

Apr 20th, 2016
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  1. CAT RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTGAO.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTGAO] The memo for the hit best-selling 2016 game Abyssal Oddity, by Violet Citadel.
  4. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  5. Memo is now Secret by CAT
  6. CCC made AT an OP.
  7. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAT
  8. CAT made AU an OP.
  9. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  10. CUC: I'll just watch for now, things to do.
  11. CAT: This is the pregame show, like I said. The actual thing probably won't start for around fifty minutes. I just want to save some time.
  12. CUC: Ah.
  13. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  14. CAC: Well, let's see if I can do my math review in that time...
  15. CAT made AC an OP.
  16. CAT made UC an OP.
  17. CUC ceased responding to memo.
  18. CAT: Alright. Want to try to start, or no?
  19. CAC: Eh, if its only us two, probably not tbh
  20. CAC: Writing dating sim stuff
  21. CAT: Fair enough.
  22. CURRENT abyssalUnderlord [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  23. CAU: I'm cool with whatever though
  24. CAT: Hmm, if you want to go ahead and play yourself, I'm fine with that. If not, same thing.
  25. CAT: Honestly, I think I'm just going to binge-watch Bloodborne and create stuff for next session.
  26. CAT: Bloodborne playthroughs, that is, of course.
  27. CAC: Hmm, maybe you should remind Crystal?
  28. CAC: Of this memo
  29. CAT: Shrug.
  30. CAT: Welcome.
  31. CAT made TG an OP.
  32. CAT: Would you like a log with multiple logceptions, Twin?
  33. CURRENT transcribedGuardian [CTG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  34. CTG: uh
  35. CTG: don't know if I can handle that
  36. CTG: a tldr would be nice
  37. CTG: if you can manage it
  38. CAT: Alright, let's think.
  39. CAT: Uh, so you're a Grayholdian military IT worker who won a starship via gambling, got caught, and sent to the Facet Nine sector of the Void to look for a number of VOID SHARDs to help repair a rip in spacetime.
  40. CAT: We've got two of those right now.
  41. CAT: On the way, casual shit happened, such as having a robot surgically make us a gem.
  42. CTG: you have IT workers in grayhold?
  43. CAT: Well, I'm not involved at all. This is more of a His Imminence thing.
  44. CAT: Mainly because this has nothing to do with DTG anymore.
  45. CTG: okay.
  46. CTG: how many facets are there
  47. CAT: Basically, it is a mix of Bloodborne, HLD, and SU.
  48. CAT: Also, as many as there is space in the Void, which is to say, whatever your imagination can conceive and number.
  49. CAT made GG an OP.
  50. CTG: okay, I think that's guude
  51. CTG: is there an inventory of some kind
  52. CAT: I should also note that we found another gem inside of a gigantic robot Centurion boss monster of death, freed her, and now we're best buddies in crime.
  53. CAT: Well, we can get to that, if you'd like to begin.
  54. CURRENT godmoddedGolem [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  55. CGG: ah, a lovely day for jackson gettıng kıcked off the 20
  56. CGG: ...
  57. CTG: huh.
  58. CTG: alright.
  59. CAU: Our relationship status remains "Amicable." Yesterday saw a net gain of 0 Relationship Points. 
  60. CAT: Would you like to begin the game?
  61. CAC: I assume most relationship points are invisble?
  62. CAC: >Yes
  63. CTG: > Begin ABYSSAL ODDITY.
  64. CAU: >Enter
  65. CAT: 3/4.
  66. CAT: Loading file...
  67. CAT: Loading file...
  68. CAT: A B Y S S A L O D D I T Y
  69. CAT: Is this your last saved game:
  70. CTG: > Yes.
  71. CGG: >punch self
  73. CGG: >MUSIC
  74. CAT:
  75. CTG: > Insert ARIA MATH.
  76. CAT: The title track is now ARIA MATH.
  77. CTG: Perfection
  78. CTG: > Select ACHIEVEMENTS.
  79. CAT:
  80. CAC: >Play game
  81. CAT: ((Let the man see the menu, Fseftr. This is gold.))
  82. CAC: K
  83. CAC: I mean, there's only one button left
  84. CAC: >Credits
  85. CAT:
  86. CAC: Hmm, I wonder what happens if
  87. CAC: >Quit
  88. CTG: haha, kek
  89. CAT: You can't quit now!
  90. CAT: You're in my land now. The only way to quit is to play.
  91. CAC: >Play game
  92. CTG: I wonder who this ambiguousTheoretician guy is
  93. CAT: Loading file...
  94. CAT: Loading file...
  95. CAT: Loading file...
  96. CAT: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  97. CTG: > Load up inventory.
  98. CAT: You can't do that. You are currently a teardrop lapis lazuli gem in the hands of Cyan. You're also dead because of an authorial coin flip.
