
The Meeting (up to where Theo left)

Jun 7th, 2016
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  1. 11:57 <Desoph>: Des is in his dorm room. Everything he owns in a duffle bag...kindof depressing in a way. Took him 5 minutes to pack his room. Books, games, clothes in a duffle bag while his guitar and such was in a case....but it was all moved earlier. He sent a txt to Thei and Sara because...sound proof rooms are awesome for talking in.
  2. 12:01 <SarahH>: Sam made her way to Des' room and knocked softly. Waiting for him to respond and tender hooked nerves.
  3. 12:03 <Desoph>: Des would open the door for her and pull her into a firm hug and a kiss. "Hello beloved...just waiting on my brother and we should be set."
  4. 12:03 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo made his way on over as well, seeing Sam out in the hallway. "Oi, hello!" he said as he waved to her, walking up to the door. "You know what this is all about, love?"
  5. 12:05 <SarahH>: Sam kisses Des back then truns and smiles at Theo, stepping inside so he can join them. "I have a small idea, yes."
  6. 12:09 <Desoph>: Des slips his fingers between Sam's and leads her and Theo into the room. "Could you shut the door behind you Theo?" He asked before taking a seat on the desk and patting a spot next to him in invitation for Sam...the barren bed availble and offered to Theo. Des looks to be moving. "Each are involved in half of the total I wish to discuss and be done with.
  7. 12:09 <Desoph>: Ince you are ready...I will begin."
  8. 12:11 <SarahH>: Sam sat next to Des, fingers lacing with his and remaining thus. To Theo she offers a smile as she sits with the man...yes man...Who held her hand.
  9. 12:13 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo quickly shuts the door behind him, giving a wide grin at seeing the cute couple do their thing. He takes the seat offered to him at the bed, nodding to Desoph. "So what's up then?"
  10. 12:18 <Desoph>: "Before I begin...I love you both. Differently of course...but it is true and real. Theo, you are the brother I almost wanted." He grinned a bit to show he was jesting a bit. To Sam, "and you are my dearest dreams made flesh. Both of you by now understand my thing about honesty. I would rather be honest and shamed than lie and have false standing. That and
  11. 12:18 <Desoph>: you two's are the only opinions of me that matter in my life as it is at this moment. Just...wanted to say that before proceeding."
  12. 12:19 <SarahH>: Sam gave a nod, a small frown of worry forming. "You have me worrying, Des...What's up?"
  13. 12:19 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo was touched by the statement. Truly, in the week and a half he'd been here- Desoph had become the best friend he'd ever had. Like a brother really. He puts a hand on his shoulder and nods. "Right there with you, mate"
  14. 12:26 <Desoph>: Des looked to Sam and into her eyes. "The attacks in Vietnam. I can't...not do anything about since I know who is doing it and how to flush them out. I am putting together a group of us to go there and stop this. I can't let children be butchered anymore. So far it is Theo...a nice young lady named Elspeth...and myself. I couldn't -not- tell you my
  15. 12:26 <Desoph>: intentions or desire to do something without asking your blessing and your assistance if you wished to go along with me...I would deny you nothing." This was the first part.
  16. 12:26 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo just looks up at Sam, a sincere look of empathy and understanding in his face, awaiting her response to this news.
  17. 12:28 <SarahH>: Sam nodded then looked down before speaking...her tone is steel and resolve. "I'm comin' with you...I...Want to hep...I have to help." She looks back up at Des...her eyes look as if they've trapped a thunderstorm
  18. 12:34 <Desoph>: Des nodded firmly. This was business. It had nothing to do with him or his heart. He could seperate himself in order to do what needed done. "I thank you cariad. Your strength will lend us all we need in order to do this more safely and effectively. I...can't thank you enough." He would lean in to kiss her again before looking to Theo...he was
  19. 12:34 <Desoph>: restraining himself a bit because this was not the olace or time to do anything more than he has done already. "As you have learned...Elspeth is coming with us in Seiko's stead...she has signed and agreed to follow my instruction to the letter. Now my beloved comes with. Between the strength of you three and me reading minds...we got this. But that is not
  20. 12:34 <Desoph>: why I asked you in here..."
  21. 12:36 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo leaned in closely, darting his eyes to Sam before Desoph once more. Elbows on his knees- full attention captured. "What did you call us for then?" he asked a bit worriedly. "Come on then, spit it out." he was willing to do just about anything D needed him to do right about now.
  22. 12:39 <SarahH>: Sam nodded. "Please Des...I hate the suspense."
  23. 12:41 <Desoph>: "I am moving in with Sam for one...that is what I must disclose to you that I won't not tell you." He said giving Theo the respect owed. "I am going to tell you...until we leave...I will be hardening your mind Theo. I will be relentless and you may end up hating me for it...but it must be done. I can't have you freezing up on me or Sam or Elspeth. I am
  24. 12:41 <Desoph>: giving everyone as much as I possibly can so that we succeed because I don't want to see anyone hurt for something I asked if them...but if they must have given them the tools needed to cope and move on. Do you understand Theo?"
  25. 12:44 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo choked back a bit at this, fear prevalent on his face. No no no no no no no no no no no. He slowly started getting up, shaking. "D-des no. No. I mean it. Fucking no. I love you man but I'll cave your face in. No." he paused for a moment, beginning to back way towards the door. "I'm sorry. No"
  26. 12:46 <SarahH>: Theo...Calm...There's...
  27. 12:47 <SarahH>: Sam stopped and took a looong breath. "Come here a moment...I have an idea...Something Des doesn't know I can do...It might help."
