
Sinh - Demon Application

Apr 3rd, 2020
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  1. Key: Autism Listens
  2. Character: Sinh
  3. Skill(Race/Transformation) Demon Race - ERA 2
  4. OOC Note: I am prepared to give up whatever sagas/skills I have accumulated on this character. I have spoken to a few parties and they have made it known these should not carry over if selected. Such isn't a problem, please keep this in mind when passing verdict. I am all ears for whatever has to be done to get this rolling.
  5. --
  7. Summary:
  9. "I am weak. My efforts thwarted. My trust betrayed. Time, and time again. Agent. Edelveiss. Svetlecka. Uncle. No more! I am consumed by wrath. The darkness of the heart is powerful, but it shall not consume me. I will grow. I will evolve!"
  11. The tragic truth of choosing a path is that someone will find displeasure. The choices they choose not to weigh on, are the same ones they will admonish, and hold against you when it is time to judge. Such memories are what Sinh holds onto. The many of Dharma who offered wisdom when he sought it now seem blind by their 'illuminating' excellence. It's sickening to them.
  13. To have lost comrades to contradiction. To be laid low, by those who would do the same under the guise of justice. To be betrayed due to knowledge learned from them... Such has fed the rage in him. It has spurred on the darkness, and caused them to spurn the light. To deem it unnecessary. The duality of a Keyblader- he did not deem it a necessity any longer.
  15. His place- amongst the wastelands where he is trapped. It has led him to Kamryn, and now- in this moment of shattered pride... It has sought aid. Like no time before.
  17. A journey through miasma unprotected, feeling unwilling. They have come into contact with a being that all in their group considered to be all-powerful. Such was a feat when one knew of the legendary feats of Tokka... It was absolute. Clear in their name- Absolution- an entity that though 'fresh' was more than enough to instill in him, the instinct of growth.
  20. It is with a plea that Kamryn's aid is desired.
  22. "No longer will I rely on them. No longer will I trust them! What I wish is to dismantle. To show them the truth of the heart they helped to mold, and then scorned! To showcase this rage, and give it form- to display the true merits of my wrath...!"
  25. It is through exposure, and studies. Plans laid high with Kamryn all to attain a new power. Willing to relinquish all that they were for a chance at "redemption." For what their vessel could not handle- their heart surely could was the notion that had carried Sinh. One agreed on.
  27. Utilizing their weapon, with this domineering thought-process and will in tow. The devised plan is to consume. As they had never consumed before. To overwhelm the heart of another with their own. To enact their will on a being of the waste. A monstrosity. A 'Demon' for lack of better terminology. Having witnessed the likes of Absolution, it was the power sought. It was the power necessary.
  29. "To spread this wrath... Evolution is necessary. I must be willing to cast aside everything for the chance. My Brothers... My power... My heart."
  31. --
  33. Plans:
  34. -Spread Fury, Rage, and WRATH (Serve as an antagonistic bastion for people to repeatedly try to pummel on.)
  35. -Entice those willing to follow down the path of hate, and anger in a different way. Show them the truth of it, and empower them for it.
  36. -Raise general hell as I sow the discord of malice, and bloodshed amongst those who remain in Dharma. (There maybe some specific targets from those named above for more ic flair)
  37. -Serve as a shield to the design plans of Kamryn. If they are to be the beast of the dungeon, then I am a gatekeeper. The one who pushes back all who seek to thwart their nefarious efforts.
  38. -The eradication of the Keyblade Order. Their belief systems, those who can use them, the Wands that foster them, everything.
  39. -Anything else is IC circumstance. If it becomes a plan, I'll let any parties deemed necessary know! Thank you for your time and reading this all. I really do appreciate it.
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