
Skript Tutorial #12 Heads opruimen!

Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. {cparticleCT::%arg 3%} = {cparticleCT::%player%}
  3. {cparticleCT::%arg 3%} = {cparticleCT::%loop-player%}
  5. {cParticleName::%arg 3%} = {cParticleName::%loop-player%}
  7. {cparticlecn::%arg 2%} = {cparticlecn::%loop-player%}
  9. {cfireworkspark::%arg 1%} = {cfireworkspark::%loop-player%}
  10. {cwolfhearts::%arg 1%} = {cwolfhearts::%loop-player%}
  12. {chead::type::%arg 2%} = {chead::type::%player%}
  14. {vote::time::%player%} = {vote::time::%loop-player%}
  16. on join:
  17. execute console command "mvtp %player% lobby"
  18. set hunger to 10
  19. set player's health to 10
  20. player is in world "lobby":
  21. clear the player's inventory
  22. set slot 4 of player to a chest named "&6Cosmetics" with lore "&7Open een cosmetic GUI"
  23. if {cparticleCT::%player%} is not set:
  24. set {cparticleCT::%player%} to 0
  25. if {cadminchange::%player%} is not set:
  26. set {cadminchange::%player%} to false
  27. if {vote::time::%player%} is not set:
  28. set {vote::time::%player%} to 0
  29. set helmet slot of player to {chead::type::%player%}
  31. on break:
  32. if player is in "lobby":
  33. if {cadminchangeb::%player%} is false:
  34. send "&6<Lobby> &4Je mag geen blokken breken in de lobby."
  35. cancel event
  37. on leftclick:
  38. if player is holding a chest named "&6Cosmetics" with lore "&7Open een cosmetic GUI":
  39. execute console command "/cosmeticmain open %player%"
  40. cancel event
  42. on rightclick:
  43. player is holding a chest named "&6Cosmetics" with lore "&7Open een cosmetic GUI":
  44. execute console command "/cosmeticmain open %player%"
  45. cancel event
  47. command /cosmeticmain open <offline player>:
  48. executable by: console
  49. trigger:
  50. open chest with 1 rows named "&6Cosmetics" to arg 1
  51. format slot 0 of arg 1 with orange dye named "&5Particles" to close then run [execute console command "cosmeticp open %arg 1%"]
  52. format slot 2 of arg 1 with Skull of ("Tom25W" parsed as an offline player) named "&eHeads" to close then run [execute console command "cosmetich1 open %arg 1%"]
  53. format slot 4 of arg 1 with leather chestplate dyed lime named "&aSuits" to close then run [execute console command "cosmeticsuit open %arg 1%"]
  54. #========================================================================================================================
  55. command /cosmeticp open <offline player>:
  56. executable by: console
  57. trigger:
  58. wait 3 tick
  59. open chest with 1 rows named "&5Particles" to arg 1
  60. format slot 0 of arg 1 with leather boots dyed white named "&f&lFirework Sparks" with lore "&710 secondes vuurwerk particles" to close then run [execute console command "cparticle FireworkSpark fireworks_spark %arg 1%"]
  61. format slot 1 of arg 1 with bone named "&4&lWolf Hearts" with lore "&710 secondes wolven hartjes particles" to close then run [execute console command "cparticle WolfHearts wolfheart %arg 1%"]
  63. command /cparticle <text> <text> <offline player>:
  64. executable by: console
  65. trigger:
  66. if {cparticlect::%arg 3%} is 0:
  67. set {cParticleMessage::%arg 3%} to arg 1
  68. set {cParticleName::%arg 3%} to arg 2
  69. set {cparticleCT::%arg 3%} to 10
  70. send "&5<Cosmetics> &dDe particle: &5%{cParticleMessage::%arg 3%}% &dis aangezet." to arg 3
  71. wait 10 seconds
  72. delete {cParticleName::%arg 3%}
  73. send "&5<Cosmetics> &dDe particle: &5%{cParticleMessage::%arg 3%}% &dis uitgezet." to arg 3
  74. stop
  75. else:
  76. send "&5<Cosmetics> &dJe hebt nog een cooldown van: &5%{cparticleCT::%arg 3%}% &dseconden omdat je de particle: &5%{cParticleMessage::%arg 3%}% &dhebt aangezet." to arg 3
  77. stop
  79. every 1 second:
  80. loop all players:
