
Sheaseless Uproar (a SheZow fic)

Apr 2nd, 2013
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  1. Midnight had already struck; Coldfinger would likely already be in bed by now, but he couldn't help but stay wide awake. Although he was worried about what was about to happen, there was no way out without putting his mother in danger. Looking around for something to kill time, Coldfinger grabbed one of his SheZow comic books and sat down to read it. "Ice seriously hope that crazy girl gets here soon," Coldfinger muttered, before letting out a yawn. Suddenly, there was a knock on the window, and Coldfinger looked to see SheBang waving at him. He put the comic book down and walked over to the window, opening it up.
  2. "You're awake! That's good," SheBang greeted.
  3. "Can we please just get this over with?" Coldfinger asked.
  4. SheBang produced a map of downtown Megadale with a small circle around one area and handed it to Coldfinger. "Go to this spot and wait," SheBang instructed, producing a Shuribbon. He held it in front of Coldfinger. "If you see one of these stuck in a wall, you're in the right place."
  5. "And what am I DOING, exactly?" Coldfinger asked, raising an eyebrow.
  6. "Chilling out. You're good at that, right? At least, that's what you'll be doing until I lead SheZow to you," SheBang explained. "Once that happens, you can do whatever you like with her. Cripple her, kill her, I don't care. Just keep her busy one way or another."
  7. Coldfinger grinned. "Oh, I think I can manage that."
  8. "Sure. Wanna tell me SheZow's weakness now? If I can trigger it before I lead her to you, it'd make things easier, right?" SheBang asked.
  9. Coldfinger paused and crossed his arms. The two looked at each other for about a minute. "Fine. SheZow's weakness is her hair. Specifically, if it gets messed up, her powers don't work. She can still use her gadgets, though."
  10. SheBang burst out giggling. "Hehehe! Aww, thanks for being so helpful. I'll bring you your playmate soon enough. It might take an hour or two, so you might want to bring more than one comic book."
  11. "Comic books? No, I'll be busy turning that spot into the COOLEST place in town!" Coldfinger assured. SheBang suddenly teleported, appearing to Coldfinger's left, and kissed him on the cheek. Coldfinger's jaw dropped as SheBang winked at him and teleported again, landing on the windowsill.
  12. "Fight the good fight, handsome!" SheBang encouraged before leaning backward and teleporting away. Coldfinger rubbed his cheek and scowled, looking away from the window.
  13. "I'm DEFINITELY settling the score with you once SheZow's dealt with!" Coldfinger growled.
  15. "Hee hee! That boy is so easy to tease! Even without rigging his house, there's no way he's going to back down now," SheBang exclaimed before teleporting again. He had needed the Compact Sticky Bombs for other things, which lead him to using other methods to persuade Coldfinger. It didn't take SheBang long to be within visual range of the Megadale Prison. He stood atop a tall tree and looked at the prison intently. "Hmmm...of course they'd have all the entrances guarded." He teleported up into the sky above the prison and looked straight down, producing his Laser Hair Dryer. As he fell, SheBang's right eye glowed orange before he fired off a Heat Vision Wink, aiming in it a circle on a small area of the roof, as he charged up his Laser Hair Dryer. Once the shot had built up enough power, SheBang fired, hitting the spot in the middle of the circle and blasting a hole in the roof. The guards outside ran around looking for the cause of the attack as an alarm sounded, but SheBang teleported directly through the hole and landed inside the prison. SheBang looked around; he had actually landed inside an empty cell. He put the Laser Hair Dryer away and grabbed the cell door, using his super strength to rip it loose and toss it aside. Stepping into the corridor, the prisoners were all looking at him; some were talking amongst their cell mates as several guards ran down the corridor to see what the commotion was all about. They paused when they saw SheBang.
  16. "Wait a sec...what's a little girl doing in h--" the guard that had spoke up suddenly paused when he noticed that one of the cell doors had been ripped loose. He looked at SheBang.
  17. SheBang looked at the guard with upturned eyes. "Help me, mister! I'm lost, and I don't know where I live!"
  18. The guards, at this point, lowered their guns as they stood around SheBang. A couple of them headed off in opposite directions to see if there was anything else out of the ordinary. SheBang grabbed onto the guard who had spoken and began to weep into his shirt. "Hey now, calm did you even end up in here?" the guard asked, putting his hand on SheBang's head.
  19. At this point, another guard walked down the hall and looked at the scene with an expression of shock on his face. "Wh-what the?! HEY! That's SheBang! Get away from her, she's dangerous! Doesn't anybody read the damn newspaper anymore?!" He then pointed his pistol at SheBang, despite the group of guards in close proximity.
  20. "Hey, put that thing away! She's just a kid who got lost, she's not da--"
  21. "Long-Haired Super She-Spin!" SheBang's hair grew longer as he spun around, hitting the guards that were around him and sending them flying into the walls and cell bars. The guard that knew of SheBang got up close and produced a taser, but SheBang teleported away before the taser could make contact, landing on the opposite side of the guard. The other two that were in that corridor joined in, firing their guns at SheBang. He blocked the shots from behind with his cape, and the ones in front with his Heart Shield.
  22. The guard who knew of SheBang grabbed the walkie-talkie from his belt and held down a button on it. "We've located the source of the attacks. Target is armed and super-human. She deflects bullets! Send bac--" The guard was silenced as SheBang teleported in front of him and punched him in the gut, sending him tumbling down the corridor. SheBang crushed the walkie-talkie under his boot before producing two Shuribbons and throwing them both at the same guard; one hit the guard's right arm, making him drop his gun, and the other hit his bulletproof vest, piercing it but not causing a serious wound. Blood began flowing from the wound on his arm, however. The remaining guard produced a flashbang of his own, but before he could use it, SheBang let loose a Heat Vision Wink and targeted the guard's wrist, making him drop the flashbang before he could arm it. He went to fire at SheBang again, only for the gun to harmlessly click; he had run out of bullets after his initial attack.
  23. SheBang grabbed the guard by the waist and slung him over his shoulder. "Yay! A hostage!" He then walked through the corridor, using his free hand to rip the cell doors from occupied cells. "All you prisoners! Don't run off on your own, or I'll kill you." The prisoners suddenly paused. "You saw what I just did, right? Killing you all would be easy. The only reason I'm letting you loose is to help me. If you don't wanna play, then just stay put. Otherwise, get out here, loot whatever stuff you can, and follow me. We're taking this whole place, and then we're taking Megadale itself!" SheBang declared. More guards came down the corridor; SheBang threw his hostage to one of the prisoners as he produced his Laser Hair Dryer and fired at them several times; enough to take them down but not outright kill them. "Look, guns! Bulletproof vests! Grab 'em!" SheBang teleported past the guards that he had just taken down and continued onward.
  24. One notable prisoner, Candy Rapper, emerged from his cell. He looked at the chaos caused by SheBang and whistled. "Daaaaamn. That girl is off-the-walls crazy." He grabbed a gun from a fallen guard and aimed it the opposite direction that SheBang went.
  25. "Hey, man. You're doing it wrong."
  26. "Huh?" Candy Rapper turned to see anther prisoner standing beside him.
  27. "Why're you holding the gun sideways?" the prisoner asked. "You won't be able to hit anything."
