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Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. Core/Misc: Implemented Spline Movement
  2. Core/Pets: Pets now go in los to cast the spell
  3. Core/Spells: Fixed an issue where Riposte would dissapear randomly
  4. Core/Auth: Added a fix for wowned exploit
  5. Core/Misc: Fixed ranged visual bug
  6. Core/Spells: Added missing cheat death visual
  7. Core/Misc: Added blzizlike animations (from MaNGos)
  8. Core/DB: Fixed healing stream totem healing for 2k
  9. Core/DB: Fixed fingers of frost not procing
  10. Core/Misc: Added totem animations
  11. Core/DB: Added mount visuals dk / warlock / paladin
  12. Core/Spells: Fixed glyph of backstab
  13. Core/Movement: Improved client side movement
  14. Core/Spells: Added missing blizzlike animation for flag / chest cap
  15. Core/Misc: Updated arena ready check marker
  16. Core/Spells: Improved feral charge speed
  17. Core/Spells: Fixed issue when player casted blast wave on a target that's confused (blind,dragon's breath, scattershot) causing the target to jump in place instead of being shot few feet away
  18. Core/Spells: Fixed savage roar being castable outside of cat form. now only casts in cat form
  19. Core/Spells: Fixed Furious howl giving bonuses to party members now it only gives to pet and master.
  20. Core/Spells: Fix Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption not procing.
  21. Core/Spels: Holy wrath no longer kills grounding totem
  22. Core/Pet: Fix ghoul cooldowns not reseting after death
  23. Core/Spells: Frost strike should not consume runic power when it doesnt hit
  24. Core/Spells: Lava lash's damage boost should require flametongue on the offhand weapon.
  25. Core/Spells: Shattering throw should pierce deterrence
  26. Core/Misc: "Ramon/Midna - rage loss should be 1.25 per sec instead of 1 per sec (lowers rage desync rate when rage decays)" - changed in worldconf Rate.Rage.Loss
  27. Core/Spells: Fixed hunter talent Point of no Escape
  28. Core/Spells: Sniper Training should refresh every 6 seconds if all conditions are met
  29. Core/Spells: Fix for missile potency procing off missile barrage
  30. Core/Spells: Fixed glyph of freezing trap
  31. Core/Spells: Grounding no longer consumes the diseases caused by Chains of Ice. the totem eats chains of ice and the diseases go to the initial target
  32. Core/Pet: Fixed DK Ghoul pet stats.
  33. Core/Spells: * Bryntroll's Drain Life should not crit.
  34. Core/Spells: * Bestial Wrath can be used while under CC since patch 3.3.2
  35. Core/Spells: Patch 3.2.2 (2009-09-22): "Bestial Wrath and The Beast Within Changed to function like PvP Trinkets, removing any movement impairing effects, and giving immunity to these effects for 10 seconds.", also the tooltip doesn't say this, but it now breaks all forms of CC that a PvP trinket would break (including Cyclone,Sap, etc.).