  81. if {cparticleCT::%loop-player%} is not 0:
  82. remove 1 from {cparticleCT::%loop-player%}
  83. stop
  85. every 5 ticks:
  86. loop all players:
  87. if {cParticleName::%loop-player%} is set:
  88. #show 25 "%{cParticleName::%loop-player%}%" particles at location of loop-player for loop-player offset by 0.5, 1, 0.5
  89. stop
  90. #=================================================================
  92. command /cosmetich open <offline player>:
  93. executable by: console
  94. trigger:
  95. wait 3 tick
  96. send "&5<Cosmetics> &4Je zit al op de eerste pagina" to arg 1
  98. command /cosmetich1 open <offline player>:
  99. executable by: console
  100. trigger:
  101. wait 3 tick
  102. open chest with 6 rows named "&5Heads Items" to arg 1
  104. #Tweede rij
  105. #Verander slot slot 10 naar een ander slot (na of voor de kist)
  106. format slot 9 of arg 1 with Skull of ("MHF_PigZombie" parsed as an offline player) named "&eZombiePigman" to close then run [execute console command "chead ZombiePigman MHF_PigZombie %arg 1%"]
  107. format slot 10 of arg 1 with Skull of ("Tom25W" parsed as an offline player) named "&eGoldenChest" to close then run [execute console command "/chead GoldenChest Tom25W %arg 1%"]
  112. #Onderste rij
  113. format slot 48 of arg 1 with arrow named "&cVorige pagina" to close then run [execute console command "cosmetich open %arg 1%"]
  114. format slot 49 of arg 1 with barrier named "&4Sluit het menu" to close
  115. format slot 50 of arg 1 with arrow named "&cVolgende pagina" to close then run [execute console command "cosmetich2 open %arg 1%"]
  116. format slot 53 of arg 1 with barrier named "&cVerwijder je head" to close then run [execute console command "chead remove %arg 1%"]
  118. command /cosmetich2 open <offline player>:
  119. executable by: console
  120. trigger:
  121. wait 3 tick
  122. send "&5<Cosmetics> &4Er is nog geen 2de pagina" to arg 1
  125. command /chead <text> <text> <offline player>:
  126. executable by: console
  127. trigger:
  128. if arg 2 is "remove":
  129. set helmet slot of arg 3 to air
  130. send "&5<Cosmetics> &dJe head is verwijderd" to arg 3
  131. stop
  133. else:
  134. set helmet slot of arg 3 to Skull of ("%arg 2%" parsed as an offline player)
  135. send "&5<Heads> &dVeel plezier met je &5%arg 1% &dhead!" to arg 3
  137. #================================================================
  139. command /cosmeticsuit open <offline player>:
  140. executable by: console
  141. trigger:
  142. wait 3 ticks
  143. open chest with 6 rows named "&aSuits" to arg 1
  145. format slot 9 of arg 1 with leather chestplate dyed blue named "&2Blue chestplate" to close then run [execute console command "csuits BlueChestplate leather_chestplate blue %arg 1%"]
  146. format slot 10 of arg 1 with leather chestplate dyed red named "&2Red chestplate" to close then run [execute console command "csuits RedChestplate leather_chestplate red %arg 1%"]
  147. format slot 11 of arg 1 with leather chestplate dyed yellow named "&2Yellow chestplate" to close then run [execute console command "csuits YellowChestplate leather_chestplate yellow %arg 1%"]
  149. format slot 48 of arg 1 with arrow named "&cVorige pagina" to close then run [execute console command "cosmetich open %arg 1%"]
  150. format slot 49 of arg 1 with barrier named "&4Sluit het menu" to close
  151. format slot 50 of arg 1 with arrow named "&cVolgende pagina" to close then run [execute console command "cosmetich2 open %arg 1%"]
  152. format slot 53 of arg 1 with barrier named "&cVerwijder je chestplate" to close then run [execute console command "csuits remove %arg 1%"]
  154. command /csuits <text> [<item>] [<color>] <offline player>:
  155. executable by: console
  156. trigger:
  157. if arg 1 is "remove":
