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May 19th, 2022
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  1. [Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 (3/19/2022 7:18:09 AM)
  2. [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.26.14694700
  3. [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020
  4. [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False
  5. [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
  6. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started
  7. [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
  8. [Info : BepInEx] 3 patcher plugins loaded
  9. [Message:BepInEx.GUI.Patcher] Finding and launching GUI
  10. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
  11. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
  12. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [RoR2] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
  13. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished
  14. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready
  15. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started
  16. [Info : BepInEx] 23 plugins to load
  17. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RoR2BepInExPack 1.0.3]
  18. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 4.3.21]
  19. [Debug : R2API] ArtifactCodeAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  20. [Debug : R2API] DamageAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  21. [Debug : R2API] DeployableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  22. [Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  23. [Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  24. [Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  25. [Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  26. [Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  27. [Debug : R2API] RecalculateStatsAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  28. [Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  29. [Debug : R2API] TempVisualEffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  30. [Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
  31. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: EliteAPI
  32. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ItemAPI
  33. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: LanguageAPI
  34. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: LoadoutAPI
  35. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: PrefabAPI
  36. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: CommandHelper
  37. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: NetworkingAPI
  38. [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: R2APIContentManager
  39. [Debug : R2API] EliteAPI.cctor finished.
  40. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Init
  41. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Init
  42. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Init
  43. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials
  44. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials
  45. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ItemDisplayRuleSet.Init
  46. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken
  47. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered
  48. [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for SetHooks
  49. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Console.InitConVars
  50. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ContentManagement.ContentManager.SetContentPacks
  51. [Debug : R2API] EliteAPI has no static method registered for Load
  52. [Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for Load
  53. [Debug : R2API] LanguageAPI has no static method registered for Load
  54. [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for Load
  55. [Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for Load
  56. [Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for Load
  57. [Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for Load
  58. [Debug : R2API] R2APIContentManager has no static method registered for Load
  59. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application.Awake
  60. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Networked Timed Buffs 1.0.1]
  61. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate
  62. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.FixedUpdate
  63. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateBuffs
  64. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.UpdateBuffs
  65. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff
  66. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff
  67. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff
  68. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff
  69. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RoR2.CharacterBody+TimedBuff].Add
  70. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RoR2.CharacterBody+TimedBuff].Add
  71. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RoR2.CharacterBody+TimedBuff].RemoveAt
  72. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RoR2.CharacterBody+TimedBuff].RemoveAt
  73. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.<AddTimedBuff>g__DefaultBehavior|32_0
  74. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.<AddTimedBuff>g__DefaultBehavior|32_0
  75. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.<AddTimedBuff>g__RefreshStacks|32_1
  76. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.<AddTimedBuff>g__RefreshStacks|32_1
  77. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Skip Intro Cutscene 1.0.0]
  78. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: 0Harmony.dll for: RoR2.SplashScreenController.Start
  79. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SplashScreenController.Start
  80. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Boss Damage Contribution 1.0.0]
  81. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Healthbar Immune 1.0.1]
  82. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: HealthbarImmune.dll for: RoR2.UI.HealthBar.UpdateBarInfos
  83. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [NetworkedItemTransformNotifications 1.0.0]
  84. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: NetworkedItemTransformNotifications.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMasterNotificationQueue.PushEquipmentTransformNotification
  85. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: NetworkedItemTransformNotifications.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMasterNotificationQueue.PushItemTransformNotification
  86. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QuickRestart 1.4.2]
  87. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: QuickRestart.dll for: RoR2.UI.ChatBox.FocusInputField
  88. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: QuickRestart.dll for: RoR2.UI.ChatBox.UnfocusInputField
