
The Queen of Ice: Homeimprovement

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. Homeimprovement:
  2. 3:06 PM <Lily> Alfons appears in [wherever], dressed smartly, glasses on.
  3. 3:06 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor comes in looking annoyed. "I just manage to finish my work too." He's in his usual stained lab coat
  4. 3:07 PM <Lily> "...this is work." Alfons smiles.
  5. 3:08 PM <ArseneLupin> "Suppose you have a point."
  6. 3:08 PM → Kade joined (~Kade@6F6649A0:7DF1812E:F2E973D9:IP)
  7. 3:09 PM <Daedalus> [wherever] indeed! Your superiors directed you to 'Storage Building 4a' which is a considerable distance through the woods on foot, at the very edge of the site.
  8. 3:10 PM <Lily> Then that's where he is!
  9. 3:10 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor would look even more annoyed due to the trek
  10. 3:10 PM <Daedalus> Eventually it comes into view; a large, dilapidated brick building where a man in a suit leans. He tosses aside a cigarette as you approach. "Took you long enough."
  11. 3:11 PM <Lily> "We're here now. What's the assignment?"
  12. 3:13 PM <Daedalus> He gestures for you to follow him into the storage building, after unlocking the door. "This building was meant for storage of equipment in case of domestic anomalous activity. Funny thing is, not much shit happens in Italy."
  13. 3:14 PM <Lily> Alfons nods, following the man in.
  14. 3:15 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor follows as well
  15. 3:18 PM <Daedalus> He pulls on a large switch to turn on the flickering lights overhead. This storage building stores various crates and numerous lockers, some of which seem new, others old and dusty. The only other things of note are the two black automobiles parked front and center. "Right. So you're going to be doing some recon, domestically." The man leans against a dusty table, offering you both a
  16. 3:18 PM <Daedalus> file.
  17. 3:19 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor takes the file and opens it, but keeps looking at the man
  18. 3:19 PM <Lily> Alfons takes a file and flicks through it.
  19. 3:20 PM <Daedalus> "Has something to do with an item we recovered. A painting to be specific." He lights up a cigarette, "While doing research on it's origins we discovered there was another, similar work done by who we presume is the same artist. Bought in an auction in 1947 by one Marcus Colombo."
  20. 3:21 PM <Lily> "And we are to... find this painting?"
  21. 3:22 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor looks in the file for a picture of the painting if there is one
  22. 3:22 PM <Daedalus> "He was a reculsive millionare who lived about twenty minutes away. From what we can tell, he was obsessed with this particular painting." He takes a drag, "Yep."
  23. 3:23 PM <Daedalus> There's a blurry monocrome picture of the painting; a beautiful, yet unhappy looking woman ice-skating.
  24. 3:23 PM <Lily> "And do we know the current location of this Mister Colombo?"
  25. 3:23 PM <Daedalus> "Yea, he's still twenty minutes away."
  26. 3:24 PM <Daedalus> "Isn't living, though."
  27. 3:24 PM <ArseneLupin> "Do we know his next of kin?"
  28. 3:26 PM <Daedalus> "I imagine you'll meet them there." He grasps both of you by the shoulders, one in each hand, "You, my friends, have been cordially invited to Mr. Marcus Colombo's wake."
  29. 3:27 PM <Lily> "I have infiltrated wakes before... though this time I assume I am not to kill the grieving widower?"
  30. 3:28 PM <ArseneLupin> "What's our cover story for being there?"
  31. 3:29 PM ⇐ Salem quit (Singing@My.Sweetest.Sins) Quit: Poof
  32. 3:29 PM <Daedalus> "Please don't." He frowns, releasing his grasp, "Business associates of his. From I read, he had a lot of friends in high places."
  33. 3:30 PM <Lily> "Then I have come dressed correctly... from now on I am Emil Renault, buisnessman... and art afficionado." He's suddenly speaking in a french accent.
  34. 3:31 PM <ArseneLupin> "I'll need a suit. Most of my outfits are just this." He motions to his lab coat
  35. 3:32 PM <Daedalus> "Oui oui." The man responds sarcastically, "Right. We have some spare suits lying around somewhere. I'll get you one."
  36. 3:32 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor nods. "One more thing, what was the anomalous properties of the painting we recovered?"
  37. 3:33 PM <Daedalus> "So, your mission is to infitrate the wake and find out where the painting is. There's also going to be a Will reading involved, so if you can get your hands on that to find out who the painting is going to, that'd be swell."
  38. 3:34 PM → Don1Charles joined (
  39. 3:34 PM <Daedalus> The man turns to Victor, "Uh... well, the one we recovered emits a sort of aura of relaxation. Effects increase if you look directly at it or something."
  40. 3:37 PM <ArseneLupin> "Interesting. Me and a few others agents had experiences with an anomaly that took us to another place. One of the agents described the place as very similar to this painting."
  41. 3:38 PM <Daedalus> "Well, I can't speak to personal knowledge of the incident. Didn't read that report." He gestures to the two cars, "When you're ready, roll out."
  42. 3:39 PM <Lily> "It is possible that this... other painting posseses a different effect, so we would be wise to be on our guard. How did Mr. Colombo die?"