  28. "Get off my case, punk!" Candy Rapper protested. "This is my style." The prisoner groaned before kneeling down in front of another guard. The guard was still moving slightly, so the prisoner punched him in the forehead, hard, before beginning to strip him of his equipment.
  30. Megamonkey was sitting in his usual chair in the main chamber of his lair. Repairs to the lair had been finished for the most part. A monitor on the wall was showing the view of Megadale Prison from the outside; the lair and the prison were closer to each other than the prison and Megadale itself, so it wasn't difficult to keep the place under constant watch. Pressing a button on his chair, Megamonkey took a deep breath. "VIRUNGA! Get in here, now!" he shouted. A minute later, Virunga walked into the room and saluted.
  31. "Orders?"
  32. "Not orders, questions," Megamonkey told. "I need the Ban-She. What is its status?"
  33. "The minions are still working on it. They haven't made much progress, since the lair was the bigger priority, and it's only been a few days sin--" Virunga paused when he saw a look of rage on Megamonkey's face.
  34. "I need it ready to go within the next HOUR! I want that doctor, you hear me?!" Megamonkey demanded.
  35. "Doctor? What doctor, Boss?" Virunga asked.
  36. "Right, you don't know. Dr. Frankenweather, the man who built that floating lab, and the robots, one of which would later become the Ban-She. He was imprisoned very recently after there was proof that he had planned to destroy Megadale with an artificially-induced lightning twister," Megamonkey explained.
  37. Virunga crossed his arms and sneered. "A HUMAN? What good are they?"
  38. "This human's goals overlap with my own, somewhat. Not to mention that I could make use of his skills. So you and the Ban-She are going to capture him in the confusion," Megamonkey instructed.
  39. "I can do that alone, why send the Ban-She?" Virunga asked. "It's still all smashed up!"
  40. "Why? It used to be one of the doctor's robots. It won't have any trouble locating him," Megamonkey pointed out. "Remove the cannons and the remains of the left arm, attach a seat, seat belt, and a, a cloak, to the left side of its body to hide the passenger AND the damage..." Megamonkey thought out loud, turning away from Virunga. "Ha ha ha...I can prepare a temporary weapon for it as well. Yes, that will do, and getting it done within the hour is feasible. Come with me, I'll need you for the manual labor while I make some adjustments to the A.I. to compensate for the change in setup. I'll have one of the minions take one of the seats out of a flatbed."
  41. Virunga muttered something under his breath before looking at Megamonkey. "Right away."
  43. An hour passed. Spit Bubble and Dr. Frankenweather had joined the group of escaped cons that SheBang was leading throughout the prison; the guards had been dispatched by SheBang alone, for the most part. A large portion of the criminals had armed themselves, as SheBang had used his super strength to break open the door to the armory. To ensure no friendly fire happened, Candy Rapper gave up his gun to a prisoner who had more experience with firearm handling and simply relied on his powers to fight. "We're heading into Megadale now. It's all about speed. Once we're inside the city, it's not going to be easy for the cops to handle this many at once," SheBang instructed.
  44. "What makes YOU our boss? You're just a little g--"
  45. "Shut up," SheBang told, shooting the prisoner that had spoken up with his Laser Hair Dryer. He fell over and didn't move. "When we get there, just go nuts. Do whatever you like; break stuff, steal, kill. Take hostages, whatever. I'LL take care of SheZow." A few of the prisoners began clapping; few became many, and many became most as the applause echoed throughout the prison. SheBang smiled and turned away, scratching his head. "Oh, and don't worry, I have something special planned. A bunch of explosives will go off at some point. EVERYBODY, when you see or hear them, go to the building that they damaged and head inside. That'll be the key to tipping the scales!" SheBang assured, winking. "Off we go!" SheBang declared, pointing toward Megadale and leading the charge. SheBang's group numbered around 500; the rest of the prisoners had either escaped in the confusion, or remained in the prison.
  47. "Weren't you supposed to be off, Dear?" Droosha asked, before yawning. She rolled over to see Boxter putting on his police uniform. She had been woken up by the sound of Boxter's cell phone ringing a few minutes earlier. "And when was the last time you worked a late shift?"
  48. "It's part of the job," Boxter told. He rubbed his eyes. "Every officer in Megadale who's able is being called in. There's been a mass breakout at the prison and they're heading this way. They have weapons."
  49. "You know I always say this, careful," Droosha told. She got out of bed and put her arms around Boxter, giving him a kiss before he left the room.
  50. "Thanks, but you know I--" Boxter paused as he opened the door; Guy and Kelly were both there, having been listening in on the conversation. "And what are you two doing up? I don't care if it's Sunday tomorrow, go to bed. It's past 1 A.M.!"
  51. "Dad, is that true? Some kinda riot?" Guy asked.
  52. "Don't worry, Dad. I'm sure SheZow will help out," Kelly added. She looked at Guy and nodded.
  53. "She'd better not. There's hundreds of escaped cons. The entire police force and the riot squads will be out there, doing things by the book. We'll have this cleaned up by morning, just you wait," Boxter assured. He hugged Guy and Kelly with one arm each before heading down the hall and out of the house.
  54. "Kids, just...go back to bed, okay? Your dad is tough, he'll be fine," Droosha told. Kelly could tell that she was worried sick.
  55. "Okay, Mom. Good night," Kelly replied, slowly shutting the door. She and Guy then headed over to Guy's room.
  56. "Sheila sure can call 'em, huh?" Guy commented.
  57. "Yeah. I don't like it," Kelly sighed. "Go get Maz. I'll head down to the She-Lair ahead of you and find out what exactly is going on out there."
  58. Guy nodded. "You go, girl!" He transformed into SheZow and opened the window of his bedroom before jumping out and taking off down the street with his super speed. Kelly used the hidden elevator in Guy's room to descend to the She-Lair.
  60. Outside, SheZow could hear the sounds of gunshots and crashes off in the distance. He held back the urge to rush over there and proceeded to Maz's house. Fortunately, Maz also lived in the suburbs, well away from downtown where the riot was taking place. It didn't take SheZow long to reach Maz's house; he jumped up and tapped on Maz's window. Maz, who had been anticipating SheZow's visit, opened up the window, allowing SheZow to jump inside. "Hey, Maz, you all set to...what is that?"
  61. Maz stood in front of SheZow dressed in a blue military uniform with a black belt. He wore a small backpack and also wore 4 rings on each hand; the rings were a very simple design. He reached into the backpack and produced a large metal ring, about the same size as a frisbee, and held it high. "This is one that I've been saving for a while. I'm Ring Commander!"
  62. "Looks like you're really raRING to go," SheZow commented.
  63. "I had to scrounge these big rings from the garbage dump. I don't even know what they're FROM," Maz informed. He put the large ring back in the backpack and zipped it up.
  64. "Gross. Anyway, let's go," SheZow replied. He turned away from Maz and bent his knees. "Get on."
  65. "Gross."
  66. "Look, just do it! We gotta get back to the She-Lair quick!" SheZow told.
  67. "Okay, okay," Maz agreed, climbing onto SheZow's back. SheZow then jumped out the window and took off running the way he came, carrying Maz the whole way.