  89. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: QuickRestart.dll for: RoR2.UI.PauseScreenController.Awake
  90. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: QuickRestart.dll for: RoR2.UI.PauseScreenController.Awake
  91. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Random Character Selection 1.4.1]
  92. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ItemExchangeNotifier 1.4.1]
  93. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemExchangeNotifier.dll for: RoR2.PurchaseInteraction.OnInteractionBegin
  94. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemExchangeNotifier.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMasterNotificationQueue.PushItemTransformNotification
  95. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Bosses Drop Items 1.2.3]
  96. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BossesDropItems.dll for: RoR2.BodyCatalog.Init
  97. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BossesDropItems.dll for: RoR2.GameModeCatalog.LoadGameModes
  98. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BossesDropItems.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage
  99. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ItemStats 1.2.0]
  100. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemIcon.SetItemIndex
  101. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.EquipmentIcon.Update
  102. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.GenericNotification.SetItem
  103. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.UI.GenericNotification.SetEquipment
  104. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ItemStats.dll for: RoR2.PingerController.SetCurrentPing
  105. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SeerPing 1.2.1]
  106. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: SeerPing.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetBestBodyName
  107. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TeleporterShowRedux 1.0.4]
  108. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TeleporterShowRedux.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.Awake
  109. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TeleporterShowRedux.dll for: RoR2.TeleporterInteraction.OnInteractionBegin
  110. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TeleporterShowRedux.dll for: RoR2.PingerController.AttemptPing
  111. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Pingprovements 1.7.0]
  112. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Pingprovements.dll for: RoR2.PingerController.SetCurrentPing
  113. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: Pingprovements.dll for: RoR2.UI.PingIndicator.Update
  114. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TILER2 7.1.0]
  115. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start
  116. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application.Update
  117. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem.Disconnect
  118. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupCatalog.Init
  119. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.BuildPickupEntries
  120. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable
  121. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.GetOptionsFromPickupIndex
  122. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.CanSelectItemEntry
  123. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.CanSelectEquipmentEntry
  124. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RuleDef.FromItem
  125. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RuleDef.FromEquipment
  126. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RuleDef.FromArtifact
  127. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PreGameController.ResolveChoiceMask
  128. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.PreGameController.ResolveChoiceMask
  129. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem.OnServerAddPlayerInternal
  130. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetItemCount
  131. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.IsAffordable
  132. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayCost
  133. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayOne
  134. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.HasAtLeastXTotalItemsOfTier
  135. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetTotalItemCountOfTier
  136. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ItemStealController+StolenInventoryInfo.StealItem
  137. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RunReport.Generate
  138. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ScrapperController.BeginScrapping
  139. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.CleanseInventoryServer
  140. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.InventoryIsCleansable
  141. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetItemCountForTeam
  142. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor
  143. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor
  144. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Items.ContagiousItemManager.StepInventoryInfection
  145. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Items.ContagiousItemManager.OnInventoryChangedGlobal
  146. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Items.SuppressedItemManager.OnInventoryChangedGlobal
  147. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Items.SuppressedItemManager.SuppressItem
  148. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Items.SuppressedItemManager.TransformItem
  149. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.TryCloverVoidUpgrades
  150. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ArtifactTrialMissionController.RemoveAllMissionKeys
  151. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ItemStealController+StolenInventoryInfo.TakeItemFromLendee
  152. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ItemStealController+StolenInventoryInfo.TakeBackItemsFromLendee
  153. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.LunarSunBehavior.FixedUpdate
  154. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.FixedUpdate
  155. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.UpdateDisplay
  156. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.OnInventoryChanged
  157. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.<Init>g__PayCostItems|5_1
  158. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.<Init>g__PayCostItems|5_1
  159. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Util.IsPrefab
  160. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject
  161. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject
  162. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.OccupyNearbyNodes.OnSceneDirectorPrePopulateSceneServer