  99. CTG: what the shit.
  100. CAC: >Cyan: Look around
  101. CTG: maybe I should have asked for that TL;DR??
  102. CTG: I mean, pastebin
  103. CAT: It isn't that important, really.
  104. CAT: You'll respawn soon enough.
  105. CAC: Basically, we respawn from a gem
  106. CAT: Cyan looks about. Standard hallway, thankfully no Cerulean Horrors.
  107. CAC: Cyan's the other gem person thing
  108. CAT: We are the Crystal Gems.
  109. CTG: > Okay, cool.
  110. CAC: >Forward
  111. CAT: Oh, here you go. The gem floats into the air, glowing with a blue energy.
  112. CTG: > Estimate how long it will take for you to respawn?
  113. CTG: oh okay, kek
  114. CAT: Soon enough, it forms the shape of your body, and you are back. Azure Lapis is back in the game of death.
  115. CAT: By which I mean you are.
  116. CTG: > NOW load up inventory.
  117. CAT: Whose inventory?
  118. CAC: >Both
  119. CAT: The ship's, yours, or Cyan's?
  120. CAC: Twin, this probably won't help
  121. CAC: All the names and such
  122. CAC: >Cyan and yours
  123. CAT: AZURE INV: Lapotron Power Core, Medkit, Water Vial x3, Gluon Destabilizer x1, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x4, Gem Fragment x3.
  124. CAT: CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Deactivated Vitae Canister, Medkit.
  125. CAT: You sure you don't want to check up on the ship's storage?
  126. CTG: > Politely ask what Cthk'aryvt's Blessing and δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema are
  127. CAC: Oh right, we picked up a ton of crud...
  128. CAC: >Check ship storage
  129. CAC: The bioschema is
  130. CAT: ((One at a time.))
  131. CTG: which is to say, I do that
  132. CAC: A cube that does plasma stuff
  133. CTG: okay
  134. CAC: The Blessing/Curse thing is.... unknown?
  135. CAC: Some eldritch thing
  136. CAT: The Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse is a vial of fluid you got from that Monolith back in the Mu Sector.
  137. CAC: Powers up when we kill gems?
  138. CTG: okay
  139. CAT: It did start laughing when you killed people, yes.
  140. CGG: waıt, permanently kıll
  141. CTG: okay then.
  142. CAT: Yes.
  143. CGG: or temporarıly kıll
  144. CGG: ok
  145. CAT: Now what?
  146. CTG: > Check ship storage.
  147. CAT: GSS EXSANGUINATOR INV: Hunk of Refined Infused Arcanium x5, Hunk of Vesperium x2, Three Piles of Miscellaneous Mechanical Shit, Centurion Sojourner Circuit Core, Psioglass Tube x8, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube, Sonic Repulsor Engine, Orchid Neon Light x3, Psionic Filter (12/14), Psiofiber x20, Starship-Class Plasma Cannon, Starship-Class Repulsor Thruster x2, Sheet of Corotite x4, Crystal Core Chassis, Centurion Warden Body x2, Centurion Venator Body, Sensor x3.
  148. CAC: Nice.
  149. CAC: Hmm.
  150. CAT: You can't really access any of that, seeing as the ship is behind that entrance a while back.
  151. CAC: >Recall what we still need to make the second drone thing
  152. CAT: You need but a single Lapis Stone. You don't know what that is, though.
  153. CAC: >Wonder if you could make it using your gem 
  154. CAT: You really don't see permanently dying as worth it.
  155. CAC: >Anyways, forward
  156. CAT: You walk down the hall, Cyan right at your side.
  157. CAT: Yeah, her ankle is still somewhat damaged from that incident earlier.
  158. CAT: Continuing to walk down the hall, you enter a somewhat dark room of vast size.
  159. CTG: > Try to see if you can scan for where the nearest enemy is
  160. CAT: You don't really have a scanner. You have the light in your phone, though.
  161. CAC: >Shine it around
  162. CTG: > Okay, use that
  163. CAT: Looking around, the two of you see what appears to be a large drop into the abyss at about halfway through the floor. There's a platform in the midst of that, leading over to the other half of the room.
  164. CAT: Of course, over there, there are a variety of hooded beings with plague doctor masks upon their faces.
  165. CAC: Oh boy.
  166. CAT: They haven't really noticed you yet.
  167. CAC: >See if there's anything on your side
  168. CAT: Nothing. Well, there is a medkit in the corner. You can see it clearly, with its fluorescent pale green paint.
  169. CTG: > Take that shit
  170. CAC: >No
  171. CTG: why?
  172. CAC: What if it's a trap or something
  173. CAT: Please choose a definite option.
  174. CTG: could it be a trap
  175. CTG: yeah
  176. CAC: It's not going anywhere
  177. CAC: Probably
  178. CTG: > Leave it for now.
  179. CAT: You do that.
  180. CAC: >Count number of beings
  181. CAT: Hmm. Looks to be thirteen.
  182. CTG: > Are they holding anything?
  183. CTG: > Also, is there a door behind them.
  184. CAC: >See if they contain any water based blood/liquids
  185. CAT: You would have to engage them in combat to get such a detailed description.
  186. CAT: There is indeed a doorway behind them, and their veins appear to run with the Elixir.
  187. CAC: What's that
  188. CAT: That is to say, non-water.
  189. CAT: Dryblood, and all that.
  190. CTG: hm.
  191. CAT: These parts of the Void tend to be Dryblood areas.
  192. CTG: > Does Cyan know anything about them?
  193. CAT: She hisses her response nigh-silently. "How am I supposed to know anything about people I've never seen? I was trapped in that robot for two years."
  194. CAC: >Engage in combat
  195. CAT: Majority vote required.
  196. CTG: > Attack them
  197. CAT made UC an OP.
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