  69. SheBang teleported to the rooftop of a building as his makeshift army flooded the streets of Megadale. Candy Rapper had taken around a hundred other prisoners and split off from the main force; Spit Bubble did the same, whose group included Dr. Frankenweather. The main group was heading straight for the city hall. The riot control officers and the regular police force had been deployed, and everyone in the area had been advised to stay on upper floors and not leave their houses for any reason. Taking aim at an APC, SheBang charged up his Laser Hair Dryer for around thirty seconds before firing off the energy, blasting a hole right through the APC, causing it to fall apart. The prisoners joined the attack by firing their pistols at the riot officers, but the shields were able to block the 9mm hollow point ammunition easily enough. "These guys aren't gonna be much help, huh? Oh well," SheBang sighed.
  70. "SheBang." Sheila's hologram suddenly appeared before SheBang. "What do you intend to do with this...mess you've caused?"
  71. "Hee hee hee. I told you yesterday. I'm going to make Megadale burn. Of course, I'll gladly stop all of the prisoners myself if you tell me how to transform at will," SheBang assured.
  72. "I'm not negotiating with the likes of you. SheZow will take care of it, and you as well," Sheila told, before vanishing.
  73. "OH YES, PLEASE!" SheBang yelled. "Send SheZow my way!" He then fell over, rolling back and forth, giggling wildly.
  75. "Sheila. SHEILA!" Kelly yelled. Sheila's hologram then appeared on-screen.
  76. "Oh, Kelly. Did I keep you waiting long?" Sheila asked.
  77. "You're ALWAYS here, I've never had to wait. Where else would you be, anyway? The Shehicle's still here, and I bet if I asked SheZow, he wouldn't mention anything about you talking to him...her," Kelly replied.
  78. "What are you getting at?" Sheila inquired.
  79. Kelly's eye twitched as she glared at Sheila. "Nothing. Nothing at all." A few minutes later, SheZow and Maz had arrived at the She-Lair.
  80. "Well, now that we're all here, let's bring you all up to speed," Sheila stated, bringing up a view of the riot from the SheZow Satellite. "As you can see, there are quite a few. A few supervillains are in the mix, as well. Candy Rapper, Spit Bubble. But most notably, SheBang."
  81. "Wait, SheBang's helping them? That's not like her at all! She was always a troublemaker, but she never seriously HURT anyone!....Well, besides me," SheZow admitted. "And maybe SheZap."
  82. "Take it as a sign of how serious she is this time. Unfortunately for the police, SheBang's presence is making it hard for them to contain the riot. SheZow, you need to get over there and stop her, for GOOD this time," Sheila told.
  83. "For good?" SheZow asked. "You mean--"
  84. "Kill her. Do you really think a prison could contain her?" Sheila pointed out.
  85. SheZow looked away. Kelly looked at Sheila. "That's not what the old SheZow...or ANY SheZow, would do, Sheila!" Kelly protested.
  86. "Look." Sheila showed more detailed footage of the streets; stores being broken into, civilians being dragged outside and used as human shields, and police being knocked out by SheBang's liberal use of his powers. "Isn't your father out there? Do you really want to risk this sort of thing happening again? This isn't about SheZow, it's about you. What do YOU think is right, Guy?"
  87. "...Dad!" SheZow exclaimed. "You're right. I'll take care of SheBang properly, I promise."
  88. "SheZ--" Kelly started, but Maz interrupted her.
  89. "I've got your back, SheZow!" Maz assured. He gave a thumbs up.
  90. "Kelly, you're going to be flying the She-C-10 once again. Use the arms to carry SheZow and Maz to the site of the riot. Maz, the majority of the convicts don't have guns, so do your best to focus on those ones and stay indoors while Kelly handles the armed ones from the air with the Fishnet Stocking Bombs. SheZow, SheBang is your priority, but if you have a chance to help the police break any stalemates, don't hesitate," Sheila instructed.
  91. "I'll try to grab a bulletproof vest for you, Maz," SheZow added. He put on the earpiece that he had used during SheZow Con, which had been upgraded to allow for two-way communication, in order to keep in touch with Kelly this time. Kelly got up from her chair and headed over to the Shehicle, jumping into the driver's seat and transforming it into the She-C-10. She ascended slightly, deploying the jet's arms and grabbing SheZow and Maz.
  92. "I'm counting on you," Sheila told. The She-C-10 took off, heading out of the She-Lair and toward downtown Megadale. Sheila smiled.
  94. "Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about!" Candy Rapper exclaimed, holding up a jar of grape jelly. He unscrewed the lid and drank down the entire jar in one go. His group had gone for Megadale Mall. The mall was closed; the only staff inside were the nighttime cleaning crew, who had been taken as hostages. The horde of convicts' first priority was some decent food; they had gone straight for the grocery store and were helping themselves to everything in sight. There were some police outside, but they weren't able to make any moves since the convicts had hostages.
  95. "Hey, Candy Rapper!"
  96. "Call me "Bro", Bro," Candy Rapper corrected. "We're all bros here, aren't we?"
  97. The convict groaned. "Bro. I found a bunch of the guys down the hall, stuck to the walls with some sort stuff. I couldn't pull them loose. Anything you can do?"
  98. "Alright alright, I got this," Candy Rapper assured. He threw the empty jelly jar over his shoulder, letting it shatter on the floor as he headed out of the grocery store. "C'mon, guys, let's get a crew going, here! Whoever's here, we'll just gang up on 'em!" Around ten other convicts, three with guns, put down the food they were eating and followed, knowing that Candy Rapper was the main advantage they had over any police officers. The twelve of them proceeded down the corridors; as they moved along, they saw about twenty other convicts stuck to the walls, floor, and ceiling by gobs of snot. "That...that's messed up, yo."
  99. "Muahahahaha!"
  100. "Who's there?!" one of the armed convicts demanded, raising his gun.
  101. "Ah-aaahhh--CHOOO!"
  102. Wha--AAAH!" The convict was knocked to the floor and covered in snot.
  103. "Another one goes down!" Tara gloated, stepping into view. She had been hiding behind a bench. "After I take care of all you VILLAINS, I'm going to take ALL the credit!" she boasted. Candy Rapper fired off a volley of exploding candy rocks at Tara, which she blocked with her Laser Mascara. In response, Tara readied the laser blaster on her opposite arm and fired at Candy Rapper and the armed convicts. The convicts all dove for cover behind trash cans, potted plants, anything they could find.
  104. Two more convicts stepped into view, along with a janitor they had taken hostage. One held a gun to the janitor's head. "HOLD IT! We've got a hostage! Surrender, or we'll--"
  105. "Heh heh heh..." Tara chuckled before building up a large ball of snot.
  106. "I'M SERIOUS!!"
  107. "Ah-CHOOOOO!!" Tara launched an incredibly large ball of snot, big enough to hit both of the convicts and the janitor at once, pinning them to a wall in between a toy store and a clothing store.
  108. At this point, the unarmed convicts had armed themselves with various items such as a fire extinguisher, a ladder, and a baseball bat. It was all for naught, though; Tara put away her Laser Mascara and brought out her second blaster; she fired relentlessly, ensuring to only use enough power to stun, not kill, the convicts. The gun-toting convicts had no opportunity to counterattack, as Tara's weapons did not need reloading.
  109. "C'mon, Bro! Don't you have a plan?" a convict asked, looking at Candy Rapper.