  163. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ZetArtifacts 1.3.4]
  164. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.OnBodyDeath
  165. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.OnServerBossDefeated
  166. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCombatBehavior.Start
  167. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer
  168. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DeathRewards.OnKilledServer
  169. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.get_livingPlayerCount
  170. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.Run.get_participatingPlayerCount
  171. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.AllPlayersTrigger.FixedUpdate
  172. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.AllPlayersTrigger.FixedUpdate
  173. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.MultiBodyTrigger.FixedUpdate
  174. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.MultiBodyTrigger.FixedUpdate
  175. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.AllocateIcons
  176. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.AllocateIcons
  177. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.UI.ScoreboardStrip.SetMaster
  178. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.UI.ScoreboardStrip.SetMaster
  179. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.PickupDropletController.OnCollisionEnter
  180. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.AddTimedBuff
  181. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RemoveBuff
  182. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.DirectorCard.IsAvailable
  183. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DirectorCard.IsAvailable
  184. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: ZetArtifacts.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Awake
  185. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CombatDirector.Awake
  186. [Warning: Unity Log] ZetArtifact [ZetLoopifact] - AddCustomEliteTier : EarlyEliteTierDef
  187. [Info : R2API] Custom Elite Tier : (Index : 3) added
  188. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [LittleGameplayTweaks 2.0.4]
  189. [Info : R2API] Created a SerializableContentPack for mod com.Wolfo.LittleGameplayTweaks
  190. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerRun.OnWaveAllEnemiesDefeatedServer
  191. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerWaveCategory.SelectWavePrefab
  192. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerRun.BeginNextWave
  193. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerWaveController.OnAllEnemiesDefeatedServer
  194. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerRun.CleanUpCurrentWave
  195. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.AwaitingActivation.OnEnter
  196. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.Travelling.OnEnter
  197. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.Burrow.OnEnter
  198. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.Unburrow.OnEnter
  199. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.ClassicStageInfo.RebuildCards
  200. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerRun.OnPrePopulateSceneServer
  201. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.InfiniteTowerRun.RecalculateDifficultyCoefficentInternal
  202. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.MainMenuController.Start
  203. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.BeetleQueenMonster.SummonEggs.SummonEgg
  204. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.MinorConstruct.DeathState.OnEnter
  205. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnEquipmentLost
  206. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.AffixVoidBehavior.OnEnable
  207. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.ScavMonster.FindItem.PickupIsNonBlacklistedItem
  208. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.ClassicStageInfo.Awake
  209. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.CharacterMaster.RespawnExtraLifeVoid
  210. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.CombatDirector+EliteTierDef.GetRandomAvailableEliteDef
  211. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.BasicPickupDropTable.PassesFilter
  212. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.ScavengerItemGranter.Start
  213. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.HoldoutZoneController.Awake
  214. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.ScriptedCombatEncounter.BeginEncounter
  215. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.Missions.LunarScavengerEncounter.FadeOut.OnEnter
  216. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: EntityStates.ScavMonster.Death.OnPreDestroyBodyServer
  217. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.ShrineBloodBehavior.Start
  218. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.MinionOwnership+MinionGroup.AddMinion
  219. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [CommandItemCount 1.5.0]
  220. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: CommandItemCount.dll for: RoR2.UI.PickupPickerPanel.SetPickupOptions
  221. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [TooManyFriends 1.1.0]
  222. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QoLChests 1.1.8]
  223. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: QoLChests.dll for: RoR2.MultiShopController.OnPurchase
  224. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: QoLChests.dll for: RoR2.RouletteChestController+Opened.OnEnter
  225. [Info : QoLChests] Awake done.
  226. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BetterUnityPlugin.dll for: EntityStates.Barrel.Opened.OnEnter
  227. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RailCharges 0.1.1]
  228. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RailCharges.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.OnSkillActivated
  229. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RailCharges.dll for: RoR2.PlayerCharacterMasterController.OnBodyStart
  230. [Info :RailCharges] Plugin RailCharges is loaded!
  231. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [FancyHitmarkers 1.0.0]
  232. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FancyHitmarkers.dll for: RoR2.UI.CrosshairManager.RefreshHitmarker
  233. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: FancyHitmarkers.dll for: RoR2.UI.CrosshairManager.HandleHitMarker
  234. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
  235. [Warning: Unity Log] Network message MsgType.Highest + 22 is unregistered.
  236. [Info : Unity Log] buildId =
  237. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2019.2.12 Build 7544.
  238. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Setting Plugin DLL path to: E:/Steam/steamapps/common/Risk of Rain 2/Risk of Rain 2_Data\Plugins\x86_64
  239. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully.
