
trasnhumanismo of ISIS in Mexico cortical implant in the bra

Oct 14th, 2018
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  1. The following investigation reveals how the Federal Government held elections while the political constitution remains abolished canceled canceled suppressed by the Islamic state and the United States within the black market of a cybernetic tool of the CIA generated to take the national currency and Devaluarla generate a money laundering system for all the bankers the corrupt politicians of the country
  2. I am the first person to read Mercado ibre's adhesion contracts and the political constitution, so the Mexican government and the multinational have managed to cancel the registration of the political parties and also the imposed reforms that stole the oil. Mexico could also negotiate with the Islamic state the liberation of our currency and trade routes as well as our political constitution that was canceled 18 years ago in the system of what is a payment system hides a virtual currency with which it is unified to the third world to evaluate it against the dollar.
  3. The research is 3 years old and I have gone through each of the institutions associated with the platform, starting on the centenary of the constitution and denouncing in each of the government institutions of Enrique Peña Nieto a state of exception that maintains the political constitution Mexico canceled canceled canceled under a total abolition to allow the system to take the trade routes and generate a currency that is imposed before the national and is generated by Coca Cola in its Oxxo stores with the help of Banamex in frauds of contracts intentional revision that allows to generate their own systems their own laws and their own government in conjunction with other multinationals and the largest network of political and financial complicity of the United Nations
  4. Investigation reveals the use of military weaponry by the government of Enrique Peña Nieto against activists Human Rights Defenders, military journalists and anyone who defends the country because the country was taken over by the United States government and political sects make use of military armament against the population carrying out terrorist attacks I am the first survivor to one of these Thanks to the supreme court of justice could rescue me a. of being extradited by the Mexican Senate on April 24, 2017 since then we are under threat from the United Nations and from the political sects that are generated there, the Vatican being included
  5. Within the investigation make the corresponding complaints to the National and International Human Rights Commission as well as the UN international instances related to money laundering thus uncovering the largest international corruption network within political sects and confronting the UN with the new order world
  6. The correct part with the corrupt part ..
  7. Humanitarian cultural tragedy the system the reveals how an artificial intelligence was designed to take trade routes the currency of 15 countries cancel the international treaties the National Human Rights law impose its own trading system create its own law establish its own courts and generate their own currency as well as their own taxes
  8. I managed to decrypt the virtual currency of which is a coin generated by Coca Cola through femsa without interbank connection without any regulation without contracts without value without existing since the payment market is a ghost company generated in an adhesion contract always vision in 18 years money simply does not exist and every deposit disappears
  9. To launder the money and enter the banking system the free market system bank accounts of previously established banks that are legal that are really banks
  10. The system of Mercadopago and MercadoLibre is regulated by Profeco propheco has generated ghost companies for the government of the United States that maintains a digital currency in its payment system and a system of trafficking in persons and slavery in its trading system
  11. PGR annulled its action for 18 years to allow all crimes within the platform in a state of emergency because it is a black market of the Islamic state acting against who will denounce the money laundering order of the political sects that keep the country this at the national level with the complicity of all the governors
  12. investigation as PGR is with a system of financing for terrorism and Pri political campaigns allowing all crimes within the system thus delivering sovereignty
  13. Profeco's functions do not have the capacity to regulate financial systems Oxxo is not registered as a financial system just as a store payment systems do not have regulation within Oxxo it is as well as the government gender system to wash you money with the help of Femsa through Oxxo
  14. All of Oxxo's money is diverted by Banamex that through totally illegal revision contracts generates its own triangulation system by washing all the money that is not connected to the inter-bank system and makes use of previously established banks to reintroduce the money through personal accounts
  15. The system of market payment cancels the law of currency there is no window to change a virtual currency by national currency and by canceling the accounts the virtual currency is within the same impossibility of recovering it by destroying the currency and configuring multiple forms of fraud all this against the current trade law that was annulled by Profeco to allow a black market system in factions of political sects
  16. When denouncing this situation in Profeco Profeco sent PGR to plant drugs directly to my house the delegate of Profeco Guadalajara installed a surveillance cell directly to the address after talking on the phone with who was Profeco's solicitor Ernesto nemer who requested my cell number via Twitter after to denounce that MercadoLibre their system of washing and dealing with people when I realize that the contracts are nonexistent and that the company is based on the dispossession configured to make use of its services and all the problems within the platform resolves it with a contract non-existent that violates all individual guarantees all Human Rights annuls all international treaties obliges the use of a foreign currency and turns out to be an artificial intelligence with system of slaves by Internet allowed by the government structure of the new world order
  17. This is not a conspiracy is an investigation
  18. In denouncing the CNDH the CNDH responded with operatives for my forced disappearance because there is a relationship between the CNDH and the CIA since the country was taken over by the government of the United States and it is the way in which they resolve the complaints against the government systematically in the sixth visitaduría the lawyer Edmundo Estefan Fuentes has a complaint for slavery to the presidency to annul the political constitution in the MercadoLibre system and deliver the national currency as well as violate all international treaties allowing an artificial intelligence to generate a slave system online with its own courts and currency
  19. The Presidency of the Republic gave instructions to the National and International Human Rights Commission through the political sects that have controlled the country so as not to give me attention to all the government institutions. All my denunciations have been put on the internet to have the copy of the emails due to the fact that going to the offices the attention is null and I am offered abuse
  20. The International Human Rights Commission has denied me total attention thus shaping slavery in Mexico as I am accusing the United Nations of Establishing an Extermination Where they have allowed the taking of national sovereignty by helping with elections while the country is taken over by the government of the United States and fractions of international political sects false opposition within political parties
  21. The investigation reveals how all the campaigns of the PRI have been paid with money from the free market black market where Coca Cola directly intervenes in the national sovereignty generating a political cost currency
  22. maintains totally monetary interpendency not regulated by any authority or has interbank connection is only a number within Free market a Private currency of a ghost company that keeps taken the whole continent with artificial intelligence or United Nations system to finance the state islamic in the real peace treaty and that's where the government pays all the elections and also diverts all the money that steals Mexico
  23. The investigation reveals how Luis Donaldo Colosio was assassinated by the CIA to establish this MercadoLibre black market that turns out to be an economic colonization of the United States the largest one that has taken 15 countries of America in coalition with the Islamic state and is being used of military armament as well as of espionage by means of cybernetic weapons that have been implanted by means of the same situation of adhesion contracts 100 revision like Google analytics that mix the data directly with generating an artificial Intelligence with the capacity to take the routes of commerce totally of the country and impose the prices within it
  24. The commission for payment in each sale of Free Market represents a tax of 13% there can not be a tax for selling that has not been generated by the Government of Mexico
  25. The free market system cancels free expression within its contracts and within its commerce
  26. The free market system cancels freedom of association
  27. The free market system cancels the currency law
  28. The Free Market system cancels all the actions of the institutions responsible for exercising justice in the country, including the supreme court of justice under a protocol of a state of emergency.
