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a guest
Nov 15th, 2019
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text 12.89 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "SELECT p2000, usps, tec9, glock18, p250, deagle, fiveseven, dualberettas, cz75, mac10, mp9, ppbizon, ump45, mp7, p90, sawedoff, nova, mag7, xm1014, galilar, famas, ak47, m4a4, aug, sg553, m249, negev, ssg08, awp, scar20, g3sg1, m4a1s, munitions, munitionsincendiaire, munitionsperforante, munitionscaoutchouc, munitionsexplosive, hegrenade, gss, smokegrenade, incgrenade, molotov, decoygrenade, c4, kevlarleger, kevlarlourd, kevlarmilitaire, troussesoin, defibrillateur, antiinfectieux, joint, shit, meth, heroine, cocaine, tgv, sirop, remede, ticketgratter, rapido, loto, imprimante, crackdigicode, ubercharge, couteauparalisant, ceintureexplosive, sativex, dragonne, ceinture, carteprepayee, bidonfuel, actionhopital, actionammunation, actionimmobilier, actionnightclub, actioncybercafe, actionbankofamerica, actioncontrebande, actionburaliste, actionroyalindustries, hasbayonet, hasgut, hasflip, hasm9bayonet, haskarambit, hashuntman, hasbutterfly, encre, lampetorche, bombegraffiti, countgraffiti, propscanette, propschaise, propscanape, propsbiblio, propsbarriere, propsplot, propsarmoire, propsdistributeur, propsplante, propspoutre, propscloture, propsglobe, modelgraffiti1, modelgraffiti2, modelgraffiti3, modelgraffiti4, modelgraffiti5, modelgraffiti6, modelgraffiti7, modelgraffiti8, modelgraffiti9, modelgraffiti10, medishot, grenadetactique, skin1, skin2, skin3, skin4, skin5, skin6, skin7, skin8, skin9, skin10, skin11, skin12, skin13, ameliorationimp1, ameliorationimp2, blindage, rechargeimprimante, bigmac, royalbacon, royalcheese, royalmcchicken, nuggets, soda, frites, sundae, mcflurry, mines FROM item WHERE steamid = '%s';", steamID[client]);
  2. Handle query_items = SQL_Query(dBase, buffer);
  4. if (query_items)
  5. {
  6. if (SQL_FetchRow(query_items))
  7. {
  8. g_Item[client][P2000] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 0); // P2000 .
  9. g_Item[client][USPS] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 1); // USPS .
  10. g_Item[client][TEC9] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 2); // TEC9 .
  11. g_Item[client][GLOCK18] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 3); // GLOCK18 .
  12. g_Item[client][P250] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 4); // P250 .
  13. g_Item[client][DEAGLE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 5); // DEAGLE .
  14. g_Item[client][FIVESEVEN] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 6); // FIVESEVEN
  15. g_Item[client][DUALBERETTAS] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 7); // DUALBERETTAS
  16. g_Item[client][CZ79] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 8); // cz79
  17. g_Item[client][MAC10] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 9); // mac10
  18. g_Item[client][MP9] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 10); // mp9
  19. g_Item[client][PPBIZON] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 11); // ppbizon
  20. g_Item[client][UMP45] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 12); // ump45
  21. g_Item[client][MP7] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 13); // mp7
  22. g_Item[client][P90] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 14); // p90
  23. g_Item[client][SAWEDOF] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 15); // sawedof
  24. g_Item[client][NOVA] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 16); // nova
  25. g_Item[client][MAG7] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 17); // mag7
  26. g_Item[client][XM1014] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 18); // xm1014
  27. g_Item[client][GALILAR] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 19); // galilar
  28. g_Item[client][FAMAS] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 20); // famas
  29. g_Item[client][AK47] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 21); // ak47
  30. g_Item[client][M4A4] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 22); // m4a4
  31. g_Item[client][AUG] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 23); // aug
  32. g_Item[client][SG553] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 24); // sg553
  33. g_Item[client][M249] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 25); // m249
  34. g_Item[client][NEGEV] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 26); // negev
  35. g_Item[client][SSG08] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 27); // ssg08
  36. g_Item[client][AWP] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 28); // awp
  37. g_Item[client][SCAR20] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 29); // scar20
  38. g_Item[client][G3SG1] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 30); // g3sg1
  39. g_Item[client][M4A1S] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 31); // m4a1s
  40. g_Item[client][MUNITION] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 32); // munitions
  41. g_Item[client][MUNITION_INCENDIAIRE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 33); // munitions incendiaires
  42. g_Item[client][MUNITION_PERFORANTE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 34); // munitions perforante
  43. g_Item[client][MUNITION_CAOUTCHOUC] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 35); // munitions caoutchouc
  44. g_Item[client][MUNITION_EXPLOSIVE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 36); // munitions explosives
  45. g_Item[client][GRENADE_HE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 37); // grenade fragmentation
  46. g_Item[client][GRENADE_GSS] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 38); // gss - flash
