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The Last Samurai Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  58. In the 1870s, Captain Nathan Algren, a cynical veteran of the American Civil war who will work for anyone, is hired by Americans who want lucrative contracts with the Emperor of Japan to train the peasant conscripts for the first standing imperial army in modern warfare using firearms. The imperial Omura cabinet's first priority is to repress a rebellion of traditionalist Samurai -hereditary warriors- who remain devoted to the sacred dynasty but reject the Westernizing policy and even refuse firearms. Yet when his ill-prepared superior force sets out too soon, their panic allows the sword-wielding samurai to crush them. Badly wounded Algren's courageous stand makes the samurai leader Katsumoto spare his life; once nursed to health he learns to know and respect the old Japanese way, and participates as advisor in Katsumoto's failed attempt to save the Bushido tradition, but Omura gets repressive laws enacted- he must now choose to honor his loyalty to one of the embittered sides when the conflict returns to the battlefield...
  59. An American military advisor embraces the Samurai culture he was hired to destroy after he is captured in battle.
  60. I have seen many Kurosawa films, and have loved them all. That is why I did not have many high expectations for this movie, as I usually do not have for any. I had many doubts about it, especially with Tom Cruise playing a samurai...come on now. I had a feeling it was going to be good, but not this OUTSTANDING. It was the most powerful movie I have seen in 2003 and in a long time. The direction, music, and acting were awesome. It puts you in the world of the Samurai and Feudal Japan, especially with the accompaniment of Hans Zimmer's BEAUTIFUL score. You know a movie is good when the music keeps playing in your head and the images from it keep flashing back. I have no idea how it could have gotten a 7.9 average from the reviews when it should be up in the top 50. I noticed that the lower grades are from people who mostly hate Cruise, which is pathetic. This movie deserved the Best Picture Oscar, and I have no idea how it was not even nominated. Seabiscuit?? Come on!People actually clapped at the end of the movie, and that is a rarity. Everything about this movie was amazing, and each scene worth-watching. If you like Braveheart and Dances With Wolves, you will surely enjoy this. This definitely deserves an A in my book. If you have better feelings about the movie after reading this, I advise you to get the DVD and watch it over and over. Absolutely, positively, no doubt whatsoever the best movie of 2003 =)
  61. I was a bit hesitant to watch this movie solely because of Tom Cruise. I have never been a huge Cruise fan and when this movie came out, I dismissed it right away. I didn&#39;t watch it until 5 or 6 years later. I&#39;m very glad I did and I have watched it over and over again, learning new and wonderful things about the movie each time.<br/><br/>I also watched it with the commentary and if anyone is into such a thing, I would say don&#39;t miss the movie with the commentary. I know some people don&#39;t like to watch the movie in this manner because it takes away from the mystery and the intrigue of the film, but I find it adds more depth to my understanding of movies and it made this one more meaningful for me.<br/><br/>I love movies and I love to learn everything I can about each one I watch. The Last Samurai is a beautiful movie about culture, tradition, family, loyalty, friendship, love and destiny. It shouldn&#39;t be missed.
  62. What it lacks is artistry, those small touches of personality that might have distinguished its lugubrious history lesson from a bunch of pretty pictures with captions telling the story.
  63. Captain Nathan Algren (<a href="/name/nm0000129/">Tom Cruise</a>), a disillusioned American war hero who fought alongside General George Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, is hired to train the Emperor of Japan&#39;s troops to use firearms against an uprising of Imperial warriors led by the &quot;last samurai&quot; leader Katsumoto Morito (<a href="/name/nm0913822/">Ken Watanabe</a>). After being captured, nursed back to health, and trained to fight like a samurai, Algren must decide just whose side he is on. The Last Samurai is based on a screenplay by American screenwriter John Logan, filmmaker Edward Zwick (who also directed and co-produced the movie), and co-producer Marshall Herskovitz. The film was inspired by an earlier film, also titled <a href="/title/tt0099987/">The Last Samurai (1988)</a> (1991), although the stories are not related to each other. The movie begins in 1876 and spans one year of time. Although no attempt at historical accuracy is made, the story was inspired by several real events. The basic story, that of a samurai rebellion against the Imperial Japanese government, was inspired by the 1877 Satsuma Rebellion during which samurai in the Satsuma domain in Tokugawa Japan revolted against the new Meiji government. Algren&#39;s involvement was inspired by stories of Jules Brunet, a French army captain who