  29. The free market system is the first artificial intelligence with the ability to take slaves is the mascot of the new world order with which the third world has fun generating hunger
  30. Cisen installed a surveillance cell next to my department after complaining to the National Commission of Human Rights when discovering how the political constitution keeps all its rights annulled and all the obligation of the government suppressed because it accuses him of exerting slavery towards foreigners in maximum betrayal the independence of Mexico on repeated occasions to the PGR emails as well as those of the SAT denouncing money laundering by sending multiple operatives in response as I could verify the market payment system has no contracts or regulation and alleges national security issue
  31. In November 2016, I was kidnapped in an Express manner and the most advanced technology of the United States government was installed inside my body to conduct espionage.
  32. The government of Enrique Peña Nieto sent a cell of the Islamic state in charge of organ trafficking to perform a surgery who planted in my brain a device of the highest technology of the company Google in conjunction with the United States Army a cortical implant that connects my brain directly to computers that the supreme court delivered to Televisa Guadalajara directly to Rocío López Ruelas
  33. This hiding a coup d'état constitutional because I made use of Article 108 sending the complaint of this situation to the Mexican Senate denouncing that you could not legislate more on the law of national security because it would be ending with the conquest of the country they call had an economic colonization
  34. The response of the Senate an operative for me is tradition on April 24, 2017 televisa and Tv Azteca showed false image and news to justify a further disappearance of the Federal Government with the help of the United Nations Interpol FBI and CIA as it manages to decrypt the currency virtual generated for the Islamic state with which an economic boycott is maintained throughout America
  35. On April 24, 2017 in the morning the personnel assigned my surveillance with my department in the cell of the cisen received personnel from the Federal District who mocked an operation while I was planning it and I could hear how I was going to plant drugs. to extradite and they were going to publish false news I could also hear how they had cameras inside my home and a GPS inside my body so I took refuge in the sewers
  36. On April 24, 2017 in the morning the government of Jalisco reached by Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval sent the entire force of the State to give me hunting for detecting a constitutional slavery system in Mexico that suppressed the political constitution for 18 years and shows how the country was submitted by the United States what has taken the policy from the Mexican Senate and the presidency to generate their own laws and rob the country of all its wealth generating unfeasible economic system that devalues ​​the currency intentionally with respect to the dollar and through the pretext of foreign investment is obtains an economic colonization at bargain prices allowing more and more foreign companies to take over the country
  37. On April 24, 2017 the government chased for several hours under the drainage .. more than 5 hours .. At the time of my capture I was able to enter a small hole in which they had no access and could not open the drain in this way I was able to communicate with the press that accompanied the operation, letting him know that he had sent an email to the Senate of Mexico denouncing the slave system and The abolition of the Constitution as well as the handing over of the currency and the maximum treason of the presidency under Article 108 required the resignation of the government for maximum treason and wanted to be given was present or will be notified to the supreme court of what was happening
  38. I could hear identifying the voice of the journalist Rocío López Ruelas, the head of Televisa news programs, talking to the operative's staff, confirming the version and I could hear how the government referred to me in a very derogatory way, assuring me that he was a most wanted criminal. worse after that asked the journalist Rocio Lopez Ruelas will communicate with the supreme court of justice because the government is a thief liar murderer cruel and miserable tramps
  39. Accessing the journalist Rocío López Ruelas at my request, she communicated with the supreme court of justice that surprised the government of Enrique Peña Nieto and the Mexican Senate in the middle of a slave sale because it had allegedly found the sum of $ 2000000 in my department and several kilos of drugs in the middle of an extradition without offenses with the corruption of a foreign country of the United Nations what gender false crimes to request my extradition in a purchase of slaves
  40. After the supreme court found out the PGR they still insisted on capturing me, with false arguments because I had contacted my neighbors by the government and the PGR to denounce me for selling drugs and even generated a whole system of espionage in conjunction with the neighbors .. It was then that I left because it is very dehydrated and I was able to locate one of the ambulances that were going to the rescue which took me to the green cross and it was then that I started listening to a newscast by the journalist Rocío López Ruelas and which was not has stopped transmitting because it took control by the supreme court of a device lodged directly in my brain
  41. I have a cortical implant from the darpa agency of the United States Army that was implanted in November when I was kidnapped while I was sleeping by a cell of jihadists sent by the Federal Government to denounce the National Commission of Human Rights to the government of Enrique Peña. Grandson for maximum treason
  42. The cortical implant allows me to listen to the partridge only people directly in my brain and allows them to have access to everything I see I speak I hear and think in real time is the most advanced technology of espionage and is being used in terrorist attacks in Mexico transhumanism an implant in the cortical area of ​​the brain that leaves no scar that feeds the human energy and that by means of an apparently quantum connection that does not emit a signal, a total brain monitoring is maintained in real time
  43. Transhumanism as terrorism
  44. We have 18 months in this situation the journalist Rocio Lopez Ruelas and her staff has not stopped issuing a single minute the first six months we were negotiating with the Islamic state the release of the economy because the United Nations and the government of Mexico generated this situation within the system of international political factions handing over to the terrorist group the Islamic state as the only one responsible for evidenced The greatest in the world waiting for me to die
  45. The Supreme Court of Justice authorized the use of military weapons against Mexicans. I am not the only one who is implanted with this situation. President Enrique Peña Nieto referred to these interplants in the middle of the militia making reference to the fact that the crisis is in the mind of all its detractors these inplantes are installed in the press in the military in political journalists and in every activist that represents a threat to the Federal Government
  46. I am the first survivor because at the time of my capture while the journalist Rocío López Ruelas maintained the call with the supreme court my apá in article 39 constitutional on behalf of the people and lowered the maximum treason of the government caught in flagrante delicto by the supreme court. give a coup using the political constitution of Mexico
  47. That's why the United Nations, the Federal Government Televisa and the international faction systems of political sects generated a reality show with the implant and in a very friendly way so as not to kill me, I am used as my own surveillance camera after the multiple attacks of the Federal Government of Enrique Peña Nieto and of the government of the United States of America that maintains from the government of Barack Obama a terrorist attack against me in which cynically the United Nations has issued messages letting me know the same Pope Francisco Is aware of this situation this situation
  48. My name is Pedro Eduardo Félix Flores and this version can be checked by the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation making a call giving my name in the registry will contact a staff assigned to my surveillance because I am in the true games of hunger organized the supreme court of justice to not comply with the law Well I agreed to Article 136 constitutional that annuls the reforms imposed in maximum treason of the governments that has served the United States and Mexico in the last 18 years that the constitution was canceled
  49. In a ridiculous situation, everything that I speak of has been monitored for 18 months and I think that both the Mexican Senate and the Supreme Court of Justice have refused to comply with Mexico's political constitution and have total allegiance to the international political sects that maintain taken the country and remains as a slave
  50. What is known as an Illuminati slave is a transhuman of the UN
  51. A cortical implant is installed in your brain without leaving a mark, a computer gives you access to everything you see, you listen to it and can listen to what you think the device is connected to the base of the skull and does not leave a scar. It can read all your brain activity even projecting simulations
  52. The journalist Rocío López Ruelas, within the torture that she has exercised, has projected child pornography and simulations of homosexual orgies and other types of vulgarities, even saturating my pornography mind so that it will be projected during this whole situation while the Islamic state was negotiating in the manner of boycott
  53. The governor of Jalisco has sent messages through the system and will have no problem explaining what is happening
  54. The right to investigate any situation is being threatened by the United Nations that maintains a terrorist attack against the Mexican population that includes the press directly but the press is betraying Mexico iman has an infamous silence
  55. There is nothing more to investigate but it is enough to ask the supreme court directly and the presidency about this version within the national security law and the political constitution itself can not hide an invasion of the United States and they have done it for 18 months not to access Article 136 constitutional because it eliminates the registration of political parties involved in the new conquest of Mexico
  56. The internal security law generated by the Mexican Senate delivered the United States Army into an economic colonization ending with the new conquest of Mexico in February 2018. Enrique Peña Nieto promulgated the law ending with the Mexican Republic
  57. Since April 24, 2017 as a Mexican citizen for article 39, I am challenging Enrique Peña Nieto and his government for maximum treason, demanding his resignation for his fatherland and maximum treason by delivering troops and maintaining terrorist attacks within Mexican territory and rising up in arms in against the people using the military armament of the United States in conjunction with the terrorism it is financing, totally violating the national security law under the complicity of the supreme court of justice that within the pacts of the sects gave the country total cowardice and lesa Patria
  58. The current Mexican Senate is a spurious Mexican Senate because the taking of their protest was carried out under the maximum betrayal of the previous legislation and under the maximum complicity of the armed forces that have shown their rejection by turning their flag to the president because we have been handling this situation of national security since 18 months ago and on the last day of the Sedena flag sends a clear message to the world requesting your help
  59. Hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of these implants are found in the population and contain venom cazules who from substances that can cause cancer and other diseases is the largest terrorist attack by the Mexican government in conjunction with the United Nations, the Islamic State and the Vatican in the so-called new world order
  60. .................................................. .......................