  43. 3:40 PM <Daedalus> "Heart failure in his sleep."
  44. 3:40 PM <Daedalus> "But, considering the man was 78 it's not unusual."
  45. 3:40 PM <Lily> "How old was this man?"
  46. 3:41 PM <Lily> "Ah, well, in that case. Still, I'll try not to sleep."
  47. 3:41 PM <Daedalus> "Good advice in any case."
  48. 3:42 PM <Lily> Alfons smiles. "Shall we go, then- I didn't catch your name?" He turns to Victor
  49. 3:42 PM ↔ Sax nipped out
  50. 3:42 PM <ArseneLupin> "Victor Angelo, and your's?"
  51. 3:43 PM <Lily> "Alfons Gerber- though call me Emil on this mission."
  52. 3:43 PM <ArseneLupin> "Of course Emil." He smiles
  53. 3:44 PM ↔ Daedalus nipped out
  54. 3:45 PM <Lily> "Are you ready to leave, then?"
  55. 3:45 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor nods. "Just as soon as I get proper clothing."
  56. 3:45 PM <Lily> "I shall wait in my car."
  57. 3:45 PM <Lily> And he does so.
  58. 3:46 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor goes to where he is needed when he has everything together
  59. 3:46 PM <Daedalus> Victor is provided a suit! He can get in the car with Alfons or drive himself there. HIs choice
  60. 3:47 PM <ArseneLupin> He'll carpool.
  61. 3:47 PM <Daedalus> And you're off!
  62. 3:47 PM <Daedalus> ~TIMESKIP~
  63. 3:48 PM <Lily> Alfons drives to wherever!
  64. 3:50 PM <Daedalus> You roll past the snowy italian countryside as your car flies down the highway. Eventually, you turn up a side road that leads to a large imposing-looking mansion where several other cars are parked. A man in a tuxedo greets guests clad in black dresses and suits, while a chauffer offers to take your vehicle.
  65. 3:50 PM <Daedalus> valet*
  66. 3:50 PM <Lily> Alfons hands the keys over with a slight sneer. Owch.
  67. 3:51 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor gets out of the car and tugs on his sleeve a bit. He was never a fancy dresser
  68. 3:52 PM <Daedalus> The man takes your keys dutifully. Seems he's used to rich people. The man in the tuxedo at the top of the steps before you, whom you presume to be a butler of some sort, asks for an invitation.
  69. 3:52 PM <Daedalus> You were provided two.
  70. 3:52 PM <Lily> Alfons is in a very expensive looking crisp suit. He presents the invitation.
  71. 3:53 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor mimics Alfons' social cues
  72. 3:53 PM <Daedalus> The butler nods and gestures for you to enter. Two servants open the double doors. This place is incredibly fancy, if a bit bleak.
  73. 3:54 PM <Lily> Alfons enters, not even looking at the servants. Not visibly, anyway. He scans the room. Anyone there armed? Always better to be prepared.
  74. 3:54 PM <Daedalus> Roll perception!
  75. 3:55 PM <Lily> 4df+4
  76. 3:55 PM <Glacon> Lily: 3 (4df+4=0, -, +, -)
  77. 3:55 PM <ArseneLupin> 4df+4
  78. 3:55 PM <ArseneLupin> 4df+4 Perc
  79. 3:55 PM <Glacon> ArseneLupin: Perc: 7 (4df+4=+, +, +, 0)
  80. 3:58 PM <Daedalus> Alfons and Victor enter into a grand foyer. The floors are marble, the walls appear to be made of african blackwood, and the expensive chandilier that hangs from the ceiling is decorated with precious gems and golden fixtures. Even the stairs have gold-plated bannisters. At the other end of the room is the coffin sitting on a makeshift platform, with a picture of the deceased hanging
  81. 3:58 PM <Daedalus> above.
  82. 4:00 PM <Lily> Alfons turns to Victor, and whispers. "It is best if we split up, for now- mingle, try find out what we can."
  83. 4:01 PM <Daedalus> Both of you notice that there are around 6 or seven people in the foyer right now. Most don't seem to be particularly upset or gloomy; instead sharing quiet smiles and polite conversation as if there wasn't a dead person literally ten feet away. Alfons notices that there are people hanging about upstairs, one of which appears to be watching the door.
  84. 4:01 PM <ArseneLupin> "Yes, we should reconvene at the will reading if we're able."
  85. 4:02 PM <Lily> "Indeed. Come running if anything happens. Not that it will." With this, he turns and makes a beeline to the coffin- careful to blend in and not look out-of-place.
  86. 4:03 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor wanders away, looking at the paintings on the wall and looking for anyone who resembles the man who died
  87. 4:03 PM <Daedalus> Victor, stay here, Alfons to #Tooltime!
  88. 4:07 PM <Daedalus> Victor, you spot quite a few paintings hanging on the walls. Most of them are of nature scenes and the like. You also spot a couple of men having a conversation in the corner, one of whom resembles Marcus the dead guy.