  158. set chestplate slot of arg 4 to air
  159. send "&5<Suits> &dJe chestplate is removed" to arg 4
  160. else:
  161. equip arg 4 with arg 2 dyed arg 3
  162. send "&5<Suits> &dVeel plezier met je &5%arg 1%&d!" to arg 4
  163. stop
  166. #================================================================
  168. command /cadmin [<text>] [<text>]:
  169. trigger:
  170. if player has permission "adminchange":
  171. if arg 1 is "invc" OR "invchange" OR "ic":
  172. if arg 2 is "true" OR "on" OR "aan":
  173. send "&3<AdminCommands> &bJe kan je inventory nu veranderen"
  174. set {cadminchangei::%player%} to true
  175. stop
  176. if arg 2 is "false" OR "off" OR "uit":
  177. send "&3<AdminCommands> &bJe kan je inventory nu niet meer veranderen"
  178. set {cadminchangei::%player%} to false
  179. stop
  180. else:
  181. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cinvc/invchange/ic true/on/aan &4om inventorychange aan te zetten"
  182. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cinvc/invchange/ic false/off/uit &4om inventorychange uit te zetten"
  183. stop
  184. if arg 1 is "breakblocks" OR "breakb" OR "bb":
  185. if arg 2 is "true" OR "on" OR "aan":
  186. send "&3<AdminCommands> &bJe kan nu blokken breken in de lobby"
  187. set {cadminchangeb::%player%} to true
  188. stop
  189. if arg 2 is "false" OR "off" OR "uit":
  190. send "&3<AdminCommands> &bJe kan nu geen blokken meer breken in de lobby"
  191. set {cadminchangeb::%player%} to false
  192. stop
  193. else:
  194. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cbreakblocks/breakb/bb true/on/aan &4om blokken in de lobby te kunnen breken"
  195. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cbreakblocks/breakb/bb false/off/uit &4om geen blokken in de lobby te kunnen breken"
  196. stop
  197. if arg 1 is not set:
  198. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cinvc/invchange/ic true/on/aan &4om inventorychange aan te zetten"
  199. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cinvc/invchange/ic false/off/uit &4om inventorychange uit te zetten"
  201. send ""
  203. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cbreakblocks/breakb/bb true/on/aan &4om blokken in de lobby te kunnen breken"
  204. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Doe /cadmin &cbreakblocks/breakb/bb false/off/uit &4om geen blokken in de lobby te kunnen breken"
  205. stop
  206. else:
  207. send "&3<AdminCommands> &4Je hebt onvoldoende permissies hiervoor"
  208. stop
  210. on inventory click:
  211. if player is in world "lobby":
  212. if {cadminchangei::%player%} is false:
  213. cancel event
  214. on drop:
  215. if player is in world "lobby":
  216. if {cadminchangei::%player%} is false:
  217. cancel event
  219. #=================================================
  220. #Speciaal item
  221. #Keys/iets anders
  223. command /vote:
  224. trigger:
  225. if {vote::time::%player%} is 0:
  226. send "&9<Vote> &3Hier is je vote key"
  227. give player 1 tripwire hook named "&9VoteKey" with lore "&kl"
  228. set {vote::time::%player%} to 10
  229. else:
  230. send "&9<Vote> &3Je kan pas voten over: &b%{vote::time::%player%}% &3seconden."
  233. every 1 seconds:
  234. loop all players:
  235. if {vote::time::%loop-player%} is not 0:
  236. remove 1 from {vote::time::%loop-player%}
  238. on rightclick:
  239. player is in world "lobby":
  240. clicked block is a chest:
  241. if player is holding a tripwire hook named "&9VoteKey" with lore "&kl":
  242. remove 1 tripwire hook named "&9VoteKey" with lore "&kl" from player
  243. cancel event
  244. execute console command "cvoteopen %player%"
  245. stop
  246. else:
  247. send "&9<Vote> &4Je hebt geen &cVoteKey"
  248. cancel event
  249. stop
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