  61. I have managed to establish a relationship to have the experience with this implant was looking for me to hurt myself I could sense the intention of taking my eyes with my own hands to know that their observed with them ..
  62. Within this situation the sect that controls this type of implant maintains a type of ritual in which through it force people to hurt themselves and attempt against their eyes by tearing them with their own hands or doing it with others. As there are cases identified in Mexico, what voices in the minds of people led them to take their eyes out of their families or their own eyes and this is not a joke Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto is directly with this situation making a public demonstration of this weaponry military snatching the eyes directly from a child and showing it before the cameras as a military achievement
  63. Televisa Guadalajara news director Rocio López Ruelas 18 months ago using military weapons was raised against the people of Mexico in arms that were delivered by the Supreme Court of Justice because it discovers the operation of the new world order through the platform of payments and sale of Mercado I was able to establish a state of exception that annuls the political constitution and demonstrates a system of slaves with which sovereignty is recovered and everything that has been taken from us
  64. Excuse me, sir, if you got here, you would be kind enough to give me some attention. I've discovered how forced disappearances work. There's a military attack. And I just need to publish to be free. The country can ask the supreme court about this version.
  65. I have all the emails and all the evidence all the international national denunciations and you can ask directly to the United Nations about the terrorist attack that I am a victim or directly in the supreme court of justice because they have collapsed in corruption and can not lie
  67. RAW Paste Data
  70. <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">La siguiente investigación revela como el Gobierno Federal realizó elecciones mientras la constitución política permanece abolida anulada cancelada suprimida por el estado islámico y los Estados Unidos dentro del mercado negro de una herramienta cibernética de la cia generada para tomar la moneda nacional y de Devaluarla generar un sistema de lavado dinero para todos los banqueros los políticos corruptos del país soy la primer persona en leer los contratos de adhesión de Mercado ibre y la constitución política por lo que el gobierno de México ya la multinacional he conseguido anular el registro de los partidos políticos y también las reformas impuestas que robaron el petróleo México también pude negociar con el estado islámico la liberación de nuestra moneda y las rutas de comercio así como de nuestra constitución política que fue anulada desde hace 18 años en el sistema de qué es un sistema de pagos esconde una moneda virtual c</span> The following investigation reveals how the Federal Government held elections while the political constitution remains abolished canceled canceled suppressed by the Islamic state and the United States within the black market of a cybernetic tool of the CIA generated to take the national currency and Devaluarla generate a money laundering system for all bankers the corrupt politicians of the country I am the first person to read the contracts of adhesion of Mercado ibre and the political constitution so the government of Mexico and the multinational have managed to cancel the registration of the parties politicians and also the imposed reforms that stole the oil Mexico could also negotiate with the Islamic state the liberation of our currency and trade routes as well as our political constitution that was annulled for 18 years in the system of what is a payment system hides a virtual currency c</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">on la que se unifico al tercer mundo para evaluar lo ante el dólar.</span> in which the third world was unified to evaluate the dollar.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">La investigación tiene 3 años y los que he pasado por cada una de las instituciones asociadas a la plataforma iniciando en el centenario de la constitución y denunciando en cada una de las instituciones del gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto un estado de excepción que mantiene la constitución política de México suprimida anulada cancelada bajo una abolición total para permitir que el sistema de tomé las rutas de comercio y genere una moneda qué es impuesta ante la nacional y es generada por Coca Cola en sus tiendas Oxxo con ayuda de Banamex en fraudes de contratos revisión intencional que permite generar sus propios sistemas sus propias leyes y su propio gobierno en conjunto con otras multinacionales y la mayor red de complicidad política y financiera de las Naciones Unidas Investigación revela el uso de armamento militar por parte del gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto en contra de activistas Defensores de Derechos Humanos periodistas militares y todo aquel que </span> The research is 3 years old and I have gone through each of the institutions associated with the platform, starting on the centenary of the constitution and denouncing in each of the government institutions of Enrique Peña Nieto a state of exception that maintains the political constitution Mexico canceled canceled canceled under a total abolition to allow the system to take the trade routes and generate a currency that is imposed before the national and is generated by Coca Cola in its Oxxo stores with the help of Banamex in frauds of contracts intentional revision that allows to generate their own systems their own laws and their own government in conjunction with other multinationals and the largest network of political and financial complicity of the United Nations Research reveals the use of military weapons by the government of Enrique Peña Nieto in against activists Human Rights Defenders military journalists and anyone who</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">defiende la patria pues el país fue tomado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos y sectas políticas hacen uso de armamento militar en contra de la población llevando a cabo atentados terroristas soy el primer Sobreviviente a uno de estos Gracias a que la suprema corte de justicia pudo rescatarme a.</span> defends the country because the country was taken by the government of the United States and political sects make use of military weapons against the population carrying out terrorist attacks I am the first Survivor to one of these Thanks to the supreme court of justice could rescue me</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">de ser extraditado por el senado mexicano el 24 de abril del 2017 desde entonces estamos bajo amenaza de las Naciones Unidas y de las sectas políticas que se engendran ahí llegando a estar el Vaticano incluido Dentro de la investigación realice las denuncias correspondientes a la Comisión Nacional e internacional de Derechos Humanos así como la ONU instancias internacionales relacionadas con el lavado de dinero destapando así la mayor red de corrupción internacional dentro de sectas políticas y enfrentando a la ONU con el nuevo orden mundial La parte correcta con la parte corrupta .. Tragedia cultural humanitaria el sistema the revela como una Inteligencia artificial fue diseñada para tomar las rutas de comercio la moneda de 15 países anular los tratados internacionales la ley Nacional los Derechos Humanos imponer su propio sistema de comercio crear su propia ley establecer sus propios tribunales y generar su propia moneda así como sus propios impuestos Logr</span> of being extradited by the Mexican Senate on April 24, 2017 since then we are under threat from the United Nations and the political sects that are generated there, the Vatican being included. Within the investigation, make the corresponding denunciations to the National Commission and International Human Rights Law as well as the UN international instances related to money laundering thus uncovering the largest international corruption network within political sects and confronting the UN with the new world order The correct part with the corrupt party .. Humanitarian cultural tragedy The system reveals how an artificial intelligence was designed to take the trade routes the currency of 15 countries cancel the international treaties the National Human Rights law impose its own trading system create its own law establish its own courts and generate your own currency as well as your own taxes Logr</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">é