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Mar 1st, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Soundtracks for the Blind
  3. 0. This weekly is all about braille, as implied by the title.
  5. 1. In the 12x12 binary grid, 2x3 sections make valid braille symbols. "youwereprisonerinmyskull"
  7. 2. Workman is referring to the alternative keyboard layout. Plotting the characters into that layout gives braille shapes when intepreting the keyboard in 2x3 sections. "charleslutwidgedodgson"
  9. 3. The galaxy in the image is also known as M64, hinting towards base 64. Decoding to ascii gives the string "yi60gkiUcuqeyi66ig40gki". For the next part you need to know a bit how base64 encoding works. Each character is a 6bit binary number. Looking up a base64 index chart shows what those binary strings are. Braille is also a 6bit binary system. Each individual character from the decoded base64 string directly corresponds to a braille letter. For this level, you're meant to use the official international braille bit order standard, where the bits are ordered in a columnar way. "herfaceisnotherrealface"
  11. 4. The image is hinting towards using the taiwanese braille variation. "sleepinginhell"
  13. 5. This level is about logic gates. The two pillars give two different puzzles, they aren't directly connected to each other.
  14. First pillar is about Reverse Polish Notation. The uppercase letter tells which type of logic gate to use. The lowercase letters are the binary inputs when converted to braille. This gives "secular" as the first word of the full answer.
  15. Second pillar is about truth tables. Using the gates given, you have to see what output it gives when the inputs are the "true/true, true/false, false/false". This gives more binary that can be interpreted as spelling "death" in braille. So combining parts gives "seculardeath"
  17. 6. The 8 character string is part of a pastebin link. You are meant to interpret the braille symbols as hexadecimal. It's important to take note of the # character, which implies that the next character is meant to be a digit, instead of a letter. Convert the huge hex string back to braille by decoding from hex. On cyberchef you have to select the output type as UTF-8, instead of raw bytes. This spells in a visual form "itscomingitsreal"
  19. 7. This level has 2 individual puzzles that combine into a single answer in the end. On the blackboard there's a guide to solving each step.
  21. The top left section of the blackboard is about the braille symbols in the middle of the image:
  22. u+28??: Get the last two hex digits of the braille symbols in unicode.
  23. b10: Convert the hex numbers to decimal.
  24. no ws: Remove WhiteSpace. this gives a one long decimal string.
  25. rle - 1 1st. Run Length Encoding, starting with 1 as the first bits. Just use the dcode converter or do it by hand.
  26. That is the end for this puzzle, the binary string is used again in the last step.
  28. The 2nd puzzle:
  29. Talk Talk #5.4 refers to the fourth song "Taphead" from the band Talk Talk's fifth studio album.
  30. The 5x5 grid is encoded in moontype, which was originally developed as a writing system for the blind. This gives 25 unique letters, perfect for a tapcode grid.
  31. The numbers above the grid decode to "iseeitall" with some braille shenanigans.
  32. Encode "iseeitall" to tapcode ciphertext using the grid.
  33. You need another binary string, so a "tap" dot corresponds to 1 and a space is 0.
  35. Now you have two binary strings which also happen to have the same length. Xor the strings together to get a single new binary string. Divide the string into 3 rows, which gives braille symbols. "theprodigalson"
  37. 8. You have to use nutrimatic for this one. The numbers refer to all braille symbols that have that amount of black dots. Plug them into nutrimatic with the correct grouping. The site might give couple of options, but choose the one that makes the most semantic sense. "cryingintheforest"
  39. 9. The task is to create scannable datamatrix code. Encode the letters into braille and then flip/invert the braille symbols when told to. Scanning the datamatrix gives "doloramuchaperfecta"
  41. End. Final answer is divinecomedyreversed.
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