your hand.
  17. >She's still out cold.
  18. >You mosey on down the street, trying to avoid further collateral damage but of course ponyville isn't giant-monster-friendly so you hit a few things on the way.
  19. >You spot what is obviously the local hospital and start towards it when another figure rises up behind it.
  20. >Goddamnit, who invited this asshole?
  21. >Mothra starts wailing in your direction.
  22. >"Hey, AnonZilla, what up?"
  23. "Oh, hey, Mothra, how's it hanging?"
  24. >"Just doing my bug thing, you know what I'm saying? Oh, hey, you playing with ponies, bro? What are you, five? You're a massive faggot, aren't ya? Hahahahahahaha!"
  25. >She stats tearing into the hospital building, causing a new eruption of screams.
  26. >Damnit you hate Mothra.
  27. >You look down to your helpless little pony, still unconscious, and run a finger over her mane.
  28. >She's so adorably soft, hopefully she'll be okay soon.
  29. >You put her down carefully and leer at that winged jerkwad, still terrorizing the little horses.
  30. >You crack your knuckles and charge your atomic breath.
  31. >Time to go beat on the bug.
  32. >Again.
  34. >To anyone who may have been dumb or unfortunate enough to stick around, the following conversation would have just been a series of SCREEEARGH's and WOOO WOOOOO's from the giant lizard and giant moth respectively.
  35. >But to you, it was much more.
  36. >You stomped right up to that clothes-eating bastard.
  37. "Hey, Mothra!"
  38. >The moth monster abruptly looks up as you encroach.
  39. >"Yeah, dawg?"
  40. "They're mine!"
  41. >Whatever retort it might make was cut off as you cold clocked her.
  42. >Your fist slammed into the bug's fuzzy face.
  43. >She reeled, crashing through part of the building and drawing more than a few yells.
  44. >You pushed forward and by the time Mothra recovered you were on it again.
  45. >You picked the moth up in both arms as it tried to flex its wings to get airborn.
  46. >"Yo, what are you doing, AnonZilla?!"
  47. >You tossed that punk into a small copse of trees.
  48. >Unfortunately the shock had won off and your nemesis was ready to go at it for real.
  49. >Mothra goes skyward, fluttering for all its worth and begins yelling various obscenities at you.
  50. >It began to flap its wings angrily and its antennae began to glow.
  51. >You remember this move.
  52. >You spat atomic death at your adversary and at the same time it fired a great beam from its antennae.
  53. >When the resulting explosion knocked you on your ass, you knew it was about to get real.
  54. >"Hahahaha," Mothra gloated, "I've gotten stronger since we last fought, and I know you don't have that much nuclear energy with you today; you can't fire your beam again for a while, but I sure can!"
  55. >There's that giant laser moth beam glow again.
  56. >You swiped up a tree and pelted her with it before she can charge up all the way, eliciting a fresh set of curses.
  57. >"If I had hands I'd flip you off, AnonZilla!"
  58. "While you're thinking about doing that... tree!"
  59. >You toss tree after tree, forcing the moth to take evasive action.
  60. >"Stop throwing trees at me, asshole!"
  61. >Of course you continued anyway, because fuck Mothra.
  62. >Unfortunately after your sixth throw, you reached down and found nothing in your grasp.
  64. >"Run out of trees? Well how about some laser be-"
  65. >You had waited long enough.
  66. >You gave the bug some more of your trademark "atomic breath in the face" maneuver.
  67. >The bug rushed you and you were thrown into a pitched wrestling match.
  68. >It was true, Mothra had certainly gotten stronger than before, each beat of its wings caused a wind to blow through the town.
  69. >The repeated ass kickings must have toughened it up for once.
  70. >However, as you managed to get your foe into a headlock, you realized that if this continued, the ponies would be blown away.
  71. >You toss the bug down the street, only to realize that this was a horrible move.
  72. >It was in the direction of the little pony from earlier.
  73. >You looked past the dazed moth to see her standing up, right off to its side.
  74. >The terror on her face as the bug turned its head to look at her made your spines crackle.
  75. >"Oh, who do we have here?"
  76. >You break into a dead sprint at the sound of the pony briefly crying out.
  77. >Tragically, you are too late.
  78. >Mothra takes into the air again, dangling the tiny, frantic horse.
  79. >"Got your toy! Hahahaha-no, stop struggling, I'm going to drop you!"
  80. >You squint and sure enough, your little pony was doing her darnedest to put up a fight.
  81. >You glance to your side and find a rather unassuming building that looks vaguely like a carousel.
  82. >Oh look, it's your best friend in any situation; a throwable object!
  83. >You lean down and peer inside the building.
  84. >A tiny unicorn squeals and cries out.
  85. >"Giant lizard!"
  86. >A small green and purple dragon thing in front of her flexes.
  87. >"Why yes, I have hit a growth spurt lately, Rarity."
  88. >A familiar scream reminds you that you don't have time for this, and grab both occupants, taking them out as you go for your real prize.
  89. >"My boutique!" the unicorn cries, and you grunt an apology.
  91. >Of course the town starts panicking again.
  92. >You shrug it off and take aim.
  94. >You aim and toss that house like a boulder.
  95. >Which is to say, you toss it like you toss everything else.
  96. >Really hard.
  97. >The pony, still screaming and squirming in the giant moth's grip, suddenly goes still.
  98. >"House!"
  99. >Mothra takes a second to react to the pony's warning and by then, it is too late.
  100. >The building collides with the flying asshole and you dart forward.
  101. >Out of the wreckage of a thousand fabrics, wood splinters, dresses and giant, falling bug, you spot a blur of live movement.
  102. >Your pony!
  103. >You lunge forward, diving to catch her.
  104. >You come to a screeching halt, a trench of dirt kicked up in your trail.
  105. >You carefully open the cage formed by your hands to find a little pony, scratched up and shaken from her ordeal, but alive.
  106. >You smile and bring her close for a heartfelt apology.
  107. "I'm so sorry for all this trouble miss pony, this must have been a terrible ordeal. I'd like to make it up to you somehow and-"
  108. >Of course she hears something totally different.
  110. >You're left holding an unconscious pony once more.
  111. >Oh, right, need a doctor.
  113. >The few bystanders who gaped at your display of affection are sent screaming again.
  114. >These townfolk are very unhelpful.
  115. >After a good thirty minutes of searching and polite requests for help, you just grab Mothra and haul the moron home.
  116. >Hours later, a certain pony will wake up with a neatly brushed mane and tail, a mild headache, and a handwritten letter.
  117. >She picks it up gingerly and reads its contents.
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