  89. 4:07 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor walks over to the men and pretends to admire a painting nearby while listening in on them
  90. 4:14 PM <Daedalus> "-kept it upstairs. Was obsessed with it ever since she disappeared." "Everyone grieves in their own way." "Yea, but you're not grieving if you don't let go. Liz died a long time ago. It's not fair that he can just ignore the rest of his kids because one is missing. Hell, Charlie had to take over the business because Marcus wasn't all up there." "Shame too, he was the best I'd ever
  91. 4:14 PM <Daedalus> known..."
  92. 4:16 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor turns to them. "Yeah, Marcus was an amazing businessman."
  93. 4:17 PM <Daedalus> Both of them turn to look at you. The one that looks similar to Marcus raises an eyebrow, "Oh, I don't believe we've met..."
  94. 4:18 PM <ArseneLupin> "Victor Angelo. I didn't know him too well personally, but I worked with him on some projects." He puts his hand out
  95. 4:18 PM <ArseneLupin> for a handshake
  96. 4:20 PM <Daedalus> "Good to meet you Mr. Angelo." He shakes your hand firmly, "Marcus Colombo the Second. Most people just call me Junior." He gestures to his friend, "This is Mr. Kincaid. Another business associate."
  97. 4:22 PM <ArseneLupin> "The pleasure is all mine." He feigns a sad look. "I'm sorry about your father, but we can take solace in the fact that he's in a better place now."
  98. 4:24 PM <Daedalus> "Well, he was getting on in his years." Junior nods in agreement, his expression mostly indifferent, "Means we can finally sell this place."
  99. 4:24 PM <ArseneLupin> "It is certainly nice. I'm sure you could get a hefty sum for it."
  100. 4:25 PM <Daedalus> "It's not really about the money, don't get me wrong. It's just that there are a lot of bad memories in this place, you know."
  101. 4:25 PM <Daedalus> Kincaid nods in agreement, "Shame what happened."
  102. 4:26 PM <ArseneLupin> "I don't believe I've heard the full story. What happened?"
  103. 4:30 PM <Daedalus> "Liz happened. She was our youngest sister. Wanted to be a pro ice skater, rest her soul." HE does look a bit visibly bothered by the memory, "One day she went out for some practice, the next thing you know she was gone. Marcus thought she might have accidentally cracked the ice and slipped in, water freezing over her. Spent thousands having the lake dug up to find nothing. Police
  104. 4:30 PM <Daedalus> thought she might have slipped and hit her head, then something dragged her off."
  105. 4:30 PM <Daedalus> "He was obsessed with finding her, even though the rest of us moved on. That painting he had didn't help."
  106. 4:31 PM <ArseneLupin> "Painting?"
  107. 4:32 PM <Daedalus> "Yea, there was an artist here a few weeks before Liz kicked the bucket. Painted a portrait of her on the ice. Marcus kept it in the study."
  108. 4:34 PM <Daedalus> "Thing was a constant reminder she was gone, but every time he saw it he'd get this notion that somehow she was still alive."
  109. 4:35 PM <ArseneLupin> "I could see how that would eat at him. False hope if one of the worst things you can feel."
  110. 4:36 PM <Daedalus> "Well, he's gone now. Let's leave the past where it belongs."
  111. 4:36 PM <ArseneLupin> "Yes, I agree. What are you going to do with the painting now?"
  112. 4:37 PM <Daedalus> "Well, it's in the will so-" He peers over your shoulder at someone across the room, "Oh, swell. That'd be the lawyer." He finishes off his drink, "Wish me luck fellas."
  113. 4:39 PM <ArseneLupin> "Good luck, let me know if you get any paintings you wouldn't mind selling. I have a collection I wouldn't mind growing."
  114. 4:40 PM <Daedalus> "Yessir!" And with that, Junior heads into the office!
  115. 4:40 PM <Daedalus> Kincaid looks to you, "So, what kind of business are you into?"
  116. 4:42 PM <ArseneLupin> "A little bit of everything. I tend to bounce around from one thing to another as my whims take me."
  117. 4:44 PM <Daedalus> "I'm personally in the art dealing business. Used to paint actually. Loooong time ago. Mr. Colombo used to actually consult me on art auctions and the like."
  118. 4:44 PM <ArseneLupin> "Oh really? Did you help him pick up any interesting pieces?"
  119. 4:46 PM <Daedalus> "Some. There was a particularly interesting greek sculpture that I found..." HE goes into a long boring monologue about art and pricing, as well as the economy of art and what the popular mediums are these days.
  120. 4:46 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor nods his head and tries his best to seem interested while he waits for Junior to return
  121. 4:56 PM <Daedalus> You hear someone shout 'Fucking bullshit' from the office that Junior went into.
  122. 4:56 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor turns to Kincaid. "You think we should go see what's going on?"
  123. 4:57 PM <Daedalus> Kincaid sighs, "Yea, that'd be junior. Fucking a." He heads towards the office to see what's going on.
  124. 4:57 PM <ArseneLupin> Victor follows
  125. 4:57 PM ⇐ Kade quit (~Kade@6F6649A0:7DF1812E:F2E973D9:IP) Ping timeout: 180 seconds
  126. 4:57 PM <Daedalus> To #Tooltime!
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