  240. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to loadingbasic
  241. [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
  242. [Info :RailCharges] Crosshair prefab patched!
  243. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2
  244. [Info : R2API] [NetworkCompatibility] Adding to the networkModList :
  245. [Info : R2API] bubbet.networkedtimedbuffs;1.0.1
  246. [Info : R2API] com.bepis.r2api;4.3.21
  247. [Info : R2API] com.groovesalad.NetworkedItemTransformNotifications;1.0.0
  248. [Info : R2API] com.ThinkInvisible.TILER2;7.1.0
  249. [Info : R2API] com.TPDespair.ZetArtifacts;1.3.4
  250. [Info : R2API] com.Wolfo.LittleGameplayTweaks;2.0.4
  251. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: BossDamageContribution.dll for: RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage
  252. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RandomCharacterSelection.dll for: RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.Awake
  253. [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: RandomCharacterSelection.dll for: RoR2.Language.LoadStrings
  254. [Info : Unity Log] application data path isE:/Steam/steamapps/common/Risk of Rain 2/Risk of Rain 2_Data
  255. [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer
  256. [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows
  257. [Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64
  258. [Info : Unity Log] PlatformSystems:InitNetworkManagerSystem
  259. [Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters:
  260. arg[0]="E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe"
  261. arg[1]="--doorstop-enable"
  262. arg[2]="true"
  263. arg[3]="--doorstop-target"
  264. arg[4]="C:\Users\Sbabi\AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles\Vanilla\BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Preloader.dll"
  266. [Info : Unity Log] "usesocialiconflag" is not a recognized ConCommand or ConVar.
  267. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars.
  268. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg"
  269. [Info : R2API] Generating a total of 1 ContentPacks...
  270. [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start
  271. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Buffs.Deafened: Asset "bdDeafened" not found.
  272. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Items.SummonedEcho: Asset "SummonedEcho" not found.
  273. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Equipment.AffixEcho: Asset "EliteEchoEquipment" not found.
  274. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Buffs.AffixEcho: Asset "bdEliteEcho" not found.
  275. [Warning: Unity Log] Failed to assign Elites.Echo: Asset "edEcho" not found.
  276. [Debug : R2API] Content added from com.Wolfo.LittleGameplayTweaks:
  277. edLunarEulogy (EliteDef)
  278. InfiniteTowerEnding (GameEndingDef)
  279. [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end
  280. [Warning: Unity Log] Could not find scene with name "loadingbasic".
  281. [Warning: Unity Log] Could not find scene with name "intro".
  282. [Info : Unity Log] Command "set_scene" failed: "intro" is not a valid scene.
  283. [Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 11228ms.
  284. [Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
  285. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Stats.StatSheet] init stat sheet
  286. [Debug :RoR2BepInExPack] SaferAchievementManager - assembly.GetTypes() failed for : protobuf-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=257b51d87d2e4d67