  47. g_Item[client][GRENADE_SMOKE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 39); // smoke - fumigene
  48. g_Item[client][GRENADE_INCENDIAIRE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 40); // grenade incendiaire
  49. g_Item[client][MOLOTOV] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 41); // molotov
  50. g_Item[client][GRENADE_DECOY] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 42); // decoygrenade
  51. g_Item[client][C4] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 43); // C4
  52. g_Item[client][KEVLAR_LEGER] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 44); // kevlar leger
  53. g_Item[client][KEVLAR_LOURD] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 45); // kevlar lourd
  54. g_Item[client][KEVLAR_MILITAIRE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 46); // kevlar militaire
  55. g_Item[client][TROUSSE_SOIN] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 47); // trousse de soin
  56. g_Item[client][DEFIBRILLATEUR] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 48); // defibrillateur
  57. g_Item[client][ANTI_INFECTIEUX] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 49); // anti infectieux
  58. g_Item[client][JOINT] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 50); // joint
  59. g_Item[client][SHIT] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 51); // shit
  60. g_Item[client][METH] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 52); // meth
  61. g_Item[client][HEROINE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 53); // heroine
  62. g_Item[client][COCAINE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 54); // cocaine
  63. g_Item[client][TGV] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 55); // tgv
  64. g_Item[client][SIROP] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 56); // sirop
  65. g_Item[client][REMEDE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 57); // remede -
  66. g_Item[client][TICKET] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 58); // ticket à gratter -
  67. g_Item[client][RAPIDO] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 59); // rapido -
  68. g_Item[client][LOTO] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 60); // loto -
  69. g_Item[client][IMPRIMANTE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 61); // imprimantes1-
  70. g_Item[client][DIGICODE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 62); // crack digicodes-
  71. g_Item[client][UBERCHARGE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 63); // ubercharge -
  72. g_Item[client][AIGUISEUR] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 64); // couteau -
  73. g_Item[client][CEINTURE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 65); // ceinture explosive -
  74. g_Item[client][SATIVEX] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 66); // sativex -
  75. g_Item[client][DRAGONNE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 67); // dragonne-
  76. g_Item[client][CEINTURE_ARME] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 68); // ceinture-
  77. g_Item[client][CREDIT] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 69); // carte prepayee -
  78. g_Item[client][FUEL] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 70); // bidon fuel -
  79. actionMetier[client][0] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 71); // action hopital
  80. actionMetier[client][1] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 72); // action armu
  81. actionMetier[client][2] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 73); // action immobilier
  82. actionMetier[client][3] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 74); // action nightclub
  83. actionMetier[client][4] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 75); // action cybercafe
  84. actionMetier[client][5] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 76); // action banque
  85. actionMetier[client][6] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 77); // action contrebande
  86. actionMetier[client][7] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 78); // action buraliste
  87. actionMetier[client][8] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 79); // action royal industries
  88. if (SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 80) == 1) // bayonet
  89. hasKnife[client][0] = true;
  90. else
  91. hasKnife[client][0] = false;
  92. if (SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 81) == 1) // hasgut
  93. hasKnife[client][1] = true;
  94. else
  95. hasKnife[client][1] = false;
  96. if (SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 82) == 1) // flip
  97. hasKnife[client][2] = true;
  98. else
  99. hasKnife[client][2] = false;
  100. if (SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 83) == 1) // m9 bayonet
  101. hasKnife[client][3] = true;
  102. else
  103. hasKnife[client][3] = false;
  104. if (SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 84) == 1) // Karambit
  105. hasKnife[client][4] = true;
  106. else
  107. hasKnife[client][4] = false;
  108. if (SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 85) == 1) // Huntman
  109. hasKnife[client][5] = true;
  110. else
  111. hasKnife[client][5] = false;
  112. if (SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 86) == 1) // butterfly
  113. hasKnife[client][6] = true;
  114. else
  115. hasKnife[client][6] = false;
  116. g_Item[client][ENCRE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 87); // encre
  117. g_Item[client][LAMPETORCHE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 88); // lampetorche
  118. g_Item[client][BOMBEGRAPH] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 89); // bombone graphiti