Desencriptar la moneda virtual de que es una moneda generada por Coca Cola a por medio de femsa sin conexión interbancaria sin regulación alguna sin contratos sin valor sin existir ya que mercado pago es una empresa fantasma generada en un contrato de adhesión siempre visión en 18 años el dinero simplemente no existe y desaparece cada depósito Para lavar el dinero y ingresar al sistema bancario el sistema de Mercado libre cuentas bancarias de bancos previamente establecidos que sí son legales que realmente son bancos El sistema de mercadopago y MercadoLibre es regulado por Profeco profeco ha generado empresas fantasma para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos que mantiene una moneda digital en su sistema de pago y un sistema de trata de personas y esclavitud en su sistema de comercio PGR anuló su acción durante 18 años para permitir todos los delitos dentro de la plataforma en un estado de excepción por tratarse de un mercado negro del estado islámico actuan</span> é Decrypting the virtual currency of which is a coin generated by Coca Cola through femsa without interbank connection without any regulation without contracts without value without existing since the payment market is a ghost company generated in an adhesion contract always vision in 18 years the money simply does not exist and every deposit disappears To launder the money and enter the banking system the free market system bank accounts of previously established banks that are legal they are really banks The system of Mercadopago and MercadoLibre is regulated by Profeco prophecy has generated ghost companies for the government of the United States that maintains a digital currency in its payment system and a system of trafficking in persons and slavery in its trading system PGR annulled its action for 18 years to allow all crimes within the platform in a state of exception because it is a black market of the Islamic state act</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">do en contra de quien denunciará el lavado de dinero cómo orden de las sectas políticas que mantienen tomado al país esto a nivel nacional con la complicidad de todos los gobernadores investigación como PGR está con un sistema de financiamiento para el terrorismo y las campañas políticas del Pri permitiendo todos los delitos dentro del sistema de así entregando la soberanía Profeco sus funciones no tiene capacidad para regular sistemas financieros oxxo no está registrado como un sistema financiero sólo como una tienda los sistemas de pago no tienen regulación dentro de Oxxo es así como el gobierno género sistema de lavado te dinero con ayuda de femsa a través de Oxxo Todo el dinero de Oxxo es desviado por Banamex que a través de contratos revisión totalmente ilegal genera su propio sistema de triangulación lavando todo el dinero que no está conectado el sistema interbancario y hace uso de bancos previamente establecidos para reintrod</span> against who will denounce money laundering as an order of the political sects that keep the country at the national level with the complicity of all the governors, as PGR is with a financing system for terrorism and Pri political campaigns allowing all the crimes within the system of thus delivering the sovereignty Profeco its functions does not have capacity to regulate financial systems oxxo is not registered as a financial system only as a store the payment systems do not have regulation within Oxxo this is how the government gender system launches you money with the help of femsa through Oxxo All the money of Oxxo is diverted by Banamex that through contracts totally illegal review generates its own system of triangulation washing all the money that is not connected the inter-bank system and makes use of previously established banks to reintroduce</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">ucir el dinero por medio de cuentas personales El sistema de mercadopago anula la ley de moneda no existe ventanilla para cambiar por moneda nacional una moneda virtual y al Cancelar las cuentas la moneda virtual queda dentro de las mismas imposibilidad de recuperarla destruyendo la moneda y configurando múltiples formas de fraudes todo esto en contra de la ley de comercio vigente que fue anulada por Profeco para permitir un mercado negro el sistema en facciones de sectas políticas Al denunciar esta situación en Profeco Profeco envió a PGR sembrar drogas directamente a mi casa la delegada de Profeco Guadalajara instaló una célula de vigilancia directamente al domicilio después de platicar por teléfono con quién era procurador de Profeco Ernesto nemer qué solicitó mi número celular vía Twitter después de denunciar que MercadoLibre su sistema de lavado y trata de personas al darme cuenta que los contratos son inexistentes y que la empresa se basa en el despojo configurad a </span> Pay the money through personal accounts The system of market payment cancels the law of currency there is no window to change a virtual currency by virtual currency and by canceling the accounts the virtual currency remains within the same impossibility of recovering it by destroying the currency and configuring multiple forms of fraud all this against the current trade law that was overturned by Profeco to allow a black market the system in factions of political sects When denouncing this situation in Profeco Profeco sent PGR to plant drugs directly to my house the delegate of Profeco Guadalajara installed a surveillance cell directly at home after talking on the phone with who was Profeco Ernesto Nemer solicitor who requested my cell number via Twitter after reporting that MercadoLibre their system of washing and dealing with people when I realized that the contracts are non-existent and that the company is based on dispossession configured to</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">al hacer uso de sus servicios y todos los problemas dentro de la plataforma lo resuelve con un contrato inexistente que violenta todas las garantías individuales todos los Derechos Humanos anula todos los tratados internacionales obliga el uso de una moneda extranjera y resulta ser una Inteligencia artificial con sistema de esclavos por internet permitido por el gobierno estructura del nuevo orden mundial Esto no es una conspiración es una investigación Al denunciar a la cndh la cndh respondió con operativos para mi desaparición forzada pues existe una relación entre la cndh y la Cia ya que el país fue tomado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos y es la manera en la que resuelven las quejas contra el gobierno de manera sistemática en la sexta visitaduría el abogado Edmundo Estefan Fuentes tiene una queja por esclavitud hacia presidencia al anular la constitución política en el sistema de MercadoLibre y entregar la moneda nacional así como violentar todos los tratados inter</span> when making use of its services and all the problems within the platform, it resolves it with a non-existent contract that violates all individual guarantees. All Human Rights annuls all international treaties, requires the use of a foreign currency and turns out to be an artificial Intelligence system. of slaves on the internet allowed by the government structure of the new world order This is not a conspiracy is an investigation In denouncing the CNDH the CNDH responded with operatives for my forced disappearance because there is a relationship between the CNDH and the CIA since the country was taken by the government of the United States and is the way in which complaints against the government resolve systematically in the sixth visitaduría the lawyer Edmundo Estefan Fuentes has a complaint for slavery to the presidency to annul the political constitution in the MercadoLibre system and deliver the national currency as well as violate all international treaties</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">nacionales permitiendo una Inteligencia artificial generar un sistema de esclavos por internet con sus propios tribunales y moneda Presidencia de la República dio instrucciones a la Comisión Nacional e internacional de Derechos Humanos por medio de las sectas políticas que tienen controlado el país para no darme atención a sí mismo todas las instituciones de gobierno todas mis denuncias lace puesto por internet para tener la copia de los correos electrónicos debido a que el acudir a las oficinas la atención es nula y se me ofrece un maltrato La comisión internacional de Derechos Humanos me ha negado total atención así configurando la esclavitud en México ya que estoy acusando de las Naciones Unidas Establecer un Exterminio En dónde han permitido la toma de la soberanía nacional ayudando con elecciones mientras el país está