fought alongside the Tokugawas in the earlier Boshin War [1868-1869]. Katsumoto spared Algren partly because of his fighting skill but also because he had seen in a vision the crouching tiger that Algren displayed on the banner hanging from his spear. Sake or saké (pronounced &quot;sah-key&quot;) is a type of rice-based alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin. Sometimes referred to as &quot;rice wine&quot;, sake is actually brewed more like a beer and has a higher alcohol content (like from 18% to 20%) than mirin (sweet rice wine). Traditional sake is served at a temperature of 98.4°F. Capt. Algren was a veteran of the US Army&#39;s famed 7th Cavalry during both the civil war (1861-1865) and the Indian wars in the western territories after the war. As an experienced cavalry officer, he was proficient with using firearms and sabers while mounted on horseback though did not take part in the infamous Battle of The Little Bighorn of 4 July 1876 due to his assignment to train the emperor&#39;s army in Japan in 1876. Therefore, having been invited by the emperor to Japan basically kept Algren out of the battle, saving his life so to speak. Although firearms had been in use centuries earlier in Japan, they were later rejected as dishonorable. By the early 19th century, the gunsmith&#39;s art had fallen into disuse. However, both sides did use firearms in the Boshin War and the Satsuma Rebellion. There are no accounts of ninjas being used by the Meiji government during the Satsuma Rebellion. In fact, it is highly unlikely if they even existed by 1877. The last known use of ninjas in warfare was during the Shimabara Rebellion [1637-1638] during the Edo period, which was 240 years before the Satsuma Rebellion took place. The samurai do well in the first round of the battle but, when the second and third regiments come, they are no match for the Gatling guns. The entire Samurai army is destroyed. Mortally wounded, Katsumoto asks Algren to help him die with honor, so Algren assists him with performing seppuku. At the death of Katsumoto, the entire Imperial army fall to their knees and bow before the fallen samurai. Only Algren survives. Later, as the Emperor (<a href="/name/nm1258003/">Shichinosuke Nakamura</a>) is about to sign the treaty between the Americans and the Japanese, a badly-injured Algren appears before the court and offers Katsumoto&#39;s sword to the Emperor in hopes that he will remember all that his ancestors have done. The Emperor accepts the sword and rules that this treaty is not in the best interest of his people. When Omura (<a href="/name/nm0361735/">Masato Harada</a>) protests, the Emperor informs him that he has decided to confiscate Omura&#39;s family&#39;s assets and make of them a gift to the people. He offers Katsuomoto&#39;s sword to Omura should he not be able to live with the disgrace, but Omura bows and backs away. The final scenes show Algren returning to Katsumoto&#39;s village and to Taka (<a href="/name/nm0468746/">Koyuki</a>) and her sons. In a voiceover, Simon Graham (<a href="/name/nm0001758/">Timothy Spall</a>) says: And so the days of the samurai had ended. Nations, like men, it is sometimes said, have their own destiny. As to the American captain, no one knows what became of him. Some say he died of his wounds, others that he returned to his own country, but I like to think he may have, at least, found some small measure of peace that we all seek and few of us ever find. Although he&#39;s been taught some Samurai swordplay, Algren is not Samurai. There is some confusion among viewers because of the fact that the word &quot;samurai&quot; is both a singular word and a plural word. In the singular, samurai can refer to a specific individual, as &quot;Katsumoto is a Samurai.&quot; In the plural, samurai can refer to Samurai warriors in the collective, as &quot;Katsumoto is Samurai&quot; or &quot;Katsumoto&#39;s Samurai.&quot; Therefore, it can be argued that the &quot;Last Samurai&quot; can refer either to Katsumoto himself, to his Samurai army, or to the last of the real Japanese Samurai. In the bonus section on the DVD, the director explains that the title refers to the Samurai as a race or class of people. The whole movie, in fact, is based on the end of the Samurai culture and the emergence of a new way of life in Japan, based on western ideals. The Last Samurai is often compared to <a href="/title/tt0099348/">Dances with Wolves (1990)</a> (1990) and <a href="/title/tt0066049/">A Man Called Horse (1970)</a> (1970) for the storyline, although both of these two movies deal with Native American Indians, not Japanese samurai. If it&#39;s similar samurai movies you want, try the TV miniseries <a href="/title/tt0080274/">Shogun (1980)</a> (1980) or Akira Kurosawa&#39;s <a href="/title/tt0047478/">Shichinin no samurai (1954)</a> (Seven Samurai) (1954). The classic epic <a href="/title/tt0056172/">Lawrence of Arabia (1962)</a> (1962) is another film with a story about East meeting West, a westerner bonding with a group of &quot;natives&quot; that he joins up with, and is critical of westernization becoming intrusive to foreign societies/cultures. a5c7b9f00b
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