  36. Core/DB: Fixed Kill Command not being applied to pet if your pet is not in LoS
  37. Core/Spells: Fixed Shadowflame(dot) not being reflected by spell reflect.
  38. Core/Spells: modified death grip height / speed and added a range check of 8.0yrds from target
  39. Core/Movement: FIxed long charge path in ruins of lordearon
  40. Core/Misc: Fixed Range MPQ HAck
  41. Core/Pets: spirit wolves no longer stack ontop of eachother
  42. Core/Spells: Fixed hand of reckoning not killing totems
  43. Core/Spells: Fixed an issue where traps / killing spree could target arathi basin flags
  44. Core/Pets: Fixed issue where pet would not attack if taunted
  45. Core/Pets: fixed issue where pet won't return to stay position after spell cast
  46. Core/DB: Corrected Swordguard Embroidery ICD changed to 55 from 45 seconds
  47. Core/Spells: Fixed spell combustion. Now it will not proc from Molten Armor.
  48. Core/Items: Deathbringer's Will and Deathbringer's Will (HC) should proc Haste for a Druid not attack power
  49. Core/Misc: Fixed few mem leaks
  50. Core/Misc: Added pvp channel for queue information
  51. Core/AI: Fixed shadowfiend not autocasting shadowcrawl
  52. Core/Misc: Fixed range issues.
  53. Core/Pets: Corrected hunters pet size.
  54. Core/Pets: Fixed issue where warlock pets would cast spell with negative effect on lock. Ex: Succubus seduces owner.
  55. Core/Spells: Glyph of shadowflame slow now goes through absorb effects.
  56. Core/Pets: Voidwalker now stops moving after casting [Consume Shadows]
  57. Core/Pets: Pets no longer move while casting.
  58. Core/Movement: Movement improved.
  59. Core/Misc: Fixed unknown name bug
  60. Core/Scripts: Implemented 3v3 Solo Queue.
  61. Core/Misc: Fixed barbershop exploit
  62. Core/Misc: Fixed an exploit where you could use a potion twice if you spam it or due to lag.
  63. Core/Misc: Fix change faction on dead Night Elves keeping the speed buff
  64. Core/Items: Fixed an exploit allowing people to put more gems than number of sockets on items.
  65. Core/Spells: Fixed gargoyle ignoring spells such as counterspell.
  66. Core/Pets: Movement Improvements to pets when moving they no longer stutter or fall behind owner.
  67. Core/Misc: Fixed issue with use item macros.
  68. Core/Spells: Spell reflect now reflects Thunderstorm.
  69. Core/Spells: Fixed Mind Sear not working.
  70. Core/Pets: Fixed attack issues with Carrion Bird.
  71. Core/Spells: Fixed Predatory Swiftness sometimes not procing.
  72. Core/Spells: Tricks of Trade no longer can be casted on Totems.
  73. Core/Spells: If theres a flying spell towards you after you've used stealth you'll take damage and leave stealth. This does not include shadowmeld / vanish
  74. Core/Spells: Fixed King of the jungle talent
  75. Core/Stats: Fixed and issue where after Tame Beast spell finished the hunters armor would be 0.
  76. Core/Spells: Fixed Recklessness not being consumed by warriors special abilities.
  77. Core/Spells: Fixed DBW proc.
  78. Core/Misc: Added Warmane like Npc collision.
  79. Core/Spells: Now when you level a talent you get the max rank of the spell.
  80. Core/Pets: Fixed Lightwell.
  81. Core/Misc: Major security improvements.
  82. Core/Stats: Fixed and issue where after Tame Beast spell finished the hunters armor would be 0.
  83. Core/Misc: Added Warmane like hunter pet area.
  84. Core/Pets: Hunter pets now update their resistances after being tamed. So no need to relog to get them.
  85. Core/Pets: Fixed an issue where pets would do nothing after COMMAND_ATTACK.
  86. Core/Movement: Fixed a bug where a slowed player would be walking instead of runnig.
  87. Core/Spells: If you have shadow dance buff after restealth your spell bar will automaticly switch over to the shadow dance spell bar.
  88. Core/Spells: Corrected Seal of Righteousness's damage.
  89. Core/Spells: Corrected Holy Vengeance's damage.
  90. Core/Spells: Updated Arena Crystals they now say when the arena is starting on right click.
  91. Core/Spells: Corrected Retribution Aura's damage.
  92. Core/Spells: Corrected Fire Shield's damage.
  93. Core/Spells: Corrected Death COils healing.
  94. Core/Spells: Death coils damage part no longer usable on DK. only healing.
  95. Core/Spells: Fixed Judgement of the Just not procing the 20% melee reduction.
  96. Core/Spells: Dancing Rune Weapon has been completely reworked.
  97. Core/Spells: Fixed Entrapment sometimes not procing.
  98. Core/Spells: Fixed One-Handed Weapon Specialization for Paladin / Warrior.
  99. Core/Spells: Fix the bug where swiftmend would heal for 0 when rejuvenation is dispelled at the wrong moment
  100. Core/Anticheat: Implemented New Anticheat. Stops fly / speed / teleport instantly.
  101. Core/Scripts: Added anti multi-box script only 1 session (1 account) is allowed to be logged in from the same ip.
  102. Core/Pets: Treants no longer attack each other.
  103. Core/Spells: Fixed a visual issue with Mirror Images armor.
  104. Core/Spells: You no longer fall through the map if you charge in eye of the storm.
  105. Core/Pets: Fixed pets sometimes getting stuck around corners while pathing.
  106. Core/Scripts: Updated Warden.
  107. Core/Sciprts: Mirror Images now copy transmoged gear.
  108. Core/Sciprts: Added a daily arena reward system.
  109. Core/Scripts: Added .arenaque command for (1v1,2v2,3v3 and SoloQ)
  110. Core/Pets: Fixed pet bar dissapearing after using /reload.
  111. Core/Pets: Fixed temporary pet bars not dissapearing after pet has died.
  112. Core/Misc: Minimum players per team in BG are now dynamic. Meaning if there are less than or equal to 10 online players in the server the minimum players for all battlegrounds will be set to 3 per team and if there's more than 10 players online in the server it will be reverted back to the default.