tomado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos y fracciones de sectas políticas internacionales falsa oposición dentro de los partidos políticos La </span> national allowing an artificial Intelligence to generate a system of slaves on the internet with its own courts and currency Presidency of the Republic gave instructions to the National and International Human Rights Commission through the political sects that have controlled the country to not pay attention to itself same all government institutions all my complaints put on the internet to have the copy of emails because the go to the offices the attention is zero and I am offered abuse The International Human Rights Commission has denied me full attention thus shaping slavery in Mexico as I am accusing the United Nations of Establishing an Extermination Where they have allowed the taking of national sovereignty by helping with elections while the country is taken over by the United States government and fractions of international political sects false opposition within political parties The</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">investigación revela como todas las campañas del PRI han sido pagadas con dinero del mercado negro de Mercado libre donde Coca Cola directamente interviene en la soberanía nacional generando una moneda de costo político mantiene totalmente interpendencia monetaria no regulado por ninguna autoridad ni tiene conexión interbancaria sólo es un número dentro de Mercado libre una moneda Privada de una empresa fantasma que mantiene tomado todo el continente con Inteligencia artificial o sistema de las Naciones Unidas para financiar el estado islámico en el verdadero tratado de paz y es ahí donde el gobierno paga todas las elecciones y también desvía todo el dinero que roba México La investigación revela como Luis Donaldo Colosio fue asesinado por la Cia para establecer este mercado negro de MercadoLibre que resulta hacer una colonización económica de los Estados Unidos la más grande que ha tomado 15 países de América en coalición con el estado islámico y se</span> research reveals how all the PRI campaigns have been paid with money from the free market black market where Coca Cola directly intervenes in national sovereignty generating a political cost currency maintains totally monetary interpendency not regulated by any authority nor has interbank connection it is only a number within Free Market a Private currency of a ghost company that keeps taken the whole continent with Artificial Intelligence or United Nations system to finance the Islamic state in the real peace treaty and that is where the government pays all the elections and also diverts all the money that steals Mexico The investigation reveals how Luis Donaldo Colosio was assassinated by the CIA to establish this MercadoLibre black market that turns out to be an economic colonization of the United States the largest one that has taken 15 countries of America in coalition with the Islamic state and it</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left"> está haciendo uso de armamento militar así como del espionaje mediante armas cibernéticas que han sido implantadas mediante la misma situación de contratos de adhesión 100 revision como Google analytics que mezclan los datos directamente con generando una Inteligencia artificial con la capacidad de tomar totalmente las rutas de comercio del país e imponer los precios dentro del mismo La comisión por pago en cada venta de Mercado libre representa un impuesto del 13% no puede haber un impuesto por vender que no haya sido generado por el gobierno de México El sistema de Mercado libre anula la libre expresión dentro de sus contratos y dentro de su comercio El sistema de Mercado libre anula la libertad de asociación El sistema de Mercado libre anula la ley de moneda El sistema de Mercado libre anula todas las acciones de las instituciones encargadas de ejercer justicia en el país incluso de la suprema corte de justicia bajo un protocolo un estado de excepción E</span> It is making use of military weapons as well as espionage using cybernetic weapons that have been implemented through the same situation of accession contracts 100 revision as Google analytics that mix the data directly with generating artificial intelligence with the ability to fully take the trade routes of the country and impose prices within the same The commission for payment in each sale of free market represents a tax of 13% there can be a tax to sell that has not been generated by the government of Mexico The free market system cancels free expression within their contracts and within their trade The free market system cancels freedom of association The free market system cancels the law of currency The free market system cancels all actions of institutions charged with exercising justice in the country even of the supreme court of justice under a protocol a state of exception E</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">l sistema de Mercado libre es la primera Inteligencia artificial con la capacidad de tomar esclavos es la mascota del nuevo orden mundial con la que se divierten el tercer mundo generando hambre Cisen instaló una célula de vigilancia junto a mi departamento después de quejarme ante la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos al descubrir Cómo la constitución política mantiene todos sus derechos anulados y toda la obligación del gobierno suprimida pues le acusa de ejercer esclavitud hacia extranjeros en máxima traición a la independencia de México en repetidas ocasiones a los correos de la PGR asimismo a los del SAT denunciando el lavado de dinero enviando múltiples operativos como respuesta pues pude comprobar el sistema de mercadopago no tiene contratos ni regulación y se alega asunto de seguridad nacional En noviembre del 2016 fui secuestrado de manera Express y se instaló dentro de mi cuerpo la más avanzada tecnología del gobierno de los Estados Unidos para realizar esp</span> The free market system is the first artificial intelligence with the ability to take slaves is the mascot of the new world order with which the third world has fun generating hunger Cisen installed a surveillance cell with my department after complaining to the National Commission of Human Rights when discovering how the political constitution keeps all its rights annulled and all the obligation of the government suppressed because it accuses it of exerting slavery towards foreigners in maximum treason to the independence of Mexico in repeated occasions to the PGR couriers likewise to those of the SAT denouncing money laundering by sending multiple operatives in response as I could check the market payment system has no contracts or regulation and alleged national security issue In November 2016 I was abducted Express and installed within my body the most advanced technology of the government of the United States to conduct esp</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">ionaje El gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto envió una célula del estado islámico encargada del tráfico de órganos realizar una cirugía quién plantó dentro de mi cerebro un dispositivo de la más alta tecnología de la empresa Google en conjunto con el ejército de los Estados Unidos un implante cortical que conecta mi cerebro directamente a computadoras que la suprema corte entregó a Televisa Guadalajara directamente a Rocío López Ruelas Esto ocultando un golpe de estado constitucional pues hice uso del artículo 108 enviando la denuncia de esta situación hacia el senado mexicano denunciando que no se podía legislar más sobre la ley de seguridad nacional pues estaría finalizando con la conquista del país que llaman tenía una colonización económica La respuesta del senado un operativo para mí es tradición el día 24 de abril del 2017 televisa y Tv Azteca mostraron imagen y noticia falsa para justificar una desaparición más del Gobierno Federal con ayuda de las Nacio</span> The government of Enrique Peña Nieto sent a cell of the Islamic state in charge of organ trafficking to perform a surgery who planted in my brain a device of the highest technology of the company Google in conjunction with the United States Army a cortical implant that connects my brain directly to computers that the supreme court delivered to Televisa Guadalajara directly to Rocío López Ruelas This concealed a constitutional coup because I made use of article 108 sending the complaint of this situation to the Mexican Senate denouncing that it was not possible to legislate more about the national security law because it would be ending with the conquest of the country they call had an economic colonization The response of the Senate an operative