  110. "Yeah. EVERY BRO FOR HIMSELF!" Candy Rapper declared, taking off running. Tara looked his way, but didn't fire at him; she was occupied with keeping the other convicts pinned down.
  111. "Easy. Too easy!" Tara boasted. "Where's SheZow? I feel like I can even take her down today!" She turned toward the grocery store, hearing voices coming from there. "AFTER I take care of the rest of the rabble."
  113. In another part of town, Spit Bubble's group was trying to take the police station; not only did Dr. Frankenweather insist that his lightning twister gun was still in there, but a lot of the other convicts liked the idea of getting more weapons. They regarded the police station from a distance. The officers stationed in the area were under strict orders to keep the police station secure.
  114. "Imposssstttthhbbble," Spit Bubble commented, drooling as he spoke. He ducked down behind a car.
  115. "He's right," another convict added. "Place is swarming with cops. DUH! It's a freakin' cop shop!"
  116. "My inventionness is IN THERE!" Dr. Frankenweather protested. "With that lightning twister gun, we can destroy the entire police force effortlessly! SheZow too!"
  117. "Then YOU go first!" the convict replied, narrowing his eyes at Dr. Frankenweather. There were many police officers at the station, but they didn't make any moves against Spit Bubble's group; the group had a small number of guns compared to Candy Rapper's and SheBang's groups, and thus would have a difficult time with a frontal assault.
  118. "We could try going in tttttthhhh--" Spit Bubble paused a second to slurp up the saliva. "...Back."
  119. "Oh, sure, they won't have any guards THERE."
  120. "You have any better ideas, geniusness?!" Dr. Frankenweather demanded.
  121. "Aren't YOU a doctor of some sort? Aren't you the brains of this outfit?"
  122. "I'm not a HANDS-ON genius!" Dr. Frankenweather insisted. "I had a floating laboratoryness, and robots, and all sorts of wonderful technology! And then SHEZOW ruined everything!"
  123. Another convict spoke up. "The cops aren't moving. There's no HARM in checking the back, right?" he asked.
  124. "A go-getter, that's what we need! Spit Bubble, care to lead the way?" Dr. Frankenweather asked.
  125. "Sure ttttttthhhhhing," Spit Bubble agreed. He wiped his mouth as he stood up, leading Dr. Frankenweather and a large group of convicts around the block, taking the long way around. For the most part, they were being ignored; the main police force was busy trying to contain SheBang's group.
  127. As the She-C-10 approached SheBang's group, it swooped down low and let SheZow and Maz off in a parking lot. Kelly then flew it back up into the sky and surveyed the area from above. "SheZow, can you hear me?" Kelly asked.
  128. "Loud and clear!" SheZow responded.
  129. "According to Sheila's info, there's three groups. One is at the mall, and another is near the police station. The big one is here, near the city hall. This is the one that SheBang is with," Kelly informed.
  130. "Thanks for the heads up!" SheZow replied.
  131. "Oh, and don't listen to Sheila. Do NOT let Maz get separated from you. This is dangerous. Even if you have to bring him with you to go face SheBang, don't let him out of your sight, okay?" Kelly advised.
  132. "I won't let anything happen to him!" SheZow assured.
  133. "Isn't that my line?" Maz asked, tapping SheZow on the shoulder and grinning.
  134. "I'm going to start softening up the group here. It looks like the police at the mall are making a move and going inside, and the group of convicts near the police station aren't doing much, so don't worry too much about the other groups," Kelly told. She flew the She-C-10 in circles around a few blocks, getting a good look at where most of the convicts were positioned. "SheBang's on a rooftop."
  135. "Alright, Maz, let's go!" SheZow exclaimed. He produced his Laser Lipstick and ran ahead, not using his super speed so that Maz could keep up. As SheZow ran past a corner store, a convict stepped out of the entrance and pointed his gun at the back of SheZow's head.
  136. "Now you're done f--" the convict was suddenly silenced as Maz jumped up and punched him in the back of the head using the rings on his finger. The convict fell forward onto the ground. SheZow paused and looked back, seeing Maz punch the convict a couple more times to make sure he was down.
  137. "Wait, Maz, do you really need to go that far?" SheZow asked.
  138. "No one tries to hurt SheZow on my watch!" Maz declared. He took the bulletproof vest from the convict and put it on. It was a little big, but it fulfilled its purpose. As Maz was about to reach for the gun, SheZow ran over to him and grabbed his hand.
  139. "No."
  140. "But--"
  141. "NO!" SheZow insisted. "If you want to be my sidekick, you're not going to kill. I'm not going to either. Okay?"
  142. "But didn't you say to Sheila that you were going to take care of SheBang?" Maz asked.
  143. "I will, but there's certain lines I won't cross. And SheBang....well, this entire situation is extreme, but something tells me that if I talk to her enough, find out what she REALLY wants...that it'll work out somehow," SheZow explained.
  144. "So you lied," Maz replied.
  145. "Yep. Problem with that?" SheZow asked.
  146. Maz grinned. "Hahaha. Nope!"
  147. "Trust me, I'd rather Sheila hold a grudge than Kelly," SheZow pointed out. Suddenly, a huge ball of energy flew overhead and blasted a hole in a tall building. The two friends took off running again, seeing SheBang standing at the edge of a rooftop, firing wildly. He had his Laser Hair Dryer out, trying to hit the She-C-10, but his own reflexes and target-leading abilities weren't enough to compete with the She-C-10's speed. SheZow charged into the middle of the street, standing in between the police and the convicts. He let loose a Sonic Scream, knocking many of the convicts and the vehicles they were using as cover flying down the street. SheBang fired several shots at SheZow, but was foiled by SheZow's Laser Lipstick. SheBang teleported down to ground level and took off running down another street. "Officers! Now's your chance! If you've got anything big, use it!" SheZow told. "Ring Commander, let's go!" SheZow chased after SheBang with Maz in tow.
  148. "Hmph," Boxter scoffed. He was dressed in full riot gear; he glared at SheZow as he left the scene. "Well, at least now we might get to see that sound cannon I've heard about."
  149. "Here it comes!" Wackerman exclaimed. A humvee pulled up; in the back was a large sound cannon. It aimed down the street and fired. Many of the convicts took off at that point, eager to put distance between themselves at the sound cannon. More of them were captured by Fishnet Stocking Bombs fired by the She-C-10.
  150. "Oh, hell!" a convict cursed, looking out from the building he was holed up in. He looked around. "A damn SOUND CANNON?! SheBang!....Wait, where's SheBang?! HEY!"
  152. SheBang led SheZow and Maz down several blocks before turning and heading down an alley. He peeked out from around the corner and fired a few shots, which were blocked by SheZow, before he continued further in. "Stop running away!" SheZow complained, anxious to end the battle as soon as possible. As he turned the corner, he slipped on the ground; it had been completely frozen over. Maz, as well, slipped on the ground, not expecting ice. He dug his rings into the ground and came to a halt as SheZow used his Laser Lipstick to do the same.
  153. "Wait, where'd she go?" Maz asked, looking around.
  154. "Ice see you've arrived, SheZow! And whoever you are," Coldfinger greeted, stepping out from behind a dumpster. In addition to the frozen ground, the alley's walls had been frozen over, and there were long, sharp icicles protruding out to the sides.
