

Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. First build cabin scene.
  2. >You know just the site too…
  3. Improper ellipses, replace with three periods.
  5. Constructing the dresser in your cabin.
  6. >You have finished construction of your new dresser!(You can store some undergarments inside)
  7. Excess space after the parenthesized line. It would also look better to split it into two and only bold the first.
  8. "You finished construction of your new dresser!"
  9. "(You can store undergarments inside of it.)"
  11. Constructing bookshelf.
  12. >Since a place to put your books in some semblance of order would be nice, you scout your carpeter manual for instructions on creating a bookshelf.
  13. "A place to put books in a semblance of order would be nice. With that in mind, you begin flicking through the carpenter's manual, looking for instructions on creating a bookshelf."
  15. >You have finished constructing your new bookshelf!
  16. Empty space after the exclamation mark. Follow sentence up with:
  17. "(The Codex menu is now accessed through your new bookshelf.)"
  19. The Codex and Read Codex button from the Cabin and Camp Actions menus respectively should be removed in favor of the bookshelf one when built to reinforce unity (as there are THREE fucking codex buttons) and utility of the cabin. This also declutters the camp and cabin menus.
  20. Details on a much better layout:
  22. The bookshelf should have the books readable regardless of having a desk and chair to go along with it.
  24. Building cabin foundation.
  25. >You have finished building the foundation! You can now work on constructing the framing and walls.
  26. Split the second sentence to the line under the first and un-bold it.
  28. >You have finished constructing the walls and roof!
  29. Sentence not bolded.
  31. >Congratulations! You have finished your cabin structure! You may want to construct some furniture though.
  32. Split this for better formatting, leave only the first line bold.
  33. "<b>You finished building your cabin!</b>"
  34. "Fortunately, the Carpenter’s Guide also has a catalog with instructions on how to build furniture. Constructing some to add utility and comfort to your cabin is the next step."
  36. After constructing all furniture.
  37. >You have constructed every piece of furniture available!
  38. Unbold and move down by one line.
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