for me is tradition on April 24, 2017 televisa and Tv Azteca showed false image and news to justify a disappearance more from the Federal Government with the help of the Nacio</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">nes Unidas la Interpol FBI y cía pues logra desencriptar la moneda virtual generada para el estado islámico con la que se mantiene un boicot económico en toda América El 24 de abril del 2017 por la mañana el personal asignado mi vigilancia junto a mi departamento en la célula del cisen recibió personal del Distrito Federal qué se burlaba de un operativo mientras lo planeaba y pude escuchar como se me iba a sembrar droga se me iba a extraditar y se iban a publicar noticias falsas también pude escuchar como tenían cámaras dentro de mi domicilio y un GPS dentro de mi cuerpo por lo que me refugie en las alcantarillas El 24 de abril del 2017 por la mañana el gobierno de Jalisco alcanzado por Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval envió a toda la fuerza del Estado darme cacería por detectar un sistema de esclavos constitucional en México que suprimió la constitución política por 18 años y demuestra como el país estado sometido por los Estados Unidos qué ha tomado la política desde</span> United Nations the Interpol FBI and CIA then manages to decrypt the virtual currency generated for the Islamic state with which an economic boycott is maintained throughout America On April 24, 2017 in the morning the personnel assigned my surveillance along with my department in the cell del cisen received personnel from the Federal District who mocked an operation while I was planning it and I could hear how I was going to plant drugs. I was going to be extradited and false news was going to be published. I also heard how they had cameras inside my home and a GPS inside my body so I take refuge in the sewers On April 24, 2017 in the morning the government of Jalisco reached by Jorge Aristóteles Sandoval sent the entire force of the State give me hunting for detecting a constitutional slaves system in Mexico that it abolished the political constitution for 18 years and shows how the country has been subjected by the United States what has taken the policy from</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left"> el senado mexicano y la presidencia para generar sus propias leyes y robar al país toda Su riqueza generando sistema económico inviable que devalúa la moneda intencionalmente respecto al Dólar y mediante el pretexto de la inversión extranjera se obtiene una colonización económica a precios de ganga permitiendo que cada vez más empresas extranjeras se apoderen del país El 24 de abril del 2017 el gobierno de persiguió por varias horas bajo el drenaje.. más de 5 horas .. Al momento de mi captura pude introducirme en un pequeño agujero en el que no tenían acceso y no pudieron destapar la coladera de esta manera pude comunicarme con la prensa que acompañaba al operativo haciéndole saber que había enviado un correo electrónico al senado de México denunciando sistema de esclavos y La abolición de la Constitución así como la entrega de la moneda y la máxima traición de la presidencia bajo el artículo 108 exigía la renuncia del gobierno por máxima traición y quería </span> the Mexican Senate and the presidency to generate their own laws and rob the country of all its wealth generating unfeasible economic system that devalues ​​the currency intentionally with respect to the dollar and through the pretext of foreign investment obtains an economic colonization at bargain prices allowing each time more foreign companies take over the country On April 24, 2017 the government chased for several hours under the drain .. more than 5 hours .. At the time of my capture I was able to enter a small hole in which they had no access and They could not uncover the line in this way I could communicate with the press that accompanied the operation by letting them know that they had sent an email to the Senate of Mexico denouncing the slave system and the abolition of the Constitution as well as the handing over of the currency and the maximum treason of the presidency under Article 108 demanded the resignation of the government for maximum treason and wanted</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">que se den estuviera presente o se avisará a la suprema corte de lo que estaba pasando Pude escuchar identificando la voz de la periodista Rocío López Ruelas titular de noticieros Televisa hablar con el personal del operativo confirmando la versión y pude escuchar como el gobierno se refería a mí de una manera muy despectiva asegurando que era un delincuente de los más buscados de lo peor después de eso pedía la periodista Rocío López Ruelas se comunicará con la suprema corte de justicia porque el gobierno es un ratero mentiroso asesino vendepatrias cruel y miserable Accediendo la periodista Rocío López Ruelas a mi petición se comunicó con la suprema corte de justicia que sorprendió al gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto y al senado mexicano en medio de una venta de esclavos pues se había presuntamente encontrado la suma de $2000000 en mi departamento y varios kilos de drogas en medio de una extradición sin delitos con la corrupción de un país extranjero de las Nacione</span> that they were present or the supreme court would be notified of what was happening I could hear identifying the voice of the journalist Rocío López Ruelas, head of news programs Televisa, talking to the operative's staff, confirming the version and I could hear how the government was referring to me in a very derogatory way assuring that he was a delinquent of the most wanted of the worst after that asked the journalist Rocio Lopez Ruelas will communicate with the supreme court of justice because the government is a thief liar assassin cruel and miserable traitor Accessing the journalist Rocío López Ruelas at my request communicated with the supreme court of justice that surprised the government of Enrique Peña Nieto and the Mexican Senate in the middle of a sale of slaves because it had allegedly found the sum of $ 2000000 in my apartment and several kilos of drugs in the middle of an extradition without crimes with the corruption of a foreign country of the Nation</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">s Unidas qué género delitos falsos para solicitar mi extradición en una compra de esclavos Después de que la suprema corte se enteró la PGR aún insistían capturarme, con argumentos falsos pues te había contactado mis vecinos por parte del gobierno y de la PGR para que me denuncian por venta de drogas e incluso generaron todo un sistema de espionaje en conjunto con los vecinos .. Fue entonces que salí pues está muy deshidratado y pude localizar a una de las ambulancias que iban al rescate la cual me llevó a la cruz verde y fue entonces que empecé a escuchar un noticiero de la periodista Rocío López Ruelas y cual no ha dejado de trasmitir pues se tomó control por parte de la suprema corte de un dispositivo alojado directamente en mi cerebro Tengo un implante cortical de la agencia darpa del ejército de los Estados Unidos que me fue implantado en noviembre cuando fui secuestrado mientras dormía por una celda de yihadistas enviado por el Gobierno Federal al denunciar a la </span> I joined what kind of false crimes to request my extradition in a purchase of slaves After the supreme court learned the PGR still insisted on capturing me, with false arguments because I had contacted my neighbors by the government and the PGR to denounce me For sale of drugs and even generated a whole system of espionage in conjunction with the neighbors .. It was then that I left because it is very dehydrated and I was able to locate one of the ambulances that were going to the rescue which took me to the green cross and it was then I started listening to a newscast by the journalist Rocío López Ruelas and which has not stopped transmitting because it took control by the supreme court of a device lodged directly in my brain I have a cortical implant of the darpa agency of the army of the States United that was implanted in November when I was kidnapped while I was sleeping by a jihadist cell sent by the Federal Government when I denounced the</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos al gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto por máxima traición El implante cortical me permite escuchar a la perdiz tan sólo personas directamente en mi cerebro y les permite tener acceso a todo lo que veo hablo escucho y pienso en tiempo real es la más avanzada tecnología de espionaje y se está utilizando en atentados terroristas en México transhumanismo un implante en el área cortical del