  287. Not all types will be scanned.
  288. [Error : Unity Log] [RoR2.GameModeCatalog] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  289. at LittleGameplayTweaks.LittleGameplayTweaks.EquipmentBonusRate () [0x00006] in <678314fa1e1144b4ba2ef73cee2ad9f7>:IL_0006
  290. at (wrapper delegate-invoke) <Module>.invoke_void()
  291. at ResourceAvailability.MakeAvailable () [0x0001a] in <7a5120bd69d843a8b8e90b8cce404663>:IL_001A
  292. at DMD<LoadGameModes>?142850816._RoR2_GameModeCatalog::LoadGameModes () [0x00033] in <45ec13a398ea452ebcb2c5091b09f06c>:IL_0033
  293. at DMD<>?142850816.Trampoline<RoR2.GameModeCatalog::LoadGameModes>?-1877044224 () [0x00020] in <ca01cf359d1142679913bceae46b95f9>:IL_0020
  294. at BossesDropItems.BossesDropItems+<>c.<Awake>b__16_1 (On.RoR2.GameModeCatalog+orig_LoadGameModes orig) [0x00001] in <c256d0d08dab4bf49f1b0c263463c85b>:IL_0001
  295. at DMD<>?142850816.Hook<RoR2.GameModeCatalog::LoadGameModes>?-1349848960 () [0x00014] in <7756d1498f77451fbe015d22e758ae32>:IL_0014
  296. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  297. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <44afb4564e9347cf99a1865351ea8f4a>:IL_0032
  298. --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  299. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0004b] in <44afb4564e9347cf99a1865351ea8f4a>:IL_004B
  300. at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <44afb4564e9347cf99a1865351ea8f4a>:IL_0000
  301. at RoR2.SystemInitializerAttribute.Execute () [0x00174] in <7a5120bd69d843a8b8e90b8cce404663>:IL_0174
  302. [Info : Unity Log] SystemInitializerAttribute infinite loop detected. currentMethod=R2API.ContentManagement.CatalogBlockersBlockNetworkedPrefabs
  303. [Info : Unity Log] initializer dependencies = RoR2.Networking.NetworkManagerSystem
  304. [Info : Unity Log] initialized types = RoR2.ArtifactCatalog,
  305. RoR2.BackstabManager,
  306. RoR2.BackstabManager+BackstabVisualizer,
  307. RoR2.BadClientEntityStateMachineFix,
  308. RoR2.BodyCatalog,
  309. RoR2.BuffCatalog,
  310. RoR2.BulletAttack,
  311. RoR2.CostTypeCatalog,
  312. RoR2.GameEndingCatalog,
  313. RoR2.EffectCatalog,
  314. RoR2.EliteCatalog,
  315. RoR2.EntityStateCatalog,
  316. RoR2.EquipmentCatalog,
  317. RoR2.FileIoIndicatorManager,
  318. RoR2.CombatDirector,
  319. RoR2.DebugOverlay,
  320. RoR2.DotController,
  321. RoR2.GenericPickupController,
  322. RoR2.NetworkUIPromptController,
  323. RoR2.PickupDropletController,
  324. RoR2.RayAttackIndicator,
  325. RoR2.RunArtifactManager,
  326. RoR2.TeamComponent,
  327. RoR2.ItemTierCatalog,
  328. RoR2.MasterCatalog,
  329. RoR2.MiscPickupCatalog,
  330. RoR2.MorgueManager,
  331. RoR2.MusicTrackCatalog,
  332. RoR2.ProjectileCatalog,
  333. RoR2.SceneCatalog,
  334. RoR2.SkinCatalog,
  335. RoR2.SurfaceDefCatalog,
  336. RoR2.SurvivorCatalog,
  337. RoR2.GamepadVibration.GamepadVibrationController,
  338. RoR2.GamepadVibration.GamepadVibrationManager,
  339. RoR2.Skills.SkillCatalog,
  340. RoR2.CharacterSpeech.BrotherSpeechDriver,
  341. RoR2.ExpansionManagement.ExpansionCatalog,
  342. RoR2.EntitlementManagement.EntitlementCatalog,
  343. RoR2.EntitlementManagement.EntitlementManager,
  344. RoR2.UI.EnemyInfoPanel,
  345. RoR2.UI.UILayerKey,
  346. RoR2.UI.MainMenu.MainMenuController,
  347. RoR2.Audio.NetworkSoundEventCatalog,
  348. RoR2.Artifacts.BombArtifactManager,
  349. RoR2.Artifacts.CommandArtifactManager,
  350. RoR2.Artifacts.DoppelgangerInvasionManager,
  351. RoR2.Artifacts.EnigmaArtifactManager,
  352. RoR2.Artifacts.FriendlyFireArtifactManager,
  353. RoR2.Artifacts.SacrificeArtifactManager,
  354. RoR2.Artifacts.SwarmsArtifactManager,
  355. RoR2.Artifacts.TeamDeathArtifactManager,
  356. R2API.ContentManagement.CatalogBlockers,
  357. RoR2.ArtifactMask,
  358. RoR2.ItemCatalog,
  359. RoR2.Loadout,
  360. RoR2.Loadout+BodyLoadoutManager,
  361. RoR2.PickupCatalog,
  362. RoR2.PickupTransmutationManager,
  363. RoR2.ProjectileGhostReplacementManager,
  364. RoR2.RuleCatalog,
  365. RoR2.SerializableLoadout,
  366. RoR2.UnlockableCatalog,
  367. RoR2.Stats.StatDef,
  368. RoR2.Stats.StatManager,
  369. RoR2.Stats.StatSheet,
  370. RoR2.Items.BaseItemBodyBehavior,
  371. RoR2.Items.ContagiousItemManager,
  372. RoR2.Items.CrippleWardOnLevelManager,
  373. RoR2.Items.ExtraLifeVoidManager,
  374. RoR2.Items.SuppressedItemManager,
  375. RoR2.Items.UseAmbientLevelManager,
  376. RoR2.Items.WardOnLevelManager,
  377. RoR2.Artifacts.MonsterTeamGainsItemsArtifactManager,
  378. RoR2.NetworkExtensions,
  379. RoR2.AchievementManager,
  380. RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper,
  381. RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard,
  382. RoR2.ItemDisplayRuleSet,
  383. RoR2.PreGameRuleVoteController,
