
Comics stuff

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: (I LOVE THOSE SHOES.)
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sat on the couch, kind of exhausted from all their traveling of the day, but happy to be home after such an exciting weekend. He leaned back on the couch and tipped his head back to rest on the cushion behind him, letting his eyes close as he exhaled deeply.-
  3. Tsaaq: Hayley walked around the shop, picking up stray items people left behind as she went to stand by the couch where Adam had plopped down. "I'm gonna start resorting things or something..." She trailed off. "Since it's slow."
  4. Alexithymiaa: -He slowly lifted his head off the cushion behind him, moving his hand to rub at his face as he nodded. "Oh... okay. Do you need help?"-
  5. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know... You look like you were relaxing. I didn't want to bother you. I was just saying I was doing it." Hayley muttered weakly, she shifted the books in her arms.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I'm just tired. But we're at work and we're supposed to work so it's fine." He pushed up from the couch a little reluctantly, brushing his hands off on his shorts. "Where did you want to start?"-
  7. Tsaaq: Hayley's eyes lowered to the books in her arms. "Uhhh." She trailed off. "Some of this is Darkhorse but not all. I guess we'll sort this into DC first since that's the most stuff..." She answered. "I'll let you sleep you know... I won't snitch." She said softly, shrugging
  8. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think Eli would care even if you did. But I'm clocked in and I should be working." He stretched his arms up over his head and gave a little yawn before looking at her again. "We'll start on DC then. C'mon." He waved her on and walked over to the counter so they could have more space to spread things out and organize.-
  9. Tsaaq: She went over to the counter and dropped the various books down before starting to sort everything in piles. She pouted her lips a moment. "Are you sad that SDCC is over?" She asked him quietly.
  10. Alexithymiaa: "A little bit, yeah. But I'm also to get back to normal. It was a little intense for me. I'm not used to being in a place with so many people. Everywhere was so crowded." He sighed, moving books from one place to another to sort.-
  11. Tsaaq: "But you had so much fun and you seemed really happy and stuff..." She trailed off. Hayley held onto a few books then leaned her elbows on the counter. "Would you be there forever if you could? Like, hypothetically...?"
  12. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think I could handle some place like that forever. A few days is okay and fun. I think if you stay somewhere you love for a long time, you start to get a little jaded by it and the magic disappears, you know?" He asked her.-
  13. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head slowly as she placed the books in their respective piles. She kept her elbows on the counter and leaned her cheek on her hand as she looked over to him. "Yeah... I guess so. That probably makes sense."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "It reminds me of the people who say they want to live at Disney World. I'd hate to have some place like that grow old." He stacked a few of the books together, glancing at Hayley. "Why do you ask?"-
  15. Tsaaq: She bit the inside of her cheek then lowered her head. "I can't really think of a place I would really be happy to be at forever... So I thought I was weird for a second." She replied, her gaze remained on the floor.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think it's such a clear cut answer. There are plenty of places that make us happy, but to decide on one place forever? I think thats asking a lot of you." He nodded, twisting to face her. "Why were you thinking of it?"-
  17. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders again. "My brain does weird shit like tell me I'm wrong for feeling certain ways." She replied, trying to put on a casual tone.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Well your brain is wrong then because there's nothing wrong with feeling that way. If anything, I think that's more normal than being happy in the same place forever."-
  19. Tsaaq: "My brain is wrong about most shit so I'm not all that surprised by the revelation." Hayley said as she stood up straight, picking up one of the stacks so could put them back on their shelves.
  20. Alexithymiaa: -He furrowed his brows and pulled the other stack off the counter, hugging it to his chest so he could follow her out to the floor. "What else do you think your brain is wrong about?"-
  21. Tsaaq: She looked over her shoulder at him then bent over so she could keep putting things away. "I don't know... I couldn't really pin point honestly. I would have to sit in a dark room and try to make a list. Why?"
  22. Alexithymiaa: "I was just curious." He shrugged it off, sliding the books onto the shelf before looking his arms hang down at his sides.-
  23. Tsaaq: Hayley pouted a little as her arms finally emptied. She let out a small huff. "Well... I'm sorry the answer wasn't very interesting." She said as she went over to the counter once more.
  24. Alexithymiaa: "You shouldn't be sorry. I think you're very interesting in yourself." He turned and walked back to the counter, looking at what was left. "Maybe we should do the rest of this tomorrow. We really should be closing up shop."-
  25. Tsaaq: "No cause then I sound self centered." Hayley said, covering her ears a moment as she shook her head. She looked at the books then back to him. She nodded her had even though she'd been frowning. "Right. We still have therapy tomorrow though... Unless you don't want to go anymore."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "No, we're going. I have an earlier shift here tomorrow so I'll get it done before therapy. Don't worry." He smiled to her, moving over to the computer to clock himself out and moving out of the way so Hayley could do the same. He glanced around at the overall clean shop before beginning to move toward the front door.-
  27. Tsaaq: Hayley nodded her head and went to clock out. She looked over to him and held her hand out to him. "You want to hold hands?" She asked as she went to catch up with him.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -He smiled to her and reached out to take her hand, lacing their fingers together before pushing the door open for her to walk outside ahead of him, flicking the lights off as he went. "I'm kind of looking forward to getting into bed and sleeping in a little tomorrow."-
  29. Tsaaq: "Yeah... I can't wait to go to sleep too." Hayley said in agreement as she went towards the truck, glancing over at him.
  30. Alexithymiaa: -He pulled the door open for her to climb up and inside, closing her door and making his way around to the otherside to climb in and head home.-
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