cerebro que no deja cicatriz que se alimenta el energía humana y que por medio de una conexión al parecer cuántica que no emite señal se mantiene en tiempo real un monitoreo del cerebro total Transhumanismo como terrorismo Tenemos 18 meses en esta situación la periodista Rocío López Ruelas y su personal no ha dejado de emitir ni un solo minuto los primeros seis meses estuvimos negociando con el estado islámico la liberación de la economía pues las Naciones Unidas y el gobierno de México generaron esta situación dentro del sistema de facciones po</span> National Commission of Human Rights to the government of Enrique Peña Nieto for maximum betrayal The cortical implant allows me to listen to the partridge only people directly in my brain and allows them to have access to everything I see I speak I hear and I think in real time is the more advanced technology of espionage and is being used in terrorist attacks in Mexico transhumanism an implant in the cortical area of ​​the brain that leaves no scar that feeds the human energy and that by means of an apparently quantum connection that does not emit signal remains in real time a monitoring of the total brain Transhumanism as terrorism We have 18 months in this situation the journalist Rocio Lopez Ruelas and her staff has not stopped issuing even one minute the first six months we were negotiating with the Islamic state the liberation of the economy because the United Nations and the government of Mexico generated this situation within the factional</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">líticas internacionales entregandome al grupo terrorista estado islámico como el único responsable de evidenciado El más grande del mundo esperando a que se me diera muerte La suprema corte de justicia autorizó el uso de armamento militar en contra de mexicanos no soy el único que está implantado con esta situación el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto se refirió estos inplantes en medio de la milicia haciendo referencia a que la crisis está en la mente de todos sus detractores estos inplantes están instalados en la prensa en militares en periodistas políticos y en todo activista que representa una amenaza para el Gobierno Federal Yo soy el primer sobreviviente pues al momento de mi captura mientras la periodista Rocío López Ruelas mantenía la llamada con la suprema corte mi apá en el artículo 39 constitucional en representación del pueblo y bajó la máxima traición del gobierno sorprendido en flagrancia por la suprema corte pude dar un golpe de estado usando la constit</span> International lytics handing me over to the Islamic State terrorist group as the only one responsible for evidenced The biggest in the world waiting for me to die The supreme court authorized the use of military weapons against Mexicans I am not the only one who is implanted with this situation President Enrique Peña Nieto referred these inplantes in the middle of the militia making reference to the crisis is in the minds of all its detractors these inplantes are installed in the press in the military in political journalists and in every activist who represents a threat to The Federal Government I am the first survivor because at the time of my capture while the journalist Rocío López Ruelas maintained the call with the supreme court my apá in article 39 constitutional on behalf of the people and lowered the maximum treason of the government caught in flagrante delicto by the supreme court I could give a coup using the constit</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">ución política de México Es por eso que las Naciones Unidas el Gobierno Federal Televisa y los sistemas de facción internacional de sectas políticas generaron un reality show con el implante y de manera muy amable para no darme muerte se me utiliza como mi propia cámara de vigilancia después de los múltiples atentados del Gobierno Federal de Enrique Peña Nieto y del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América que mantiene desde el gobierno de Barack Obama un atentado terrorista en contra de mi persona en el cual cínicamente las Naciones Unidas ha emitido mensajes haciéndome saber el mismo Papa Francisco Está enterado de esta situación esta situación Mi nombre es Pedro Eduardo Félix flores y esta versión puede ser comprobada por la suprema corte de justicia de la nación haciendo una llamada dando mi nombre en el registro se contactará con un personal asignado a mi vigilancia pues me encuentro en los verdaderos juegos del hambre qué organizó la suprema corte de justici</span> This is why the United Nations, the Federal Government, Televisa and the international faction systems of political sects generated a reality show with the implant and in a very kind way not to kill me, I was used as my own surveillance camera afterwards. of the multiple attacks of the Federal Government of Enrique Peña Nieto and the government of the United States of America that maintains from the government of Barack Obama a terrorist attack against me in which cynically the United Nations has issued messages letting me know the same Pope Francisco Is aware of this situation this situation My name is Pedro Eduardo Félix Flores and this version can be checked by the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation making a call giving my name in the registry will contact a staff assigned to my surveillance I find myself in the true games of hunger what the supreme court of justice organized</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">a para no cumplir con la ley Pues accedí al artículo 136 constitucional qué anula las reformas impuestas en máxima traición de los gobiernos qué ha servido a los Estados Unidos y México en los últimos 18 años que la constitución política se anuló En una situación ridícula se monitorea desde hace 18 meses todo lo que hablo veo y pienso pues tanto el senado mexicano como la suprema corte de justicia se ha negado a cumplir con la constitución política de México y guardan total lealtad a las sectas políticas internacionales que mantienen tomado el país y se mantiene como un esclavo Lo que se conoce como un esclavo illuminati es un transhumano de la ONU Un implante cortical es instalado en tu cerebro sin dejar marca una computadora les da acceso a todo lo que ves hablas escuchas y pueden escuchar lo que piensas el dispositivo va conectado a la base del cráneo y no deja cicatriz puede leer toda tu actividad cerebral incluso proyectar simulaciones La periodista Rocío Lóp</span> a for not complying with the law Well I agreed to the article 136 constitutional that annuls the reforms imposed in maximum treason of the governments what has served the United States and Mexico in the last 18 years that the political constitution was annulled In a ridiculous situation is monitored for 18 months everything I speak I see and think because both the Mexican Senate and the Supreme Court of Justice has refused to comply with the political constitution of Mexico and keep total loyalty to the international political sects that keep the country and remains like a slave What is known as an Illuminati slave is a transhuman of the UN A cortical implant is installed in your brain without leaving a mark gives a computer access to everything you see you speak listening and can hear what you think the device is connected to the base of the skull and does not leave scar can read all your brain activity even project simulations The journalist Rocío Lóp</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">ez Ruelas dentro de la tortura que ha ejercido ha proyectado pornografía infantil y simulaciones de orgías homosexuales y de otro tipo de vulgaridades incluso saturó mi mente de pornografía para que se proyectará durante toda esta situación mientras el estado islámico estaba negociando a manera de boicot El gobernador de Jalisco ha enviado mensajes a través del sistema y no tendrán ningún problema con explicar lo que está pasando El derecho investigar cualquier situación está siendo amenazado por las Naciones Unidas que mantienen un atentado terrorista en contra de la población mexicana esto incluye directamente la prensa pero la prensa está traicionando a México imán tiene un silencio infame No hay más que investigar sólo se basta con preguntar a la suprema corte directamente ya la presidencia sobre esta versión dentro de la ley de seguridad nacional y de la constitución política misma no pueden ocultar una invasión de los Estados Unidos y lo han hecho durante 1</span> ez Ruelas within the torture that he has exerted has projected child pornography and simulations of homosexual orgies and other types of vulgarities even saturated my pornography mind so that it will be projected during