  155. "Coldfinger?!" SheZow exclaimed, standing up before falling over once again. He looked up at Coldfinger, who produced a pair of icy claws.
  156. "I might only have one power, but it can be used in so many ways!" Coldfinger boasted. He raised his claws only to be hit by SheZow's Sonic Scream and knocked back a ways. However, the ice on the ground did not affect Coldfinger's stability.
  157. "And I have a bunch of powers!" SheZow pointed out, putting away his Laser Lipstick. He raised his fists into the air, smashing the ground and cracking the ice with his super strength. He did this several more times in quick succession thanks to his super speed. Coldfinger retracted the claws and pointed his hands at SheZow, but Maz produced a large ring from his backpack and hurled it at Coldfinger, hitting him in the head. Maz was still in a seated position, but this didn't affect his throwing ability.
  158. "OWW! Why, you--!!" Coldfinger growled.
  159. "Leave him to me!" SheBang exclaimed, dropping down from a rooftop and holding a Shuribbon in each hand. He threw them both, hitting both of Maz's knees.
  160. "AAAAHHHHH!!" Maz cried out in pain. He clutched his legs; they were bleeding badly. SheBang teleported again, getting out of SheZow's sight.
  161. "She-C-10!" SheZow yelled, pressing a button on the earpiece. "Get over here, on the ground! Get Ring Commander OUT of here! He's hurt, bad!" SheZow pulled himself toward Maz.
  162. "WHAT?! Right, I'm on the way," Kelly replied.
  163. "Should you really be worried about him right now?!" Coldfinger asked. He blasted a blizzard at SheZow, messing up his hair and sending him sliding out of the alley along with Maz. Coldfinger then conjured up a large ball of ice and threw it, but SheZow grabbed Maz and rolled to the side with his arms wrapped around him, avoiding the ice ball as it landed on the ground with a loud thud. "HAHAHAHA!! What's wrong, SheZow?"
  164. SheZow produced the She-Lac. He applied the She-Lac to his hair, restoring his powers. SheZow sighed and looked up. "Looks like that's my best bet." He leaped into the air, landing on one of the buildings overlooking the alley. Coldfinger blasted another blizzard up at SheZow, but SheZow used the building as cover as he heard Kelly pull up in the Shehicle. SheZow tapped the earpiece. "Kelly, get Maz outta here, quick! Stay on ground rather than flying. SheBang is still around, and she's more likely to notice something in the sky!"
  165. "Don't worry, I've got him," Kelly assured. She helped Maz to his feet and guided him to the Shehicle, helping him into the passenger seat.
  166. "SheZ--OOOWWWW!" Maz cried out. He winced from the pain.
  167. "Enough about SheZow. She'll be fine," Kelly pointed out. She then got into the driver's seat and stepped on the accelerator.
  168. "Now it's just you and me! HAHAHA!" Coldfinger laughed. Pointing his palms at the ground, he conjured up a tower of ice, standing on it as it grew taller. "Or is SheBang here as well?"
  169. "Not likely," SheZow replied. He produced his Boomerang Brush and threw it at Coldfinger, who dodged by jumping up and landing on the rooftop that SheZow was standing on. Aiming his palms straight down once more, Coldfinger began freezing the entire area of the rooftop. Before SheZow could figure out his next move, the ice overtook him and froze his feet to the rooftop, leaving him immobilized.
  170. "Now I'm gonna ice you!" Coldfinger shouted, producing an icy double-bladed axe on his right hand and charging forward.
  171. "Perfect! A chance to try out my...." SheZow held his right hand up high. "Heavy-Handed Super She-Slap..." SheZow's hand grew to an immense size. "...CRUSH!" He brought the hand straight down, slamming Coldfinger down onto the ice. SheZow raised the enlarged hand and brought it down on Coldfinger once more.
  173. " more," SheZow struck once more. The force of the impact shattered Coldfinger's icy axe and left him nearly motionless, flat on his stomach. Coldfinger slowly looked up at SheZow. SheZow's hand returned to normal before he punched the ice where his feet were trapped, freeing himself. SheZow sat down and looked at Coldfinger, drawing his Laser Lipstick. "So, you must've been working with SheBang. What's her plan?"
  174. "What PLAN?! She didn't tell me anything! She just wanted me to keep YOU busy for some reason!" Coldfinger growled. He struggled to move, but the pain was too severe.
  175. SheZow tilted his head. "Ooookay. Sure."
  176. "She told me last night how she was going to bust into the prison and free all the prisoners. Let them loose in Megadale. But I have no idea WHY!" Coldfinger continued. SheZow turned back to the scene of the battle in front of the city hall. The sound cannon was being used to great effect in suppressing the prisoners.
  177. "Well, I hope you've learned your lesson THIS time. Probably not though, right?" SheZow asked. Coldfinger slammed his fist on the ice before SheZow jumped off of the rooftop. SheZow looked around. "SheBang....ugh, I don't know where she is! Guess I'll just take care of the rest of them until she shows up again."
  179. Spit Bubble's group had successfully gotten behind the police station. There were officers stationed at the back too. "I told you," one of the convicts mentioned. "So now what?"
  180. "Wait," Dr. Frankenweather warned. "No, run! Everybody run! Nowness! Something big's coming!"
  181. "Hey, what are you--" Suddenly, the sounds of loud stomping could be heard coming toward them. The group fled, getting as much distance between themselves and the police station as possible. Most of them had split off, either running away entirely or re-joining the group near city hall, leaving Spit Bubble, Dr. Frankenweather, and around ten other convicts in the group. They ran all the way down the street, heading toward the park. Before they could get there, though, their path was blocked by Virunga, who had jumped down from a tall building and landed in front of them.
  182. "Humans..." Virunga growled. He raised his fists, only for the armed convicts to fire their guns at him. The shots that hit Virunga's armor did nothing, but the ones that hit his flesh drew blood. He winced a bit, but swung his fists, knocking four of the convicts aside.
  183. "VIRUNGA!" came the sound of Megamonkey's voice from an earpiece that Virunga was wearing. "I told you NOT to attack needlessly! Just get the doctor and return!"
  184. Virunga grumbled as the other convicts backed away. Spit Bubble, however, paused while the others were still getting distance. "I'm not ssssshhhhhcared of you," Spit Bubble told. He blew a bubble, sending it flying toward Virunga. Suddenly, the Ban-She decloaked and activated its laser blade, slicing the bubble in half. It held a blaster in its hand, only a little bigger than the ones the monkey soldiers were issued, which it pointed and fired at Spit Bubble. He frantically dodged, and took off running afterward. The Ban-She did not pursue.
  185. "OBJECTIVE LOCATED," the Ban-She stated, looking at Dr. Frankenweather. It deactivated the laser blade.
  186. "Listen, scum," Virunga told. "Hand over Frankenweather or we'll slaughter you all." Virunga slammed his left fist into his right palm. The Ban-She aimed its laser blaster.
  187. "S-sure! Take him!" one of the convicts agreed. He grabbed Dr. Frankenweather and tossed him forward onto his stomach before running off. The remaining convicts followed him.
  188. "You're mine, old man," Virunga gloated. He picked up Dr. Frankenweather with one hand, opened the Ban-She's cloak, and fastened Dr. Frankenweather to the seat.