  384. RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior,
  385. RoR2.GoldTitanManager,
  386. RoR2.RuleBook,
  387. RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator,
  388. RoR2.EOSLobbyDataGenerator
  389. [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/c11b024a-8785-46b9-8ca9-4eb527e28f90.xml
  390. [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=267947
  391. [Warning: Unity Log] ZetArtifact [ZetLoopifact] - ApplyEarlyEliteProperties
  392. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic
  393. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash
  394. [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
  395. [Info :RailCharges] Crosshair prefab patched!
  396. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single
  397. [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title
  398. [Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
  399. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash
  400. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title
  401. [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
  402. [Info :RailCharges] Crosshair prefab patched!
  403. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single
  404. [Info : Unity Log] BaseMainMenuScreen: OnEnter()
  405. [Debug : R2API] Hook removed by assembly: LittleGameplayTweaks.dll for: RoR2.UI.MainMenu.MainMenuController.Start
  406. [Error : Unity Log] Failed to confine the cursor - ClipCursor failed: Access is denied.
  408. [Info : Unity Log] BaseMainMenuScreen: OnEnter()
  409. [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to infinitetowerworld
  410. [Info :BepInEx.GUI.Patcher] Closing log server socket.
  411. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title
  412. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to infinitetowerworld
  413. [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
  414. [Info :RailCharges] Crosshair prefab patched!
  415. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene infinitetowerworld loadSceneMode=Single
  416. [Info : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.desiredHost={ hostType=Self listen=False maxPlayers=4 }
  417. [Info : R2API] Server Handlers registered
  418. [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'ArenaMissionController' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
  419. [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'Moon2DropshipZone' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
  420. [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'HOLDER_ Gauntlets' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
  421. [Warning: Unity Log] The prefab 'VoidCamp' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object.
  422. [Info : R2API] Client Handlers registered
  423. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene infinitetowerworld
  424. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to lobby
  425. [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
  426. [Info :RailCharges] Crosshair prefab patched!
  427. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single
  428. [Info : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0
  429. [Info : Unity Log] NetworkManagerSystem.AddPlayerInternal(conn=hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0, playerControllerId=0, extraMessageReader=NetBuf sz:259 pos:259
  430. [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby loadedScenes=lobby
  431. [Error : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one.
  432. [Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting.
  433. [Info : Unity Log] SetSurvivorPreferenceClient survivorIndex=9, bodyIndex=80
  434. [Info : Unity Log] Changinging body preference for ConqAra (RoR2.NetworkUserId) from None to 80
  435. [Info : Unity Log] Changinging body preference for ConqAra (RoR2.NetworkUserId) from None to 80
  436. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/server_pregame.cfg: Could not find file "E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\server_pregame.cfg"
  437. [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to generate PreGameVoteController for ConqAra
  438. [Info : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer()
  439. [Info : Unity Log] Received vote from ConqAra
  440. [Info : Unity Log] Accepting vote from ConqAra
  441. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>ConqAra connected.</color>
  442. [Info : Unity Log] NetworkUser(Clone) (RoR2.NetworkUser)
  443. [Info : Unity Log] maxRuleCount=11, currentChoiceIndex=0
  444. [Info : Unity Log] PickupDropTable 'dtDoppelganger' has been loaded after the Run started. This might be an issue with asset duplication across bundles, or it might be fine. Regenerating...