  28. 12:47 <Desoph>: "Not against things inside your head Theo. I told you I would never again. But you need to be desensitized to suffering of others." He holds onto Sam's hand. "He can't handle mental manipulation of any kind Sam..."
  29. 12:48 <DarnellJermaine>: "R-really... I'm fine. I don't mine gore and bones and blood. It's gross- b-but I can handle that. Don't get in my fucking head... don't" he said, slowly sliding to the ground, hands on his head. "I'm sorry Sam, Des, but no. Don't...please" he'd seen slaughter and gore before- working on farms he'd seen his fair share of gore and what not. Perhaps he wasn't
  30. 12:48 <SarahH>: "It's not...It's protection from it."
  31. 12:48 <DarnellJermaine>: battle-hardened but he was no naive wuss.
  32. 12:51 <SarahH>: Sam looked at Theo and haled out her free hand. "Trust me...and if you aren't hrt now...You won't be then."
  33. 12:52 <Desoph>: "If you say you are good...then I will have trust. Theo...I apologize for your discomfort." He felt like complete hammered dammit for making his friend feel this way, but...he had reason to probe. "I have much to ask of all of you...I just want you to come back more or less theway you are now..."
  34. 12:52 <DarnellJermaine>: He didn't like this. He didn't trust this. He loved his friend and he thought Sam pretty alright as well- but nobody would be touching his mind. "I appreciate the offer Sam, but seriously. Nothing in my head. Nothing.
  35. 12:52 <DarnellJermaine>: "" he said, slowly getting back to his normal breathing and standing up.
  36. 12:55 <SarahH>: No one will be in your head...not me...not Des...What I'm offering is...To protect you from just that." Sam looked at Des then Theo.
  37. 12:56 <Desoph>: "We must abide his wish to leave him be." He brought her hand to his face to kiss her fingers. "We will all cover each other out there. comes the fun part...going over the plan again."
  38. 12:57 <DarnellJermaine>: "I get the gesture- thank you, really Sam. But please, I'm fine. I don't want any part of that. Just no" he says, taking a deep breath, still standing by the door. "Anything else you wanted to mention then D?"
  39. 12:57 *** CZ|AFK quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  40. 13:00 <SarahH>: Sam nodded and looked to Des...not knowing the plan at all.
  41. 13:02 <Desoph>: " brush up on your German." He said knowing little Miss Elspeth, cutie in her twisted lil dominatrix way had herself a lil crush on the Theo-meister! "Elspeth...she likes you so do take care to treat her well? I am not saying anything about relationship...she is a good sort..." Des is trying to nudge without nudging. "I tell you because she is a
  42. 13:02 <Desoph>: sweetheart...and it is never a good thing to be unaware and say something potentially harmful."
  43. 13:06 <DarnellJermaine>: This seems to be a genuine surprise to him. "Likes me? For real?" he said with a soft smile. Well, he'll be damned! Looks like he's still got it. Although... He thinks back to his ex-girlfriend and his mood seems to deflate a bit, before bringin his mood to some sort of inbetween cheery and upset. "Alright then, I'll keep that in mind"
  44. 13:07 <Desoph>: "Der hübsche Junge muss die Sprache seiner Dame auswendig kennen." Des said while sounding as if from Berlin. He smiled a bit. "Stop letting the past dictate your future. We have now and what is can't rain all the time."
  45. 13:11 <SarahH>: That is not the face of a someone who just got told a gril fancies him...not fully." Sam said in perfect, crisp German...sounding like she come's from the Bavarian region. She repeats it in English for Theo.
  46. 13:14 <DarnellJermaine>: Welp- Theo didn't speak German. That's fine though, he could always google translate what Des said later. "Err, yeah. Just my past with girls is..." he looks away for a moment. "Let's just say I had a spot of trouble before coming here" the break up had been pretty recent, and a large part of it was his moving away to here.
  47. 13:14 <Desoph>: " phrase...learn it. Memorize how to say it...then say it to Elspeth. She would appreciate it much." Des didn't even crack a smile either. He just asked Theo to tell her 'the pretty boy must know the language of his lady's heart.' And yes...Des is a sneaky devil.
  48. 13:15 <SarahH>: Sam eyes Des and just gives a grin then looks to Theo. "Above all...Be honest...with her and yourself."
  49. 13:19 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo just blinks a few times. "Ok... say it one more time?" he says, grabbing out a piece of paper and a pencil so he can write it down to study later.
  50. 13:22 <Desoph>: "Der hübsche Junge muss die Sprache seiner Dame auswendig kennen." He repeated while looking to Sam. Bringing her hand to his lips again before he whispers. "
  51. 13:22 <Desoph>: Vorrei vedere la mia famiglia al sicuro . Dal mio cuore accanto a me per il mio coraggio in piedi di fronte a me."
  52. 13:27 <SarahH>: Sam went a bit red and smiled at Des...No words needed,.her smile was warm and real and full of light.
  53. 13:28 <DarnellJermaine>: Theo just kind of looks at the lovestruck couple and offers a weak smile. "Well if that's everything, I suppose I should leave you two to yourselves" he begins to get up from the bed.
  54. 13:30 <Desoph>: Des looked to Theo. "One must know the language of his lady's heart...and I said...I would see my family safe. From my heart beside me." He leaned against Sam. "To my courage in front of me." He nods to Theo. "Take care my friend."
  55. 13:31 <DarnellJermaine>: He just nods and exits the room, looking at them one last time with a big toothy grin- before leaving the room and shutting the door. He had other business to do today anyways.
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