  189. "What are you doingness?!" Dr. Frankenweather demanded.
  190. "Megamonkey thinks you'll be of use to him. You'd better hope you are," Virunga told.
  191. "Virunga! Stop threatening our new colleague and return to the lair!" Megamonkey ordered via the earpiece.
  192. "Yes, Boss," Virunga replied. He turned to the Ban-She. "We're leaving." The gorilla and robot then began walking back in the direction of Megamonkey's lair to meet up with a truck en route that would take them the rest of the way. Little did they know, though, that they were being followed. Blood from Virunga's wounds dripped onto the ground as he walked.
  193. Tara peeked at the two of them from behind a parked van. She had headed to the police station after helping out at the mall, but was drawn to this location by the sound of laser fire. "The gorilla! And a robot?" She looked back and forth to make sure there were no more escaped prisoners in the area. "Time for a little payback," Tara declared. Noticing the blood, Tara was able to stay a safe distance away and use the blood to keep track of their position.
  195. Kelly and Maz were approaching the entrance to the She-Lair. Stopping the Shehicle, Kelly waited for the entrance to open, having detected the Shehicle's presence. Suddenly, SheBang appeared next to Kelly, sitting in the passenger side on Maz's lap. He pointed the Laser Hair Dryer at Kelly and glared at her. SheBang had a scary expression on his face as he pressed the mass detonation button on the Laser Hair Dryer, causing several explosions off in the distance. "Call for help, and I'll kill you. Take your hands off the wheel, and I'll kill you. Drive the car anywhere but into that entrance, and I'll kill you," SheBang growled. Kelly was trembling in fear as she looked down the barrel of the Laser Hair Dryer. She took a deep breath and turned toward the entrance, driving the Shehicle inside.
  197. "Guys! That's SheBang's signal!" one of the escaped convicts shouted. "It's that warehouse over there! C'mon!" He took off running, followed by the others. Word spread fast and more of them followed. At this point, the only group remaining was the one that was going for the city hall; the police followed after them.
  198. "Heh! Yes, I bet SheBang's gonna ambush the cops and kill them all at once!" another thought out loud. Flooding into the warehouse in droves, it wasn't long before the streets were all but cleared of the convicts' presence. The Compact Sticky Bombs that had been placed on the warehouse had blown the front entrance and the surrounding area of the front wall wide open, but otherwise the building was completely intact. When the riot control officers reached the outer perimeter of the warehouse, they paused for a moment while they received new orders.
  199. The first convict looked around. "I don't see SheBang anywhere."
  200. "THAT BITCH!!"
  201. "What? What's going on?"
  202. "Look at this!" a convict exclaimed, pointing toward a computer. A text program was open on it, containing a message. "Actually, screw that, I'm just going to read it out loud. 'Thanks for helping me get what I want! I meant what I said, that the explosions would be the key to tipping the scales. You're all trapped inside a building with nowhere to run. The cops are gonna be all over that. Trash should always be cleaned up, right? Later! Signed, SheBang.'."
  203. "Wait, WHAT?!"
  204. "You mean that little--"
  205. "Whose idea was it to trust that little shit?!" Infighting immediately broke out among the convicts, but it didn't last long; the riot control officers began firing tear gas canisters into the warehouse, and it wasn't long before the entire building was completely flooded with it. The humvee with the sound cannon pulled up next and took aim.
  206. SheZow arrived at the scene and looked toward the warehouse. "Wow, you guys sure know your stuff."
  207. One of the officers turned to him. "We can't just rely on you all the time, SheZow. Still, though. Thanks. You really helped us out earlier."
  208. SheZow smiled and gave a thumbs up. "No problem!"
  209. "I wonder why they all suddenly ran in there, though," the officer added.
  211. Virunga and the Ban-She, along with Dr. Frankenweather, arrived at the city's outer perimeter. A flatbed truck pulled out from behind a boulder and drove onto the road, heading toward them, only for one of its wheels to be shot by Tara. The monkey driver suddenly stopped to ensure the truck wouldn't tip. "GORILLA!" Tara yelled. "It's time for a grudge match!"
  212. "YOU!! If only the boss had just let me kill you in the first place!" Virunga growled.
  213. "Virunga! Status!" Megamonkey demanded through the earpiece.
  214. "It's that human woman we captured once. She attacked the truck. I can kill her, right?" Virunga asked.
  215. "Prioritize the doctor's safety. I'm on my way," Megamonkey told. Tara readied her Laser Mascara as Virunga raised his fists. The Ban-She activated its laser blade.
  217. The Shehicle parked in its usual spot within the She-Lair. SheBang lifted Maz from the Shehicle with one arm and kept the Laser Hair Dryer pointed at Kelly. "Where do you want this guy?" SheBang asked.
  218. "Huh...?" Kelly tilted her head, confused by SheBang's sudden change in behavior. "Just, over here...on that thing. The Shegeneration Module," Kelly answered. She led SheBang over to the section of the She-Lair where the Shegeneration Module was set up. SheBang placed Maz down onto it. Kelly went for the controls, but SheBang grabbed her by the arm.
  219. "Not yet. Not until I get what I want," SheBang told.
  220. "I don't get it. What DO you want?" Kelly asked.
  221. SheBang took a deep breath. "SHEILA! I know you're in here, witch! Show yourself!" SheBang screamed. He turned to Kelly. "You're one of SheZow's allies. I want you to witness every detail of this." Kelly nodded in response.
  222. Sheila appeared on her usual monitor. "Wait, SheBang?! Kelly, what have you done?!"
  223. "Like I had a choice?!" Kelly retorted.
  224. "Finally, I'm face to face with you!" SheBang exclaimed. He let go of Kelly. Sheila tried to scan SheBang with the same device she had used on SheZow when he met Sheila for the first time, but SheBang teleported away and fired a shot from the Laser Hair Dryer, destroying the scanner. "And now there are some questions I want you to answer. And in case you're wondering, SheZow is occupied right now. I win, Sheila." Sheila suddenly vanished from the monitor.
  226. "SheZow, SheZow!" Sheila appeared in hologram form in front of SheZow.
  227. "Hey, Sheila! What's up? We're just taking care of the leftovers ri--" SheZow was cut off as Sheila continued.
  228. "Get back here, quickly! SheBang is inside the She-Lair! She's going to KILL Kelly and Maz! Your mother might be in danger, too!" Sheila warned.
  229. "WHAT?!" SheZow blurted out. "I'm on the way! Do whatever you can!" SheZow told. He took off with his super speed, leaving the police to finish up at the warehouse.
  231. "Tell me how to transform at will! Now! What are the magic words?" SheBang asked.
  232. "Magic words? Like SheZow's?" Kelly asked.
  233. "Yes, those. I want to be able to transform at will, too," SheBang told.
  234. "Why, though? You don't need your powers all the time, right?" Kelly inquired further.
  235. "It's not JUST about the powers, although they're a nice bonus," SheBang explained. He turned back to Sheila. "Tell me, or I'll paint this room red," SheBang warned, pointing the Laser Hair Dryer at Kelly.
  236. "You don't have the nerve to do it," Sheila commented.
  237. "Sheila, just tell her! At the very least, it wouldn't make the situation any WORSE!" Kelly encouraged.
