
Wyald Honta

Mar 30th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Last edit: #7, 11/13/2023
  2. Current Age: 460
  4. Wyald Honta, Born Age 430, is a natural-born hybrid between a Human and Tiger-Beastman. Honta's innate specialty with Ki is Internalization, and his specialty with Magic is Alteration!
  6. Power Level: What's that?
  7. Brains: 5/5
  8. Brawn: 5/5
  9. Skill: 4/5
  10. Tier: 3 (d50 night) (d55 morning and evening) (d60 noon)
  12. [Forms]
  13. Shima Moyō no Tora (Permanent) - Having embraced his animalistic side in a moment of extreme distress, Honta has managed to tap into the barest depths of his potential. Though the full extent of his power remains locked away to him, his baseline capability is now far stronger than it was before. This reflects on his appearance, as he now permanently has black stripes in his otherwise fair hair.
  15. Unnamed form (Locked outside of special circumstances) - The well of power that Honta tapped into against Garlic, which enabled him to far exceed his normal capabilities. His thoughts and behavior are much more unrestrained and wild in this form, and he seems to focus entirely on killing his prey like this. It also seems to have some kind of association with fire, as evident by the fact that it can breathe a gout of flames that can even burn the energy of others to fuel itself.
  18. [Styles]
  19. Way of the Warrior (Mastered) - Honta's first style, an ancient practice created by Barbar's people. It revolves around controlling the battlefield, forcing your opponents into a predictable state that you can take advantage of. It relies on three forms to do so: The hyper-aggressive River form, the nimble and reactive Skirmisher form, and the unshakeable Mountain form. Those who tread the Way of the Warrior are expected to forge and use a weapon from the fallen arms of their first enemy. When mastered, it allows you to reroll a failed set of rolls in combat, once per encounter!
  21. Mutaito's Style ( far as it was developed when Honta trained under him, at least) - Honta's second style, refined by the legendary Master Mutaito. Not only does it promote the use of ki, but it prides itself on making students of the style as adaptable as possible, so that they can respond to any unexpected situation in the blink of an eye. When mastered, it allows you to fully negate damage you would otherwise take from an enemy in a round, once per encounter!
  23. Korin's Teachings (Mastered) - Not really a style in and of itself, but more of a training regiment! It's all about quick bursts of speed, and the stamina to maintain it. You were Korin's best student, so I feel compelled to write it down! Completing Korin's training awards anyone with another point in Brawn!
  25. Makyan Sorcery (Mastered) - Garlic's own brand of magic, with a focus on restraining, sealing, or otherwise inconveniencing your opponent. It also covers a surprising amount on the art of Enchantment, and the modification of living beings; it can be used to create an apple tree that bears alcoholic fruit, for example. Masters of this sorcery learn a ritual that ties their physical and magical might to a celestial body, granting them greater power when those bodies are in auspicious positions! Honta has specifically tied his power to the Sun, granting him a boost whenever it's showing in the sky, and a SIGNIFICANT boost during the rare Solar Eclipse!
  27. [Techniques]
  28. Advanced Ki-Manipulation - The ability to actually manipulate the life-forces within you. The depth of your grasp on ki is considerably greater than it used to be, and you've grown far more skilled at manipulating your ki. You can automatically tell when foreign ki is within your area of influence, and you can shape your ki far more freely than before - copying the rough idea of someone else's technique is more viable, and you can come up with unique ways to utilize your ki on the spot instead of having to rely solely on your practiced techniques to achieve what you want. Improvised techniques are still not as effective as using something you've drilled into your muscle memory, though.
  30. Ki Sense - The ability to detect the life force of those around you. You've trained with it enough to be able to sense at least a couple dozen miles out, and can feel the hints of someone's true nature through their ki...provided they are not exceptionally skilled at hiding such things.
  32. Telepathy - The ability to join your mind to another's through your ki, and mentally communicate with them at considerably faster speeds than speech would allow. You can transmit ideas, pictures, memories...and should you ever need to, you may be able to forcefully read someone's mind, or disrupt their concentration with your own thoughts.
