
Ages poll draft

Jul 25th, 2019
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  1. Due to the new category being added for Seasons, there has been discussion about how Ages's "All Essences" category should be defined, particularly so that linked runs between games can be well-defined. We've come up with 3 possible definitions for you to vote on. These will all be equivalent for Seasons, barring any new glitches, and only affect the Ages run. However, we would like these rules to apply to both games.
  3. Please vote once with discord reactions. If no option has 50% of votes, we'll do a 2nd round of votes with the 2 more popular options.
  5. React with :Ricky: for "All Essences, No ACE". This would allow all applications of Veran Warp and related glitches, except for Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE), which was done in my japanese Any% run. If run on English, the run would make heavy use of veran warp's memory corruption effects to obtain the red ring, and get several small keys in dungeons 5 and 7. The Black Tower would be bypassed entirely with Veran Warp. (It's unlikely that the Japanese version, which does not have any useful effects with Veran Warp, could be faster in this category.)
  7. React with :Dimitri: for "All Essences, No ACE / Memory Corruption" (name subject to change). This bans all applications of the Veran Warp glitch (or anything with similar effects), meaning the late game will be fairly normal, and the Black Tower will be included. Text Warping is still allowed, and (just like with "No ACE") would allow us to go out of bounds in Dungeon 2 and get the essence quickly, bypassing Head Thwomp, if d2 skip is done earlier. The Japanese version would probably be faster for this.
  9. React with :Moosh: for "All Essences, No Out of Bounds". This would disallow access to screens which aren't accessible in normal gameplay; so, access to X-World is not permitted (making veran warp impossible), nor is the out-of-bounds glitch in Dungeon 2. Other text warps would still be allowed (ie. toilet warp). This would resemble pre-veran warp Any% the most, although Japanese would be faster than the historically used English version.
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