  238. "If I can transform at will, I don't have any reason to do evil anymore," SheBang added. "But if you won't talk, I will." Sheila said nothing. Turning to Kelly, SheBang lowered the Laser Hair Dryer. "Remember when the Shehicle got taken? I'M the one who got it back," SheBang informed.
  239. "Wait, how do you even know about that?" Kelly asked.
  240. "Sheila blackmailed me, saying she would tell SheZow my weakness if I didn't," SheBang pointed out.
  241. "Kelly, she's lying! How would I know SheBang's weakness? I've never even spoken with her once!"
  242. "Sheila also had me help out with the attack on that lair to rescue that Tara lady. She tried to have me kill her, too," SheBang added. Kelly's eyes went wide. "Not only that, but she told me that she's trying to make sure that SheZow and I never become allies! I even managed to find out SheZow's weakness."
  243. "Sheila! Explain yourself!" Kelly demanded.
  244. "Those are all lies! She's trying to trick you!" Sheila insisted.
  245. "Why? For what? Maz is badly hurt. I'm practically defenseless against her. There's nothing to stop SheBang from destroying this entire place, if that was her goal. But it's not, right, SheBang?" Kelly asked, turning to SheBang.
  246. "I couldn't care less about any of that. I just want to be able to control my transformation," SheBang confirmed. The conversation was interrupted, though, when SheZow arrived on the scene and blasted a Sonic Scream at SheBang, sending him flying into Sheila's control console.
  247. "Made it! Everybody okay?" SheZow asked.
  248. "SheZow, stop!" Kelly told. "This is pointless! This whole battle, all of it!"
  249. "But SheBang was going to kill you and Maz!"
  250. "No, she wasn't! She just wants to transform without--"
  251. "Okay, you win, SheBang," Sheila interrupted. "Listen well."
  252. SheBang got back up, rubbing his head which had slammed into the control console. "About time. Tell me."
  253. "Repeat after me: sheality," Sheila stated.
  254. "'Sheality'...?" SheBang repeated. He was enveloped in red energy before transforming back into Morgan. Morgan immediately saw his reflection in an inactive monitor. "Wh....WHAAAAT?!" He frantically looked around, from Sheila, to Kelly, to SheZow. His legs buckled before he fell to the ground and gagged.
  255. "SheBang is...a BOY?!" Kelly exclaimed. She walked toward Morgan slowly, but stopped as Morgan began vomiting. He was trembling as well.
  256. "SheZow, finish the job! Now is your chance!" Sheila ordered.
  257. SheZow stood, watching the pathetic sight that SheBang had become. "You can't be serious."
  258. "Do it!" Sheila insisted.
  259. "She-yeah!" SheZow suddenly transformed back into Guy. Morgan looked up at him. "There, SheBang. Now we're even. I've seen your true identity, and you've seen mine. Now, let's settle this like men." Guy raised both of his fists, but Morgan showed no interest. He sat up, buried his face in his legs and began to cry.
  260. "I don't care about fighting or settling anything! I hate this! Give...give SheBang back!" Morgan cried.
  261. "Wait, you're the kid from the park!" Guy pointed out.
  262. "You know him?" Kelly asked, raising an eyebrow.
  263. "Yeah, me and Maz met him at the park when we were skateboarding. Quiet guy, kinda low-energy. Nothing like SheBang at all. It's hard to believe they're the same person, even putting aside the gender bit," Guy replied.
  264. "Same goes for you, Guy. You and SheZow don't act the same, either," Kelly pointed out.
  265. "HA! That's a good one, Sis," Guy laughed. Kelly sighed, and began explaining to Guy everything that had happened since they had arrived in the She-Lair. Guy looked at Sheila. "So?"
  266. "I have nothing to say to you. There's a villain in front of you and you do nothing about it," Sheila scoffed.
  267. Guy walked over to Morgan and pulled him to his feet, turning him to face Sheila. Guy shook him back and forth vigorously before letting him go. Morgan fell to the ground and continued to cry. "This is just a girly boy who had his favorite toy taken away," Guy muttered. "Right now, he's the lamest villain I've ever faced."
  268. "Sheila, this isn't like you. There has to be a REASON behind this," Kelly insisted.
  269. "Oh....fine. At this point, it's a lost cause. So have a seat and listen, without interrupting, please." Kelly walked over to the Shegeneration Module and started it up as Guy sat down on the ground next to Morgan and poked him.
  270. "Hey, girly boy. You should probably pay atte--whoa," Guy paused as he saw Morgan's eyes. He was clearly sleep deprived. "Well, just TRY to listen, alright?" Kelly walked back over and sat down on the opposite side of Morgan.
  271. "We're all ears, Sheila," Kelly confirmed.
  272. "It all started about 40 years ago. Agnes was still SheZow, obviously, and she and Tara were on good terms still. Tara, however, was simply an occasional ally, not a sidekick or partner. She wasn't ALWAYS there when Agnes could've done with a helping hand," Sheila explained. She paused. "Now, I don't know how it came about or who had the means to do such a thing, but Agnes wanted a sidekick that she could rely on to back her up, so she used her influence to enlist help in more or less duplicating the ring."
  273. "Wait, hasn't the ring been around since the beginning of ti--" Guy paused.
  274. "No interruptions. Yes, SheZow's ring dates back to prehistoric times, as you well know. I honestly don't have any information on it. I didn't participate in the copy's creation. Anyway, it wasn't a true copy. The powers, look, gadgets...were all different. And even though the process took ten years, shortcuts had to be taken. As such, SheBang's ring doesn't do much in the way of keeping its user on the straight and narrow path," Sheila continued. "When it was completed, Agnes entrusted it to a good friend of hers whom she had known for years. This friend....she was kind, and wanted to help people more than anything. But..." Sheila paused, sighing. "Although the ring's power was great, SheBang herself was weak. She lacked the same fighting spirit that both Agnes and you possess, Guy. And then...then the aliens invaded."
  275. "Aliens? What aliens? Aliens are real?" Kelly blurted out.
  276. "I'm not going into detail on the aliens. It's not important right now. Regardless, they invaded. SheZow, SheBang, and Tara all teamed up to repel the invasion. SheBang even used an enormous Heart Shield to stop a death ray from hitting Earth. However, it took everything she had, and the aliens took advantage of that. SheBang was killed in battle. Her very first battle, and she died. There was nothing Agnes could do," Sheila told. "Although the aliens were defeated in the end, Agnes blamed herself for pushing SheBang too hard. She vowed, at that point, to work alone. That's when she started to distance herself from Tara, as well. Tara knew of SheBang's death, but didn't know that that was the reason behind Agnes...'leaving her behind'." Guy and Kelly nodded and continued to listen intently. Morgan was listening as well. "Agnes told me to ensure that no record of SheBang remained, and that she was going to dispose of the SheBang ring. It was a waste, but Agnes took SheBang's death hard, and wanted to forget about her entirely." Sheila sighed. "That's all I know. I assumed the ring was gone. I have no idea how that boy got it."
  277. "What's your name, anyway?" Kelly asked.
  278. "Morgan," Morgan replied. He had mostly stopped crying at this point.
  279. "Where did you get that ring?" Kelly continued.