  34. Far-Seeing Arts - An extension of both Ki Sensing and Telepathy, which allows you to expand all of your bodily senses outwards in an almost out-of-body experience. You can observe the world around you without being physically present, up to about half of the world's length unassisted! You've also figured out how to keep track of multiple things at once with this, and how to focus in on a single target to look at it in far greater detail than you'd be capable of otherwise. Concentration required scales with how many tabs you're keeping!
  36. Flight - The evolution of Air Step, which enables constant motion in almost any environment! Take to the skies, and be unbound by the laws of gravity! You can still create the short-lived jump-off points that the Air Step allowed, but why would you need to?
  38. Flash Lightning - The precursor to the Thunder Shock Surprise, which bears its own advantages. By charging electrically-aligned ki into your fingers, you can unleash a single bolt of lightning with variable strength, which can seize up an opponent's muscles just long enough to capitalize on it. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't work too well on things resistant to electricity, or in circumstances where the path of least resistance isn't into your opponent's body!
  40. Sandakoru - Korin's special technique to imbue clouds with energy. Once imbued, you can release the energy at any time in the form of a bolt of lightning called down from the skies. It bears the same advantages and disadvantages as Flash Lightning, but it tends to pack a little bit more of a kick due to the natural energy already present in the clouds, and the unexpected angle makes it more reliable to hit with in most cases. Obviously, it can only be used if clouds are present and have a direct line to your target!
  42. Taigakuro - An improvement on your Claw Empowerment technique. You can still run your ki through either your natural claws or the wearable claws you often fight with to drastically enhance their durability and sharpness, to an even greater degree than previously, but now you're capable of something even greater: Extending those same claws with longer, sharper, and much more dangerous projections of ki. Despite being projections, you've actually made it fairly energy efficient thanks to practicing with it until it was like an extension of your body.
  44. Climate Cloak - Not a formal technique, but an important one nonetheless from your time in Yunzabit, which was refined further in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. It shields the user from especially hostile environments, be it extreme heat or cold, by cycling your ki through your body and forming a moderately thick barrier between the environment and your skin to reduce thermal transfer. It's probably at least somewhat effective against things like harmful chemicals splashing on you, but it won't do a thing to anything you inhale! As a small bonus, you also can resist the equivalent of gale-force winds with this, rooting yourself in place firmly by leaking a constant amount of ki upwards.
  46. [Spells]
  47. Immaterial Form - Your very first spell, which momentarily turns your body into a mistlike form to avoid damage. Only lasts a second at most without further refinement, and particularly powerful energy-based attacks can still harm you through eradication of the particles you become. Obviously, you can't really attack when you're in this state, either!
  49. Mist of Darkness - A spell to generate a black mist that spreads out exponentially as long as you keep supplying it with power. Your senses are completely unhindered by the mist, but anyone else would have all of their senses reduced by it.
  51. Mirror Image - A spell that creates multiple illusions of yourself, in order to make finding the real one difficult. They're made of little more than mist, so they fall apart easily!
  53. Life Alteration - A ritual more than a spell, that takes quite a while to cast if you don't want to mess anything up. It can permanently alter the properties of any creature you cast it on after 24 hours, though it requires intimate knowledge of the changes you're making to make sure the process goes smoothly.
  55. Enchantment - The knowledge necessary to imbue permanent spells into objects. Requires costly and rare components, but generally doesn't even need your Magical Power to use once it's made!
  57. Soul Removal - Kami's magic, which essentially converts the target's entire body into spiritual form, which is then trapped by the same technique. It's a fairly painful and debilitating process for them!
  59. Spirit Sight - The spell that was enchanted on The Ring, which is in the same school of thought as Soul Removal. It slightly makes the user or their target's body more spiritual, thus enabling them to see the immaterial with the cost of essentially being a glowing beacon to them.
  61. Magic Materialization - By concentrating your magical power and thinking upon a physical form you wish it to take, you can create physical matter! It requires some knowledge of the physical structure you're creating, of course, and what comes out isn't enchanted...but this is the king of utility!