  119. countGraffiti[client] = SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 90); // count graffiti
  120. g_Item[client][PROP_CANETTE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 91); // prop canette
  121. g_Item[client][PROP_CHAISE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 92); // prop chaise
  122. g_Item[client][PROP_CANAPE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 93); // prop canapé
  123. g_Item[client][PROP_BIBLIO] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 94); // prop bibliotheque
  124. g_Item[client][PROP_BARRIERE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 95); // prop barriere
  125. g_Item[client][PROP_PLOT] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 96); // prop plot
  126. g_Item[client][PROP_ARMOIRE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 97); // prop armoire
  127. g_Item[client][PROP_DISTRIB] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 98); // prop distributeur
  128. g_Item[client][PROP_PLANTE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 99); // prop plante
  129. g_Item[client][PROP_POUTRE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 100); // prop poutre
  130. g_Item[client][PROP_CLOTURE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 101); // prop cloture
  131. g_Item[client][PROP_GLOBE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 102); // prop globe
  132. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_1] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 103); // graffiti 1
  133. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_2] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 104); // graffiti 2
  134. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_3] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 105); // graffiti 3
  135. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_4] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 107); // graffiti 4
  136. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_5] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 106); // graffiti 5
  137. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_6] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 108); // graffiti 6
  138. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_7] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 109); // graffiti 7
  139. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_8] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 110); // graffiti 8
  140. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_9] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 111); // graffiti 9
  141. g_Item[client][GRAFFITI_10] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 112); // graffiti 10
  142. g_Item[client][MEDISHOT] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 113); // medishot
  143. g_Item[client][GRENADE_TACTIQUE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 114); // grenade tactique....
  144. g_Item[client][SKIN_1] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 115); // Mona Sax
  145. g_Item[client][SKIN_2] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 116); // Punk Girl
  146. g_Item[client][SKIN_3] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 117); // Niko Bellic
  147. g_Item[client][SKIN_4] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 118); // Kingpin
  148. g_Item[client][SKIN_5] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 119); // Cripz 1
  149. g_Item[client][SKIN_6] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 120); // Cripz 2
  150. g_Item[client][SKIN_7] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 121); // Cripz Bleu Bandana
  151. g_Item[client][SKIN_8] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 122); // Bloodz 1
  152. g_Item[client][SKIN_9] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 123); // Bloodz 2
  153. g_Item[client][SKIN_10] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 124); // Murray
  154. g_Item[client][SKIN_11] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 125); // 50 Cent
  155. g_Item[client][SKIN_12] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 126); // Vaas
  156. g_Item[client][SKIN_13] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 127); // Vin Diesel
  157. g_Item[client][AMELIO_1] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 128); // Amélioration imprimante 1
  158. g_Item[client][AMELIO_2] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 129); // Amélioration imprimante 2
  159. g_Item[client][BLINDAGE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 130); // Blindage imprimante
  160. g_Item[client][ENCRE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 131); // Recharge imprimante
  161. g_Item[client][BIGMAC] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 132); // Big Mac
  162. g_Item[client][ROYAL_BACON] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 133); // Royal Bacon
  163. g_Item[client][ROYAL_CHEESE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 134); // Royal Cheese
  164. g_Item[client][ROYAL_MCCHICKEN] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 135); // Royal McChicken
  165. g_Item[client][NUGGETS] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 136); // Nuggets
  166. g_Item[client][SODA] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 137); // Soda
  167. g_Item[client][FRITES] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 138); // Frites
  168. g_Item[client][SUNDAE] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 139); // Sundae
  169. g_Item[client][MCFLURRY] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 140); // McFlurry
  170. g_Item[client][MINES] += SQL_FetchInt(query_items, 141); // Mines
  171. }
  172. }
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