  280. "I found it on the ground on the way home from school one day. A lot of other kids passed by before I did. Not sure why none of them grabbed it, because I noticed it right away," Morgan answered.
  281. "Ring knows who is meant for," Guy quoted.
  282. "Why are you talking like a barbarian?" Kelly asked, groaning.
  283. "Sorry. Heard it from my greatest aunt," Guy replied, scratching his head.
  284. "Then I put it on, and I saw was the greatest feeling in the world," Morgan admitted. "SheBang was adorable and full of energy. I wanted to live as her instead of me. I didn't want it to end. It eventually did, though. Days passed, I messed around, ended up figuring out that danger triggered the transformation."
  285. Kelly grinned. "Very interesting."
  286. "Anyway, that's why I did what I did. By keeping the two of you as enemies, I figured that you would eventually take care of SheBang, or that I could get SheBang killed in other ways," Sheila admitted. "I made a promise to Agnes, so I had to keep it no matter what."
  287. "I guess you're still a computer, in the end. Computers are designed to perform functions, after all," Kelly sighed.
  289. Tara lunged at Virunga with her Laser Mascara. Virunga used the armored section of his arm to block the attack. The Ban-She fired several shots at Tara, forcing her to dodge as well as block. Off in the distance, Megamonkey's gunship was approaching, piloted by Megamonkey himself. "Oh, hell!" Tara cursed. She put the Laser Mascara away and readied both of her blasters. She fired at the gunship, only for Megamonkey to take evasive maneuvers. The gunship deployed a pair of laser gatling guns and began firing a flurry of shots at Tara as Virunga and the Ban-She each dodged to a separate side. Tara had no time to react as the shots hit her, stunning her.
  290. "ALRIGHT, BOSS!" Virunga cheered. "Now I'll--"
  291. "Leave her," Megamonkey ordered via earpiece. "Any enemy of SheZow's should be left alive until SheZow has been dealt with. SheZow is top priority. Understand?"
  292. "...Understood," Virunga grumbled. Another flatbed approached; it stopped in front of Virunga and the Ban-She. The two of them got on board as Megamonkey deployed his gunship's winch to grab the damaged flatbed and carry it back to the lair. The undamaged flatbed followed after it.
  294. "Still..." Guy looked at Morgan. "You did a lot of bad stuff. The city's a mess and the prison's even worse. Not to mention all the stuff you stole."
  295. "But, Guy, if not for him, the Shehicle would be gone. And what good would it do to imprison him? No prison could contain SheBang," Kelly pointed out.
  296. "Ah--well, okay, point," Guy admitted. "Well, Morgan, anything to say for yourself?" Morgan said nothing.
  297. "Morgan," Sheila spoke. "Repeat after me: girls will be girls."
  298. "Why? You're just tri--"
  299. "Oh, just do it," Sheila interrupted.
  300. Morgan took a deep breath. "Girls will be girls!" Morgan then transformed into SheBang. SheBang looked at himself. "'s REAL!" SheBang jumped up and down with glee as Maz sat up. It didn't take the Shegeneration Module long to heal Maz, since his wounds were minor.
  301. "GAH! SheBang!" Maz panicked. He took a large ring out of his backpack and hurled it at SheBang, hitting him in the forehead. The ring landed on the ground with a clang. "No teleport?" SheBang looked at Maz, tears in his eyes. "Hey, what gives?" Maz looked around. "Guy! Why aren't you SheZow? What's going on?"
  302. "Sorry, Maz. I guess you got left out of the loop, ha ha ha..." Guy laughed, looking away. Kelly sighed and explained everything to Maz as SheBang playfully danced around the She-Lair, giggling and admiring his reflection any chance he got.
  303. "Soooo....SheBang is a boy? And not really all THAT evil? And...ugh, it's too much all at once!" Maz groaned.
  304. "Sheality!" SheBang transformed back into Morgan.
  305. Maz's jaw dropped. "You're that kid from the park!"
  306. "Uh-huh," Morgan replied.
  307. "Getting back to what we were talking about before...imprisoning Morgan is a waste of time. I recommend a healthy dose of community service," Kelly suggested.
  308. "Community service?" Morgan asked.
  309. "Yep. Get out there and help out however you can with rebuilding or whatever. Not to mention fighting crime," Kelly explained. "I'm sure....ten years or so ought to make up for what you did, after factoring in the good stuff too."
  310. "TEN YEARS?!" Morgan blurted out.
  311. "Hey, I'm going easy on you because I feel sorry for you," Kelly pointed out.
  312. "She's telling the truth," Guy whispered to Morgan. "She's harsh."
  313. Maz yawned. "What time is it...?" He looked at his watch. "ALMOST 4 A.M.?! I gotta get home and get to bed!"
  314. "I'll drive you!" Guy told. "You go, girl!" Guy transformed into SheZow and hopped in to the Shehicle.
  315. "You should get going too, Morgan. Come back here at noon sharp, and we'll talk more. I have a good plan in mind," Kelly told. "Don't worry, you'll like it."
  316. "Okay," Morgan agreed. "Wait...PAPA! I have to get home! Girls will be girls!" Morgan transformed into SheBang and teleported once. "Wait, where's the way out?"
  317. "Just hop in, stupid," SheZow told. "I'll lend you Maz's lap."
  318. "Hey, my lap is MY lap, not yours!" Maz protested.
  320. At Megamonkey's lair, Megamonkey sat at the table in the main chamber. Virunga stood beside him, and Dr. Frankenweather sat in the chair opposite Megamonkey. The room was populated by quite a few monkey soldiers as well. "Welcome, Dr. Frankenweather. My apologies for the rough journey here."
  321. "What is all this?" Dr. Frankenweather asked. "All these monkeys....not a human in sightness!"
  322. "Yes, monkeys," Megamonkey confirmed. "As for what this's my lair. I, Megamonkey, deal in many things. Weapons, raw materials, cutting edge technology. Anything anyone needs, I can provide it. For a price. However...."
  323. "However...?"
  324. "I've seen my own future. SheZow captures and imprisons me. I have to destroy her, no matter what. To that end, I'm recruiting other able villains to join S.I.C.K.: the Society of Incredibly Callous Kriminals!" Megamonkey exclaimed.
  325. "Boss, doesn't 'criminal' start with a 'c'?" Virunga asked. Megamonkey raised his scepter and smashed it against Virunga's belly. It was completely ineffective, but Virunga got the hint and dropped the subject.
  326. "Doctor, I'm offering you a great position: head of research and development. I have a full team of scientists and greasemonkeys ready to do your bidding. As much as I love to dabble in that sort of thing as well, having a dedicated head will allow me more time for other things. Or, you can refuse, and you can go back to prison," Megamonkey offered, grinning.
  327. Dr. Frankenweather looked around, and then down at the prison garb he was still wearing. "Can I destroy Megadale?"
  328. "Now? No. In the future? It's a possibility!" Megamonkey answered.
  329. "Alright, I'll do it! I'll work with youness!" Dr. Frankenweather agreed.
  330. "There's no one by that name here, but I'm glad you made the right choice," Megamonkey commented. "Get to work immediately. I have a Ban-She that needs repairs and an overhaul. You may be familiar with its basic design already." Megamonkey then shut his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He burst out laughing; Dr. Frankenweather laughed along with him.
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