  63. Sealed Light Beam - A relatively slow technique the projects rings of magic that will shrink anything caught within and greatly reduce their strength. Once sufficiently small, the magic solidify into an orb around your foe that's nearly unbreakable from within, which lasts until dispelled or broken somehow! Those of sufficient power may be able to resist or even reflect it if they're skilled enough, so be careful!
  65. Dead Zone - Garlic's ultimate technique, which tears open a gaping wound in reality that leads to a dreadful dimension known only as the Dead Zone. You know not what is within, but Garlic tells you that absolutely nothing is capable of escaping it once caught within. Be careful, because once used, this technique will start trying to suck EVERYTHING into itself! It also requires a lot of juice to open to begin with...
  67. Dragon's Majesty - The Dragon of the Sea's ultimate technique, which affirms one's self-belief onto the world and makes reality accommodate that belief. If you believe you can fly, you can. If you believe you're invincible, you are. If you believe you can breathe underwater, you can. Only things that can surpass or bypass your Magical Power in some way are capable of overriding that belief with their own abilities while you're using this spell.
  69. [Psychic Disciplines]
  70. Postcognition - The ability to view the past, currently limited to only what you touch. Not very well controlled at the moment, so visions may be of arbitrary and random moments. Apparently risky to use against anyone with Precognition!
  73. [Items]
  74. Mirror Claws - Steel claws coated in a reflective layer of special alloys. Their steel core is derived from a demon's rapier, though you doubt the rapier had particularly special qualities.
  76. Mirror Armor - Steel armor coated in a reflective layer of special alloys. It covers your vitals and little else, in order to keep you as mobile as possible while still providing good protection.
  78. World map - A somewhat crude map of the world drawn by Jack, which you've taken to marking down your journey on. You also make sure to mark important locations you've been to on it! It's sentimental to you, so you haven't replaced it with a proper map yet.
  80. Communication Stone - An enchanted rock that projects an image of whoever is holding its counterpart, and their surroundings. That counterpart is currently in possession of Love Teal!
  82. Kami's Mirror - A mirror imbued with a small amount of Kami's Power, which is primarily used for transporting people with the right permissions to the Otherworld. As a side-effect of being connected to Kami, it empowers the use of the Far-Seeing Arts, greatly enhancing its use just like using it on the Lookout would.
  84. The Sword - An enchanted blade that's capable of cutting through things that ordinary steel cannot. It can even deflect attacks of otherworldly nature automatically, provided the user has enough willpower and positive emotion to fuel the effect.
  86. The Icon - A very small statue maybe around the size of your hand, which is designed to take any damage intended for whoever is attuned to it through a small blood sacrifice. An attack that would kill you will irrevocably break the icon.
  88. The Trap - A surprisingly simple looking steel box with just a bit of electronics strapped to it. Supposedly it can contain any noncorporeal entities indefinitely, as long as it's not overloaded or tampered with! It does need the entity to cross directly over its threshold, though.
  90. The Ring x2 - An engraved golden band that tunes you in to the same frequency as otherworldly creatures. You can sense their presence with ease with all of your available senses, no matter what their usual protections are. It does, however, allow them to sense you for as long as you wear it...
  92. Fairy Dust - A small pouch filled with some of Azalea's excess fairy dust, in case of emergency! It can rapidly regenerate wounds, but it won't restore your energy or reduce your fatigue! Echoes of pain from the healing injury will take some time to fade.
  94. Flying Nimbus - A sentient cloud gifted to you by Korin. It only allows those of pure heart to ride it, and Honta is on the cusp - impure thoughts in the moment can cause him to fall through it, but otherwise he can ride the finnicky thing for now. It's ridiculously fast!
  96. Enchantment Book - A book of your own making, full of observations and notes from when you were studying The Ring's enchantment. It might be valuable to the right people, but for now it's just a good reference guide for you!
  98. God's Meteoric Ore - Enough to make weapons and armor from!
  100. Wealth - Miniscule currently! You have roughly 50,000 Zeni left, which wouldn't last too long if you weren't so self-sufficient. (That's roughly equivalent to 370 USD of purchasing power!)
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