  113. Core/Spells: Fixed priests talent Power infusion stacking with Arcane power.
  114. Core/Spells: Fixed priests talent Power infusion haste effect stacking with Bloodlust / Heroism or Icy Veins.
  115. Core/Pets: Updated Summon Infernos attack power.
  116. Core/Spells: Fixed Banish: Effect will now be canceled if Banish is recast on a banished target.
  117. Core/Spells: Fixed an issue that allowed you to move while being rooted after mind controlled.
  118. Core/Spells: Hand of Protection now removes bladestorm.
  119. Core/Spells: BM Pet spell Intimidation now shares Diminishing returns with Controlled Stun
  120. Core/Spells: Fixed an Issue where AoE spells casted by owner of a pet would damage the pet.
  121. Core/Spells: If Frost Fever is dispelled Icy Clutch will also be removed.
  122. Core/Spells: Fixed Soul Link not applying to Inferno.
  123. Core/Spells: Fixed Black Bruise Necrotic Touch Proc.
  124. Core/Spells: Fixed BM hunters talent Longevity now it reduces the cooldown of Pet Special Abilites.
  125. Core/Spells: Fixed an issue where when using Shadowbolt or Incinerate while having Backlash and Backdraft active it would consume Backlash and Backdraft. Now it only consumes Backlash.
  126. Core/Misc: +1 to all your professions that you have learned after winning an arena 2v2 or 3v3
  127. Core/Misc: Added play time rewards every hour you'll recieve an arena case
  128. Core/Misc: 45% to win an arena case after winning an arena match
  129. Core/Misc: Added Global chat channels: @EN, #FR, $GER.
  130. Core/Misc: Reworked Killsteak / PvP Title system.
  131. Core/Misc: Added Battleground ready crystals.
  132. Core/Misc: Added Battleground buffer.
  133. Core/Pets: Guardian pets will now react defensive when summoned.
  134. Core/Misc: Added Demonology and Survival to pick a spec npc.
  135. Core/Movement: Guardian Pets can now cheat some paths.
  136. Core/Spells: Fixed Cheat Death formula
  137. Core/Spells: Implemented Mind Amplification Dish
  138. Core/Spells Fixed talent [Misery] proc.
  139. Core/Spells: Fixed Glyph of Voidwalker.
  140. Core/Spells: Fixed Paladin Seal Procs causing Bryntroll to proc more than it should.
  141. Core/Pets: Ghoul can no longer leap to self.
  142. Core/Spells: Fixed Seal of Corruption / Vengeance stacking of crusader / divine storm.
  143. Core/Spells: After changing the react state of a pet to passive now it will interrupt the spell it's casting.
  144. Core/Spells: Fixed Tiny Abomination in a Jar now it can proc off seal of vengeace / corruption / command.
  145. DB/Items: Phylactery of the Nameless Lich can no longer proc from non periodic spells.
  146. Core/Spells: Fixed an issue causing the a charmed target to not be able to see the charmer in duel zone.
  147. Core/Spells: Mirror Images have been re-worked.
  148. Core/Spells: Fixed an issue where killing spree would only target players and not pets
  149. Core/Pets: After leveling Wild hunt the pet will now automatically update their hp/ap. So we no longer need to resummon pet for stats to reapply.
  150. Core/Pets: After applying Glyph of voidwalker the voidwalkers hp is now automatically updated.
  151. Core/Pets: Fixed an issue causing pet stats not to reset after pet talents have been reset through the hunter trainer.
  152. Core/Items: Implemented Flag of Ownership spell script.
  153. Core/Arenas: Added Dynamic LoS for the water fall in Dalaran Sewers.
  154. Core/Items: Implemented a val'kyr script for Nibelung item proc.
  155. Core/Spells: Fixed Healthstone incorrect healing
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