  445. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene lobby
  446. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to itgoolake
  447. [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
  448. [Info :RailCharges] Crosshair prefab patched!
  449. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene itgoolake loadSceneMode=Single
  450. [Info : Unity Log] Running
  451. [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=itgoolake loadedScenes=itgoolake
  452. [Info : Unity Log] Client ready.
  453. [Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting.
  454. [Info : Unity Log] Spending 220 credits on interactables...
  455. [Warning: Unity Log] ZetArtifact [ZetMultifact] - Forcing DifficultyCoeff Calc : PreScenePop
  456. [Info : Unity Log] WaveCleanUp
  457. [Info : Unity Log] InfiniteTower 700 interactable credits.
  458. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  459. [Info :RailCharges] Player controller found
  460. [Info : Unity Log] SelectWavePrefab InfiniteTowerWaveDefault (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  461. [Info : Unity Log] EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.AwaitingActivation
  462. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  463. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  464. [Info : Unity Log] Killing ExplosivePotDestructibleBody(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) for being out of bounds.
  465. [Info : Unity Log] Killing ExplosivePotDestructibleBody(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) for being out of bounds.
  466. [Info : Unity Log] Killing ExplosivePotDestructibleBody(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) for being out of bounds.
  467. [Info : Unity Log] Killing ExplosivePotDestructibleBody(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) for being out of bounds.
  468. [Info : Unity Log] Killing ExplosivePotDestructibleBody(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) for being out of bounds.
  469. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  470. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  471. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  472. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  473. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  474. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  475. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  476. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  477. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  478. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  479. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  480. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  481. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  482. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  483. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  484. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  485. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  486. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  487. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  488. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  489. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  490. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  491. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  492. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#FFFFFF>Focus Crystal</color></color>
  493. [Info : Unity Log] WaveCleanUp InfiniteTowerWaveDefault(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  494. [Info : Unity Log] SelectWavePrefab InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactMixEnemy (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  495. [Info : Unity Log] EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.Active
  496. [Info : Unity Log] Trimming Basic Monsters from 14 to 3
  497. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscLesserWisp
  498. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscVulture
  499. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscFlyingVermin
  500. [Info : Unity Log] Trimming Minibosses from 14 to 3
  501. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscNullifier
  502. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscBell
  503. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscLunarGolem
  504. [Info : Unity Log] Trimming Champions from 12 to 3
  505. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscGrandparent
  506. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscMegaConstruct
  507. [Info : Unity Log] Selected cscElectricWorm
  508. [Info : Unity Log] Running
  509. [Info : Unity Log] PlacementMode.Approximate: could not find nodes satisfying conditions for cscVulture. targetPosition=(272.1, -119.3, 110.1), minDistance=10, maxDistance=40, hullSize =Human, requiredFlags=NoCeiling, forbiddenFlags=NoCharacterSpawn, preventOverhead=False
  510. [Info : Unity Log] Spawn card cscVulture (RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard) failed to spawn. Aborting cost procedures.
  511. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#FFFFFF>Paul's Goat Hoof</color></color>
  512. [Info : Unity Log] PlacementMode.Approximate: could not find nodes satisfying conditions for cscVulture. targetPosition=(272.1, -119.3, 110.1), minDistance=10, maxDistance=40, hullSize =Human, requiredFlags=NoCeiling, forbiddenFlags=NoCharacterSpawn, preventOverhead=False
  513. [Info : Unity Log] Spawn card cscVulture (RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard) failed to spawn. Aborting cost procedures.