this whole situation while the Islamic state was negotiating in the manner of boycott The governor of Jalisco has sent messages through the system and they will have no problem explaining what is happening. The right to investigate any situation is being threatened by the United Nations that maintains a terrorist attack against the Mexican population. This directly includes the press but the press is betraying Mexico iman has an infamous silence There is no more to investigate it is only enough to ask the supreme court directly and the presidency about this version within the national security law and the same political constitution can not hide an invasion of the United States and they have done it for 1</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">8 meses para no Acceder al artículo 136 constitucional pues elimina el registro de los partidos políticos involucrados en la nueva conquista de México La ley de seguridad interior generada por el senado mexicano entregó el ejército de los Estados Unidos dentro de una colonización económica terminando con la nueva conquista de México en febrero 2018 enrique Peña Nieto promulgó la ley terminando con la República Mexicana Desde el 24 de abril 2017 como Ciudadano mexicano por el artículo 39 estoy desafiando Enrique Peña Nieto ya su gobierno por máxima traición exigiendo su renuncia por lesa Patria y máxima traición al entregar las tropas y mantener atentados terroristas dentro del territorio mexicano y levantarse en armas en contra del pueblo haciendo uso de armamento militar de Estados Unidos en conjunto con el terrorismo al cual está financiando violentando totalmente la ley de seguridad nacional bajo la complicidad de la suprema corte de justicia que dentro de los pact</span> 8 months to not access Article 136 constitutional because it eliminates the registration of political parties involved in the new conquest of Mexico The internal security law generated by the Mexican Senate delivered the United States Army into an economic colonization ending with the new Conquest of Mexico in February 2018 Enrique Peña Nieto promulgated the law ending with the Mexican Republic Since April 24, 2017 as a Mexican citizen for Article 39 I am challenging Enrique Peña Nieto and his government for maximum treason demanding his resignation for lesa Patria and maximum treason by surrendering troops and maintaining terrorist attacks within Mexican territory and taking up arms against the people using US military weapons in conjunction with the terrorism it is financing, totally violating the national security law under the complicity of the supreme court of justice that within the pact</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">os de las sectas entregó al país en total cobardía y lesa Patria El senado mexicano actual es un senado mexicano espurio pues la toma de su protesta se realizó bajo la máxima traición de la pasada legislación y bajo la máxima complicidad de las fuerzas armadas que han mostrado su rechazo volteando su bandera al presidente pues hemos estado manejando esta situación de seguridad nacional ya desde hace 18 meses y en el pasado día de la bandera sedena envía un mensaje claro al mundo solicitando su ayuda Cientos o miles o cientos de miles de estos implante se encuentran en la población y contienen cazulas de veneno who de sustancias que pueden producir cáncer y otras enfermedades es el mayor atentado terrorista del gobierno de México en conjunto con las Naciones Unidas el estado islámico y el Vaticano en el denominado nuevo orden mundial ......................................................................... He logrado establecer una relación al tener la experiencia con es</span> The sects gave the country total cowardice and lesa Patria The current Mexican Senate is a spurious Mexican senate because the taking of their protest was carried out under the maximum betrayal of the past legislation and under the maximum complicity of the armed forces that have shown his rejection turning his flag to the president because we have been handling this national security situation for 18 months and on the last day of the Sedena flag sends a clear message to the world requesting their help Hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of these implant They find in the population and they contain poison pots who of substances that can cause cancer and other diseases is the biggest terrorist attack of the Mexican government in conjunction with the United Nations the Islamic state and the Vatican in the so-called new world order .... .................................................. ................... I have managed to establish a relationship by having experience with</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">te implante se buscó me hiciera daño a mí mismo pude percibir la intención de sacar mis ojos con mis propias manos al saber que su observado con los mismos.. Dentro de esta situación la secta que controla este tipo de implante mantiene un tipo de ritual en el que a través del mismo obligan a las personas a hacerse daño y atentar contra sus ojos arrancando los con sus propias manos o haciéndolo con el de otros es así como hay casos identificados en México qué voces en la mente de las personas les indujeron a sacar los ojos de sus familiares o sus propios ojos y esto no es una broma el señor Enrique Peña Nieto está directamente con esta situación haciendo una demostración pública de este armamento militar arrebatando los ojos directamente a un niño y mostrándolo ante las cámaras como un logro bélico Televisa Guadalajara su directora de noticias Rocío López Ruelas Tiene 18 meses haciendo uso de armamento militar se levantó en contra del pueblo de México en armas q</span> I implanted you looked for me hurt myself I could perceive the intention to take my eyes with my own hands to know that their observed with them .. Within this situation the sect that controls this type of implant maintains a kind of ritual in who through it force people to hurt themselves and attack their eyes by tearing them with their own hands or doing it with others' is just as there are cases identified in Mexico what voices in the minds of people led them to take the eyes of his family or his own eyes and this is not a joke Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto is directly with this situation making a public demonstration of this military weaponry snatching the eyes directly from a child and showing it to the cameras as a military achievement Televisa Guadalajara its news director Rocío López Ruelas 18 months ago using military weapons rose against the people of Mexico in arms</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">ue fueron entregadas por la suprema corte de justicia pues descubre el funcionamiento del nuevo orden mundial a través de la plataforma de pagos y venta de Mercado pude Establecer un estado de excepción que anula la constitución política y demuestre un sistema de esclavos con el cual se recupera la soberanía y todo lo que nos han arrebatado Disculpe usted señor periodista si llegó hasta aquí sería tan amable de brindarme un poco de atención He descubierto Cómo funcionan las desapariciones forzadas hay un atentado militar Y sólo necesito que se publique para ser libre el país puede preguntarle a la suprema corte sobre esta versión Tengo todos los correos electrónicos y toda la evidencia todas las denuncias nacionales internacionales y se puede preguntar directamente a las Naciones Unidas sobre el atentado terrorista que soy víctima o directamente en la suprema corte de justicia pues han colapsado en corrupción y no pueden mentir scjnsolicitudes@mail.scjn.gob.m</span> They were delivered by the supreme court of justice because it discovers the functioning of the new world order through the platform of payments and sale of Mercado I was able to establish a state of exception that annuls the political constitution and demonstrates a system of slaves with the which sovereignty recovers and everything that we have been taken away. Excuse me, sir, journalist. If you got here, it would be so kind to give me some attention. I have discovered how forced disappearances work. There is a military attack. I just need to publish to be free. country can ask the supreme court about this version I have all the emails and all the evidence all the international national complaints and you can ask directly to the United Nations about the terrorist attack that I am a victim or directly in the supreme court of justice because they have Collapsed in corruption and can not lie scjnsolicitudes@mail.scjn.gob.m</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">x</span> x</span>
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