  514. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  515. [Info : Unity Log] PlacementMode.Approximate: could not find nodes satisfying conditions for cscVulture. targetPosition=(272.1, -119.3, 110.1), minDistance=10, maxDistance=40, hullSize =Human, requiredFlags=NoCeiling, forbiddenFlags=NoCharacterSpawn, preventOverhead=False
  516. [Info : Unity Log] Spawn card cscVulture (RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard) failed to spawn. Aborting cost procedures.
  517. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  518. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  519. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  520. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  521. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  522. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  523. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  524. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#FFFFFF>Gasoline</color></color>
  525. [Info : Unity Log] WaveCleanUp InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactMixEnemy(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  526. [Info : Unity Log] Running
  527. [Info : Unity Log] SelectWavePrefab InfiniteTowerWaveDefault (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  528. [Info : Unity Log] EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.Active
  529. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  530. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  531. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  532. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  533. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  534. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#77FF17>Bandolier</color></color>
  535. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#307FFF>Lunar Coin</color></color>
  536. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  537. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  538. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  539. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  540. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  541. [Warning: Unity Log] Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
  542. [Warning: Unity Log] Invalid Layer Index '-1'
  543. [Warning: Unity Log] Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
  544. [Warning: Unity Log] Invalid Layer Index '-1'
  545. [Warning: Unity Log] Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
  546. [Warning: Unity Log] Invalid Layer Index '-1'
  547. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#FFFFFF>Monster Tooth</color></color>
  548. [Info : Unity Log] WaveCleanUp InfiniteTowerWaveDefault(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  549. [Info : Unity Log] SelectWavePrefab InfiniteTowerWaveLunarElites (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  550. [Info : Unity Log] EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.Active
  551. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  552. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  553. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  554. [Warning: Unity Log] Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
  555. [Warning: Unity Log] Invalid Layer Index '-1'
  556. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  557. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  558. [Warning: Unity Log] Animator.GotoState: State could not be found
  559. [Warning: Unity Log] Invalid Layer Index '-1'
  560. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  561. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  562. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  563. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  564. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  565. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  566. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  567. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  568. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#FFFFFF>Focus Crystal</color>(2)</color>
  569. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#307FFF>Lunar Coin</color></color>
  570. [Info : Unity Log] StandableSurface (UnityEngine.GameObject) is missing surface def
  571. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>You picked up <color=#FFFFFF>Lens-Maker's Glasses</color></color>
  572. [Info : Unity Log] WaveCleanUp InfiniteTowerWaveLunarElites(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  573. [Info : Unity Log] SelectWavePrefab InfiniteTowerWaveBoss (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  574. [Info : Unity Log] EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard.Active
  575. [Info : Unity Log] Next boss spawn: cscClayBoss (RoR2.CharacterSpawnCard)
  576. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  577. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  578. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  579. [Info : Unity Log] Position not free or not found.
  580. [Info : Unity Log] "Overlay"
  581. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  582. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  583. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  584. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  585. [Info : Unity Log] Adding expose
  586. [Info : Unity Log] WaveCleanUp InfiniteTowerWaveBoss(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject)
  587. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene itgoolake
  588. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to lobby
  589. [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
  590. [Info :RailCharges] Crosshair prefab patched!
  591. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single
  592. [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby loadedScenes=lobby
  593. [Info : Unity Log] Client ready.
  594. [Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting.
  595. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/server_pregame.cfg: Could not find file "E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\server_pregame.cfg"
  596. [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to generate PreGameVoteController for ConqAra
  597. [Info : Unity Log] Applying persistent ballot of votes for LocalUser Conq.
  598. [Info : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer()
  599. [Info : Unity Log] Received vote from ConqAra
  600. [Info : Unity Log] Accepting vote from ConqAra
  601. [Info : Unity Log] Saved file "c11b024a-8785-46b9-8ca9-4eb527e28f90.xml" (263347 bytes)
  602. [Info : Unity Log] in save archive convars
  603. [Info : Unity Log] Shutting down Steamworks...
  604. [Info : Unity Log] Shut down Steamworks.
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